Steve and Pam’s Bio

Like you, we are glory seekers. We have wonderfully, “Tasted and seen, the Lord is good!” The greatest prize is in the pursuit of the fame, splendor and radiant beauty of our Sovereign! We came to Yeshua in the days of the Jesus... Read More...

Riverfront Property in Audio

I am so grateful and pleased to share freely the whole audio book of Riverfront Property: Connecting At The River Of Life! I’m confident you will receive a delicious drink! As you find your thirst quenched please recall those you know who would also love a drink, and pass the cup! Read More...

A Miracle Story

Thursday July 30, 1987, started out as just another hot summer day in Ellensburg, Washington, a town of about fifteen thousand souls in a picturesque valley a hundred miles east of Seattle... Read More...



I woke and told Pam, “I feel the water coming to a boil.” Later I saw a news article titled, “Protests erupting across college campuses reach boiling point.” Several commentators have said, “This looks like Germany in the early 30’s.”

Pam and I have felt an escalated warning and urgency for America. It has been echoed by a 911 word from Cindy Jacobs regarding Islamist terror attacks in the US. Her word is affirmed by a circle of credible prophetic voices.

The FBI last month warned, “It’s not if, but when.” I feel “when” is upon us. 

I urge you to read or listen to Cindy’s warning below, take the matter to heart, and share it with people who matter to you.  What do you think? What are you doing?

No one wants to be an alarmist. We care about what people think of us. No one wants to be thought of as the boy who called wolf. But worse than being an alarmist, and what people think of us, is failing to sound an alarm which could avert or ameliorate great pain. 

I am not Chicken Little, and the sky is not falling, but heaven and earth are about to have a good shaking. I believe our God has staggering, glorious things to reveal in the shaking. He is revealing His glory in manifold ways in the shaking. You have a part in them. It is wisdom to know the times and what should be done.

I believe, “The best is yet to come.” I believe the nations will be filled with the glory of God and we will see our Savior face to face!

My basic view of the future is “darkness overcome by prevailing light!” I get this from Isaiah 60; “For look, darkness will cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: But the Lord will shine over you, and his glory will appear over you.”

A great “baby” is about to be born in answer to our prayers – THE KINGDOM OF GOD! I also believe the baby comes with birth pains. 

Pam has coached women in childbirth. She encourages them with, “This is exciting! A baby is coming!” The focus is on the prize. She does this when women are in discomfort, great pain, and sometime doubting they can make it. The baby is the big thing. Pain is the process. It is not a small thing, but it is passing, and soon forgotten.

Our Lord said in John 16:21, “A woman when she is in travail hath sorrow, because her hour is come; but as soon as she is delivered of the child, she remembers the anguish no more, for the joy that a child is born into the world.” 

Paul said something similar in Romans 8; I do not count the sufferings of this present age worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed in us.”

What if a midwife never informs a new mother there will be pain and difficulty? What if she never coaches the mother how to steel herself, prepare herself and make it through the contractions and intense transitions? These are things not to be glossed.

Cindy’s Jacobs prophecy is of the threat of radial Islam on the US, Canada and other nations. Her prescription is prayer, fasting and repentance so we may gain God’s mercy and protection.

Read or listen to what she says below and let me hear your response.

Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises

Word of the Lord for the Nations

Received on a plane to Calgary, Canada  

4/19/24 by Cindy Jacobs

Do not think that the people who are protesting and calling for a Palestinian State are just protesting on behalf of Palestine. Whether they understand or not, there is an insurrection forming that is like unto the Communist takeover in Russia for the downfall of the Tzars. Only this time, they are aiming for the nations of Canada, the United States, and other nations of the world. Among the other nations, Europe is especially their target.

This is a planned takeover, not only ideologically, but nationally. It has infiltrated our militaries and is gaining strength. At the moment, they are quietly planning. There are proxies on the streets in protest. This is not only about bringing a Palestinian state to the Middle East but an Islamic State to North America and other nations. They are subversive and even use misguided students. However, the movement at large is on a much bigger and more pervasive scale.

This Palestinian State is also part of a larger alliance of Iran as the head, with a Caliphate of Iraq, Syria, and Yemen. Hezbollah will be part of this axis of evil, and eventually join with Afghanistan. Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, and other Middle Eastern nations cannot be neutral because you will one day be in the crosshairs of a Middle Eastern takeover, and your independence will be threatened. Africa: choose the right side. Do not side against Israel in this battle.

Russia is watching like a devourer to swoop down on Europe through Ukraine. China is being restrained through prayer against gobbling up Taiwan, Korea, and Asia. Even if these alliances work as an axis of evil, Islam will eventually break these alliances and take over. 

The insurrectionists are set in Paris, London, and other European cities, as well as in Australia, and Latin America.

However, the Hand of God is waiting to cover those nations who are on their face in repentance and holiness.

Judgment has begun at the House of God and will increase, and there may appear to be a severity in the cleansing of the church. There will be no wiggle room for those who think that no one sees. This judgment is to clean the house in order to give the Church the authority in prayer to avert what is coming. 

For the covers are coming off of hidden sin. “Those in the prayer movement are going first because some of them stood in My face,” says the Lord, “and brought uncleanness and mixture before the throne. This will not be tolerated. It is time to confess, before you are exposed and cry out to Me to help as you navigate through the consequences.

“For those who truly love Me more than hiding your sin, I will help you, even though it will be difficult. You can choose to go the hard way, or the way of holiness and repentance.

“For I am jealous for my revival and the raising up reformers for your nations. The hearts of many of those who are in this new move of God must not be crushed and darkened by the sin of the church.

“I am the refiner’s fire,” says the Lord. “I am holiness personified. Cry out to be holy and washed clean.

“Holiness belongs to me,” says the Lord. “I will not tolerate mixture. Even though it seems like I haven’t seen the sin of some in the church, I know all things, and I am going to reveal a side of me that many have not seen in their lifetime.

“If the church repents, I will relent. I will protect your nations. If the church repents, I will deal with the coming world consequences and give wisdom to the leaders of your nations. For foolish governance is a consequence of sin. If the people elect those who snub their noses at biblical principles, their leaders will be like blind people and cause grave mistakes to be made.

“Turn to me, Church,” says the Lord, “for I desire mercy and not judgment. Turn to me with fasting and prayer, and turn from your wicked ways. I am waiting,” says the Lord, “to hear your cries and heal your land.” 




We attend a gym in our neighborhood and regularly see the same folks, walking and working out. We go early and there are not many people there, but occasionally we arrive as the walkers, and Pickle ball participants are checking in.

A month ago a woman introduced herself to me and asked if we were  missionaries? The conversation continued and she shared that she was flying soon and was nervous about it.  I asked if I might share how God delivered me from fear of flying. This is a piece of my story.
When we were publicizing the Theresa book we were flying quite a bit. I was leaving my children at home and it did not bode well with me. I was often losing sleep, rest and struggling with fear as we went through airports and flew from the NW across the nation.
At one point God began to deal with me. He let me know there was nothing I could do as I was up in the air, and I should trust that my purpose was greater than the fears. When I let that sink in I found I could fly anywhere, alone or with others with no fear. I was able to enjoy the restriction of flying.
In one incident I experienced the worst turbulence ever. It was during Covid and we were all wearing masks. People were screaming, grabbing the chairs, other people and simply losing their minds in fear. I, on the other hand, experienced complete Peace and Joy, and began singing and laughing. (Thankful for the mask)
When the plane landed and rolled up to our gate, people evacuated the plane, running off  leaving EVERYTHING behind. I was surprised at how little importance their phones, bags and carry-one items were compared to their lives, and we were safely on the ground.
As I shared this with the woman she seemed encouraged. Fast forward to yesterday. Steve came back from the gym and asked me if I remember talking to Donna?
She indicated her flight was the worst she had ever experienced. She felt the plane might break up, but she remembered our conversation, picturing Steve and I, and was at peace.
Then she dropped this:  “The Lord showed me your faces in a dream the day before I met you.” SHE MET US BEFORE SHE MET US.
My heart was thrilled to see how God will encourage and prepare those He loves. So glad He could use me to encourage a new friend to be courageous and trust God.

I hope this encourages you to share your life freely. We never know when it will manifest in a supernatural way.  (If I have to be called a missionary, this is the best way. LOL)

Pamela Johnson




Samuel Morse’s First Long-Distance Telegraph Message sent in 1844 asked, “What Hath God Wrought?” I feel like the Lord has given a creation with similar impact in the engineering of a powerful web communication tool at RevelationConnections.Vision It’s a new wineskin for new wine.

Thirteen years after conception we have a birth, and It’s time to show the baby! It’s is the biggest project I have ever worked on and I feel a jittery excitement! This tool will revolutionize the way millions of listeners communicate their dreams, visions and prophetic impressions! It will serve every Saint and Christian ministry!

RevelationConnections.Vision is just launched, and you need to be part of it!

I interview people in hardware and grocery stores, at the gym and farm store with this question; “Has God ever spoken to you through a dream, a vision or a prophetic impression?” Almost invariably I get an affirmative. Often I hear astonishing stories! You also have stories where God has uniquely spoken to you.

Now you have an opportunity to share your revelation experiences with Saints in Chile, Botswana and Georgia! You will also be able to perform complex thematic searches of revelations Saints are having in Turkey, Iceland and Papua New Guinea. 

Take time to share you Dream, Vision or Prophetic Impression at RevelationConnections.Vision. The site is new. Your sharing will stoke the fire of world-wide communications so the Church globally will better learn, “What the Spirit is saying to the churches.”


HI, Friend!

I’ve decided to offer you free access to my book, COMPOUNDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT.

Some are listeners and others are readers. Choose your preference.

Be encouraged and pass it on!



READ HERE  Compounds of Encouragement PDF

For your encouragement and the Glory of God!

Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises


I highly recommend this book, especially for men who want to up their game as encouragers. The articles are brief, upbeat, tender, and tough. During the past two years, almost weekly, I’ve been in prayer rooms and men’s meetings with Steve Johnson—I’ve never encountered a person anointed as much as he is with the gift of encouragement (Romans 12:8). And with his comprehensive writing, Steve continually captures his reader’s attention with vivid, creative lines. Read this book, one chapter at a time; and if you can, find a way to meet this man!  Geoff Pope


I found your book to be very encouraging. It calls us to a higher ground. I heard God speaking through the words he gave you to write. I appreciated having his Word to read throughout the book. I especially enjoyed the lessons on wonder, amazement and creativity. I wrote down a quote to pray for friends and family: “May our friends and family who are distant from Yeshua be hit hard by his overflowing kindness, bringing them to true repentance.”

Also, having a background working with special needs children, I was touched by the pool story about Cain. I had many foster children on my case load as a speech language pathologist. Their stories broke my heart and helped lead us to adopt. Thank you for giving me the privilege of reading your book!!” Liela  Cuglivan


One of the names of God in the Greek language of the New Testament Scriptures is “parakleet.” It is often translated “encourager.” It is in the very nature of the Creator of the universe to encourage. Always has been. Steve Johnson has tapped into that part of who God is and has learned well how to live that out in real life. Steve excels in being an encourager. And now, he has given us a tool in his book, Compounds of Encouragement, that enables us to become more like our Father in heaven and learn how to encourage others. Easy to read, and once we begin to live out this message, our lives will never be the same. And people around us will be encouraged. This could start a revolution! A revolution of encouragement! Read this book, apply its message, and become a “parakleet” yourself. An encourager like God Himself.        Greg Wylie 

I have been listening to your new book, compounds of encouragement, for the last hour during my devotion this morning. For me, this demonstrates the very best of Steve Johnson… your amazing capacity to paint truth-telling stories in vivid hues that are eye/heart catching, especially when you read from your own heart. Thank you.
Dr. Harvey R. Brown, Jr., President Impact Ministries

In “Wonderment: The Launchpad for Worship” you wrote:”The Scriptures speak of “signs, wonders and miracles.” “Wonder” is always sandwiched between God’s signposts and unique works. I am convinced that as we restore wonder, we will have a vast increase in signs and miracles.” 
It would be a wonderful devotional and source for Bible study or series of teachings. It is very rich. Each section stands strong just in what it says, they are each nuggets we can meditate on and pray into.  Mark Mcconkey


Father has made available to you, Steve, Insightful encouragements and areas that expands into the joy of encouragement to enlarge, enlighten & energize all of us. Thank you Father! Let the Kingdom of Heaven treasures pour upon all. Abundantly!!!!  Daniel Odom


PS  If you’d be so kind, I’d love to get your review of Compounds!  Steve





“Because I live, you will live also.”  John 14:19


The resurrection of our Lord gives us courage to go the distance!

Knowing His love and resolve to suffer for us gives us the courage to do the same for Him. He suffered great pain, but no lasting injury. Death was trounced by our victorious Lord!

The resurrection is the Christian’s triumph and store of courage. Because of Him we can go face to face and nose to nose with death. We declare, “ If the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.”  Rom 8:11


Nebuchadnezzar acknowledged, “He is the living God, enduring forever; his kingdom shall never be destroyed, and his dominion shall be to the end.”  Daniel 6:26

Jeremiah proclaimed, “But the Lord is the true God; He is the living God and the everlasting King. At his wrath the earth quakes, and the nations cannot endure his indignation.” Jeremiah 10:10

Imitation gods are useless. Only the Living God can impart life, and the wisdom and power to live it!

Simon Peter by revelation confessed, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”  Matthew 16:16

Psalm 56:9 adds the comfort of knowing this Living God is our Advocate standing for our best! “One thing I know. God is for me!” So we have a Living God who is pulling for us. He is in favor of our welfare and positively working for us, and in us.

What a promise our redeemer grants us! “Because I live, You will live also!” When death in its various forms comes knocking we counter, “My Lord Jesus lives! And because He lives I also live!

If our Lord can conquer death, and He can, all the rest is small stuff! Piddly little problems like the car breaking down, crop failure, treachery and terrorism may happen, BUT Jesus is alive!

Make a list of all the challenges and contrast them to Jesus’ victory over the grave.

It’s cold and windy, but Jesus is alive!

I lost my computer file, but Jesus is risen!

Nuclear bombs are popping, but Jesus lives to make intercession for me!

Persecution, the mail coming late, and the sliver in the finger find their proportion when compared to our living Jesus, our Advocate, standing for our total welfare!

If you want courage you can come to our living Jesus and take it this very moment. He said, “In the world you have tribulation. But take courage! I have overcome the world.” 

Fear and anxiety are contagious, so are boldness and courage. Which contagion do you carry?”

Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises





Samuel Morse’s First Long-Distance Telegraph Message sent in 1844 asked, “What Hath God Wrought?” I feel like the Lord has given a creation with similar impact in the engineering of a powerful web communication tool at RevelationConnections.Vision It’s a new wineskin for new wine.

Thirteen years after conception we have a birth, and It’s time to show the baby! It’s is the biggest project I have ever worked on and I feel a jittery excitement! This tool will revolutionize the way millions of listeners communicate their dreams, visions and prophetic impressions! It will serve every Saint and Christian ministry!

RevelationConnections.Vision is just launched, and you need to be part of it!

I interview people in hardware and grocery stores, at the gym and farm store with this question; “Has God ever spoken to you through a dream, a vision or a prophetic impression?” Almost invariably I get an affirmative. Often I hear astonishing stories! You also have stories where God has uniquely spoken to you.

Now you have an opportunity to share your revelation experiences with Saints in Chile, Botswana and Georgia! You will also be able to perform complex thematic searches of revelations Saints are having in Turkey, Iceland and Papua New Guinea. 


Welcome to a monumental puzzle party revealing the beautiful face of our Lord Jesus Christ and His now-message for the world-wide Church! The implications have earth-shaking import! As you learn about it you will want to be involved!

Revelation Connections’ goal is to connect Christ’s Body by enabling Saints in every country to communicate and discover what the Holy Spirit is saying to the world-wide Church.

Using advanced technologies believers post their heaven-born revelations in a great data base. Saints around the world then search the posts of others to discover divine intelligence, complementary themes, insights and practical directions, many of which will lead to collaborative ministry.

We are building a highly searchable concordance of The Church’s world-wide depository of contemporary revelations. Jesus prophesied,

“For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.” (Luke 18:17)

This means God’s hidden glory is to be fully revealed! It means all people’s actions, thoughts and motives will be brought into the open.

Powerful search engines perform multifaceted topical searches for names, locations, times, words and phrases, linking believers internationally to communicate and discover what the Holy Spirit is now disclosing and bringing out into the open. 

Get strapped in and feel the G’s! You have things to discover and things to share. Don’t hold back. Jesus’ high-priestly prayer was, “Let them be one.” The results of oneness is the revealed glory of God! This communication tool is part of the answer to that prayer.

The site is newly launched so we are just beginning to fuel the database. Add fuel to the rocket by submitting the revelations our Lord has given you! Simply click on Submit and take a few minutes to write in one of your revelation experiences! 

Search for the things on your heart. Bless others by sharing globally what the Lord is speaking to you. Revelation Connections will link people you already know in revelation ministry, but even more, every saint and christian ministry will be able to share their piece of our Lord’s monumental puzzle, connecting saints in vision and perspective like never before!

Enough talk. Follow the link and begin discovering what the Spirit is saying to The Church today!  RevelationConnections.Vision

Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises

Saturn V Moon shot  –


RevelationConnections.Vision: A New Wineskin for New Wine!


Samuel Morse’s First Long-Distance Telegraph Message sent in 1844 asked, “What Hath God Wrought?” I feel like the Lord has given a creation with similar impact in the engineering of a powerful web communication tool at RevelationConnections.Vision  It’s a new wineskin for new wine.

Thirteen years after conception we have a birth, and It’s time to show the baby! It’s is the biggest project I have ever worked on and I feel a jittery excitement! This tool will revolutionize the way millions of listeners communicate their dreams, visions and prophetic impressions! It will serve every Saint and Christian ministry!

RevelationConnections.Vision is just launched, and you need to be part of it!

I interview people in hardware and grocery stores, at the gym and farm store with this question; “Has God ever spoken to you through a dream, a vision or a prophetic impression?” Almost invariably I get an affirmative. Often I hear astonishing stories! You also have stories where God has uniquely spoken to you. 

Now you have an opportunity to share your revelation experiences with Saints in Chile, Botswana and Georgia! You will also be able to perform complex thematic searches of revelations Saints are having in Turkey, Iceland and Papua New Guinea. 


Welcome to a monumental puzzle party revealing the beautiful face of our Lord Jesus Christ and His now-message for the world-wide Church! The implications have earth-shaking import! As you learn about it you will want to be involved!

Revelation Connections’ goal is to connect Christ’s Body by enabling Saints in every country to communicate and discover what the Holy Spirit is saying to the world-wide Church. 

Using advanced technologies believers post their heaven-born revelations in a great data base. Saints around the world then search the posts of others to discover divine intelligence, complementary themes, insights and practical directions, many of which will lead to collaborative ministry.

We are building a highly searchable concordance of The Church’s world-wide depository of contemporary revelations. Jesus prophesied,

“For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.” (Luke 18:17)

This means God’s hidden glory is to be fully revealed! It means all people’s actions, thoughts and motives will be brought into the open.

Powerful search engines perform multifaceted topical searches for names, locations, times, words and phrases, linking believers internationally to communicate and discover what the Holy Spirit is now disclosing and bringing out into the open.  

Get strapped in and feel the G’s! You have things to discover and things to share. Don’t hold back. Jesus’ high-priestly prayer was, “Let them be one.” The results of oneness is the revealed glory of God! This communication tool is part of the answer to that prayer.

The site is newly launched so we are just beginning to fuel the database. Add fuel to the rocket by submitting the revelations our Lord has given you! Simply click on Submit and take a few minutes to write in one of your revelation experiences! 

Search for the things on your heart. Bless others by sharing globally what the Lord is speaking to you. Revelation Connections will link people you already know in revelation ministry, but even more, every saint and christian ministry will be able to share their piece of our Lord’s monumental puzzle, connecting saints in vision and perspective like never before!

Enough talk. Follow the link and begin discovering what the Spirit is saying to The Church today!  RevelationConnections.Vision 

Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises 

Saturn V Moon shot  –


A friend shared a vision of an angel stirring a large pot. Looking into the pot she saw the angel was stirring Gold. I was immediately taken back to an Aluminum smelter on the Columbia River. The huge ‘pots’ used to melt aluminum were massive, thick, and required intense tools and challenging situations for men to render the metal they were mixing.

The thought came, “What is the temperature for melting gold? Gold is a soft metal and melts at 1,947 degrees F.  I meditated on that.  Then…Our soft bodies and minds suffering intense situations. Not such a lovely image!

What was the temperature of:

Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness?

The garden of Gethsemane? 

The Hebrew children backed against the Red Sea? 

David’s return to Ziklag to find his city burned and all their people taken captive? 

The temperature of Stephen’s stoning?

Our Persoanl temptations?

These are some of the refining experiences I think of.  Is your cross difficult to bare today?  Are you feeling lost and alone? The little olive can relate. It is plucked from its source on the tree  where it has grown and filled out and a huge stone is added to crush the seed so the precious and fragrant oil can be poured out.

1 Peter 1:6-8a  In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be you have been grieved by various trials. That the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ, whom having not seen you love.

1 Peter 4: 12-13  Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy, 

These trials are limited by their season. We will get through them. Keep your focus on Him. See Ecclesiastes 3.  

Psalm 66:12  You have caused men to ride over our heads; We went through fire and through water; But You brought us out to rich abundance. 


Pam – A Mother in Israel and daughter of the King.

Landing Strip Enterprises



HI, Friend!

I’ve decided to offer you free access to my book, COMPOUNDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT.

Some are listeners and others are readers. Choose your preference.

Be encouraged and pass it on!



READ HERE  Compounds of Encouragement PDF

For your encouragement and the Glory of God!

Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises


I highly recommend this book, especially for men who want to up their game as encouragers. The articles are brief, upbeat, tender, and tough. During the past two years, almost weekly, I’ve been in prayer rooms and men’s meetings with Steve Johnson—I’ve never encountered a person anointed as much as he is with the gift of encouragement (Romans 12:8). And with his comprehensive writing, Steve continually captures his reader’s attention with vivid, creative lines. Read this book, one chapter at a time; and if you can, find a way to meet this man!  Geoff Pope


I found your book to be very encouraging. It calls us to a higher ground. I heard God speaking through the words he gave you to write. I appreciated having his Word to read throughout the book. I especially enjoyed the lessons on wonder, amazement and creativity. I wrote down a quote to pray for friends and family: “May our friends and family who are distant from Yeshua be hit hard by his overflowing kindness, bringing them to true repentance.”

