Steve and Pam’s Bio

Like you, we are glory seekers. We have wonderfully, “Tasted and seen, the Lord is good!” The greatest prize is in the pursuit of the fame, splendor and radiant beauty of our Sovereign! We came to Yeshua in the days of the Jesus... Read More...

Riverfront Property in Audio

I am so grateful and pleased to share freely the whole audio book of Riverfront Property: Connecting At The River Of Life! I’m confident you will receive a delicious drink! As you find your thirst quenched please recall those you know who would also love a drink, and pass the cup! Read More...

A Miracle Story

Thursday July 30, 1987, started out as just another hot summer day in Ellensburg, Washington, a town of about fifteen thousand souls in a picturesque valley a hundred miles east of Seattle... Read More...


I recorded our 8 year old daughter Anna’s vision of Jesus in my journal of 10/15/2000.  

The sense of the Lord’s presence was so strong in the sanctuary.  I felt it was unusual and wanted to know what was happening. I typically sat on the front row but moved to stand in the back of the sanctuary while worship music was sung. I was seeking perspective, trying to discern what was going on.

Anna came up to me and said something, but I could not hear her because of the volume of worship. I smiled at her. Anna then spoke louder.

“Daddy, You didn’t hear what I said, did you?”

“No, what did you say?”

“Did you see Jesus?”

“You saw Jesus?”


I tried to inquire about her experience sensitively.  Had she really seen Jesus or was this youthful imagination?

“Where was He?”

“He was standing behind the green microphone.”

Our worship team filled the front but there was one vacant place. The green microphone.

“What did he say?”

“He said, ‘I am coming back soon. Do not doubt that I am coming soon!’”

“What was he wearing?”

“He was wearing a robe.”

“What color was it?”

“Oh, Daddy, We don’t have those colors here!  It was a kind of yellow, white and gold. But we don’t have those colors here. The light from him was reflected off the faces of the people.”

I told Anna that she had had a great privilege to see the Lord, and she should seal it in her memory for the rest of her life.

She told me, “Daddy the Lord told me, so I would tell others.” What a wonderful message for us to share with others! “I am coming back soon. Do not doubt that I am coming soon!”

Steven C Johnson  


I had been studying passages about seek God’s face, and  thinking about the face of Jesus. For weeks a thought in the back of my mind said, “You should preach on The Face of Jesus.” Then we made a visit back to our former church in Ellensburg.

A friend of ours had painted a beautiful portrait of Jesus and surprised us with it while we were out to lunch. I was flabbergasted. It definitely tipped the scales for preaching on seeking His face. Back in Goldendale I invited members of the congregation to bring to Sunday worship portraits of Jesus. Several did. We set them up on easels and tables with images of Jesus. Naturally there were many artist’s concepts of what He looks like. I shared images from great artists over the centuries who has attempted to present Jesus on canvas.

Unfortunately the portrait given us suffered damage in a move. Grateful the face was not damaged. I like the picture our friend, Joseph painted. The person in the painting was solid and darker, more olive complexed. He is somewhat in shadow. I have the impression he is able to stay in the shaddows or come out into light. I can picture him putting on a smile or putting up a confrontation.

There was no one present with Jesus to take a snap shot or a video. If we had such recordings they would rock our spiritual world as most of the faces we have of Him are of our own construction. Our sense of the intonation of His words are also largely from our own imagination.

I’ve often prayed, “Dear God, let me know you as you really are, and not simply as I have conceived you!” Of course we have no business trying to conceive God. He is the One who  conceived us!

May you gain a wonderful, vivid view of our Redeemer’s face today as you seek Him, and find Him!

Steven C Johnson


Paul Wilber, “Show Me Your Face!”







“…the day he comes to be glorified  in his holy people and to be marveled at among all those who have believed.”(1 Thessalonians 1:10)

There will be no disappointment among the saints at the appearing of Jesus. No one will say, “The advertisements and trailers made it look great, but the movie was a bust.”

Spielberg and Lucas have produced incredible stuff but nothing will compare with this wide-screen production!

