It’s tragic when our pastors are unaware of the very constitution this country abides by. America is bound and established by that constitution and states no government will make a law that infringes upon the free exercise of religion.
Some want to say religion must stay out of government. The constitution instead makes it clear government must stay out of the affairs of the church. When president Lyndon Baines Johnson tried to pull rank on the church, no one stood to address it. We gave up our podiums
The Black Robed Regiment
The podiums where the powerhouses of the revolution. They stated the truth about men’s character and about their place in political discourse. Fiery preachers spoke truth that other men feared! We must be rebaptized in Holy Fire! 🔥☄️
Today, is it the fear of a law or fear of a disease? Is God is using this lockdown to upend a weak and powerless church? Jesus dealt with the money changers by upending their businesses and so honoring His Father!
“My Father has called His house a house of prayer. You have made it a den of thieves!”
More than nice sounding words let us impact with words that result in power emanating and changing lives. Power like Peter, Paul and the disciples had ise videnced in speaking!
I yearn for the saints to get their courage and get their voice in pulpits and in everday matters. Surely,we must come out boldly as laid down, dead to self Sons and Daughters, and understand who He is in us!
Pamela C G Johnson