Also, having a background working with special needs children, I was touched by the pool story about Cain. I had many foster children on my case load as a speech language pathologist. Their stories broke my heart and helped lead us to adopt. Thank you for giving me the privilege of reading your book!!” Liela  Cuglivan


One of the names of God in the Greek language of the New Testament Scriptures is “parakleet.” It is often translated “encourager.” It is in the very nature of the Creator of the universe to encourage. Always has been. Steve Johnson has tapped into that part of who God is and has learned well how to live that out in real life. Steve excels in being an encourager. And now, he has given us a tool in his book, Compounds of Encouragement, that enables us to become more like our Father in heaven and learn how to encourage others. Easy to read, and once we begin to live out this message, our lives will never be the same. And people around us will be encouraged. This could start a revolution! A revolution of encouragement! Read this book, apply it’s message, and become a “parakleet” yourself. An encourager like God Himself.        Greg Wylie


In “Wonderment: The Launchpad for Worship” you wrote:”The Scriptures speak of “signs, wonders and miracles.” “Wonder” is always sandwiched between God’s signposts and unique works. I am convinced that as we restore wonder, we will have a vast increase in signs and miracles.” 
It would be a wonderful devotional and source for Bible study or series of teachings. It is very rich. Each section stands strong just in what it says, they are each nuggets we can meditate on and pray into.  Mark Mcconkey


Father has made available to you, Steve, Insightful encouragements and areas that expands into the joy of encouragement to enlarge, enlighten & energize all of us. Thank you Father! Let the Kingdom of Heaven treasures pour upon all. Abundantly!!!!  Daniel Odom

I have been listening to your new book, compounds of encouragement, for the last hour during my devotion this morning.
For me, this demonstrates the very best of Steve Johnson… your amazing capacity to paint truth-telling stories in vivid hues that are eye/heart catching, especially when you read from your own heart.  Dr Harvey R Brown

PS  If you’d be so kind, I’d love to get your review of Compounds!  Steve



If your child was abducted, would you fight for their recovery? Let’s say you knew the group who abducted your child, the house where they were captive and the violent men guarding the house. What would you be willing to do to get your child back?



About 240 hostages were taken by the Hamas terrorist group, most Israelis, but a few dozen from other nations. The children pictured here, and more, are among them. A determined fight is ongoing for their recovery, and the end of the terrorists.

In the natural hope for the recovery of the children, men and women is slim. But our God is a compassionate Father. Things impossible with men are possible with God! The Lord will move mountains because of your believing prayer!

Jesus whole ministry is about setting captives free! He ransoms us from sin, condemnation, demons, disease and even death!!!  Our Savior delivers from captivity. I urge you to pray with the parents and families of those in bonds. Here are spiritual weapons of war you can take up on behalf of the hostages.  Use these verses to pray for Israeli captives to be set free!

      There are three real jail-breaks in Acts.

The 11 disciples in Acts 5.   “But during the night an angel of the Lord opened the gates of the prison, and taking them out he said, Go, stand and speak to the people in the temple the whole message of this Life.” 

Peter in Acts 12.  “And behold, an angel of the Lord suddenly appeared and a light shone in the cell; and he struck Peter’s side and woke him up, saying, ‘Get up quickly.’ And his chains fell off his hands.”

Paul and Silas. in Acts 16.  “and suddenly there came a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison house were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were unfastened.”

Consider the following verses as weapons for warfare on behalf of captives. We appeal to God’s goodness, his mercy and rescuing power!

Psalms 107:10-13 “He brought them out of darkness, the utter darkness, and broke away their chains.”

Psalm 102:20  “To hear the groaning of the prisoner, to set free those who were doomed to death.”

Nahum 1:13  “So now, I will break his yoke bar from upon you, And I will tear off your shackles.

Psalm 68:6 “He leads out the prisoners into prosperity.

Psalm 116:16  “O Lord, surely I am your servant, I am Your servant and the son of Your handmaid. You have loosed my bonds.”

Psalm 146:7  “The Lord sets the prisoners free.

To this day God has made Himself famous as the Liberator. Thanks to His merciful kindness there are many contemporary jail-break accounts. May they be multiplied to God’s glory! He opened prison doors for Brother Yun in China where the doors seemed to open on their own. He is a wonder-working God!

Isaiah has much to say about captives being freed!!!

Isaiah 61:2 He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.

Is 42:22 But this is a people plundered and looted, all of them trapped in pits or hidden away in prisons. They have become plunder, with no one to rescue them; they have been made loot, with no one to say, “Send them back.”

This verse tells us the captives here have no rescuer strong enough or willing enough to demand release. I pray for God’s angry mercy to demand, “Send them back!“ adding the sense [OR I WILL BLISTER YOU!]

Is 49:25  “But this is what the LORD says: ‘Yes, captives will be taken from warriors, and plunder retrieved from the fierce; I will contend with those who contend with you, and your children I will save.’”

Is 43:6 “I will say to the north, ‘Give them up!’ and to the south, ‘Do not hold them back.’Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth.”

     In response to your prayers, may the booming, authoritative voice of the Lamb demand, “Give them up!” “Do not hold them back!” “Send them back!”


1 Sam 14:15 “Then panic struck the whole [Philistine] army—those in the camp and field, and those in the outposts and raiding parties—and the ground shook. It was a panic sent by God.”

Zec 14:13 “And on that day a great panic from the LORD shall fall on them, so that each will seize the hand of another, and the hand of the one will be raised against the hand of the other.”



Holy Father, Savior of captives, we appeal to Your goodness, mercy and rescuing power!

You told David, “Pursue and recover all.” We speak this word on behalf of the children – clear up through the seniors in Hamas captivity. Sustain their lives and bring them forth!

You sent Your Son to set all kinds of captives free! As Christ’s ambassadors before Your judgment seat we “proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners!”

You hear the groaning of the prisoner, to set free those who were doomed to death.

You tear off the shackles.

You lead out the prisoners into prosperity

You set the prisoners free.

Father may You own voice thunder, “Give them back! Do not hold them back!

Send them back!”

May You send a panic upon the captors causing them to flee, leaving the hostages free!

There is nothing hidden from the eyes of the Lord! Reveal the exact location(s) of the captives! Send Your delivering, rescuing angels as you have many times through the centuries. Send you Heavenly Cavalry to the rescue!

Guide the human rescuers to safely recover these precious souls! Restore them to health and to their families and friends. Bring forth resurrection beauty from the ashes of this atrocity. May sackcloth be turned to joyful dancing!

You said, “call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.”

Some who prayed for Peter’s release doubted You would answer their fervent prayers, but You graciously answered their prayers! Hear our fervent prayers even in moments when they feel like hope against hope!

Father, You reveal Your true nature in deliverance. Let Your voice resound, “Yes, captives will be taken from warriors, and plunder retrieved from the fierce; I will contend with those who contend with you, and your children I will save.”


Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises





  The PromisedLand in Genesis 15:18-21                Israel today  upper center



In the light of –

    the glory of God,

        His presence now with us,

            our security in him,

                the promises of empowerment,

                    Heaven’s distribution of courage

                         and His purposes larger than this life –

I would like to speak of things happening on our tiny earth, under the eye of God. God’s eyes are able to narrow down microscopically to even see Israel’s war with radical Islam. I would like to speak of matters surrounding this war.

     Here is a briefing on:

God’s promise to Abraham and his descendants to possess the holy land.

Our privileged relationship as gentiles to the Jewish believers

The present war between radical Islam and the Jewish people

The broader threat to Christians and the world at large

Our security in Christ Jesus the Lord

And applying our giftings and callings in this hour


Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises

THE Middle East PROBLEM by Dennis Prager. Excellent!






We feel shaking in our bodies and grieve with groans and tears for the people of Israel who have felt such barbarism! Our hearts also go out to the Palestinians in Gaza. Most don’t want these Hamas butchers to lead them. But to argue with them could bring deadly reprisals.

Missiles and bullets, brutal killings and abductions. Just watching the suffering on a screen is too much to bare. We know it is so much harder there on the ground!

The nation is now at war and 360,000 reserves have been called up. The language is severe, on the edge of savage, to counter savagery. The word is, Hamas must be wiped out entirely. We are told in Scripture to pray for this nation and God’s purposes for it, as well as his purposes for the nations at large.

There are two ways we may pray. First, Identificationally, praying as if we were there in the nation dodging bullets and missiles, for we know America may yet experience similar things.

The second way to pray is Authoritatively, as those standing with Christ, looking down from the banister of heaven, praying for the tiny planet and the nations below. We stand with Christ, proclaiming Scriptural and Heavenly decrees.

Be mindful, Israel has an infinitely thrilling future as the City of the great King. It is sometimes difficult to see and appreciate this in the midst of the birth pains.

      Here is a prayer I invite you to join in:

Dear Lord Jesus, over your cross was posted, “Jesus, King of the Jews.”  Today we acknowledge Your kingly authority and right over Israel, and all the nations. We pray that you would be satisfied with the travail of your soul for this land and the people you designed to inherit it. You have kept Your promise to bring Israel back to the land, their eternal inheritance, according to your covenant.

Father, based on your word we pray peace for Jerusalem, consolation for Israel, and this through the revelation of the King. We pray Paul’s wonderful, mysterious word, “So all Israel will be saved.”  “Our hearts desire and prayer for them is their salvation.” Dear Father, what better time is than now for this people to see Jesus, in the midst of the rockets’ red glare?

We declare, Israel has only a partial hardening. Partial in duration and partial in intensity. We declare an end to the hardness. Softening hearts now! We pray the revelation of Yeshua Hamashiach, and the Spirit of supplication that they may see the one they have pierced, mourn for him as an only child, and then turn to Him in resurrection reality!

In the present conflict have mercy even if it involves chastening. We pray you would only chasten, and not condemn, just as we pray you would only chasten America and not condemn. We ask Father, how far are You willing to let the grace from the blood of Your Son extend? Make Jerusalem the immovable stone so it’s enemies only injure themselves trying to move it.

Let Your kindness be felt by a nation who has ignored you. Wisdom, courage and power to the defense forces! Secure the boarders! Safety more secure than concrete bunkers. Yeshua, the Strong Tower and Refuge. The fear of the Lord on Israel, and her enemies. And we earnestly pray the release of captive hostages! May this end with a nation in gratitude as they see Your hand achieve these things!

Father you are our great God. Great in judgment, great in mercy, with a glorious Kingdom plan. May your kindness lead the nation of Israel to eye-opening repentance. And let many in the nations who wish to destroy her come to know the King of the Jews as their own sovereign!

Your word tells us, you work all things together for good for those who love you and are called according to your purpose. Grant the fulfillment of Zechariah’s prophecy that the Jewish people of this land might come to love you. And cause even this war to work together for their good. Remember you have called this people for a special purpose. This is The Day for the fulfillment of all things.

Let a rumble rise from the soil of this land calling out, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Amen!

Please continue to pray for Israel. As you share in her tribulations you will share in her blessings.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:
    “May those who love you be secure.
May there be peace within your walls
    and security within your citadels.”
For the sake of my family and friends,
    I will say, “Peace be within you.”
For the sake of the house of the Lord our God,
    I will seek your prosperity.  Ps 122:6-9

Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises


Apologies for mistaken blog AND Pray for Israel!

Hello Friends!

I apologize that our entire mailing list received a private blog labeled, “Protected: Revelation Connections Home and About Materials!” Please delete this.

This was private material for a select few regarding a big project we are working on. In the near future we hope to publish this project to everyone but the baby is not ready to be birthed. I checked four times to insure only the selected recipients receive the notice and password. But Mailchimp sent out the notice to everyone.

On a very different note, please pray for Israel! Hamas is causing great mischief and Israel has declared a state of war! It is an unprecedented situation with volatile implications for the whole world, meaning all of us no matter where we live.

Israel Declares State of War After Hamas Launches Unprecedented Surprise Attack

A man runs on a road as fire burns after rockets were launched from the Gaza Strip, in Ashkelon, Israel, on Oct. 7, 2023. (Amir Cohen/Reuters)




I know a man who has seen the Lord Jesus in a vision. He described his physical appearance as common, ordinary, with nothing particularly attractive to him. But the grace of God was all over Him in such a way that this man could not help but think he was the most beautiful person he could ever imagine to meet!

Isaiah and the writer of Psalm 45 describe the same person, our Lord Jesus Christ, but their depictions are utter contrast! Study closely.


He had no dignity or beauty 

to make us take notice of him.    

There was nothing attractive about him,        

nothing that would draw us to him. (Is 53:2) 


You have been beautified above the sons of men

Grace has been poured into Your lips 

Therefore God has blessed   

You for all time. (Ps 45:2 LSV)

Isaiah sees our Lord as common, without beauty, majesty, or dignity. In fact, Isaiah goes on to describe a wretched, abused, torn-up and mangled man. He becomes an appalling figure to be seen in revulsion. Isaiah paints Jesus as our suffering lamb, so abused it is hard to recognize him as a man.

The Psalmist sees our Lord as excelling the beauty of every other human being. He radiates glorious majesty. Gracious words pour from His anointed lips. He is described as riding majestically and victoriously for truth, humility and justice. He is totally blessed with power and dignity, and enthralling to behold!

Many of us wish we could be transported back and see the face of our Lord walking beside the lake, blessing the children, healing the lepers, and walking on water. We’d like to see his expression as he rebuked the religious leaders, as he knelt in prayer and as he fed the multitudes.

Many artists have imagined His face to portray it. Some people report having seen Jesus in a dream or vision. Perhaps you have. Just as we wear many facial expressions, we can be confident that our wonderful Lord does the same.

I am not confident that our Lord Jesus is so physically attractive that fashion magazines would wish to showcase him, but I am confident he is the fairest of all men!

Notice the beauty differences among woman. We’ve seen women who have the external features of beauty but for some reason do not communicate beauty. Other women, although not outwardly striking, come across magnetically attractive. It seems most of the appearance of beauty comes across in the confidence and poise of the woman.

Jesus utter confidence in his Father’s love, in his identity as Son, and certainty in life purpose carried charismatic attraction. Some seek to beautify through ornamentation. Jesus’ was ornamented, beautified by holy grace! One of the meanings and consequences of grace is beauty.

Remember how Paul called for women to be spiritually beautiful?

“I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.” ( 1 Tim :9-10)

The woman in Proverbs 31 is “clothed with strength and dignity.” Virtue is a beautiful thing which adorns both godly women and men!

Peter told women, “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to make themselves beautiful. (1 Peter 3:2-5)

There is no doubt that devoted women and men of God are more attractive than those who have not known the beauty of holiness. God beauty when sensed can be overwhelmingly rapturous! But it is not a beauty which can be painted on, or clipped on. It is a beauty to soak in and then radiate outward.

Isaiah saw Jesus not just as uncomely, but repugnant, as he took on the vulgarity of our sin. But the rewards of his labor left Him saturated, infused inwardly in the gracious beauty of the Lord.


Four times, and more, in Scripture the Bible talks about the beauty, or splendor, of holiness.

Jehoshaphat, “appointed singers unto the LORD, that should praise the beauty of holiness.” (2 Ch 20:21)

O worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness: fear before him, all the earth. (Ps 96:9)

Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name: bring an offering, and come before him: worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness. (1 Ch 16:29)

Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness. (Ps 29:2)

“Other” is a very good word for holy. Holiness is an “other-worldly” substance, and in it we find “other-worldly” beauty. You can’t paint on that beauty, but you can breath it in and dwell in it. You can soak it in and be clothed in it.

Ninety-four times in the NIV Bible the Spirit is referred to as the “Holy” Spirit. The word holy implies separate, other and distinct. God is not animal, mineral or vegetable. His is different. When we pray that our Father’s name be regarded as holy we are asking that the astonishing, uniquely grand things about Him would stand out! This is the work of the Holy Spirit!

To be holy for us means to move from commonness to an exceptional place of separated distinctiveness. The Holy Spirit resting on common people makes them distinctively uncommon.

But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit.  (Jude 20)

Jesus our triumphant Hero, is ascended and ruling in heaven beside His Father, and our Father. He is phosphorescent in lightening-flashing colors of beauty. To be transported to heaven is to catch an eyeful of Jesus awash in the beautiful splendor of holiness!

Isaiah not only has a view of the uncomely, deformed Christ; He sees the glorified, beautified King, and declares an ecstasy; “Your eyes will see the King in His beauty and behold a land that stretches afar.”  Is 33:17

May we all be transformed as we behold, even today, our gracious, glorified, holy King!

One thing I ask from the Lord,
    this only do I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
    all the days of my life,
to gaze on the beauty of the Lord
    and to seek him in his temple.  Ps 27:4

Building of the Temple by Gustave Doré

Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises




In June of 1999 I was working moving houses. It was big, challenging and dangerous. You didn’t want to end up like the wicked witch of the East. We put steel beams under houses and pumped them up with jacks. We cross braced them as they rose with stacks of timber, put wheels under them and pulled them down the road.

We were pulling a big three bedroom, two story house down the streets of Yakima, Washington. I would drive behind the house in a truck and occasionally get out to steer the back wheels on the house to navigate corners. Sometimes I would be on the roof lifting power lines. As I drove behind with my windows down I would watch people on the sidewalks and listen to their comments.

“It’s so big!”

“That’s a real mobile home!”

“Look the curtains are blowing.”

“Who would think you’d see a house coming down the street?”

“The Pizza is supposed to come to the house not the other way around.”

People would get on their phones and call their friends down the road, “Mable, you need to come out and see this. There is a house coming down the road!” Old and young would come out, gawk and add their commentaries.

As I was driving behind this parade, observing the people and overhearing their exchanges I was blindsided by an experience I could not have predicted; I suddenly found tears streaming down my face. I’m certain I was the only one weeping during this expedition. I asked myself, “What is this?” then realized I was watching a parable.

My spirit was hearing the Spirit of God saying that a day is coming, and is now upon us, when the world will come out to watch and marvel because the static, predictable Church is up and moving big and bold!

When a house sits ridged on its foundation  it is camouflaged in immobility.  People drive by obliviously. But when the house moves down the road they take notice! Let’s remember that Jesus is the Church’s foundation, and that Jesus is always on the move! Let’s move with Him that the world may notice!

Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprise






From earliest childhood we learned about death through the fly on the window sill, the bird on the driveway and the dead kitty on the road. As we grew we learned of the mortality of those around us, and of our own end.

Death never seems right. It is always monstrously tragic. It is the grand-daddy of all fears. We instinctively long that life and health continue both for our loved ones and ourselves. Solomon spoke of our common desire for life and health to continue in Ecclesiastes.  “He has set eternity in their hearts.” Our deep longing is for nothing short of endless, happy, healthy life.

Job voiced our deep, primordial question; “If a man dies will he live again?”

Our Lord Jesus Christ gives the comforting, even beyond-imagination answer! His answer wipes away every tear shed beside a death bed. His answer calms the heaving sobs at the gravesite. His answer turns our sackcloth to joy and our mourning to dancing!

Our dearest heavenly Friend has got the answer. And it is solid, trustworthy and unshakable! He is the Universal Solvent for our universal wants.

Listen to what our Savior says to Martha in John 11:25-26. “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

What did Jesus mean when He said, “I am the resurrection and the life?”

The Bible teaching of the Resurrection of the dead has largely been forgotten and replaced by the teaching that when a person dies their spirit goes to live forever in heavenly bliss with God.

Although there is a kernel of wonderful truth in it, you would be hard-pressed to find many Scripture passages which tell us, when we die we will go to heaven and live forever with Jesus.

What does the Bible actually, consistently teach and promise believers about eternal life? It is the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead! It runs parallel to our 2000-year-old prayer, “May your kingdom come on earth as in heaven.”

When Jesus says, “I am the resurrection and the life” he is saying He is one who will raise the dead from their graves. He has been given authority to raise the dead and will do that when he returns for us!

“For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.”  (See John 6:40, 44, 54)

“Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out – those who have done good will rise to live, and those who have done evil will rise to be condemned” (John 5:28-29). 

Jesus is in charge of the resurrection of all the dead. He is the One who will pull it off!

Let’s look at the hope of the resurrection which the Jewish people held to before Jesus even walked among them. The Old Testament is loaded with references to the staggeringly, glorious resurrection of all the dead – those in graveyards, those lost at sea, those secretly murdered, those who have returned to wind-blown dust.

Job is the first book in the Bible to share the hope in the resurrection. Job asks a question which is beyond curiosity. It is a question with an ache; “If a man dies will he live again?” (Job 14:14).   When we meet death through accident, disease, violence or old age what becomes of us? Is dust the end of our story? 

Materialists believe all that’s left is fertilizer.

Some imagine disembodied spirits haunting the earth.

Others believe our comic energy is absorbed into a greater whole.

Some believe we are recycled into other forms.

But the Bible teaches there is a day of resurrection for every man, woman and child, a great day, when our dust is reconstituted and we all stand before the great thrown of God for His evaluation.

“If a man dies will he live again?”  Philosophers and religionists fumble for the answer. Jesus Christ’s authoritative reply:   “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die” (John 11:25-26).

Now let’s enlarge the passage where Job askes our universal question –

“If only you would hide me in the grave and conceal me till your anger has passed! If only you would set me a time and then remember me! If a man dies, will he live again?

“All the days of my hard service I will wait for my renewal to come. You will call and I will answer you; you will long for the creature your hands have made. Surely then you will count my steps but not keep track of my sin. My offenses will be sealed up in a bag; you will cover over my sin.”(Job 14:13-17).

I believe Job is the most challenging book in the Bible. No wonder we avoid it. Job finds himself utterly devastated with the loss of his children, his wealth, his health and his supposed friends. God’s wrath seems to be upon him. The only thing he can lose now is his life, and it looks like it’s coming quickly.

At this point Job would welcome death for he is overwhelmed with what seems to be the anger of God. “If only you would hide me in the grave and conceal me till your anger has passed!”