Only a few shepherds saw it the first time but everyone will see the panoramic sequel. You won’t miss it, wherever you stand on the planet. In fact every eye will see His glorious coming with heaven’s epic entourage! The cast will be so immense that Christ’s escorts will seem like water droplets making up an all-encompassing cloud.

There are times when we are with family and friends and there is an immediate weather report.

“Hey guys! Come quick, you need to see this!” We are amazed as we come to the patio and see the glorious sunrise, torrential monsoon rains, a double rainbow or baseball sized hail.

We will need a new word to replace “awesome” when Christ returns.

We look forward to vacations, birthdays, graduations, weddings and births of babies. The Return is the Christian’s blessed hope and eager expectation. We are, “awaiting the blessed hope, even the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ.” (Titus 2:13).  Whatever our age or circumstances, lovers of Jesus have something to look forward to!

In contrast, those who have stiff-armed Jesus must sober up!


How can we resist the One who has come to rescue us?

How can we say, “No” to the offer of His saving hand?

How can we say “No” to the advances of the Bride Groom?

They will hide in caves and call on the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?” (Rev 6:16-17)

Adoration of the Lamb, Hubert and Jan van Eyck (ca. 1390 – 1441) 

Many think of the Second Coming of Jesus as a doctrine rather than a
young woman’s hope for the perfect wedding to the perfect man.


The crown is not for those who “believe” that Jesus

is returning. It is for those who “long for” His returning.

Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day-and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing. (2 Tim 4:8)

Steven C Johnson


Listen to the blog here!



If we were fully awake and fully sensible, looking at a single blade of grass would throw us into conniptions of wonder and spasms of worship. Some of us might weep and fall to the ground, overcome. Others might feel supercharged, invigorated, and wanting to jump and shout. But first our eyes must be opened!

As it is now most of us say, “Right, big deal, a blade of grass. So, what.” We are asleep to the glory of God all about us. We see the world only in dull and off-focused monochrome.

The whole earth is presently saturated with the glowing, reverberating glory of God. But it goes unnoticed. We need not conclude there is no glory to behold. We are immersed in glory, but not sensible to it.



Birds see colors we don’t. Eagles outdistance our vision. There is more glory about us than we know! Our lack of perception is the issue.


As kids we watched the Wizard of Oz. The movie starts in black and white and when the door is opened to Oz the scene is revealed in vibrant Technicolor!



We were the first family on the street with a color TV. Neighbor kids came over to watch the magic! Disney employed the same effect as the Wizard of Oz. The pixy would fly in front of the black and white castle, tap her wand and “Splash!” the castle was covered in color.


The effect is used even in more modern movies. In Beauty and the Beast the curse is
lifted, people are restored to their rightful state and the castle comes alive with
berightness and color.


We meet amazing angelic creatures in Ezekiel 10. Verse 12 says, “Their entire
bodies, including their backs, their hands and their wings, were completely full of
eyes, as were their four wheels.” Do you suppose those creatures might have more
perceptive abilities than we do? No wonder they worship God! They sing about it!


And one called out to another and said,
“Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of hosts,
The whole earth is full of His glory.”Isaiah 6:3

The world is darkened to His glory. Even we Christians who have gained windows into the glory see partially. But a Great Day of awakening is upon us where perceptiveness will shoot through the roof.

Habakkuk prophesied a day where the glory of the Lord will no longer be hidden. It will be perceived! “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.” 



Next time you see a blade of grass find out how much of the magnificence of God is found drenching its structures! Wake up, world, and behold the glory! O, Lord, Open our eyes!

Let us know what you are perceiving of the glory of God!

Steven C Johnson





I woke with these lyrics playing in my mind.

“Oh, isn’t this amazing?
It’s my favorite part because you’ll see
Here’s where she meets Prince Charming
But she won’t discover that it’s him ’til Chapter Three!”

The lyrics are from Beauty and the Beast. Artful words and gorgeous music!