He may think, “When I’m dead, perhaps God’s anger will cool down. He might then remember me, and miss me, and call me forth from the grave.” He makes it a prayer, “If only you would set me a time and then remember me!”

He asks the question, “If a man dies, will he live again?” Then out of his heart comes an answer.

“All the days of my hard service I will wait for my renewal to come. You will call and I will answer you; you will long for the creature your hands have made. Surely then you will count my steps but not keep track of my sin. My offenses will be sealed up in a bag; you will cover over my sin.”

Job is looking, hoping, that God’s anger would pass, that God would remember him in his hiding place in the grave, that God would actually long for his creature, Job, and bring about a supernatural renewal! He is counting on God’s compassion to take away his sin and bring a day of renewal.

Now this is not the last of Job’s hope for the resurrection. When we come to Chapter 19

We can’t miss Job’s prophetic weight as he speaks of his Redeemer.

“I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth;

And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God;

I myself will see him with my own eyes – I, and not another.

How my heart yearns within me!”    (Job  19:25-27)

Job has a hope in a living Redeemer! “I know that my Redeemer lives,”

This mysterious Redeemer will at The End stand upon the earth. Who is this mysterious Redeemer who will stand upon the earth at the end? He is called, “The Resurrection and the Life!”

Job anticipates that Redeemer arriving after his death. He sees that his skin and body tissues will turn to powder. But here is his resurrection hope.

“And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God;

I myself will see him with my own eyes – I, and not another.”

Job says that his very eyes, resurrected eyes, will see this standing Redeemer!

He will not have a proxy see this standing Redeemer. He will see the Redeemer who has remembered him in the grave. He will come forth and see Him with his own living eyes!

Then comes this longing cry from Job’s inmost being; “How my heart yearns within me!” 

What a bottomless pining, aching yearning! Job believes that God ultimately loves him, that the Creator will long once again for His creature, as that creature lays in the grave, that there will come a renewal and a face to face with his great and wonderful Redeemer. This is longing inexpressible!

Job died 2000 years before his Redeemer stood on the earth the first time, and to this point 4000 years before the Redeemer would come again to stand upon the earth, and raise the dead. Job died with a heart-aching longing. “How my heart years within me!” To know the Redeemer is to yearn for Him, for He comes to bring something so much better!

So, Job asks our nagging question about mortality, but he also shares a vision of a caring, compassionate Redeemer who raises the dead! The deepest of all twin desires is satisfied – God’s longing for his creature hidden in the grave, and the creature’s longing for their Redeemer – met in resurrection!

David says in Psalm 16:9-10 “Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay.”

Secure body! Not abandoned to the grave! God’s plans for David are eternal pleasures!

David continues, “You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”

Now this passage is referred to as a prophecy of Christ’s resurrection, but it also speaks of the general resurrection.

Let’s look at other expressions of resurrection hope in the Old Testament.

Isaiah 25:6-8 speaks of grand Kingdom banquet. So huge it is a spread for all mankind! 

“On this mountain the LORD Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples, a banquet of aged wine – the best of meats and the finest of wines.”

Those enjoying this colossal feast are those who presently lay in the grave.

“On this mountain he will destroy the shroud that enfolds all peoples, the sheet that covers all nations; he will swallow up death forever.”

The shroud and sheet to be destroyed is death. Death receives a mortal blow! He will swallow up death forever! What a feast we will have at the resurrection table!

Consider Isaiah 26:19. “But your dead will live; their bodies will rise. You who dwell in the dust, wake up and shout for joy. Your dew is like the dew of the morning; the earth will give birth to her dead.”

I was walking through a cemetery quoting this verse and clearly felt an evil spirit say to me, “Stop saying that!” Death and the grave are intimidated with what is about to come!

Jesus said there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed. Isaiah 26 goes on to say that the earth will reveal her bloodshed, and no longer cover her slain. Every grave, every secret murder of individuals or groups will be manifest. Can you imagine a dead woman rising and pointing, “This is the man who killed me?”

Daniel’s testimony of the resurrection is very pointed with no ambivalence.

Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt”(Daniel 12:2). 

How many will rise? Multitudes!

Where do they come from? The dust of the earth!

Where do they go? To everlasting life, or everlasting contempt!

Daniel is assured of his own path, and death, and eventual resurrection!

“As for you, go your way till the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance” (Daniel 12:13). 

What a wonderful promise for Daniel! And for us!

Hosea let’s us know that death does not get the last word!

“I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death

Where, O death, are your plagues? Where, O grave, is your destruction?” (Hos 13:14). 

The grave is powerful but our Redeemer is more powerful. He ransoms us from the power of the grave! There is outright mocking of death. Death, where is your stuff? What happened to you plagues and destruction? You have become impotent and lost your grip because of our mighty, compassionate Savior!

The religious Jews of Jesus day believed in the resurrection of the dead. Yes, there were a few holdouts. The Sadducees did not believe (Acts 23:8). But look how the people of Jesus’ day were putting their hope in the God who raises the dead.

When Martha’s brother Lazarus was dead Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.” 

She responded with a faith in the general resurrection to come. Martha answered, “I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day” (John 11:23-4).

Jesus affirmed the teaching about the great general resurrection of the dead on several occasions.

The Queen of the South will rise at the judgment with the men of this generation and condemn them; for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon’s wisdom, and now one greater than Solomon is here. 

The men of Nineveh will stand up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and now one greater than Jonah is here” (Luke 11:31-32).

In Jesus exchange with Martha He goes on to declare, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.” Then Jesus asks Martha, “Do you believe this?”  

It’s a great question for us to answer.

Do you believe Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life?

Do you believe He will, and He does, raise the dead?

Martha replied, “Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who is to come into the world” (John 11:26).

Do you believe it when Jesus says,

“Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out – those who have done good will rise to live, and those who have done evil will rise to be condemned” (John 5:28-29). 

Do you believe Jesus when He says,

“For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day”  (See John 6:40).

Yes, we can trust Him when He says,

“No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day” (John 6:44).

We can confidently rely on Jesus Christ to keep His promise!

“Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day” (John 6:54).

Paul said, “Why should any of you consider it incredible that God raises the dead?” (Acts 26:8). After all, If God created us from the dust He can bring us back from the dust and give us glorified bodies!

The early message of the Church was that Jesus is alive, He is the first fruits of all the rest of us who will rise from the dead, and our promise of resurrection life is found in Jesus! What an amazing, yet certain, hope we have in our standing Redeemer! We stand heads up in anticipation and confess with Job, “I know that my Redeemer lives and will stand on the earth in the latter days!”

Take heart my friend! Your yearning for Him, and His for you, is about to be met in explosive re-creation!

I end with a powerful quote from Joseph Addison (May 1 1672June 17 1719), an English politician and writer.

“When I look upon the tombs of the great, every emotion of envy dies in me;

when I read the epitaphs of the beautiful, every inordinate desire goes out;

when I meet with the grief of parents upon a tombstone, my heart melts with compassion;

when I see the tombs of the parents themselves, I consider the vanity of grieving for those whom we must quickly follow;

when I see kings lying by those who deposed them,

when I consider rival wits placed side by side,

or the men that divided the world with their contests and disputes,

I reflect with sorrow and astonishment on the little competitions, factions, and debates of mankind.

When I read the several dates of the tombs, of some that died yesterday, and some six hundred years ago,

I consider that great Day when we shall all of us be contemporaries, and make our appearance together.”

Steven C Johnson



The James Webb Telescope 



Sometimes we can rattle off a Scripture verse yet be unaware of its context. This morning in Men’s group this phenomena manifest. We were looking at the wonderful verse, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”  2 Cor 5:17

The lesser known, preceding verse,  says, “So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer” (2 Cor 5:16). The truth of our new creation is worthy of hours of reflection. But this verse is loaded with practicality and possibilities.

I am intrigued with the reality that we may look beyond the envelope and find the letter within. If you are at all like me you greet someone and think to yourself, “She has a funny accent.” “He’s tall.” “She slouches when she sits.” “He keeps repeating that word.”

I work intentionally to look deeper than the face and external features, asking the Holy Spirit for in-sight to discover the gold within. God has given us the spiritual ability to look deep. It is an ability that all of us can exercise and perfect, but it takes intentionality.

Our Lord Jesus knew what was in a person. He was able to look deep. He saw Peter perfected before he ever got close. He saw the treasure in the heart of the woman at the well. He sees the gold in his people even when it is hidden in failed flesh. Like our Lord Jesus we should look for the new creation in others. When we look deep we find treasures, even if they are surrounded by scrambled thinking, vulgar words and a stinky attitude.

I love to picture Jesus walking on water, embracing the little children and touching the leper, yet there is so much more of my Lord Jesus I would like to see! Three disciples realized Jesus’ fluorescent glory on a mountain top.

John in revelation saw Jesus in another light, or Jesus in His true shining!

His eyes were like blazing fire. 

His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, 

and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters.  

In his right hand he held seven stars, 

and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword. 

His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.

When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead.   Rev 1:14-16

We no long recognize Jesus according to the flesh. We also should no long recognize our fellow saints according to the flesh. We know there is a great glory, sometimes hidden, in the lives of our fellow brothers and sisters. Wouldn’t you like to see more!

Our Father has given us the equipment to see by his Spirit deeper into the lives of others, to perceive the treasures within. I encourage you to extend the focus of your eyes beyond the surface and discover the wonders of the new creation in your fellow Saints!


Would you like to give a review of Steve’s new book, Compounds of Encouragement? If so, send us a note and you will receive a free PDF or audio copy of the book. Specify which you prefer. Some comments may be included in the book. Thanks!


Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises


Christmas Incarnation Overcomes Grinch Antichrist









God compressed himself into a space on the mercy seat above the ark of the Covenant. In the greatest “communication” God compressed Himself, voiced himself, into human flesh, showing up as man. What powerful mystery! Even the Apostle Paul declared the Flesh-God, a profound mystery.

Beyond all question, the mystery of godliness is great:

He appeared in a body,

was vindicated by the Spirit,

was seen by angels,

was preached among the nations,

was believed on in the world,

was taken up in glory.   1 Tim 3:16

Our Mystery is substantial, not ethereal! Our auditory, visual, and tactile senses discern the Word becoming flesh and dwelling among us. The shepherds and later the wisemen witness The Mystery. Later still the followers of The Word testified to it.

That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched – this we proclaim concerning the Word of life.  The life appeared; we have seen it and testify to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and has appeared to us.  1 John 1:1-2 

I prefer calling Christmas “Incarnation Day.” God became incarnate among us wearing human flesh to save creatures made of flesh. “Incarn,” means “in flesh.” All of us are born with flesh, but how exceptionally unusual for God to show up wearing it!

Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death–that is, the devil.  Heb 2:14 

The story of Christmas is a rescue mission, but the hero is not a local. He is from out-of-town. Jesus comes down from highest heaven to redeem us! Heaven’s purposeful war strategy utilized a virgin, a baby, a cross and tomb, and a few other items like hosts of angels. These weapons decimate the judgments of death and hell and all their powers! 

One of the greatest powers Jesus conquers is the spirit of the antichrist! The antichrist is “anti-flesh.” Note how the Apostle John warns us;

Many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist.  2 John 7 


    Who is the antichrist?

Most people think of the antichrist as a man who is a really bad dude. “We’ll have to watch out for him when he shows up.” The far greater danger is “the spirit of antichrist,” which is already in the world. If we cannot discern and overcome that spirit we will be cannon fodder for individuals who operate as antichrists. Many Christians have been decimated by the subtleties of the spirit of antichrist. The Apostle John warned us:

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming, and now it is already in the world. 1 John 4: 1-3

Have you noticed how stealthily, how subtly, this satanic spirit has operated? Each Christmas the radio plays more “Santa and sleigh-bells” and less “Christ-has-appeared-among-us.” I noticed in a large box store that out of hundreds of “Christmas” cards only two had a Christ-message. The message of incarnation, God taking on flesh, has been watered down to dissolve its potency. Nativity has been replaced by naivety.

The anti-Christ is the diabolical Grinch who steals, “Today in Bethlehem is born for you a Savior.” 

       What is antichrist’s malicious, seductive, intent?

Satan doesn’t want earthlings to know Jesus walked among them in flesh.

Antichrist reduces Jesus to a vague, warm, but powerless, spiritual feeling.

He clouds the realization that Jesus is physical, concrete and touchable.  

He obscures Jesus physical incarnation and His ultimate tangible, sizzling, dazzling return.

He muddles the reality that Jesus raises us physically at the resurrection.


      Antichrist slanders Jesus, saying:

“Jesus only appeared to have flesh.”

“Jesus can’t relate to you because he doesn’t understand your fleshly struggles.”

“Jesus is powerless to help you in your day-to-day fleshly world.”

“Don’t expect Jesus to do anything world-changing. He will only grant you an indistinct ‘spiritual’ comfort.”

“Don’t expect to live a life of overcoming sin because nobody who has flesh can overcome.”   

“Don’t expect much from Jesus because there is not much to Him. He’s vague and insubstantial.”

The spirit of the anti-Christ is fine with us “spiritualizing” everything. This deceiving spirit is fine with otherworldly ideas of our Jesus, but not striking, bold moments of awareness of His tangible presence.



You divide the world into “spiritual” and “material.”  

You have an abstract, theoretical, or hyper-spiritual image of Christ.

You are more interested in going to heaven than seeing heaven physically transform earth.

Your hope is in dying and going to heaven rather than the resurrection of the dead.

You settle for Jesus healing the “spiritually” blind and deaf, but don’t expect Jesus to heal the blind and deaf physically.

You don’t expect to see tangible answers to your prayers.



Sometimes we must shake ourselves and speak out loud the reality of our substantial Savior. We can take the truths of Incarnation Day and crush the nay-saying antichrist! Speak out truths like these:

I am a Christian materialist!

There is no division between spiritual and physical.

Jesus pre-existed eternally and “incarnated” as a baby for me.

Jesus solidly, physically lives for me.

My High Priest sympathizes with me because He became like me.

He knows the pain of my stubbed toe, and personal rejection.

He knows what it is to be exhausted and feel hunger.

He knows the pleasures of family and friends.

Jesus touches me in tangible ways, not just vague mystical ways.

When I pray I expect my Lord to respond with tangible answers.

He delivers and heals my flesh.

My Lord Jesus Christ is solid!


Jesus was born in the flesh

Lived among us in the flesh

Ministered to mortals wearing flesh

Died in flesh

Rose in flesh

Ascended in flesh

He reigns in Heaven in flesh. [What does that tell us about heaven?]

He is returning in flesh, to our material world.

The antichrist was overcome at the cross. I will no-longer allow the antichrist to slink around. I uncover and expose Him! I certify the physical victory!

My Lord Jesus has crushed the world of denial of the antichrist by coming in the flesh to save all flesh!

Steven C Johnson 



To further fortify yourself in God’s wonderful plan to dwell in flesh and bless His creatures made in flesh look to the Scriptures below. They will be bullets for your gun that you may decimate the spirit of the antichrist.




Scriptures are bullets for our spiritual guns. Take the following incarnation passages to pow, bang and rat-a-tat-tat against the power of the antichrist. Abide in our dearest Lord Jesus and let His word abide in you. It is open season on Giants. Happy hunting!

Isa 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. 

Mic 5:2 But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,

though you are small among the clans of Judah,

out of you will come for me

one who will be ruler over Israel,

whose origins are from of old,

from ancient times.

John 1:14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

Rom 8:3 For what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering. 

Gal 4:4 But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law

Phil 2:5-8 Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:

Who, being in very nature God,

did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,

but made himself nothing,

taking the very nature of a servant,

being made in human likeness.

And being found in appearance as a man,

he humbled himself

and became obedient to death-

even death on a cross!

Col 1:15-20 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.  He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginningand the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.

2 Cor 5:19 God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.

Heb 1:3 The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.

Heb 1:6 And again,when God brings his firstborn into the world, he says,

“Let all God’s angels worship him.”  

Heb 2:9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.

Heb 2:14 Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil—

Isa 9:6-7 For to us a child is born,

to us a son is given,

and the government will be on his shoulders.

And he will be called

Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,

Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.





Many know that God is offendable. But is God pleasable? The answer is yes!


A parent who loves their baby can be pleased when it simply coos and squeaks, when it grabs a toy, rolls over, sits up, or takes a first step. Many parents are easy to please. It is a slander to think that God is hard to please.


Before our son was born I had a troubling question; “Will I love him?” I had never met him. Would I find him lovable, have the capacity to love or come up short? At his appearing the doubts vaporized. I loved Brian immediately – before he hit a home run, did well in school, took out the garbage or milked the goats. He was mine. He was a wonder. And he was easy to love. My pleasure with him only increases as I behold his tiny and great accomplishments.

Every sincere Saint hopes to hear, “Well done good and faithful servant.” The conscientious Christian, focused on their failings and flaws, may forget that Father God is pleasable. They wonder if their flaws will disqualify them from hearing the “Well done.”

The sober truth of Scripture is that God is a righteous judge. Each of us will stand to give account of our lives for our thoughts and actions. Our Lord even weighs our motives. Each of us should tremble over the holiness and justice of God. That weighty truth has a counter balance. It is the mercy of Christ at the atonement seat, and the pleasability of God. God’s grace in Jesus our Savior covers the sins of the humble believer, giving the Father the ability to look for the smallest excuse to be pleased and proud.

We have a schnauzer named Smitty. I’m teaching him to sit, stay, lay down, get up, get down, fetch and give, jump and roll over. When he tries to respond to my commands I affirm him. I do it often.  He’s a smart dog and catches on. Perhaps he could use a better master. My point is that I choose to be pleased with the smallest effort, and I affirm with pats, vocalizations and treats. I pray I may be as eager to please God as Smitty is to please me.

What I know is that God is better at affirming me than I am with my dog. Could He be affirming us more than we know? We know there is an ultimate blessing of “Well done.” But don’t you think there is a moment by moment “Well done” going on in the Spirit when we are making the smallest obediences and eagerly seeking to please Him? Perhaps if we were more sensitive we would hear our Lord’s affirmations and at-a-boy or girls frequently. Perhaps our worries, “Am I doing this right? Am I a flunky?” prevent us from hearing His loving approval.

When one of our tiny children learned to tumble, twirl in dance, bake their first muffin, or squeak well in the band, approximating the right note, we are pleased and say, “Well done!” Our Lord Jesus said, “If you being evil know how to give good gifts to your children [in this case a praise or affirmation] how much more will your Father…”

Do you know you can find dozens of verses about the pleasability of our loving Father? Reflect on these:


Ps 19:14  May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart

be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Ps 104:34  May my meditation be pleasing to him, as I rejoice in the LORD.  PRAISE CAN PLEASE HIM

Ps 69:30-31 I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving.  This will please the LORD more than an ox, more than a bull with its horns and hoofs.


Prov 22:17-18  Pay attention and listen to the sayings of the wise; apply your heart to what I teach,for it is pleasing when you keep them in your heart and have all of them ready on your lips.


Mic 6:8 He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.


Rom 12:1  Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship.


Rom 14:16-18  Do not allow what you consider good to be spoken of as evil.  For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit,  because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and approved by men.


Phil 4:18 I have received full payment and even more; I am amply supplied, now that I have received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent. They are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God.


1 Tim 5:4 But if a widow has children or grandchildren, these should learn first of all to put their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God.


Heb 11:5-6 By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death; he could not be found, because God had taken him away. For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God.  And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.


Heb 13:16  And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.


Paul said in Ephesians 5:10 “… find out what pleases the Lord.” Once we discover this we can get active and do our best to create pleasure in the heart of our Heavenly Papa. What if we discover pleasing God is easier than we thought?


1 Thess 4:1  Finally, brothers, we instructed you how to live in order to please God, as in fact you are living. Now we ask you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this more and more.

John 5:30 for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me.

1 Thess 2:4 We are not trying to please men but God, who tests our hearts.


Heb 13:20-21 May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Col 1:10 And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God

In the wonderful and terrible days in which we live, learn what pleases the Lord, and resolve to create pleasure in your Father’s heart!

Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises


So sad and happy to announce Mom’s promotion. Leona Jane Peck Johnson was promoted 11/9/22 much to the delight of heaven, a waiting Savior, friends and family!

Words will never do. First rate human being, wife, mom to three, grand to four, and great-grand to seven – with one on the way.

Generous, loving, affirming, good humored, confident, humble, thoughtful – and a few dozen other frail words describe a woman of stellar quality. Dad and Mom produced one of the worlds all-time best love stories, plus kids, grands and greats who had no doubt they were loved. Her smile, congeniality and faith in the goodness of God will be welcomed by heaven’s residents.

Her many memories and stories will be missed. We look forward to The Day of Reunion in Christ!


Engagement announcement



Mom with Steve, Sue and Scott


Leona and Lloyd, one of the world’s great love stories


Lee with Nathan, one of the seven great grand kids

Last shot of Mom.  Miss you!  See your soon!

Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises




This movie will mess with you digestion but it is important to see. Our Lord Jesus said, “There is nothing hidden which will not be made know. There is nothing secret which will not be revealed.” 

Sometimes it is mandatory to see things which cause revulsion. If you are not watching for lions you can never go on a lion hunt. “Watch and pray.”

Watch this as a believing Christian who is in the war to win! Declare over evil, “No! That’s not the Kingdom of God!” Then pray, “Thy glorious Kingdom come on our planet as it prevails in the highest heaven!” 

I urge you to pass this on! Tomorrow may not offer another opportunity.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This movie is for free until Oct 31st.  

Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises

Fighter jet in action



They have also healed the hurt of My people slightly,

Saying, ‘Peace, peace!’ When there is no peace.  Jer 6:14


If your doctor found you had a serious, threatening health condition would you want him to tell you? It takes courage to face square on challenging news. Many would rather not know, even refuse to know. God wants you to face issues – and overcome.

Today we are ripping off a band-aid of denial which is covering deeper, infected wounds. We are taking off the blindfold which makes us comfortable by preventing us from seeing the signs of the times. I am re-presenting grave concerns regarding famine coming to the world and to our neighborhoods.

I am asking you to endure the ripping pain, and be bold and courageous, and watch this link which shares alarming information regarding our food infrastructure, primarily from farmers’ perspectives.

It will take courage to watch it. It will take resolve to follow the counsel to prepare seeds and gardens this winter for the coming growing season. In a temporal way this is life and death stuff.

After you watch it I want to remind you that God has called you not to be a coward or survivor but to be a triumphant deliverer for your family and neighbors. This is your Esther moment. This is the reason you were born – not to live a comfortable life, but to minister supernatural, regenerative life to others.

We are preparing for something far more monumental than, famine or war, or pestilance. We are preparing for something Colossally, Infinitely Grand!. The birth pains are bringing forth the grandest baby imaginable –  the Kingdom of God revealed in our Coming Champion and Bridegroom, Jesus Christ!




Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises


Read here my short “fiction” story,






Short-term power outages can be inconvenient, Long term outages deadly!


Our Mossyrock, WA Signal Group is sharing how we can be prepared for outages. Most of us can handle power outages for a few hours but how do we prepare for shut-downs for days, and Lord forbid, for weeks or longer? Our electrical grid is more fragile and vulnerable to failures than most realize. Outages can be caused by:

By weather – wind, snow, ice, and wildfires

By earthquakes

Solar flares

Brownouts where the system is overtaxed

By aged systems failing

By physical sabotage, terrorism, or war – including cyber-attacks and EMP’s (Electro-magnetic pulses)



The Black Sky Event documentary

Grid Down Power Up documentary

Items You Need Now Before it’s Too Late: How to Prepare for the Grip Collapse

Ways to Prepare for a Winter Power Outages




         What to do when the illumination go out?

This is usually the first thing we notice.

Flashlights (regular battery and rechargeable), lanterns, candles, solar yard lights


         How to cook and stay warm?

Warm clothing

Fire wood, gas fire places, propane, white gas or oil.

Heat a limited area and make sure of proper ventilation

A tent indoors many help you stay a little warmer without heat

Share your heated spaces with neighbors or ask neighbor if you can stay with them

Have fire-starters like lighters, matches, striking rods, and flints

Don’t let your pipes freeze

Have back-up stored water, and the ability to gather and purify


         If the toilet stops

If city water sewer systems are closed down use chamber pots and outhouses.  

Septic-based toilets can be flushed with buckets. Fill toilet tanks.


         When the refrigerator and freezer dosen’t work

Refrigerators keep food cold for about four hours. A full freezer  for about 48.

Avoid opening the doors. Eat the most perishable first.

Move away from needing refrigeration. Find other preservation methods

Generator backup a couple hours at a time with freezer compartment on coldest.

If you have a generator practice running it safely and have fuel to run it.


         When your phone and internet stop

Old style land line phone if phone lines are active

Satellite phone

Walkie talkies


Ham radio

Battery radio You may use a car radio.


         When the banks are closed and cash machines don’t work

Keep cash at home and items for barter


         When the grocery is closed

Fall back to your food stores


         When the gas stations can’t pump

Have stored gas

Car pool with neighbors

Have good shoes and boots and be use to walking

A good bike

A wagon to move things


          Other dominos may fall bringing cascading challenges!

Your place of employment


Police and fire services

Hospitals and pharmacies

Transportation systems

Delivery trucks and US mail

Oil refineries

Farmers’ irrigation water



A long-term grid-down situation could cause catastrophic social consequences. In a long-term situation refugees will be looking for water, food and heat. This is a good reason for being a praying Christian, to be prepared, and ready to help others. Remember God loves to display His miraculous, saving grace and will to use you as His grace instrument!


Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises


PS If you haven’t yet seen “The Famine of 2022 – 2023” go Here!






This morning  I heard the geese. There has been a regular flock flying over our area, low and slow! I think they land in the marsh nearby. 

When we first moved to our property on the river, we came on weekends to rest and pray.  It was so peaceful and we needed it. There began to be 2 geese who landed on our beach, facing the land they would honk and honk. This happened several times when we were present. As an intercessor and prophetic believer, I recognized the call to pray.  It was an all hands-on deck kind of call!

Geese fly in groups and take turns as the point goose to allow the last leader to rest by moving back in the ‘V’. Prophets say they symbolize the intercessors. I agree.

I began asking about prayer in the gatherings I was in. One rather large church had none. Literally none. They made their excuses about busy schedules and folks just didn’t seem interested.

My response, “We have to try!”  And so began a Friday afternoon prayer group. We started on ZOOM. Two years later it’s still going, both in person and on Zoom. Its become a powerful political action prayer for Washington and beyond.

The other group I am involved with is still putsing along. It doesn’t have a focus and often its more about fellowship than actually putting prayer to our words. The positive thing is learning to pray and become more comfortable with the, “humble prayer of a righteous man”. Others have come and started to pray aloud, so valuable. Many burdened hearts have come clean and been encouraged.

One night we were returning from a trip late. It is very dark here in the mountains at night, but there was no mistaking the coyote calls. Loud and near, so near I wondered if they were in our front yard. I knew they were trying to get to the nesting geese. “Alarm, alarm, protect the young, fly and fight!”  I heard myself praying.

Prayer groups were struggling. They just needed training, prophetic insight and deliverance.  And we gathered to assist them in their journey.

So much has changed in the last 4 years for us. A huge move back to the NW, living in West Seattle. Where we made a sweet home for 12 months as we got our lay of the land and figured out where God was opening a space for us. Then the plandemic and all the corruption and evil began to be exposed. Those geese honked and honked, to call the sleepy saints to get busy and pray together.

Others across our nation were already involved in praying for governmental change and actions points. It has only increased and I am pleased. Pleased to see the two geese has become a much larger flock. Since spring they come and nest, honking as they come and go. Then the happy parents gather their goslings on the river and teach them. They learn to fly in those protected places.

As fall approaches more and more geese cross over our area and rest in the protection of the marsh. We are so blessed to encourage prayer and teach the flock. The ones that are injured we show a clear path to health and joy-filled living, covering them as they stretch their wings and fly.

As I heard the geese this morning and took stock in what was and what is today. Big changes, and let us not grow weary as the day approaches. Our Savior hears each one and loves them too. PRAY!

Pamela CG Johnson



Jesus is a full-spectrum Person. In other words, He is an extremist! He spans the limits! Jesus is fully present with the depths of crushing grief, and the heights of ecstatic joy. He is ambidextrously “bi-polar” able to weep or rejoice freely with all his heart. I learn so much from His freedom to weep and laugh!

Jesus pegs the limits of grief. He is called “a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief” – not just His personal grief but that of His lambs. We see him moved with compassion for the crowds. We see him weeping for His nation because of His vision of the destruction of Jerusalem. He comes to His personal physical limits at Gethsemane. He is crushed at the Olive Press. He feels utter abandonment by friends, and also feels like His Father has abandoned him. He is not hiding but is present with grief! Could we have such capacity?

Hebrews 1:9 says of Jesus, “You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness; this is why God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of joy beyond your companions.” Jesus scaled the highest-limits of joy. No person has fully ascended those elevations of pleasure and delight which our Lord has summited.

How do you picture Jesus spinning and dancing with Joy as the Apostles returned with their reports of success?  At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do.” Luke 10:21.

The disciples probably never thought achieving Jesus’ level of joy would be achievable. But He promised them, “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete” John 15:11. Wow to be so completely full of joy, even having Jesus’ joy in them! We are talking about escalated, sky-high joy! That level of joy is regarded by some as radical and out of the safe range.

Many of us endeavor to stay in the range of the safe and socially acceptable emotional parameters – not too joyful, not too sorrowful. Jesus was emotionally free to fathom the depths and soar the heights!  

Jesus is my emotional Mentor. He is teaching me to be uninhibited and secure regardless of the experiences, thoughts and the emotions. He is with me in the most crushing circumstances. I am free to go into the heavy waters of people’s losses and nightmares.

I can also travel to peaks of joy I have never before hazarded mounting, relishing the reality that my name is securely written in heaven! What I have outstrips the joy of new wine, the plunder of battle or the winnings of a lottery.

Jesus is teaching me that I am safe and free to “get emotional” both with sorrow and joy. Some may think me emotionally unstable, but perhaps I am becoming emotionally released.

We like to quote Paul as he proclaims, “Rejoice in the Lord always!” Such great counsel! We might remember that he also said, “I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart” Romans 9:2. Paul possessed a free, full-spectrum emotional life.

One day I was officiating at a funeral in the morning and a wedding in the afternoon. What were my emotions doing? Paul urged us, “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn” Romans 12:15.

Are you so emotionally free, secure and flexible that at any moment you may join a brother or sister in their unbounded joy, or devastating sorrow? I’m beginning to learn this emotional freedom from my Mentor, the Lord Jesus Christ!

A simple prayer: Dear Father, I want to experience total freedom in every department. Grant me emotional freedom in your Son Jesus Christ.

Steven C Johnson







Today I lead a forum at our church on preparing for coming food shortages. I was impressed with the maturity and evenness of our participants. Some have been “Preppers” for years, others are just getting started. The most important thing was that we all share concerned for every member of the local body.

We keep our eyes on Jesus, not just the wind and waves. Food shortages constitute one wave to be aware of and prepare for – but our eyes must always be set on Jesus!

For those interesting in viewing the notes from our first meeting, Here You Go! I encourage you to consider doing something for your own church fellowship!

Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises




Thank you for joining us and caring about your church fellowship enough to be here. Our subject for discussion is, responding in the spirit and power of Jesus Christ to concerns about food shortages.

We will be covering several subjects on this matter and encourage your interactions, questions and suggestions. I hope we will all be good listeners, as well as talkers. Both are necessary to have a meaningful time.

Our end game is

First to discover how to prepare ourselves individually and as families for potential food scarcities. That’s independence.

Our second goal is to learn how we as believers in Jesus can support one another, particularly the vulnerable among us. That’s interdependence.

In the process of sharing we want to stimulate awareness and practical action rather than fear and anxiety. We are determined to maintain a Christ-centered, peace-filled attitude for greater community cohesion.


1          Are the danger warnings of food shortages credible?

2          What things cause food shortages?

3          What problems would we face if we had food shortages?

4          How can we prepare ourselves and our personal families?

5          How, as a Christian Church, can we watch out for and support one another in a food shortage window?


1       Are the danger warnings of food shortages credible?


From the UN to White House there are reports about food concerns. Economist and food experts are talking about it. Warnings come from economists and food analysts. The most practical and awaking warnings come from everyday farmers.


I was talking to a man who specializes in loan to farmers. Some farmers are asking, “Can I take the risk of taking out a greater loan to cover fuel and fertilizer costs?” Many farmers are down-sizing their crops and herds. Some are quitting. This man said the farmers themselves will be ok. He also told me emphatically, “There will be food shortages.”

Simply type in “Food shortages” and you will find many fact-based articles. One estimate saw 700 million are in immediate peril. It is overwhelming. I can’t blame people for not wanting to know about it. America will do better than most nations. But that doesn’t mean it will be easy.











Global food shortage a ‘catastrophe,’ UN chief says

The global food crisis explained 

Rising Social Unrest Over Energy, Food Shortages Threatens Global Stability

Food shortages could be ‘just as deadly’ as global pandemic

Sri Lankan immigration official says president has left the country amid crisis that led to shortages

Food Shortages in Haiti Spiraling Out of Control

Only Putin can end the global food crisis, says UK’s Minister for Africa


How have you seen food prices go up? My parents saw in one month the price of groceries go from $300 to $400 with an identical grocery list.


2       What things cause food shortages?


Be dismayed, you farmers, wail, you vinedressers,

over the wheat and the barley;

for the crops of the field are ruined. Joel 1:11



Famine is mostly man-made:

Government restriction on food production for “ecological” reasons

Government policies with Covid 19 set the economy back

Crops destroyed to keep food prices high

Poultry growers forced to kill millions of birds 

Spending to stimulate programs set off inflation

Gas prices

Fertilizer prices

War in the Ukraine       

Oligarchs  and foreign nations like China purchasing farm land

Two million mouths to feed from the Southern boarder

Food plant fires

Droughts in much of the US.  “because of this the land dries up.” Hos 4:3 


3       What problems would we face if we had food shortages?



Have you heard of The Maduro Diet?

Families in fear

Social infrastructure collapse



Population loss

Worldwide depression


4          How can we prepare our individual families for shortages?



Scalable approaches: Prepare for 3 days, then 3 weeks, then 3 months.










Canned meat/fish

Peanut butter



Cooking oil

Salt and seasonings


40+ Foods You Can Store for a Year (or Longer) in Your Pantry

Pantry Staples: A Master List of Everything You Need

5       What resources or skills do you have to help the church?





Food preservation – Freezing, drying, canning, salting, smoking.


Medicinal Herbs



Knife sharpening

Soap making


Motor repair


Building skills

Water collection, purification and storage


OTHER ___________________________________



Share water

Share heating and food cooking

Food to share

Help others buy necessities

Space for someone to plant a garden or raise a goat

Seed saving and garden seed to share

Share a car ride

Phone call people

Child care

Other ____________________________________          


I can lead a workshop  on ____________________________________.

Name ____________________

Email_____________________________ Phone _________________





1 Cor 4:11 To this very hour we go hungry and thirsty, we are in rags, we are brutally treated, we are homeless.

Rom 8:35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?


John 6:35 Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.

Rev 7:16 Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst. The sun will not beat down on them, nor any scorching heat.



Acts 13:2-3 While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off.


Luke 6:21  Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied. 


Prov 28:19 Those who work their land will have abundant food, but those who chase fantasies will have their fill of poverty.


Prov 13:23  The field of the poor may produce much food, but it can be swept away through injustice.


Psalm 37:18-20 “The Lord knows the days of the blameless, and their heritage will remain forever; they are not put to shame in evil times; in the days of famine they have abundance. But the wicked will perish; the enemies of the Lord are like the glory of the pastures; they vanish—like smoke they vanish away.”

Psalm 33:18-20 “Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his steadfast love, that he may deliver their soul from death and keep them alive in famine.


MANNA.  Deut 8:3 He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your ancestors had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.






            Stored in bottles, rain barrels, water heater


            Well water. Generator backups and hand pumps


            Purifying with filter, chlorine or boiling


            Remember water for washing and toileting.  Chamber pot and latrine.




Is it too late to plant a garden?

Garden crops for a short season






Flashlights. Some are solar rechargeable

Solar yard lights



Solar charger for phones and batteries

CB’s and walkie talkies 

Short wave battery-powered radio.

Ham radio

Bulletin boards

Pen and paper



Warm cloths/rain gear


White gas

Fire place





Provision for 72 Hours



Bottles plus chlorine or iodine



Flashlights and batteries

Matches, lighter, candles or glow sticks



Radio, Cell phone and charger, 2-way radio, whistle, mirror (Phones may be down)



Agree on Rallying points. Out of state

phone numbers for rallying



Maps, compass and watch (GPS’s may be down).



Cliff bars, dried fruit, Nuts, oatmeal, Juice, tea, coffee, cocoa candies, peanut butter,

crackers, romaine noodles, canned food with pop tops or freeze dried food



Dish soap, towels and cloths

Bunsen burner

Plates, cups  and utensils

Garbage bags and zip locks




Handy wipes

Toothbrush, paste, floss

Feminine products

Skin lotion, Lip balm

Soap and shampoo


Bug repellant



(Again, ATM’s may be down)



Fixed blade and folding knife


Duct tape and rubber bands

Rope and twine, zip ties

Pen, paper, marker


FIRST AID KIT with instructions

Burn ointment

Eye wash

Surgical kit


Anti-diarrheal and laxative

Sterile gloves and hand sanitizer


Super glue



Prepare for all weather

Gloves, shoes, socks, hats,

Windbreakers, jackets and rain gear




Space blanket, tent, plastic sheeting sleeping bags, blankets



Consider children, the elderly, handicapped and pets.









Pocket Bible, book, playing cards




I am amazed how some people have joy in the most challenging moments. Why is it that some seem to soar the upper strata’s of rarified Joy when many have trouble getting airborne? I suspect they graduated in the Joy 800 series doctoral level classes.

Our Lord Jesus graduated from the doctoral Joy class with highest honors!  His pursuit of Joy gives him summa cum laud tributes.  “For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2

Our Lord Jesus is the greatest model, going for the biggest prize by paying the biggest price. Jesus valued so highly the Joyful outcome He was willing to go the distance! All our Joys are connected to Jesus’ willingness to “Go for the brass ring.”

The Apostle Paul graduated with distinctions. Some might say he was a glutton for punishment but his avarice was for Christ’s Joy! In Romans 5:3-4 he says, “Not only that, but we also reJoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;perseverance, character; and character, hope.

Some athletes reJoice when they, “feel the burn.” Paul rejoiced when he felt the sufferings! That’s advanced level Joy! Little children don’t think of squeezing Joy out of their suffering. Only a crazy person, or farsighted believer, can do this.

James also matriculated in the 800 series Joy classes. He is an expert in squeezing heavenly lemonade out of his trials. He advises in James 1:2-4,  “Consider it pure Joy, my brothers, when you encounter trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Allow perseverance to finish its work, so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” James knew things about gaining Joy most of us are backward about. By faith the Lord Jesus, Paul and James knew Joy can be the outcome of the hardest knocks!

Now for the reality of feeling crappy and far from sensations of Joy. These upper lever Joy graduates actually believe, “All things work together for the good for those who love God and are called according to His purposes.” Romans 8:28

How insufferably, unimaginably crass it would have been as Jesus was sweating drops of blood to sing, “ReJoice in the Lord always.” There are times when the sensations of Joy are drowned by loss, pain and grief. When we are honest with those feelings and yet “faith” it to Joy we are practicing upper division Joy.

Paul’s greatest concentration of Joy references are in Philippians. This is Joy in the jail cell.  Paul and Silas added singing to their suffering Joy. They may not have felt “sensational” Joy but rather practiced volitional Joy, doing Joy when Joy is not felt. Note in all the Joy the mix of pain. We do not, “Fake it till we make it” We Faith it until we Realize it. Upper division graduates can feel pain and operate in Joy at the same time.

We must consider Paul’s, “ReJoice in the Lord always” verses as they comingle with other heart-felt conditions.

We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about the troubles we experienced in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself. 2 Cor 1:8

I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. Rom 9:2

Besides everything else, I face daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches. 2 Cor 11:28

Small children think pain and Joy are either-or. Upper division Joy grads know pain and Joy may be realized together.

Habakkuk was a classmate of James and Paul. In his term paper he wrote:

Though the fig tree does not bud

and there are no grapes on the vines,

though the olive crop fails

and the fields produce no food,

though there are no sheep in the pen

and no cattle in the stalls,

yet I will rejoice in the Lord,

I Yet will I be Joyful in God my Savior.  Hab 3:17-18

Habakkuk astonishes me. Without apparent success, fruitfulness or even something to eat, he is able to reJoice in God his Savior! I wonder if he sat next to Moses in class.

By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enJoy the fleeting pleasures of sin. He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward. Heb 11:24-26

I see again and again so many of these doctoral level classes are about perspective and “values clarification.” These people somehow transitioned from the typical worldling’s thinking that early stuff was the highest delight, to Christ is the highest delight! These upper level scholars must perceive something of the goodness of God most of us miss!

David was an Alum of this school. He wrote in Psalm 63:3, “Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise You.” David’s value system priced God’s lovingkindness weightier in the balance than all the delights of life! He must have encountered God’s love in a way most cannot imagine. I am beginning to learn from graduates like Stephen, when we keep our eyes on Jesus we receive upper division Joy in spite of momentary pain, even death.

Some are unwilling to register and show up for classes because the homework can be crushing. I haven’t taken all the classes, but I can tell you, the few I have taken have been challenging, but so worth it. Hope to see you in class!

Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises






If your doctor discovered you had a life-threatening condition would you want him to tell you? If there was danger to our food supply would you want to know?

Recently I have written on this subject. I encourage you to research, pray and be lead by wisdom. Our church is having a meeting on this matter to see how we may care for one another and minister to others in challenging times. Remember fear is against the rules. We are overcomes. We are not ultimately preparing for challenges but for the appearance of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ!

The Famine of 2022 and 2023 by Steven C Johnson, starting at 38:30.










Paul and Silas in Philippi Drive the Devil Out of A Woman Possessed by a Spirit of Divination,             Pieter de With (c. 1650)

Wanda Alger in a message on false prophets said, “It’s time to be annoyed.” It is worth listening to! See it at  She writes about Paul’s irritation with the slave girl who had a spirit of divination in Acts 16:18.

It’s time to be GREATLY ANNOYED.  There are plenty of annoying issues today. I will not give them time or attention here, AND I ask each of those who receive this email to arise and take your stand.
The body of Christ is attempting to rise but we are distracted and often too busy to penetrate the darkness.
Paul too was doing the work of the gospel as he knew he must and this demonized girl was following him calling out, ” These men are servants of the Most High God.” Now consider what that might look like if she was following you? What would your reaction be?

Last evening at a prayer meeting someone got stuck on the issues (probably watched the news before coming) it was instantly heavy, dark and hopeless UNTIL someone called him out. Declaring Christ has a better answer and we must be believers and do what He said.

I confess I was upset (annoyed) and wondered about the lack of true spiritual awareness. We must stop letting the darkness take over.
Another person came prepared to worship and pray with purpose, and specifically. Nobody took up her lead.   We can not let that happen. Even if it is a leader, an elder, a big wig etc. Jesus Christ was unintimidated by the powers of this world. May we so represent Christ that we are unafraid.
Jesus certainly has said to stand our ground, be unafraid and speak what He gives us. Now please do what He says, Be who He tells you to be and let the chips fall where they may!
50 years ago this month I graduated from High School. ( I know I don’t look a day over 45!)  I was remembering a few things that annoyed me way back then.
Three boys in our high school were really kicking up the dirt around school and town. They were loud and rebellious and disliked that I was a “Jesus Freak”. They had a few slang handles that were grating to hear and their disrespect for any authority was obvious every day at school. For many years I prayed for their souls. God gave me many opportunities to share the gospel through those High School years, some were truly miraculous and God breathed. Just a few years later all 3 of those boys were saved and followed Jesus Christ.
Did I enjoy the shaming, being the brunt of their jokes, etc? No, I did not! And after I left that community I received calls from several classmates regarding their conversion. You see they all knew who was the Light in that school. I’m glad to say He uses imperfect people and His Love is stronger than the grave, His power working in even the little ones.