Meeting Pam for the first time was not love at first sight. I knew her casually for a couple years at a large church we attended. I saw her as fun and energetic and a serious Christian, but there was no romantic chemistry. In fact, Pam got engage to a friend of mine, which I thought was just great. Bob and she seemed to be a fun couple. A month before the wedding they both had cold feet. I shared lunch with Bob and listened to his struggles.

After listening, I prodded Bob, “Look, Pam is a great gal. I think you should go ahead and marry her!” He looked back at me and responded, “Why don’t you?” I sputtered a bit at the question, but of course, I had no romantic interest at all.

A year or two later Pam and I started co-teaching a college class. I began seeing her in a new light. She was creative, spontaneous, industrious – more fun than I had realized, deeper in Christ, and determined to do the right, no matter the price.

One day she gave me a gift she had made, a sailing ship made of modeling clay and glued to a slice of tree trunk. It quoted Joshua 1:9; ”Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

There was something sweet about that expression of friendship. Then I took a second look. Perhaps a third look. It was Chapter Three! I started to realize she was cute, in fact attractive. Come to think of it, she was vivacious and beautiful!

The revelation of Jesus as Prince Charming comes to many of us in Chapter Three! Some think Peter’s first encounter with Jesus was when Jesus commandeered Peter’s boat for a pulpit, and then had him go out deep for the miraculous catch. Then supposedly, Peter spontaneously left his whole career to follow Jesus.

The real story is more like this: Peter first met Jesus while John was baptizing. Remember, at that time Jesus changed Simon’s name to Rocky. Jesus’ mother probably had family in Capernaum. They had visited on several occasions. Jesus set up home base in Capernaum. He had been preaching in the region and had actually been living at Peter’s house for some time. They certainly had had many discussions. The great catch of fish was Chapter Three!

Few of us meet someone for the first time and decided spontaneously, “They are the one for me!” Learning of Jesus initially may be the same. We like Him, but it is too soon to talk about marriage in chapter one. Hang around. You will be amazed at the revelations in Chapter Three!

What’cha think? Have you had a Chapter Three revelation in a relationship? Tell us about it. 

Steven C Johnson


Riverfront Property: Connecting at the River of Life?






I was in a sticking point in ministry and needed counsel. We were living on our mini-farm on Wilson Creek Road in Ellensburg, Washington. I traveled to visit John Sandford for counsel in Sandpoint, Idaho. John was one of the fathers of the modern prophetic movement. Years before when I had met him for the first time he told me things about myself only God could reveal. His words got me on track with my calling.

I remember the night before getting down by the side of the bed and praying for our next day’s meeting. I asked God to give me a dream to share with John the next day that might help in the counseling.

That night I dreamed I was walking down the middle of #6 road. (As you went South on our road, Wilson Creek, it became #6 Road)

There was a rickety shack taking up both lanes of the road. I went into the shack and to the far-right corner where there was a mimeograph* machine. I entered it, flipped through it, and was spit out of the shack on the far end. You can only do that in a dream!

John Sandford was standing in front of me.He looked at me with concern and said, “What happened to your ears?” I became self conscious and put my hands over my ears. I said, “It must have happened when I went through the mimeograph machine.”

John told me the dream was perfect.

First, rather than going North in the “Will of the Son” I was going South (down hill) on #6 road. Six is the number of man’s way.

Going through the mimeograph was a picture of trying to duplicate the way others were doing ministry. Indeed, I was looking at other pastors and wondering what kind of minister I should be. Should I be a gregarious, glad-handing, slap-you-on the back pastor? A compassionate visit-in-every-home pastor? A detailed administrator pastor? A scholastic theologian pastor? I was looking for others to imitate.

John explained, by trying to copy other leaders’ personalities or approaches, or duplicating their gifts and callings, I was no-longer myself. He said I was designed to be wildly creative, but by trying to conform to other people’s images I was losing myself and my ability to hear God’s direction.

I still reflect back on that experience and its lesson. Because of it I have become more, myself, more comfortable in my own shoes.