They were annoyed that I was upending their dark behavior with the love of God and the gospel of salvation. There was no question which annoying person had the greatest effect!

Get Annoyed.
Love, Pam




Joshua Commanding the Sun and the Moon to Stand Still, by Raphael


In 1980 I had a class in Clinical Pastoral Care. That’s where I discovered Pitiful Prayer. The class met at a local hospital. After class time we did rounds seeing patients and played at being chaplains.

In retrospect I’m not sure my professor and most classmates were believers. The psychological thoughts of the day guided the process more than Biblical truth. Some of the things we learned were genuinely useful. Other things subtly diluted the power of Christ’s message. It was there I learned how to pray pitiful prayers. They go like this:

“Lord, be with Sarah during this difficult time.”

“Grant you comfort as Angie goes through this treatment.”

“May your grace be with Peter as he faces this surgery.”


The unspoken attitude was, “God, if you are around and listening…we know Your not around much… We know you don’t typically answer prayers… but if you’re there and listening give this person just “a touch” of moral support, perhaps some useful psychological insight to make this situation the tiniest bit more bearable.”

Prayers for “healing” were euphemistically given, hoping in the doctor’s skills rather than a prayer-hearing, prayer-answering God.

Prayers were to give a sense that the chaplain cared about them, and some artful words of incantation might give a dash of comfort. Pitiful prayers know nothing about healing, overcoming, prevailing, hope, future and transcendent good!

Have you learned to pray pitiful prayers? They are very useful.

Pitiful prayers make people think you are spiritual and sincere.

They fill in time if you are bored and you can’t think of anything to do.

Pitiful prayers may make some feel that another person cares about them.

There is a fractional possibility the person may receive hope that God might be hiding behind the farthest star, and a wisp of his distant presence might be felt.


When you’ve seen the dead rise you can never be satisfied with pitiful prayers!

I’ve come to be annoyed with pitiful prayer. I repent of the many I have prayed. I know stretches before our great God will result in great answers, even great signs and wonders!

Moses stretched out his rod over the Red Sea and it parted.

Elijah called down fire on his enemies.

Joshua commanded the sun and moon to hang tight until he had destroyed his enemies. It is said, “There has been no day like it before or since, when the LORD listened to the voice of a man, for the LORD fought for Israel.“ Joshua 10:14.

Of course, those guys were part of a lesser covenant so more is possible for us. Solomon requested that God answer prayers prayed toward the temple.

When the heavens are shut up and there is no rain because your people have sinned against you, and when they pray toward this place and give praise to your name and turn from their sin because you have afflicted them, then hear from heaven and forgive the sin of your servants, your people Israel. Teach them the right way to live, and send rain on the land you gave your people for an inheritance.1 Kings 8:35-36

Because of the projections of food shortages and famines I’m praying that God will forgive our national sins and change the weather patterns. There are areas where there is too much water. Other areas are in drought. See the US DROUBT MONITOR

We were passing through Yakima, Washington and stopped at a fruit stand. Disappointment. The cherries were 18 days late because of rain and cold. They expected a 40% harvest. They were concerned for the Walla Walla onions because the moisture and cold could make the harvest rot in the ground. Other farmers in our country have opposite problems. I’m not going to let that stand. By the grace of God, I’m going to help the farmers, and our nation, by shipping moisture where it is needed, and leveling out the temperatures.

Over the years I’ve seen striking answers to prayer for weather. I’m seeing answers today.  I’ve been looking at 10 day and one day forecasts and praying the movement of moisture and temperatures. I have prayed up our temperatures and prayed for moisture to move on where it is needed.

Over the past week I’ve see predictions of weather for our area “go wrong” as five days of rain predictions have become three. I’ve seen actual temperatures come in warmer than project. When they decrease I pray with greater determination for stabilization because I am concerned for the food welfare of our neighbors and those in other nations, and I know God is forgiving and mighty to save!

Our eternal, powerful, wise Creator and Savior is not a pitiful God, so we will not pray pitiful prayers! I’m serious about praying for our nation’s weather. I may pray many times per day on this project. Perhaps you’d like to join me. There are many other issues of concern in our nation and around the world. Pray big!

Pray Big or Go Home!

We’d like to know what King-Sized prayer projects you are tackling. Let us know.

Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises



Listen to this blog here!


“We don’t mind shootings one by one but mass shootings irritate us because we must act either full of grief or indignation. We must pretend we care. The irritating thing is that we must put on the performance every time a mass shooting happens, and they seem to happen more and more frequently. It’s exhausting to pretend at those levels.”  (Undisclosed quote)

I’ve noticed that reporters have virtually stopped using the expression, “random acts of violence.” The notion never made sense. There is nothing random.  I groan or laugh when a shooting happens and reporters say, “Investigators are looking for the motives for the shooting.” This is not to say there are never motives. Of course, there are. But motives and contexts for acts of virtue, or vice, are typically deeper than we can probe. “The thoughts of a man are deep waters.

Delicious, healthy fruit and noxious, poisonous fruit both come from seeds planted in soil, watered and under the influence of sunlight.

Things booth good or bad spring from:

Soil – the nutritional context of the culture

Seed – a truth or falsehood

Water – our desire for outcomes

Sun – the attention or highlights we give our plants

Here is an example:

Into the soil of permissiveness, inattention and self-absorption seeds of resentment, self-pity, and self-justification are planted. The seeds are watered by unresolved pain or lust, and get expose to the radiation of false media, gossip, and slander.

No one is surprised when a seed grows. Paul was a master gardener. He knew about selecting the best seeds. “Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life”  Galatians 6:8.

We prefer trimming weeds over pulling. Our approach to getting rid of wickedness should be the same as the Lords. Go for the root. John the baptizer told the crowds, “The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire”  Matt 3:10.

I get exhausted with conversations recommending limiting gun rights as a solution for crime. It is beating at the branches. I admit I run out of patience with folly.  The scripture says, “There is a way which seems right to a man which ends in death.”

There are financial “solutions” which cause economies to die.

There are ecological “solutions” which cause environments to die.

There are cultural “solutions” which cause societies to die.”


True solutions go for the root. This is a much harder than beating at branches.

Every honest soul knows that hands are not responsible for strangulations, matches are not responsible for arsons, knives are not responsible for stabbings and guns are not responsible for shootings. We must accept responsibility and take ownership!


A sign read, “84,999,987 gun owners did not shoot anyone yesterday.”

A few dozen did.

What is the difference between the two groups?


There were two strong men.

One strangled a woman to death.

The other helped a woman rototill her garden.

Both men had power for action.

What is the difference between the men?



The hard work is getting to our children’s hearts and shaping their character from the inside out. I know some would like to substitute this hard work with measures like outlawing scissors, gasoline and rope. Easy fixes sound appealing, but like overnight miracle health plans to get trim and fit, they don’t work. Our efforts from earliest childhood must be to shape hearts. Did I saw this was easy?

Legislators merely putting print on pages does not work. Chicago proved this with the strictest gun laws.  When parents take ownership of raising godly children, and society supports their efforts, we have largely stopped the problem of violence.

I know some immediately say, “It’s too late. We missed our opportunities to shape children.” But is that a copout? Parents should always encourage their adult children to be people of integrity and upright character, caring for the welfare of others. We need to restore the notion that people are precious and valuable because they are made in the image of God!



I remember days in my youth when the waitress gave more respect to the customer, and the customer gave more honor to the waitress. Where did we slip in our values for people? When we consider people are made in the image of God we are inclined to be interested in them and honor them as special.

It is said, “Diminish life in one of its aspects and you diminish life in general.” If we dishonor or diminish the elderly the value of people in their teens is also diminished. If we devalue the tiny child in the womb we devalue the life in thirty-year-olds.

Restoring respect for people is a real solution! Did I say restoring value for people would be easy? It may be hard labor requiring decades to accomplish. I’m not aware of shortcuts. But I am aware of the truths which will have to sustain such reconstruction.



The fear of the Lord, the respect and worship of our creator, is what makes respecting and honoring our fellow creatures make sense. Many would like to say morality can be sustained without religion. Our American founders saw this is as nonsense.

President Washington in his farewell speech said,

Of all the dispositions and habits, which lead to political prosperity, Religion and Morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of Men and Citizens…

And let us with caution indulge the supposition, that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect, that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.

Reverence for God is the foundation on which morality is built. Belief in the goodness of God and in our accountability to Him sustains good moral principles. There is no other foundation. Remove godly religion and morality will coast to a stop. Morality will fade over a generation or two when we exclude God from our schools and purge him from government and social discourse.

Restoring reverence for God is key to ending violence. Did I say it is easy? It would be “easier” to ban guns than to cultivate reverence for God. Of course, banning guns has backfired dreadfully in every nation before us! Restoring reverence for God is a hard work which may take decades, although I hope by the power of the Holy Spirit it may be Hastened!



Dog owners are responsible for the brutality of their animals. A violent dog is typically destroyed, the owner is responsible for injuries and must suffer consequences.

The Bible clearly says, “A father is not to be put to death for the sin of their children” Deut 24:16. But parents do have a weighty responsibility for raising their children. We know parents can’t be coerced to be good parents, and many parents don’t have the knowledge or skill they need. Most parents want to do their best. It’s hard work for them and hard work for those who would help them. We can do hard things!

There are food shortages but a more grievous deficit is the father shortage. Fatherless children are missing essential social vitamins. The vast majority of mass shooters are in this group. Fatherless children pact our penal institutions. The young man who abducted our daughter was in this category.

Did I say forging good fathers and mothers is easy? It may take years of hammer and anvil to raise a generator of good parents. Parenting is work we must own to have a healthy society. We honor America’s founding fathers. We are looking for leaders who have father-hearts.



The goal of public, private and home-school education should first be the formation of godly character, built, as president Washington said, on “religious principle.” Then we can learn the three “R’s.” Pretend this section is written three miles long! Most of you could do the writing.

Society’s values and manors don’t turn on a dime. Unlike a little speedboat huge steam ships, like societies, take time to turn.



Now, because the above hard work has not been done we must make efforts to frustrate the mischief of undisciplined, rogue citizens. We have failed to do the hard work, now we must face the consequences. Last-ditch efforts must be employed.

We must convert schools and school grounds into hardened bunkers with locked and supervised doors.

Students must be frisked and their bags searched when they come to school

Children’s mandatory coursework must include self-defense training.

Armed guards must be employed.

School staff need to be armed.

Local police services need constant tactical training and communication systems need to be enlarged between class rooms, administrative offices, security, staff and parents.

Perhaps body bags should be stored in schools in case there is a breach.

Prosecutors must do their jobs. Some prosecutors have deliberately failed to prosecute. The luxury of this permissiveness cannot be sustained. Isaiah 26:9-10 tells us,

When your judgments come upon the earth,
the people of the world learn righteousness.
But when grace is shown to the wicked,
they do not learn righteousness

Our nation has gone so far in permissive policies toward criminals I fear it will swing to the other extreme. If the government cannot hold the center the public will insist on harsher penalties which may become gruesome.

When the government fails to discipline its rogue citizens others apart from our judicial system will take it upon themselves to do so. Our judges and government leaders must hold the center!



We have failed to do the hard work of planting godly character in the hearts of our children. The weeds have taken over. A state of crisis forces us to trim weeds and beat at branches! The consequences of our neglect have caught up with us. We must take emergency measures.

When a rampaging, mentally ill murderer is at the door it is too late for childhood character lessons. It is time for last ditch efforts. If the dog was never trained and turns violent it must be put down when it attacks. How tragic that mass shooters, most so young, must be killed to stop them, when they might have been stopped as four-year-olds.

Makers of guns do not glorify violence. Creators of violent songs, games and movies do. How dare we suggest prosecuting gun makers before we prosecute these polluters of society! How wickedly tragic when young people practice the evils they have ingested! We have laws about spilling deadly chemicals or sewage. These polluters should be prosecuted!


Use deadly force to stop drug dealers. All of the perpetrators of mass shootings for the past 20 years “were either actively taking powerful psychotropic drugs or had been at some point in the immediate past before they committed their crimes.” Stopping the drug dealer would have stopped the carnage.



Several years after our daughter was abducted I met one of his classmates. This man said, “We mercilessly teased him [the abductor].” As this man spoke I thought to myself, “I am talking to an accomplice to the crime.” Don’t you think the people who are responsible for violence should be held accountable?

OK, let’s get personal. Are we able to own our responsibility?

Were you praying for your community the day that crime happened?

Did you confront that unruly child for their folly seven years before the crime?

Were you cultivating positive relationships and activities with that neighbor child?

Were you tolerant of abortion reducing the value of life?

Did you think the drug problem was not your problem?

Did you insensitively tease?

Were you inattentive, lost in your screen?

Are you and I not accountable as accomplices to crimes of violence?

There is very practical repentance we can do. It boils down to the chief commands our Lord Jesus gave us. Love! We can pray for that couple who is on the verge of breaking up and leaving wounded, aimless, fatherless children! We can befriend and mentor lonely children. There are many inconvenient things we can do.

We can again choose the hard work, the heart work, to turn our culture back to godly Christian character. It may take a few decades. Are you willing to pitch in?

Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises

Front view of an aeroplane taking off


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“What do we need to see in the unseen world?” 



This question was posed in my morning Men’s Group. What is your answer?

There are so many things we should know which we don’t! There is missing wisdom, solutions for problems, cures for diseases, and directions for success. We may not sure of what we are wanting, but there is an ache and longing for things which seem to be missing. They are hidden from us, undiscovered as of yet. 

John the revelator saw visions which stretched his knowledge of the glory of God, his heart and plans. The things he saw met needs!

Although we may have profoundly staggering revelations of our Father’s goodness we realize our knowledge is scant and fragmentary. We still long to know more of the throbbing, phosphorescing glory of God. We also need solutions, presently unseen, for fixing the garage door and broken relationship.

A man in our Men’s Group shared a story of listeners who call themselves the Sky Walkers. These saints are given challenges for listening. They pray for revelation and solutions. A large building had a water leak which could not be found. The owners did not want to destroy the building searching for it. The group was asked to pray for the location of the leak. Using several thoughts and images from the group a single spot in the building was highlighted. They broke through the wall in that spot and found the leak. Unseen things are findable when we consult with God.

How willing is God to share revelation with His kids, and what are we missing because we fail to seek Him?

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen,

but on what is unseen, 

since what is seen is temporary,

but what is unseen is eternal.  2 Cor 4:18 

How are invisible things to be seen?



We are unaware of Most of reality. Our limitations for seeing are restricted to the tiny parameters between infrared and ultraviolet. We see a narrow band of wavelengths from 380 to 720 nanometers. There are an infinite number of wavelengths on either side of those boundaries. What are we missing that bees and angels see?


Our human hearing takes in a thin slice of sound vibrations. We hear between 20Hz and 20000Hz. There are infinite things to be heard – below as infra-sounds and above as ultrasounds. What are we failing to hear that our dog and the cherubim hear clearly?

Our senses are wonderful gifts but we should be humble enough to say, “We see in part and prophesy in part.” God’s bandwidths are wider than ours, like the span between earth and the highest heaven! This knowledge inspires us to search for more.

The Lord gave us human equipment for sensing. There are things to be sensed and known beyond our sensation faculties. Our Father wills to reveal them! Ephesians 3:20-21 tells us God is willing to take us above and beyond! 

Now to him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us—to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

God is willing, even eager, to share with His tiny children things yet unknown to sight, sound or imagination!

No eye has seen, 

no ear has heard, 

no heart has imagined, 

what God has prepared for those who love Him.

But God has revealed it to us by the Spirit.  2 Cor 9:10- 12

It is possible to see unseen things. Paul said this is what saints do!

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Cor 4:18

How crazy-amazing that God wills us to peer into the unseen and discover things hidden there which we need!

It is God’s will that we seek and find His face. Yes, we are meant to see and fellowship with the unseen God! He also wills for us to find in the unseen word everything we need for life and godliness.

His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 2 Peter 1:3

Why would the Apostle Paul urge us to earnestly seek spiritual gifts, especially prophecy, if there was not much more we need to see and hear?  See 1 Cor 14:1.

Who knows the extent of wonders our Heavenly Father would reveal to those who seek Him; things we need to know! James said, “We have not because we ask not.” What would you like to seek and receive from our generous God today?

Seriously, what is on your list? What do you need to see in the unseen world? We’ll join in prayer for you as you venture into the invisible for what you need!



Dear Father,

I’m so grateful for all the things you have shown me, yet I long for more! Open my eyes to see the things I have never seen. My eyes ache to see You, Your heart, Your purposes and plans. Show me what You are pleased to reveal. Show me what I need to see.

Dear Lord, my ears long to hear Your voice, they pull like a vaccum to hear what you are saying. This is the day of Your revelation, the day of Your disclosure. I long to hear Your sweet voice and vital words. They are my daily bread!

Lord, I know I cannot bear the full measure of Your voice and the weight of Your words but give me all I can possibly bear!

Unseal Your books for reading. Upgrade my vision and discernment. Turn up the lights.

I’m longing to see You and hear You in ways I have never before. Share with me all the wisdom and understanding I can bear and apply for good.

Help me train my spiritual senses. Show me how to cultivate them.

Share your rebukes and corrections. They show me you care for my safety and success.

Share the assurances that I am on the right path. Lead me in the ways of righteousness for I want Your name glorified.

Share your truths with me. I will take them like seeds and plant them for a harvest of righteousness.

Dear Lord, you see and understand all. You share all good things with me. I give you my reverential devotion, for Jesus Your Son lights my path!

Friend, add the particulars of the unseen things which you need from our Father. Tell us what new windows open and the revelation the Lord shares with you.

Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises

Fighter jet preparing to take off


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One of them, named Agabus, stood up and through the Spirit predicted that a severe famine would spread over the entire Roman world. (This happened during the reign of Claudius.) The disciples, as each one was able, decided to provide help for the brothers and sisters living in Judea. This they did, sending their gift to the elders by Barnabas and Saul.  Acts 11:28-30

In my last blog I wrote a story reflecting back after 75 years, on the famine of 2022-2023. I am writing today so that story will remain in the fiction category. There are many in the food industry chain predicting world-wide food shortages for this year. Note the links below. What can we do to prevent their predictions from coming about? How should we prepare?

Pam and I have been “preppers” for many years. Perhaps I got the inclination from the Scouts’ motto, “Be prepared.” We have always had first aid kits, extra beans, jugs of water, matches, plastic bags and things which might be handy for emergencies.

By the way, people might call you a “prepper” if you have a spare tire in your car, a flashlight, some extra cans of tuna, and a fire extinguisher.

There are all kinds of emergencies we may prepare for:

Technological – power and internet outages

Natural – tornados, earthquakes, floods, wild fires, ice storms and droughts.

Accidents – work, play and transportation.

Bad-guy problems – home break-ins, terrorism and war.

Our focus is on preparing for potential food shortages.

I must tell you, our first go-to is our Heavenly Father. He is the source of life and peace. He is the wisdom and power. Prayer will always be our first step toward solutions. To rely merely on reasoning, planning and activities without prayer is humanistic presumption. To pray alone without acting and preparing is spiritual presumption.

One of the wisest statements I have heard is, “Make your preparations, then don’t trust in them. Trust in God!”

By the way, Pam and I are not preparing food to ride out an apocalypse. Our spare tire is to get us through a momentary crisis so we can get back on the road and back to life. Having extra food resources can get us through a food-shortage window, so we can get back to life. We are not holing up, but preparing ourselves so we can stay on the road and move forward into higher purposes!

Two approaches for preparing for food shortages.

#1  GROWING UP. Growing, raising and storing up your own food.

#2  STOCKING UP. Stock up your pantry from existing suppliers.



Food shortages may be prevented or diminished by producing your own. This may be done in collaboration with others.

It typically takes an acre of land worked intensively to produce enough food to keep one person alive. Doing this is impractical for most folks. But you can garden small scale to supplement food you get from other resources. Even in a city you can grow vegetables in planters, and rabbits in cages, and whole gardens in community areas. Take note: A vegetable garden may benefit you more than a nicely manicured lawn. 

Pam and I have many raised beds, some fruit trees, blueberries and raspberries. We also raise chickens and quail. We live near rivers with fish and in a land of eatable creatures. There is also lots of land for foraging. We have had friends let us glean their orchard after the harvest. We have picked blueberries at a local farm.


In WW 2 the government encouraged families to have “Victory Gardens.” This was to make sure the soldiers and whole nation would be adequately fed. Millions of Americans had victory gardens. Just a little more nutrition from the home gardens, along with food rations, sharing and making due was the difference between national success and failure. 

Gardening may require a little education but you don’t have to be a genius. You just have to have some will and industry. Working with your own hands and getting dirt under your nails is good for the soul and the soil. Planting a seed and seeing it grow has always brought wonderment.

Gardeners gain a greater sense of community, security, independence and self-worth. And the better prepared you are to care for yourself the better your position to help other.



We buy beef from a rancher in our church. We just bought a couple lambs from other friends who are raising them. We keep a stocked freezer. Pam does lots of canning and food drying. We buy bulk items from Azure Standard. They have great quality and decent prices.

Have a list of items for your pantry. A list allows you to do your personal assessment of your family’s needs and reminds you of things you might otherwise overlook. (Note the links below)

When we shop we typically get a few more items than we need; perhaps a bottle of shampoo, olive oil or trash bags, dog food or laundry soap. In time we outfit our pantry. When you do your weekly shopping put it in the back of the pantry and move the older stock to the front to be used. Buying food now may save you months from now when the food prices have inflated.

Some will not face the possibilities of food shortages soberly. How easy it is to be sleepy, unaware, or presumptuous. Facing up to the potentials is a first step. Growing and storing up even a few weeks of food will bring you a greater sense of confidence. And if you find shortages are not as severe as some scenarios predict you will have done no great harm in preparing. It’s ok not to need the fire extinguisher, first aid kit or extra food, but it is a security to have them. Seek the Lord, create a plan which is doable for you, and be at peace!

We are people of confidence not cowering! Our confidence is in our Lord Jesus and the covenant made with blood. Don’t let food shortages, or the wind and waves of our time, cause you to lose your sight of Jesus, or forget your mission to shine your light!

Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises





















A PREFACE: The following is not a prophesy. I pray it will not become reality. The story is fiction but it paints possibilities based on facts around our food infrastructure. I have for many years prayed for farmers, food processors and truckers that they may be safe and prosperous for the sake of our nation. There are things we can do today to keep this story confined within the fiction category.



Although it’s been seventy-five years there are still people who remember. The famine of 2022 and 2023 has been the subject of books and documentaries. This is only a historical footnote and perspective based on one man’s remembrances. Jim Farris and ten-year-old son Jerry ended up surviving, but his wife Sally and five-year-old Jessica did not.

Most famines are man-made. Historically corrupt governments have been behind them. In the early 2000’s Socialist orientations and top-down federal decision-making limited free enterprise, innovations and initiatives. Once again, hunger rather than bullets would kill the majority. Best estimates put the loss of American lives at 69 million.

Jim Farris (101) of Buckeye, NY tells us his story 75 years later:

Until late in 2022 my wife Sally and I lived a version of the American dream. I was a successful engineer and Sally did well as an online marketing agent. We lived high on the proverbial hog. It showed a bit over my belt and Sally’s plus-sizes. We had a gym membership and Sally tried diet programs.

The last months of 2022 we dropped the gym membership and dieting. We began looking for accessible and affordable food with lots of calories. So did our neighbors.

In church we learned Jesus predicted, “there will be famines in various places.” We pictured it happening in Eastern Africa or Eastern Europe, not Buckeye. We never considered Jesus words, “Woe to you who are well feed now, for you will be hungry.”

The prosperity we enjoyed vaporized seemingly overnight. It really had been a slow roll down a mountain, till it reached the edge of the cliff. Most were not aware of the threat. The media did not think the staging was news-worthy.

We were drunk on abundance. We had unlimited food options, fast food and cooking videos. The obesity epidemic and weight-related health issues got news. Only muscle-building weight-lifters wanted to gain weight.

Sally and I had great jobs and money set aside so unlike a lot of people we did fine as food and gas prices went up. There were lots of explanations for prices going up. Sometimes we thought we were getting the straight story, and other times not. We knew fertilizer prices went up 400%. Farmers and shippers had trouble getting fuel. Dozens of food processing plants were destroyed by arsonists. It was crazy to see droughts in some places and floods in others.

As food availability went down prices went up. People started to sell off property in desperation. We bought a guy’s $40,000 boat for $3,000. We had the boat for 6 months then sold it for $600. Of course, those were inflated dollars.

I lost my job. Sally marketed cosmetics and hair products. People stopped buying. Sally kept working at one quarter of her income.

Two families we were close to lost their houses and came to live with us. Cars were parked and bicycles brought out. Wheel barrels and kids’ wagons became almost more valuable that cars.

We took our money out of the bank and bought food for friends and neighbors until we realized we were in danger of not having enough ourselves.

Stories of starvation didn’t happen much until the winter of 2023, mostly in the cities, especially with people on public assistance. Gas rationing saved fuel for farmers, food processors and truckers. Food trucks always had armed escorts. The national guard also kept watch. The government helped until they were out of resources. With staggering unemployment government lost tax income and fiat currency was no longer trusted. The government ended up seizing accounts with over $10,000. They raided retirement and pension accounts as well.

Most people had trouble heating their homes, and because it was cold people wanted to eat more food to stay warm.  We were on the edge of the suburbs just a day’s walk to a farm. I started working on the farm along with our ten-year-old Jerry. Once a week we walked home with a bag of corn or wheat for Sally and Jessica. I hated to see how thin they looked.  No one wanted to look at themselves in the mirror. I remember Sally coming into the house with a weak smile. She had looked through the car and found a bag of cashews beside the spare tire. I never thought I would punch more holes in my belt. It was for the kids.

We hated hearing the news about the deaths. Somehow it wasn’t so bad when you heard of families dying in the cities but it got too close to home when they were in the neighborhood.

Early on some desperate people would raid homes. Sometimes they were shot but most of the time they didn’t find anything. After a while those desperate for food didn’t have the energy to walk to someone’s home to rob it. In fact, we ran out energy to dig graves. We piled the bodies in an abandoned house.

Hunger brought out the worst and best in people. There were some marauding gangs looting people’s food stocks. We killed most of them. There were instances of cannibalism but most of that happened after people had already died.

Our culture had been drunk with food. Hunger brought back our sobriety. The biggest cultural swing was this; people began calling on God! And lots of people in Churches sacrificed and served one another. It was funny but in the worst of times it seemed that God was very close. He kindly spared many of us.

Early on most people pitched in to help one another. Neighbors watched out for each other. Although we wanted to share our food, and did it at first, we later kept our food to ourselves. It tore us up to see neighbor children shrivel to skeletons.

There were lots of amazing acts of sacrifice. Our neighbors two houses over, the Zaleskis, were both in their eighties. They brought out their entire pantry and shared it with the neighbor children. They said they knew Jesus, and had lived full lives. The children needed a chance. Later, after we recovered, we honored them a proper burial.

It may not sound like much but there was a big movement for victory gardens, just like they had in World War II. Just a couple hundred more calories a day from the gardens made the difference between life and death. Those gardens, plus food rations, which were never enough, and sharing, and gleaning, and foraging helped most of us make it.

Those raised by farm people with a custom of having large pantries thought of having stock at home as normal practice. They were sometimes called “preppers.” Most of the population didn’t stock food or store up. They relied on weekly grocery runs.


Now for the amazing stories many today wonder about. This was the most painful time of our lives but it was the most glorious because we felt God was with us!

Sally and Jessica both died. But here is the thing – Before Sally passed she opened her eyes and said, “Look, I see Jesus coming. He’s coming for me.” Sally had a beautiful smile but I had never seen her as beautiful as at that moment. [Here Jim Farris choked up for a few moments]

Jessica passed two weeks after her fifth birthday. She was trying to say something. I put my ear to her mouth and she whispered. “Angels, daddy. See?” [This time Jim Farris sat quietly for several minutes while his caretaker got him a glass of water. Then he continued.]

We saw miracles. Real miracles. A prophetic woman talked to our neighbors saying she saw a vision of a bread truck flying over our street and dropping loaves of bread. The next day and for three weeks more we woke with flaky white stuff on the grass and trees. We ate it. I’m convinced it was the same manna that Moses ate in the wilderness! After those three weeks the gardens and farms began producing again. The manna stopped. I don’t know why it didn’t come for Sally and Jessica, but it came for Jerry and me and others.

There’s a story of the last cup of cereal being multiplied to feed seventy people. And it wasn’t just a story. My uncle was there and told me first-hand how a band of Christians prayed for it and it happened!

There were many wonderful stories of miraculous supply. I only wish there had been more of them. My sister and her family were gleaning in a potato field in Montana. It had been gone over by machinery, but they kept digging day after day and found enough to live seven months till the early harvest in the spring of 2023.

Those were the wonderful stories. But there were heart-wrenching stories where people we knew tried to live on dried grass and tree bark. It wasn’t pretty. I think what wrenched my heart the most was when parents decided not to eat their rations but gave them to their children, hoping a relative or neighbor would take care of them. But sometimes the relatives and neighbors didn’t make it. I think that’s enough.

[We asked Jim Ferris if he had any concluding thoughts. He said again,] “No, I think I’ve told you enough.”



I am the eternal optimist, especially regarding God’s great, generous goodness in Christ our Savior. I believe He wishes to wildly prosper countries who seek Him out and honor Him. The realist within me speaks, “Even so, we cannot presumptuously assume upon His grace. We must be aware of potential problems, seek His wisdom and prepare.”

My next blog will come with practical suggestions for creating stories with happier outcomes. In the mean time I encourage you upgrade your peace in Christ, have extra food and water on hand, and start your own “victory garden.” A wise man said, “Growing food is literally like printing money.”



Steven C Johnson





“The Last Judgment” by Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel




What I am about to share may offend some. My goal is not to offend but to share a piece of perspective and encourage saints in persevering for purpose.

As a young believer I was taken with the powerful reality of the Second Coming of Jesus. This intelligence was a precipitator of my conversion. My senior year  of High School my friend Mike shared that Jesus was coming back. His words hit me! They resonate ever more loudly today. I thought at the time, “Wow, the same Jesus in the Bible! If he is coming back that means he is real, that the stories about him and the things he said are true.”

I was stimulated for I had just started to read the Bible and was seeing Jesus as an awesome figure. I had mixed emotions. What would it be like to see him? Would I be ready? How could anyone to ready enough for such a heavenly Dignitary? Our name, Landing Strip Enterprises, is a Second Coming theme. The mission is to prepare the way and make a welcome runway for our Great Lord’s return!

There is no greater event to look forward to than the blessed hope, the return of our Lord Jesus. There is no greater event to prepare for than the Day of the Lord, the King fully come with His kingdom, the Wedding of the Lamb, the consummation of the Bride and Bridegroom!

A popular book came out as I was in diapers in Christ called The Late Great Planet Earth. It taught that Jesus was going to come before seven terrible years of global tribulation and extricate his believers from those troubles. At the end of seven years Jesus would appear again to judge the earth and establish his kingdom. Many adopted this teaching and I was among them.

Later I was at a Christian college where the professor shared a different view. He taught that Christians go through tribulation. I was alarmed! I thought he was a great Christian scholar but I started to think of him as a false teacher. I looked at my classmates as he spoke. I thought, “They are all being led astray!”

I took it upon myself to be the defended of truth and show the professor and class that the pre-tribulation rapture was the truth. I dog-eared my bible going back and forth to gain ammunition to confront his “heresy” and set things right with my professor and class. My only problem was that my studies lead me to believe, I had been wrong, by siding with a modern, popular teaching which was not rooted in Scripture.

Without going into a prolonged study let me share the basic points which took me back to the millennia-old view of Christ’s second coming.



Tribulation is part and parcel with true Christian experience. Christ suffered and so do His followers. Jesus did not erase tribulation but brings His presence into it. He said, “In this world you have tribulation, but take heart, for I have overcome the world. Paul said all who live Godly in Christ will suffer. You may find many promises for suffering in the Scripture. If you’d like you may clip them out and put it on your refrigerator.

The word “overcome” is often found in Revelation as well as the expression, “the perseverance of the Saints.”  Perseverance is a virtue only necessary in difficulty.

So many Christians have died at the hands of totalitarian regimes. Chinese Christians were told by well-meaning Western believers that they would not go through tribulation. Many of them were disappointed as they died or suffered among the millions during the Chinese cultural revolution.

Suppose America suffered horrendously the loss of half of its population because of an asteroid, nuclear war or remarkable calamity. Suppose now you are a survivor in the wreckage. What comfort would it be if someone came up to you and said, “Millions of us are dead and millions more in ruin, but the good news is that Christians will not go thought the great tribulation?”  



We know that good Bible study requires context. Many have taken Jesus’ prophecy “one will be taken and the other left” as if this taught a great taking up of the saints, and a leaving behind of sinners.

I tell you, on that night two people will be in one bed; one will be taken and the other left.  Luke 17:34

Two women will be grinding grain together; one will be taken and the other left.”  Luke 17:35

But consider the context.  The story which sets the pattern a few verses before is that of Noah and the flood.

“Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all. Luke 17:26-27

A few verses later we read of the destruction of Sodom

But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all.  Luke 17:29

Jesus declare this is a pattern which will be duplicated. One group is destroyed and the other group saved, left alive.

It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed.” Luke 17:30

Concluding from this pattern the “one taken” is the one destroyed, and the “one left” is the one who has been saved from the destruction.  This is polar opposite of the pre-tribulation notion.



The pre-tribulation rapture theory is a new doctrine on the block. Pinpointing its beginnings is challenging but it first shows up about 1800. If this teaching was not known today it would be very unlikely it would appear because some biblical scholar stumbled upon it in their study.

Robert Cameron gives an historical footnote. “Now, be it remembered, that prior to that date, no hint of any approach to such belief can be found in any Christian literature from Polycarp down…. Surely, a doctrine that finds no exponent or advocate in the whole history and literature of Christendom, for eighteen hundred years after the founding of the Church – a doctrine that was never taught by a Father or Doctor of the Church in the past – that has no standard Commentator or Professor of the Greek language in any Theological School until the middle of the Nineteenth century, to give it approval, and that is without a friend, even to mention its name amongst the orthodox teachers or the heretical sects of Christendom – such a fatherless and motherless doctrine, when it rises to the front, demanding universal acceptance, ought to undergo careful scrutiny before it is admitted and tabulated as part of ‘the faith once for all delivered unto the saints.’” (Robert Cameron, Scriptural Truth About The Lord’s Return, page 72-73).



The pre-tribulation rapture theory seems to make our goal to be getting to heaven rather than getting heaven to earth. The early Church orientation was to prepare the way for the Lord so that the King with His Kingdom would overcome the world. Remember, we have been praying 2000 years for the kingdom, the will of God, to come and be done on our planet! Jesus taught that the good leaven of the Kingdom would work its way through the entire lump. Saints were meant to be trailblazers preparing whole nation as disciples to be ready for the Lord’s return.

My general sense of those who have adopted the pre-tribulation theory is they are waiting for their ticket home and out of conflict rather than engaging in fulfilling the great commission.

Certainly, there are wonderful Christians who hold to the pre-tribulation rapture theory. I can’t blame them for wanting an exit from trouble. But I am seriously concerned they are being oriented to exit and escape rather than labor and fight for Christ’s kingdom and so to prepare a royal welcome.

Jesus taught we will have tribulation. This is a given. In Moses’ day there were two trubulations in Egypt. Pharaoh brought tribulation on the children of Israel, and God brought tribulation on Pharaoh and Egypt. I believe there is a similar template for our last days. Although Christians may experience tribulation from the ungodly, men at their worst cannot dish out tribulation like God.

Be of good cheer. You have been given the privilege of being a  soldier of fortune to pillage hell to populate heaven. Don’t look for escapes, hiding places and retreat. Light is meant to be put on a stand. Be engaged in God’s warfare on behalf of mankind. And lift up your head for your Redemption is coming!




Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises










Pamela C.G. Johnson


Greeting a friend-to-be, I was taken back by their response to my question, “How many children do you have? “

“I have two children. A son died a few years ago. I also have my living son.”

The losses people are dealing with are personal and leave a lasting imprint on their hearts and minds. We must step up in hearing them out. As awkward as it is to hear, the reality is that person loved someone who is now gone from their life. They are left with the haunting and real memories of their face, their memories, and their inability to love them as they once did.

The last 2 years have forced many losses upon us. It seems no-one is exempt. So how can we be present with one who has had loss and honor the life of the individual lost?  (We can apply other types of loss as well)

I suggest we learn to be self aware of our losses and understand so we can help others.

As a nurse I have had the privilege and pain to walk with so many suffering physical loss.

When a labor ended in the death of the baby I was holding the parent and the infant as they grieved the loss of new baby, what was not even thought of. I helped them hold their little one and touch her hair, her skin, as they spoke of her tiny fingers, exploring and coming to grips with their loss. Truthfully, I could hardly breath and wept openly with them. It was one of the most intense experiences of my life and I’m so glad I was able to die to my sense of right and wrong and let them live fully in that moment. It looks hours and they spent it holding her little body and speaking of what might have been and what was before them. It was almost perfect pain. Hard to describe, and if allowed I wanted to run from it, yet we let that grief wash over us all by staying in the moment.

I’ve attended at the bedside of hospice patients, holding hands, praying quietly, allowing family time and assisting them in overcoming fears to touch and speak their heart in that very significant hour. Sharing suffering with another is not an easy place to be. Suffering loss marks us for life. Some for better and some not. It’s absolutely appropriate to speak of the loss, it affects the living every single day.

In times past we allowed our aging and ill to die at home with family around them, sharing the memories of their life, laughing at the sweet past and the hopes of the future.

As a pastor I was part of celebrations of life.  One that stands out was a gentleman in his 90’s, suffering from liver disease. He was a lovely hue of yellow. While he was still living and alert we had a large circle of friends arrive and set up worship on his lawn. We  shared stories of how his life had impacted and changed ours. With humor and joy we sang his favorite hymn and simply loved on him and his precious wife. It was such a powerfully meaningful time. He was unable to stay till the end, but we who loved him didn’t want to leave as the unity, love and harmony, worship and holiness of that time was imprinted on our lives. The loss was so imminent, yet we pushed it away to celebrate his life.

I suggest when you find yourself in that awkward moment when someone shares a loss you were not expecting, that you press into it. Ask a few questions that pull out the value of that loss.

“Thank you for sharing that intimate detail.

“Is there more you would like to say about them?”

“What is a sweet memory you keep regarding your son?” 

“How are you living with your remaining son in light of the loss of your first son?”

“How rich you are to have shared that precious time with him.”

So many can sympathize and mourn with you in light of the last 2 years. Thank you for sharing with me.”

If it seems particularly fresh you might ask how they are making each day count with the uncertainties of this life. As people mention their loses I hope you will NOT just stand there as if a brick hit you, or move on like their words never reached your ears. Identify as a human and respond in compassion.

One very powerful experience I was a part of took place in Jerusalem, Israel. Steven and I were renting a room from a woman who lived in a high rise apartment. Down the hall from her another apartment was celebrating the life of someone who recently passed.

The door to their apartment was open all day, every day for 30 days. 30 DAYS

Any and everyone was invited in to hear the widow tell her story. Pictures of the man and their family adorned every table and wall. A prominent one was draped in black. The widow, to wore black. Family and friends were present sitting, sharing, and attentive always for the widow’s needs.

They soaked in their sorrow and grief every waking moment for 30 full days with strangers, family and friends. No one was turned away and everyone was respected as a guest to give honor to the lost one and their family.

I was so affected by this focus and honoring of the life of one person.

At the end of 30 days the door is closed as any home would be. The widow continues to wear black for 12 months. And the community acknowledges her as his widow. Perhaps we could value others’ loss in that way. Helping them unpack their loss and re-experience the immense thing we call life.

Our Heavenly Father felt it so valuable to experience life He sent His son to share it with us! 

In life there is suffering and sorrow. We are greatly enriched by every opportunity to weep with those who weep and laugh with those who laugh.  All of life is worth feeling, experiencing – giving way to our emotions and being with another in the moment.

Pamela C.G. Johnson


Yesterday morning our daughter Theresa gave birth to Liberty. She was hard fought for and so is prized! “Giving birth” is too lightweight an expression. This was a serious battle well fought and won. Theresa was the champion “point-woman” in the fight. We are proud of her!  By her side was a team of “operators.”


Her warrior prince Darrell was faithfully contending with her. Her mother, the ultimate mother/baby nurse, was as well. The team was larger still.


From Pam:

Such hard pushing, … and one thing after another until IVs n meds n 14 people about to take her to OR n then she pushed enough to get the vacuum on n w episiotomy she came at 7:43 n is now nursing.

She started sucking her fingers n latched right away. 7.1 n 19”

Theresa was exhausted but keep saying afterwards, “This was worth it! This was worth it!” Our Lord reminded us,

“A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world.”  John 16:21

Our Lord was not just talking about the challenge of bringing forth babies. He was in labor to bring forth something colossal, anticipating his own cross as well as being sensitive to the grief of his dear disciples.

“So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.” John 16:21

Our new granddaughter Liberty Grace is a parable for us all. It is a fight to gain LIberty. Because of this she is prized!

Our Son Brian reflected on the birth of his niece; “Liberty is a desperate fight. At times it does not look like it’s going to happen. But inch by inch, sometimes backwards she will come for those who are persistent.”

Yes, we own that today and are determine to fight, as God guides and helps us, to the victory! May it be our inner unshakable resolve!


So often after a fight we realize the gracious hand of God has helped us win the day. We recognize our strength, skill, knowledge and resolve were insufficient to win the day. In every virtuous hard-fought battle God ultimately gets the glory for being our helper and our Sufficiency!

My heart goes out to the heroes and heroines of our Great Cosmic Story who contend to bring forth LIBERTY! They also will say, “This is so worth it!”

I am certain I hear the Lord Jesus saying it!

I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love. To them I was like one who lifts a little child to the cheek, and I bent down to feed them.”  Hos 11:4

Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises


Despising the Shame and Keeping our Eyes on Jesus

My wife Pam takes her turn at a blog. It seems all painters of Jesus’ crucifixion feel obliged to garb him with a loin cloth. But just as Adam and Eve found themselves naked so did out Lord Jesus. He refused to let shame cling to Him. In fact, the cross was His way to cover ours!

Chew on this for good nourishment!  Steve

Crucifixion Of Jesus


Hebrews 12 leads us through some of Jesus’ darkest and most determined moments.  As I read the first few verses my mind paused to consider what he may be asking us to despise and endure.

Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.  Heb 12:1-2

Challenging times are increasing in the western world. Western Christians for the most part have not really experienced persecution and by choice have become silent even in the face of devastating intimidation and limits placed on us. 

If we look back across Jesus’ earthly life we can easily see times of difficulty. Consider His 40 days in the wilderness. Would he ask you, me, to suffer unrelenting difficulty and in our darkest most devastating moment, allow Satan to test us?

It was difficult enough to fast 40 days and nights but the testing beyond seems cruel. Perhaps we need to relook at the discipline of the Lord? Can we begin to challenge the soft and self-focused life we accepted as normal? These are my observations and questions as I ask Abba to lead me through this passage, in light of today.

When I don’t get what I want or think I need, or when others are credited or lauded and no one notices me, how will I handle it?  Have I become so full of self-pity that I cannot lift my eyes from childhood pain or lack, and waddle about with a broken wing dragging behind me.  These are shames, hostilities, making us weary. 

Yet we are reminded there is a circle of beings watching from heaven. So cast off the weight-wearying burden, lift those cast down eyes and shrug off discouragement.

Jesus is our example. He looked to the one who wrote his life script and completed it before any of it was lived. We too must ‘count it all joy’ realizing our life is lived in a sinful world with lawless and sinful people trying with all their determination to get their way, all trying to be a god.

Perhaps we would agree we have been asleep and ill-guided by allowing someone else to tell us what is true. Most people have not studied out their beliefs but simply followed a speaker they prefer. This is an error. Luke shows us to be like the Bereans who searched the word of God “to see” if what others say is true.

While our brothers and sisters suffered persecution and the ultimate sacrifice by giving their own lives we slept and shook our heads and clicked our tongues.  Now we see our liberties and values being squeezed in the vise of globalism. The very hand of evil and it seems the symbols are everywhere in plain view. 