I’ve learned to appreciate the amazing qualities of other saints. I honor them and learn from them, finding inspiration. But when we are truly ourselves, and not copies of others, we find the greatest personal satisfaction, and express the uniqueness of God’s creative genious.

Take care of your ears!

  • Mimeograph: a dinosaur duplicator pre-dating the copy machine.

Steven C Johnson

John Sandford’s ministry is carried on at 


Adoration of the Mystic Lamb,Ghent Altarpiece

It was the middle of the night and I needed to relieve myself. My groggy plan was simply to do my business and get my head back on the pillow. As I stood and started to the bathroom I was surprised by a voice as clear as any conversation you have ever had. It spoke, “You will see Jesus face to face.” I had trouble getting back to sleep afterwards. That was thirty years ago.

I have often harkened back to that surprising voice in the night. In many ways that word has been profoundly answered. It has not happened with a vivid and tangible face to face encounter but with astonishing Holy Spirit experiences, answers to prayer, prophetic encounters, dreams and visions. There have been a few appearances of Jesus in my dreams but I still have a great longing to see Him lucidly and in tangible reality.

I know there is a pan-ultimate day when all of us will have the opportunity to see Jesus face to face. It makes me shudder and thrill with anticipation.  Honestly, I feel a push-me-pull-you in encountering Jesus. I have so much desire to see him fully, yet I have had experiences with his glory which have overwhelmed me to incapacitation and trembling.

Just last night, in a dream, I was in a church building where I was praying longingly, brokenly to experience his presence and see His face. He began to make himself known in such power and holiness, I was pressed and physically overwhelmed! Pam heard me sighing and groaning and shook me awake. I have a little idea as to why God told Moses, “You cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.”

Apparently, the Jews are not troubled by our western thinking and see no contradiction between the exhortations to seek His face and the thought, you can’t survive if you see Him.

Jesus was seen walking about in His flesh suit and people typically managed seeing Him trouble-free.

But when Peter, James and John saw him transfigured on the mountain it was overwhelming.

When John saw Jesus in His glory in Revelation it was not the Jesus of former, familiar times but the glorified Jesus. John was down as a dead man.

One of my prayers is that my constitution and character be upgraded in wiring, and much grace be added, so I may have the capacity and ability to stand and see more of His wonderful Face! I think my attitude may be like many hurricane/tornado chasers. I chase after the experience, but “sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble.”

‘Ooh’ said Susan. ‘I’d thought he was a man.

Is he quite safe? I shall feel rather nervous about meeting a lion…’ 

‘Safe?’ said Mr Beaver … ’Who said anything about safe?

‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good.

He’s the King, I tell you.’ 

(The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe)

Steven C Johnson

Have you listened yet to the Free audio of 

Riverfront Property: Connecting at the River of Life?

Holiness: My Most Intense Encounter with God

Like many of you, I’ve been privileged to have experiences with God, in Christ. Some of those experiences have come as I have earnestly sought him. Other experiences have totally blind-sighted me with surprise. He has been The Pearl of Great Value I have sought for, as well as the Hidden Treasure I have stumbled upon!

God has spoken to me through dreams and visions and prophecy. Like many I have experienced His unspeakable joy. I have felt His comforting peace. I have felt exhilarating love! Sometimes there are simply no words to describe these moments.

My most intense, literally take-your-breath-away experience, was with the holiness of God. We had sponsored a youth conference at a local college. The presence of God was palpable! Many were overcome by the sense of His glory. There was a small circle of people on the floor praying for an individual. Someone waved to me to come over and join their prayer. As I got close I saw one of our daughters, laying on her back with four people on the floor praying for her.

Intense and amazing prophecies were spoken over her. As we continued to pray a forceful pressure came over us. Several of us found our heads shaking wildly side to side. Together we began to speak out, groan out, a great “Aaaaawwwww!!!” My breath expelled as we exclaimed together. It felt very much as if a strong man had put his hand on my chest and back and then pressed until there was not a drop of air left. But still, there was a silent “Aaawww!” coming out without air.