Our preoccupation with “poor me” with the litanies of past hurts and trauma cost us.  Jesus experienced our every “hard knock.” He is offering us a victorious solution.

He’s not denying the pain or struggle he’s simply overlooking it, “despising the shame.”  What a huge realization. He was fully human to experience everything we have in a sinful world, yet spotless.

How do we despise our shameful, sin laden life, the exposure of our self-nature? How, when alone, and we feel the lack of positive supporting “ata’boys,” “Got your back honey” and “You can do it?”

We look into the face of our elder Brother. We consider Him, who overcame. We humbly walk in that mercy and grace, looking to his example.

We must spend more time in the secret place to rise in the hour of need. We will not fail if we believe like Caleb, repent like David and hold a heart of gratitude like the returning leper.

I find such richness in Hebrews 12, as it examines my heart. Let it train us to be the children of God. Despising the shame and embracing the Joy set before us, we endure for our prize.   

Kindly, Pam Johnson

For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls. You have not yet resisted to bloodshed, striving against sin. And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to sons:

“My son, do not despise the [c]chastening of the Lord,
Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him;

For whom the Lord loves He chastens,
And scourges every son whom He receives.”

If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten? But if you are without chastening, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate and not sons. Furthermore, we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect. Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live? For they indeed for a few days chastened us as seemed best to them, but He for our profit, that we may be partakers of His holiness. Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.   Hebrews 12:3-11

FIND ANSWERS TO KNOTTY QUESTIONS! An online group with Steve and Pam Johnson starting Tuesday, Feb 15th.

Listen to this blog here!


How exciting to ask Father God a question and see Him graciously and generously answer! Today I have an invitation

Pam and I are leading a connect group called: Finding Answers to Knotty Questions. It’s really a class on learning how to inquire of God. This is an online class using zoom so you can easily join us from home! We begin Tuesday Feb 15th AT 7pm (PST) and meet weekly 10 weeks. You can find the link below.


Rebekah becomes pregnant! There is a tremendous jostling in her womb. She can’t get an appointment for a sonogram. So, she goes to inquire of the Lord.  God answers her seeking!

“Two nations are in your womb,
    and two peoples from within you will be separated;
one people will be stronger than the other,
    and the older will serve the younger.” Genesis 25:23

So history proves it out!


Daniel was pondering the desolation and exile of the Jewish nation while captive in Babylon. When will this be over?  

He pours through Jeremiah’s prophecies and finds the prophet declare, “This whole country will become a desolate wasteland, and these nations will serve the king of Babylon seventy years.”   Jeremiah 25:11

He looks at his wrist watch. “O my goodness! It’s one minute to 70 years!”

He and his friends go into deep prayer. An angel shows up. The captives are released and free to return to Israel! Daniel searched and got liberating answers!

We all have questions. Some are personal like Rebekah’s

Should I marry Bertha?

Invest in bitcom?

Move to Baltimore?

Where did I lose my phone?

Some quests are global like Daniel’s.

How in the world can we disciple nations?

Restore righteous government?

Overcome evil in education, the media, and science?

Prepare the way for Christ’s return?

We invited you to join us! Together we will learn how to ask, seek and knock – and so – receive, find and have doors open?


Joining is easy. Show up at 7pm (PST) on Tuesday nights starting Feb 15th  by clicking this link!


Put it in your calendar. We’ll see you then!



1          INQUIRING: The generous, entreat-able God.

The babies jostled each other within her, and she said, “Why is this happening to me?” So she went to inquire of the Lord.   Gen 25:22

2          SOLUTIONISTS: Becoming a resource for others

A man has joy in an apt answer, And how delightful is a timely word!   Prov 15:23  

3          THE FACE OF GOD: Our greatest quest

My heart says of you, “Seek his face!” Your face, Lord, I will seek. Ps 27:8

4          PROVISION: Asking, seeking and knocking

“So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  Luke 11:9

5          FINDING LOST THINGS: Recovering the stolen and lost

Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Doesn’t she light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it?   Luke 15:8

6          GAINING WISDOM: Our most valuable commodity

But where can wisdom be found? Where does understanding dwell?   Job 28:12

7          RELATIONSHIPS: With whom should we connect?  

And Barnabas went forth to Tarsus, to seek for Saul.  Acts 11:25

8          LOCATION: Is my geography important?

Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, “Get up and go south to the desert road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.”   Acts 8:26

9          MINING GOD’S CREATIVITY: Finding our full expression

Be sure that you make everything according to the pattern I have shown you here on the mountain.   Exodus 25:40

10       DREAMS, VISIONS AND PROPHECY: Places we get answers

God spoke to Israel in visions of the night and said, “Jacob, Jacob.” And he said, “Here I am.”  Gen 46:2


Joining us 7pm (PST) on Tuesday nights starting Feb 15th, by clicking this link!


Steven C Johnson






The Funeral of the Late Mr C H Spurgeon. Illustration for The Graphic, 13 February 1892.


For a short time, I worked for a funeral company in Knoxville, TN. It was short for one reason. I can handle dead bodies and truly find it meaningful to comfort the bereaved in Christ, but  I could not stomach the business.

Of course, the company and those who worked for it are not here to defend themselves. There were good things about the company, and many good people worked for it. What I could not stand was what I saw as pretense and money grubbing.

In the back-room with staff and sales people there were often conversations about how much money could be made in the funeral business, and how to go about making it. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be successful in a job or business. Businesses may have mottos which say, “You are our number one priority” but we know it is often slogan. People who come to bury their dead are in a more vulnerable place than those shopping for a dishwasher or pair of socks.

In the funeral business we met people in shock, numb with pain, afraid for their future, feeling like orphans, lonely and unsure, in an environment and place of decision-making they had never been in before. And there is no leisure for making decisions. Choices need to be made immediately. I was grieved and sicken by the subtle pressure on the survivor to “properly” care for and “honor” the memory of their loved one.

“This will be your last great chance to honor your Dad. I’m sure you loved him deeply. How would you like to show your appreciation for him – the way he cared for you, the fun times you had, all the things you owe him? He certainly was a valuable person to you. How would you like to show how you valued him?”

Today most people who bury their loved-one embalm the body so it will last 4,000 years, put it in a water-tight casket, and put the casket in a concrete box buried underground. There are other little things like the flowers, obituary notices, a cleric to conduct a service, the meeting room, piped in music, and such. The average funeral cost $7500. Of course, that is only if you love the deceased in an average way. “I’m sure you’ll want to go all out and buy the bronze casket with ‘the lifetime-warranted pillow.’” 

Most people who came to the funeral home were not rolling in cash. Today the “bare bones” cremation is about $1000. The price is typically considerably higher. It seems most who cremate are seeking economy.

“You don’t need to worry. We do accept credit cards. Every time you make a payment you can remember your dear old Dad and how much you own him.”  I lasted about two months in this atmosphere.  My conclusion, “Let the dead bury their dead.”

I visited Mount Angel Abby in Oregon in my college days. When a brother in the monastery died, the others would dig the grave, wrapped him in burlap, and pour the dirt back on him. I’m confident this cost less than $7500. This seemed so faith-filled and authentic. It lacked a lot of the outward forms of most funerals but seemed to have plenty of heaven’s content. I wonder why more people don’t follow this practice.

In former days families would invite loved ones to come see the deceased laying in the bed or on the kitchen table to say their goodbyes. Someone in the family might build a box. Friends would dig the hole, lower the body and cover it up. This was done without paying for cosmetics. They might cover the grave with stones or place a wooden cross at the head.

Did you know that in most state you can bury a loved one in your pasture or back yard? You must wait for the coroner to show up and submit the death certificate but then you can handle the body according to your wishes. If you consider doing this check your state laws. The funeral industry has made this practice harder in some places. If you sell the property you must inform the new owner of the burial.

I’ve often thought I’d like to buy a pasture for goats and sheep and let people bury their dead there. I’d call it “Potter’s hill.” Perhaps I’d charge $100 if the family was not able to dig the hole themselves. That would be one way to get rich. 

I’ve conducted many funerals and memorials. It is impossible for us to prevent the truth, “Dust you are, to dust you shall return.” We Christians don’t look at visible things which are destined to perish but to invisible realities which never end. How grateful we are to the One named, “The Resurrection and The Life!” When it is time to bury our dead may we do so with Heaven’s perspective and peace.

Steven C Johnson






“Will we still be singing Christmas Carols after the Second coming of our Lord Jesus?”

Now, I love Christmas Carols, but when the dazzling, bowl us over and raise us up second coming of Jesus is history past, and we look backwards on the Great Return of our glorious Savior, and we are walking with Emanuel face to face, will we sing songs yearly recalling that Ultimate Great Appearing – just like we sing songs about the first coming?

Perhaps Christmas 1.0 will be superseded by Christmas 2.0. Perhaps we will take a month a year after Jesus returns to live with us and rule the nations to sing Second Coming carols.  


Let me know what you think.

Steven C Johnson

Get Steve’s newest book at Amazon!



A very joy-filled Gratitude Day! You each are reasons to upgrade our Thankfulness! 

This run Pam shares a recent testimony about our river. You’ll be encouraged!




Hearing Ana Mendez Ferrell and watching the testimony as she shared asking forgiveness of the African Elephants was so impactful for me.So much so that I actually dreamedabout it the following night.

In the dream Ana came to me and said, “You can do this.”I was thrilled and not sure what that might look like.

As soon as we began looking at the riverfront property (we now own) we heard the accounts of the river flooding and the death and destruction that followed it.

We knew this was our property and beganapplying, “I will give you the land you step on.” and began to speak to the river.“You will remain within the boundaries God has given you, and will not flood while we own this land.” We also blessed the forest, hills and mountain range and the moisture, rain and snow.

During this summers drought we prayed daily for the right amount of rain. We always blessed thearea. Its a big thing to me to bless the area we live around.

When we lived in agricultural areas we prayed often for the right amount of rain, snow, wind so that the farmers could get the best harvest. Mostly it was praying for the drought to end and the rain to come and it always did.

We have seen the river drop to the lowest level the community has seen this past summer and now the news sources were telling us the rivers of western WA. had not been this high since 2015. Truly flood stage. Communities beyond us were being evacuated, as homes were in jeopardy,some under water.

Our closest neighbor called Steve and I could tell from his side of the conversation our neighbor was fearful.Steve offered to pray with him and led out, and then something unusual happened. The neighbor prayed, OUT LOUD. He had never done that, in fact he’d been a stinker at times and a bit of a trial for us.So humbling himself to ask for Gods help was a big deal.

Ihad complete peace yet kept praying as we watched the river rise, coming nearer and nearer to our riverfront yard.

Our neighbors started coming down (we live at the lowest point on our cul-d-sac) watching the river and parroting the past scenarios.Loss of houses, land, bridges and deaths that ensued.

Steve had gone down to measure how far the river had risen and how close it was to flooding our property, within 2 feet.

The rain had been pouring downnonstop for a few days and my weather app was indicating there was 100% rain for the next few days.

I had been watching and praying but now I sensed I was to go visit the river. With peace in my heart I told Steve, “I think I’m supposed to go to the river.”

I put on my rain gear and walked outside. I was greeted by a neighbor talking about moving his RV and another couple who were fully engaged in the fear and worry of the first guy.

They walked up to me and began to share fully.

I listened and gently but firmly replied, “Thats not going to happen today.”They shared more.I took a breath to reply and felt a shift and instead of disagreeing I agreed with them. ‘Yes, in the past these things had happened andthis may even be a perfect time for more of those things to happen again”, BUT… I let them know we had prayed over this river and I was certain this time was not that. (In my heart I was surprised as I heard myself, I was so confident, so at peace) I encouraged the neighbors to do what gave them peace patting one gentleman on his shoulder.

I walked on down to the rivers edge noting the huge beach, we enjoyed most of the time we had lived here ( 2 years), was gone. I walked along on the last rocks left above water and talked to God.

“God did you hear what I said. I sure hope you back me up. I don’t usually talk like that. Those people don’t know You and we have been gently loving them and sharing who we know.

What am I doing here?”

I sensed I was to place my feet in the water. So I stepped into the water and stood there watching the angry, brown water churn around my boots.

Looking up at the expanseof the river I spoke.“ Tilton River I release you from death and destruction and I realign you to agree with Gods plan for you, to bring forth life and that abundantly.”

That seemed to be it. I waited, but nothing more came and I worshipped with the rivers new identity, and walked back up to my home.

The rain slowed, Steve took another measurement and the river was 8 inches lower than previous.Later that day it was 2 feet lower and the rain was a light drizzle.

(I had not addressed the rain.)

The rain slowed and actually stopped for a while. Our neighbor stayed up all night watching the river.We went to bed and slept well.He called us as soon as our lights went on the next morning telling Steve, “God heard our prayers, and I’m going to bed now.”

The rain stopped for half of the day and the river has continued to go down.

And I am so excited about the life that will begin on these banks, for families and this community.

God is so good to back up my faith and my words and with Ana I learned I can partner with heaven to bring that realm to earth.


Steve and Pam Johnson





“Daddy, what happened to the kitty?”

I’ve always maintained that death is icky. I’ve never changed my mind. We began our acquaintance with death as tots when we saw the dead cat in the road and the fly on the window sill.

When I was about eight my grandfather died. There was an open casket at the funeral. I went up to the casket with my mom at the end of the service. Grandpa looked bad, really bad. Mom said, “You can touch him if you want.” I had no desire to touch him. It was icky and scary!

They took grandpa in the box and put him under the ground in a country cemetery. We drove past the cemetery whenever we went to visit grandma and other relatives. I did not like driving by that cemetery. I did not like thinking of grandpa underground in that box. Other relatives were there in boxes under the ground. It was icky and scary.

A childhood friend shared a “helpful” superstition with me. He told me, “If you can hold your breath when you drive by a cemetery you will live a year longer.” It was challenging if you drove by larger cemeteries. But, you know what? It worked! But what it didn’t do was change my attitude that death is icky and scary.

Beyond the thought of being in a box under the ground was the wondering about life after death. Could there be something ickier after death? Rotting flesh is icky, but what if there were ickier, scarier things in an afterlife?

I attended church as a youth and learned that Jesus was sweet and kind. In retrospect I think there was more about “Jesus was” than “Jesus is.” I never got the message that Jesus gave death a royal trouncing. Because of this it seemed death was bigger and more tenaciously powerful than the “was” Jesus.

Finally, as a Senior in High School I read the New Testament for myself. I developed a love and respect for this marvelous, wise, virtuous, powerful Person. Eventually I came to call Him, “My Lord.”

I found Jesus really is the Resurrection and the Life! The grave, death and the powers of hell are helpless before Him. His promises gave me victory over the great-granddaddy or all fears, death.

I came to see that not only can we be free of the fear of death, we can vaunt over it, mock its weakness and celebrate its destruction – all because of the victory which our Redeemer gained for us at the cross, and through his resurrection and ascension. We are able to spurn, diminish and despise death! Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 15:

Where, O death is your victory?

Where, O death is your sting?

The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!

Our powerful, loving God sees death as icky too. It is totally out of order with His kingdom of vibrant life, and unbecoming his children. So, He dealt with it, and made a way out for us all!

I’ve walked through cemeteries and been overcome with tremendous confidence and boldness as I’ve sited Isaiah 26:19;

But your dead will live; their bodies will rise – let those who dwell in the dust of the earth wake up and shout for joy – your dew is like the dew of the morning; the earth will give birth to her dead!

You will think me daffy but once as I was walking through a cemetery quoting this verse I heard death under harassment say, “Stop doing that!”

The tables are being flipped! Death is afraid of believing Christians. What thrilling resurrection reality! Dust reconstituted! Lost things recovered! Grief and tears wiped away by the Hand of the Loving One! Old renewed! Reunion!

Death is a weakling compared to our “Stronger One.” What comfort, what rest, what exhilaration and delight! We flaunt over death because of Jesus!

Every fear – spiders, falling, financial loss, rejection – is connected to the great granddaddy of all fears, the fear of death. “He delivered me from all my fears.”

My Christian brother and sister, no long allow yourself to be intimidated by death. You are built to intimidate it! Death has been given a mortal blow!


How grateful are you that Jesus tasted death for us that we might taste His life?

What can you do today to put the fear of death in its place, and embrace the wholesome, regenerating fear of the Lord?

Do you have a testimony of overcoming the fear of death?



Read it and leave a review at Amazon


I highly recommend this book, especially for men who want to up their game as encouragers. The articles are brief, upbeat, tender, and tough. During the past two years, almost weekly, I’ve been in prayer rooms and men’s meetings with Steve Johnson—I’ve never encountered a person anointed as much as he is with the gift of encouragement (Romans 12:8). And with his comprehensive writing, Steve continually captures his reader’s attention with vivid, creative lines. Read this book, one chapter at a time; and if you can, find a way to meet this man!

                                                                                                 Geoff Pope

I found your book to be very encouraging. It calls us to a higher ground. I heard God speaking through the words he gave you to write. I appreciated having his Word to read throughout the book.

I especially enjoyed the lessons on wonder, amazement and creativity. I wrote down a quote to pray for friends and family: “May our friends and family who are distant from Yeshua be hit hard by his overflowing kindness, bringing them to true repentance.”

Also, having a background working with special needs children, I was touched by the pool story about Cain. Thank you for giving me the privilege of reading your book!!

                                                                                                        Liela  Cuglivan


Steven C Johnson




                                                                                                                                                     Photo attribution  


Open-mindedness is one of our highest values. We encourage growth in knowledge, discovery of new truths, free thinkers and think tanks. Narrow-mindedness closes the door to new insights, exiting discoveries and fascinating new vistas.

Among the narrow-mined are the bigots, the mentally blind, the stagnate and fools. But, could it be, that on occasion, the narrow-minded approach is the way of the wise while others are so open-minded that their brains fall out?

Jesus of Nazareth said, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it” (Matt 7:13). Jesus tells us we should narrow in.

Christians are often accused of being narrow-minded. The charge really needs to brought to our Lord Jesus.  His claims, “I am the bread of life,” “I am the light of the world,” and “I am the door” seen singular and exclusive. What do you do with a guy who says in John 8:24, “Unless you believe that I am He [God’s chosen One] you shall die in your sins?” You either put him in an asylum or you follow Him as your Master.

The musician does not say, “Any note will do.” The doctor doesn’t say, “Any medicine will do.” So what nonsense overtakes us when we say, “Any religion will do?” My teacher said, “Children, put your thinking caps on.”

“Narrow-minded” Christians for the past two millennia have been confessing, “there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:2).

Many profound religious leaders of all types have come along. They have said, “I’ll show you the way. I’ll teach you the truth. I’ll instruct you in life.” But Jesus says, “I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life. No one comes to the father except through me” (John 14:6). Pretty audacious wouldn’t you say? Who is this Jesus anyway? Glad you asked!

Some would like to make Jesus out to be a philosopher, political activist, or one of the “ascended masters.” Jesus claimed to be none of these.

Jesus claimed to be the only Son of God (John 3:16 5:16-18)

to have the power to forgive sins (Mark 2:5-7)

the power to raise the dead (John 5:24-25)

and the authority to judge mankind (John 5:27).

You may accept it or reject it but the Bible clearly teaches, “There is one God and one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus. (1 Tim 2:5-6). Had Jesus thought that other religious would do the Job He would certainly have avoided Jerusalem and passed up the cross. He died there convinced that He was God’s ransom to set us free from sin and judgment (Mark 10:45).

Many are offended with Jesus’ claim to be the only way to God. But the drowning person doesn’t complain  that the life ring is the wrong color. I have never heard anyone protest that oxygen should not be an essential element. Still, many would like to think of following Jesus as an optional religious hobby. Some say what is really important is sincerity. “

“It’s not what you believe, it’s that you believe it sincerely.” Does that make sense to the horse? What would you say to the mechanic who says, “You don’t need oil in your crank case.” Use sand, water or flower petals. The important thing is to be sincere.” Sincerity is certainly desirable but it only functions in tandem with truth. “Faith is like a rope,” says Dr. Michael Green. “”It matters enormously what you attach it to.”

Whoever heard of someone phoning a friend and thinking in their “open-mindedness” that any number should do the job? How can what is nonsense in everyday life suddenly become profound wisdom when dealing with religion? Witness some open-minded folks who say, “All religious are basically the same.” On the surface this seems tolerant, humane, conciliatory. But attempts at harmonizing religions produces ear-jarring cacophony.

My friend, all religions could be false but they cannot all be true.

Try to harmonize the views of God: One? Many? None? The god of self?

Check out the views of the afterlife:


Disembodied spirits?


Merging with the cosmic whole?

Resurrection to hell or to heaven.

When someone says, “All religions are basically the same,” are they thinking of religions which cripple the feet of women, sacrifice children, eat their enemies, force children into “sacred” prostitution, or practice “honor” killing? It just won’t mix. The discrepancies between various religious systems are irreconcilable. Although we may find things of value in a number of religions there is a lot of rot that passes as spirituality.

When Jesus comes again in the glory clouds of heaven with an innumerable host of angels, some religious folks will be upset! But they will not be able to protest, “Leave me alone, Jesus, I’m trying to tap into my god-self” or “ Jesus, how dare you break my reincarnation cycle!” Every eye will see him. It will be the most colossal reality check!

Many religions pursue vaporous and intangible delusions. Real Christians eagerly wait for the substantial and concrete return of our crucified and risen Savior. The power of His indestructible life assures us that we will live with Him forever (John 6:51; 14:19). That’s why we call Jesus’ message, “Good News!”

If you are hunting for a nice religion you have literally hundreds to choose from. In fact, new designer religions are being fabricated every day. But if you are hunting for LIFE come to the narrow way that is universally open to all! Jesus invites in Matthew 11:28  “Come to me ALL  you who are weary and heavy burdened and I will give you rest.” I commend to you Jesus the only Son of the living God!

Where to from here? Anywhere if you don’t care about your destination. But if you are asking, “How do I enter the narrow road that leads to life?” I suggest the following:

Read the New Testament accounts of Jesus. You will find yourself falling in love.

Believe the far-out truth that God really loves you and proved it in His Son.

Own up to your own sins, your shortcomings and mortality before God.