The experience left us washed out and spacey. We were in awe, almost unable to speak. This was not an experience of peace,  joy, or love. It was holiness! The intensity immobilized us on the floor. It was a pressure, a fear, a largeness, a power beyond description.

I have thought many times over the past three decades about those moments. If the experience could had been put into a bottle, and anyone had tasted a drop of it, they would certainly be overwhelmed with the fear of the Lord! No one on earth could withstand such an encounter without reverencing God.

In the Scriptures we find others who tasted the holy glory of God in similar ways. Moses said, “I am full of fear and trembling.” Priests were not able to minister because of the glory of God. Isaiah, Ezekiel and Daniel were overcome! John in revelation fell as a dead man. Through church history many have testified to the intense, bowl-you-over, immobilizing holiness of God.

The closest thing I can compare our experience to is a scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark, as the Ark was opened at the end of the movie. Remember?

I often pray for the awareness of the holiness of God, and the great, pressing fear of the Lord it inspires. May He capture us and overwhelm our nations with His holiness! Please pray for the sensibility of Father God’s holiness to convict and set straight our neighborhoods and the world!

Steven C Johnson

Please share with us accounts of your encounters with our holy God.



As Pam and I looked at the picture of those kids we both said we would like to sit them down and give them a good talking to! O, the counsel we would furnish, and the exhortations we would level!

What an education we have received. Wouldn’t it be nice to start all over with the accumulated experience and wisdom of four decades? Still, we capitalize on what we have, and we believe it is more than a fluffy word of inspiration, but sober and wonderful truth – “The Best is Yet to Come!”

We are determined to press on, and cross over, into promised lands –  rejoicing in our battles, our plantings and buildings, as we capitalize on every past good and hard experience, and upon the present grace and favor of our Lord Jesus Christ today!

I don’t have the words to express the deep appreciation, love and respect I feel for my lover, counselor and precious friend. So many travels, travails and delights are compressed into forty anniversaries!

Thanks to so many who have intersected with our lives and made our lives richer along the way! Bless each one as you press on for the high Goal!

But wait; there’s more!

Steve and Pam Johnson



The life of mortals is like grass,

they flourish like a flower of the field;

the wind blows over it and it is gone,

and its place remembers it no more.Ps 103:15-16

The picture is of the Falkner High School’s baseball team. Grandpa Johnson is sitting on the floor, and his good friend Hugh Bedient is sitting in the middle. As you recall, Leslie as well as Hugh did well at baseball. Wait, don’t you remember?

If I asked today’s students and staff, “Do you remember Leslie Johnson?” they might roll back their eyes and search the memory banks. “Sorry, I don’t remember him.”

“O come on! Everyone knew Leslie! The picture doesn’t capture it but most of the time he was wearing a smile. He was the fun-loving guy everyone liked to be near. Come on, think about it! Leslie was captain of all his sports teams. A really friendly guy! He was especially good at baseball. He couldn’t play baseball at the University of Pennsylvania because he played semi-pro after high school.”

“Let me think…. When did he graduate?” 

“Oh, about 113 years ago.”

In time the slightest recollections are gone.

It may take a few generations but in time the rich, the beautiful, the villain and virtuous are forgotten.

The names, dates, and places may be studied by a few history students,

But in time historians lose interest as new history supplants the old.

But our lot is not found in an overgrown, forgotten grave!

Our Lot is with the LORD!

In fact, our loving Father has perfect recall! We are remembered!

Job gives us the first biblical reference to the resurrection of the dead in a prayer.

“If only you would hide me in the grave

and conceal me till your anger has passed!

If only you would set me a time

and then remember me!

If someone dies, will they live again?

All the days of my hard service

I will wait for my renewal to come.

You will call and I will answer you;

you will long for the creature your hands have made.

Surely then you will count my steps

but not keep track of my sin.

My offenses will be sealed up in a bag;

you will cover over my sin.  (Job 14:13-17)

You, my friend, are remembered!


Steven C Johnson