Ask Jesus to forgive your sings, to be your Master, to come into your life and make you a new person. He will!

Be determined to grow in your new life by communicating with God every day!

Plug into a sincere group of Christians who strive to live out the truth of God’s word in the power of the Holy Spirit!

Horses are known for horse-sense. Keep your mind and heart open to the narrow way of the Lord Jesus Christ. Enter in the narrow door that leads to broad open places!

Steve Johnson, LandingStripEnterprises.Com

Front view of an aeroplane taking off



Often engaging in the Holy Spirit is a breeze. The presence of the River of Christ’s is felt, engaging and ministering comes easy and everyone is refreshed, empowered, comforted, fortified, liberated and healed!

Then… there are other times… when God feels distant and we feel “parched.” What do you do then? When the River vanishes into cracked puzzle pieces people dig wells. There are times we must dig spiritually. It can be gritty, hard labor but joy is restored to the whole community when we find water again!

May this episode from Riverfront Property: Connecting at the River of Life, stimulate you to the noble task of digging wells for you clans.




The Patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were regarded as honorable for many reasons. One is, they dug wells to provided water for their clans. Noble-minded people dig wells, water works which satisfy needs.

There were intense conflicts and grumbling over water rights. The Patriarchs came up with honorable solutions for the clashes and complaints. Most involved time-consuming, back-breaking labor. Answers to problems came with shovels attached!

What do we do when we discover our river bottom has dried into cracked puzzle pieces? Grab a spade!


Thirsty people grumble, naturally. Churches are not happy with water shortages. We moan and complain. “Where is God’s presence?” “This church is bone dry!” “Where did the love and power go?” “Someone drained the pool!”

Some of us church hop, looking for a place with dancing fountains. We hope for an easy drink. Others join a community, and when they realize water is needed, they do all they can to see their tribe gets it. Some complain, or leave. Others dig.

Responsible believers take ownership of problems and work on solutions.

Sometimes responding to the Spirit is a cinch. We cannon-ball in, swim and frolic! When rivers go dry, people dig wells. They think this is preferable to dying. If the river goes arid don’t despair, get to work! You remember Jesus saying, “He who believes in me, out of his inner being will flow ….” The work of faith produces flow. Digging wells is also done by faith.

I visited southern Israel near Beer Sheva, the well of the oath, and saw a hand dug-well. I could tell it was deep because the pebble I dropped took a long time before

it plopped. It must have been hard work. If you live in a place with a handful of inches of rain a year, you dig or die. Don’t whine if you don’t sense the presence of God. Get digging! Dig deep via hope and humility and intercession and gain water for your clan.

Do you want to see a party? Dig a well in a barren place where people walk miles for water. We were part of a well-drilling project in Kenya. What a party they had when the water started pumping!

Many churches do not feel like partying. Who wants a dehydrated fellowship? Some dread going to worship service, fearing the next one will be as dry as the last.

Our neighbors and people in faraway places are waiting for us to confirm that Jesus makes good His promise of living water. They try drugs, entertainments and wacked-out philosophies to satisfy their thirst. They despair that real drink can be found. You have their answer, but it may require digging.


During the wanderings of Israel, they dug a well. We get a snatch of the story in Numbers 21:16-18.

From there they continued on to Beer, the well where the LORD said to Moses, “Gather the people together and I will give them water.”

Then Israel sang this song:

“Spring up, O well! Sing about it,about the well that the princes dug,  that the nobles of the people sank— the nobles with scepters and staffs”.


Those that accessed water for the community were not commoners; they were nobles! Many want a noble title – Duke or Duchess, Apostle, Evangelist or Pastor. Don’t expect people to think you noble because of your genealogy. It will come because of you noble lifestyle, the way you care for others.

Noble leaders realize their responsibility for providing water. They do not idly show up for church, turn on the tap and expect anointed ministry. They probe God. They augur into His heart. They burrow into his word. These leaders are to be honored!

Digging wells is the work of genuine monarchs, knights, barons and counts. They willingly get their hands dirtied and blistered, down in the gloom, for the sake of their people. Laboring in a murky well-shaft may not be your idea of fun, but it is a great idea for survival.

Nobility is gained by noble deeds. It is an expression of character. When water is found we celebrate, and the diggers are esteemed!


Water in short supply occasions quarrels and contentions. Neighbors fight. When there is abundance fearful apprehension is washed away. We are friends again!

If you delve into the earth, boring into the unseen depths, you might stumble on diamonds, emeralds and rubies. You might discover natural gas, oil and coal, perhaps ancient fossils. You might also discover water. And if you, your family and flocks were really thirsty, you would bring them together, drink deep and throw a party!

Those about you are watching you dig. They hope for your success because they would love a big draught of water. In fact, they would take a water break and throw a party!


Jacob fled for his life. His brother literally wanted to kill him! He came to the distant land of Padan Aram where shepherd girls were waiting to water their congregation. These shepherdesses were delayed because those strong enough to remove the stone protecting the well had not arrived. When Jacob saw Rachel daughter of Laban, his mother’s brother, he manhandled the stone from the mouth of the well and watered the sheep.

Several people were needed to move the stone, but Jacob single-handedly removed it. Jacob was tough, the kind of guy who wrestles angels. By the way, he later married Rachel who was probably swooning, “My, he is so strong and handsome!”


Many believers have perfectly fine wells with lots of water, but their wells are capped. They cannot access the water because heavy weights block the opening. Those caps may seem so immense; it appears a herculean task to remove them. We can help one another get the caps off!

If you or your friend feels a restriction in experiencing the Father’s love and power, see if one of these caps need to be removed.

  • Unbelief—God is not interested in me
  • Fear—I dread the future
  • Pride—I must look important
  • Presumption—I can do it my way
  • Hard heartedness—Being vulnerable with God is for the weak
  • Grief—Nothing can remove this pain
  • Unforgiveness—I would rather have them punished than personally know God’s peace

Ask God for discernment. He may reveal blockages like apathy, self-sufficiency, false loves or distractions. He will show you how to remove the blockages and access the water. Remember, God’s plan to get the lids off may involve other brothers and sisters.


We are grateful for times that accessing water is a breeze. This is the grace of God. There are other times where we need to dig, and the labors are difficult. This is also the grace of God! Look for the Lamb beside you in the well- shaft!

Out of a river, or out of a well, we access waters by faith. Whether it comes easy or with toil, we trust in God’s generous provision. There are times we must dig. May it prove our nobility!


In May of 1995 I had a dream that would get on my Top Ten. I suddenly found myself standing on a gangway one hundred feet over a large suspension bridge. The bridge was six lanes wide. No cars were on the bridge, but a group of about 8 people were in the middle, standing in a circle of prayer.

Interestingly, the bridge ran right down the middle of an immense river! As I looked, a wave lapped over the deck of the bridge, covering the people praying below. I was alarmed, thinking they were washed off the bridge, but they were all there after the water rolled away. I ran down stairs to check on the people, and when I got to the bottom I came to a large room where dozens of people were praying.

I believe the last-days Church will not bridge from one spiritual awakening to another. As we become the house of prayer, we will endlessly experience the river of life.


Our Inheritance in Messiah is a stretch of Riverfront Property! It is a delightful place of connection— connection with the Lamb and with His people!

I would love to go fishing with you at the Dead Sea. It may be renamed The Lively Sea. Are you anxious to sample the fruit there? The most delicious thing will be to walk with the Lamb!

Today is yesterday’s future. Since you live in the future, make the most of it. Make following the Lamb your daily habit. As you trust Him more you will experience more of the inner river.

May you draw from the river with ease! If you must dig wells, be of good cheer. Dirt under your nails means water for your tribe. You do a noble work!

Many have yet to learn that Jesus is “the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” Not only are non-believers in fatal dehydration, but millions who acknowledge Messiah live with a dribble when they might have a river!

Your neighbors and those at the edges of the world thirst for what you have. They desire an authentic demonstration of love, power, truth and righteousness. They are waiting for you, God’s delivery system!

May water flow from your buckets. May your seed have abundant water!

Steven C Johnson


I Hope you have received a delicious drink! As you find your thirst quenched please recall those you know who would also love a drink. Pass the cup!

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Hold the book and your fingers get wet. Open the pages and water pours! Riverfront Property is a Biblically drenching, spiritually refreshing thirst-quencher. Soak in inspiration for dreams and visions, spiritual gifts, and the fruit of righteousness. Make connections at the riverfront!”


The Physical River which Springs from the City of Jerusalem
The Transformational Inner River
How to be a Conduit of the Holy Spirit’s Graces



“Steve Johnson is one of the most remarkable people I have ever met.  From the first time I met him I was drawn to the River of God so evident in him.  I am not surprised that his book is remarkable as well.  Steve writes from his own personal experience with the River Master and from the overflow of God presence flowing through him.  After reading the book and experiencing the seminar I am even more hungry for the ever-increasing flow of God’s presence in my life and in the city where I pastor.”  –  Chuck Farina. Pastor of New Hope Church, Abilene, Texas

“It’s the best thing I can remember seeing of its kind, which is a combination of thematic Bible study and Christian energy drink. Steve’s explanation of what the Bible says about rivers, water, and spiritual life is as good as it gets.”  –  Dr. Jeff Treder

“Riverfront Property makes me thirsty. The love of God and the river of life flow in these pages. Get a fresh drink here! Now I want to run through a rain shower, stand under a waterfall, and soak in the ocean. Come Holy Spirit, pour out on us!”   – Harold R. Eberle, President of Worldcast Ministry

“I just finished this book–it truly is refreshing with great revelation. I also enjoyed hearing about Steve’s experiences that back up what he is saying–this was refreshing in of itself and made me thirsty for more of the River of God and the Holy Spirit!” — Peter Spencer, The Elijah List

Purchase Riverfront Property in AUDIO or EBOOK HERE!

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Many believers are seeking religious exemptions from taking the mRNA injection as their jobs are threatened. For fun I start with some different classes of religious exemptions.


I am an atheist. The only one I worship is myself, and I do so devotedly. I make my own decisions without giving a damn for others. This is a free country. I own my body and will not be bossed around. My body, my choice. I’ll take a jab if I want to, and I’ll refuse it if I don’t want to. And the government has no right to know what I have decided. I’ll take the shingles vaccine if I want to, and won’t if I don’t want to. It’s that damn simple. I am a person of conviction and you have no right to be insensitive to my beliefs!


Death to infidels! Allah is great and America will die by plague, famine and our swords. The mujahedeen will not submit to the injections of infidels. No, they shall be injected with our bullets! A thousand curses as the wrath of Allah brings calamity by disease, earthquake and fire on the corrupt. No medicines will save them from our wrath!


I don’t know for sure… Maybe there is no God and all of life doesn’t matter. Maybe life and death have no meaning. Maybe it doesn’t matter if we take a covid shot or not. Since I don’t know for sure, and don’t like injections, I think I better just save some time and discomfort and stay home and watch TV. You guys let me out of jury duty. The least you can do is let out of this.


How is it possible for an anti-God politician to make judgments on the validity of the faith decisions of those who reverence God and seek to please Him?

Someone at the top of the political food chain by whim or fancy decides the validity of a person’s religious faith. While denying God they place themselves in the god-like role of being the judge of religious authenticity.

Are we by submitting a religious exemption conceding our position of strength, and permitting non-religious “public servants” to have authority over our religious affairs. In essence we may be handing over ultimate religious as well as political authority to those who oppose our faith. Those elected to serve become those who negate the validity of our faith.

WA State Governor has said no religious exemptions will be accepted for State Troopers? Hundreds are facing termination. If Gov. Inslee can disallow the religion of believing Troopers he can disallow exemptions for dog groomers and computer techs. If he is not challenged how far will he go?

There was a document that came out a few years ago called The Constitution of the United States of America. In the very first amendment to that document we find these words:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

There are many lawsuits going on around the country against employers and governments who are attempting to coerce employees to take an experimental treatment. Many companies are in danger of being slammed! Many are backing down!

I am not a lawyer, but my thought is this. If your job is threatened do not resign. Instead have a legal notice sent to your employer or government supervisors that you intend to sue them if fired. Many, many class action suits are in motion! This will be another tool to remove corrupt government officials. It is a rare day when I would advocate for pursuing a lawsuit but this is the type of leverage many will respond to.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and stories especially if you or someone you know is being threatened.


I would use the whole situation to magnify my witness for Jesus! I would hammer the powers that be with my confidence in Christ. I would talk up Jesus a lot! Take advantage of a setting where interviewers are forced to hear your testimony! Get aggressive. There is no need to present your rational reasons for refusing the injection. This would simply send you down rabbit holes of debate. If you take the exemption appeal route be a fragrance for Christ, either of life or death. Your letter could be very different than what I drafted below.


I am a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. I love Him with all my heart, mind soul and strength. He died to save me and give me eternal life. He is my Companion in this life and the life to come. I serve and obey Him for what He has done for me. I owe Him everything. I belong to Him and He belongs to me. I seek daily to follow Him because of my love and reverence for Him.

He has taught me that my body is His temple. He lives within this body. Because of this I only want healthy things in my body so this temple is not defiled. I must be very scrupulous about what I put into my body to respect Him.

I am not debating, at this time, the benefits or dangers of what is called the Covid 19 immunization. Having studied carefully the potential liabilities of this injection I cannot risk defiling my body, Christ’s temple, with what has the potential to corrupt it. I wish to be a thoroughly clean vessel for the Holy Spirit of Jesus.

I understand I am presenting a religious exemption, not a medical one. Many will never understand my religious reasonings because they have never encountered Jesus Christ in His power. But I have!

Most Sincerely,…



How are you doing with it? What are you praying and hearing?



Either Mr. Biden is a bumbling idiot with dementia, or a demented calculating mad man. I have no other categories to explain him.

I pray for him that he may escape the fires of hell but come to judgment in this world. I continue to pray for him and his cohorts as I would Jezebel, Athaliah, Absalom or Amnon.  



Einstein developed the theory of relativity. Who Theorized CRT?

How does CRT work in Algeria, Nicaragua and Romania?

If whites are naturally racists what are Asians?

Are there people in the world who are systemically infected with love and generosity?



Jesus is the ringleader of a bunch of ruffians who are keying Satan’s car, slashing his tires, bashing his windows and knocking off his side mirrors.

Jesus and his disciples certainly like destroying things – that is things that need to be destroyed of course. What do you expect when He says, “The Son of Man came to destroy the works of the evil one!”


Prov 21:12 The Righteous One takes note of the house of the wicked and brings the wicked to ruin.

Prov 21:22 One who is wise can go up against the city of the mighty and pull down the stronghold in which they trust.


Steven C Johnson





Join Steve and Pam Johnson Tuesday Evenings

for an online Zoom study of


Luke 24:45 “Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.”


Saint luke's painting                                       

Pam and I would love to have old and new friends join us for an exciting, systematic study of Luke’s gospel and its themes! You can join us from virtually any location online!

Your life will be transformed as you are saturated with the Biblical text, soaked in the Holy Spirit and Connect with other believers! This class is designed for serious disciples of Jesus who wish to grow strong in Word and Spirit.


Find security in Luke’s Rescuer!

Feel the heart of the Son of Man who came to “Seek and Save”

Learn new study and communication skills

Be fascinated by archaeological and historical insights!

Prepare yourself to counsel a friend, or witness to a coworker

Equip yourself to lead a Bible study, preach from a pulpit or do international missions.

Fuel you lamp to burn brightly!

Pray confidently for the sick and deliver the demonized!


CONVENER: Steven Johnson is devoted to encouraging others in their gifts and callings. He loves to lead others into theological maturity and genuine spiritual relationship with the Savior. He is a graduate of George Fox University and Palmer Theological Seminary. He has studied in Israel at Jerusalem University College.

WHEN: Tuesday evenings online via Zoom at 7:00 PM PST, Sept 14th through Nov 30th

PRICE: It’s free, but the price of being a disciple will be more costly.



Put your name and contact info at the top then scroll down and click “Luke: The Seek and Save Gospel.”

Hope to see you in this exciting time of study and fellowship!


Steven C Johnson







The sexual revolution enticed us with a brave new world of pleasure and freedom. However, the fruits of the revolution brought us horrific damage and pain. Millions now are in bondage to sexual sin and bound by its tyranny. But a counter-revolution is in motion. Will you join our holy crusade to bring rescue, healing, comfort, restoration and peace?


Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols.  Rev 2:20

The sixties brought a proclamation of sexual “freedom” and “liberty.” The “stultifying, tyrannical and archaic morals” of previous generations were abandoned.

Those who questioned the revolution were shot down with compelling arguments like, “If two consenting adults want to be sexually active, affecting only themselves, what is that to you?”  It was airtight reasoning, so sensible, and emancipating.

We sang songs mindlessly because we loved the beat and the tune. The songs said,

“I’m trying to get some girl pregnant”

“If you’re not with the one you love [your boyfriend or girlfriend], love [have sex with] the one you’re with.”

“I’m not talking about commitment…but I really want to see you [have sex with you] tonight.”

A bi-line of the sexual revolution was, “If it feels good do it.” And many of us gave up the “old fashioned” moral restrains for a promised land of pleasure.

I apologize for my part in this revolution, either actively or by standing on the sideline and not fighting to hold the ground. Those sexual liaisons between those “two consenting adults” impacted us all. The revolution went sour for those who participated and for those who tolerated it. 


            Undermined marriages

The sexual revolution taught us that there is nothing holy or sacred about sex and marriage. It undermined the sanctity of marriage. Many became convinced that marriage is an archaic, worthless illusion. Besides, why risk failure?


Venereal disease somehow effected those two consenting adults. Society became burdened with the apparent need to help them deal with the physical consequences.

             Single moms

Broken hearts followed those sexual revolutionaries. Single moms gave up the happily-ever-after vision for a life of stress, poverty and loneliness.


Abortion is a family planning afterthought. Had those “two consenting adults” first decided to commit themselves in sacred matrimony there would have been far fewer abortions. The baby became the “fall guy” for “unprotected” sex.

              Fatherless children

Where did they all come from? In some schools, half of the children no longer live with their biological fathers. There is no fatherly voice speaking value and purpose, vision and devotion, disciple and safety. What loneliness and pain!


I’ve witnessed personally, about 95 percent of the inmate, in penal institutions are fatherless. Some still have the “sires” but they provided negligible fathering. Why do you suppose? Those inmates are abandoned children, part of the fallout of the revolution. Moral laxity in the sexual department found its way into all the other moral departments.

            Aimless men

Men became convinced they were only animals lead by uncontrollable passions. They were taught they could not control those passions. The dignity and honor found in self-controlled, disciplined manhood was forfeited. We gave up meaningful disciplined lives for lives of momentary pleasure. We traded our treasures for a bowl of stew.

            Broken hopeless, hearts

Who can grasp the great pain that the revolution brought to the hearts of men and women, boys and girls? It seems we were all wounded by “friendly fire.” I’m too overwhelmed to find words.

            National debt

The fallout from the revolution has been enormously costly financially. We’ve gone in debt treating STD’s, supporting single moms, building prisons, paying for abortion “services,” converting schools into nanny daycares, caring for homeless adults, and paying an arsenal of counselors to treat our mental disorders and sexual identity questions. These costs outstrip every item in our national budget, our military spending and spending on roads and infrastructure. Those two consenting adults had no idea what a Pandora’s box they were unleashing.


No one today would claim that the sexual revolution won us a healthier, happier, more wholesome America. The revolution produced massive casualties!

“Liberty” came short lived, like an evening of binge drinking. Those that wake feel something was lost or stolen in the night. We were “liberated” from security and faithfulness, from belonging and permanent relationships, from prosperity and peace. We impoverished ourselves spiritually, intellectually, morally and financially.

But even today many are staying faithful to “the cause.” They are working to indoctrinate our small children in sexual promiscuity, just as some radicals indoctrinate their children for Jihad.


If I ever hear someone say again, “If it feels good do it” I will reply, “Does that mean if my bladder is full that I can relieve myself by peeing on your carpet?

I refuse to be discouraged and give up on our culture. I am stirred to join the counter-revolutionaries fighting for sexual sanity. Luke Skywalker and company took on the evil empire. Our counter insurgents have a much larger battle, to turn the minds and hearts of the delusional.

What weapons do you have to overcome the vain imaginations of the sex marketers?

What medicines do you have for the sexually violated and heart-broken?

What soaps do you have to help cleanse defiled consciences?

What tools and building materials do you have to help others reconstruct their broken lives?


You can arm yourselves with Christ’s loving and redemptive heart.

You can decide to purge yourself of any residual contamination.

You can model a way of purity in both singleness and marriage that inspires.

You can renew your mind and the minds of others with the truths of Scripture.

There are things you can do to save your tiny children and your adult friends from the seductions of Jezebel.


May God forgive us for our toleration of the woman Jezebel!

May we expel this spirit from our circles!

May we walk in the blessings of moral purity, and be found worthy as overcomers to receive the promised Morning Star!

Rev 2: 20 Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols. 21 I have given her time to repent of her immorality, but she is unwilling. 22 So I will cast her on a bed of suffering, and I will make those who commit adultery with her suffer intensely, unless they repent of her ways. 23 I will strike her children dead. Then all the churches will know that I am he who searches hearts and minds, and I will repay each of you according to your deeds.


There are no quick and easy fixes for a land decimated by war – But there are sure fixes!

We must realize and own that our own folly has brought trouble on ourselves. And – we must look up and return to the Creator who made us male and female! He is willing to heal our land if we truly and humbly return to Him! The Lord is willing to pour wine and oil into our wounds, and comfort us as we recuperate.


There were many persuasive, enticing, arguments for the sexual revolution. The images projected by the revolutionaries were as intoxicating as a juicy worm on a fish hook. A vision for a spiritual and moral awakening, a counter-revolutionary movement, must also have winning arguments. Do you have credible and appealing arguments for convincing a culture that God’s wonderful idea for sexual intimacy is found in a consecrated, faithful marriage? Can you project that as pictured in your life?

There is a pathway back to sanity. Who will have the courage to show the way and be counter-revolutionaries? Who will find the arguments and demonstrate visually the blessing of lives renewed under God’s wisdom and safe boundaries? I’m determined to be one engaged in the fight to liberate captives from strongholds of thinking which lead only to death.

Old excuses and reasonings can be torn down and wholesome values and models recovered. We will be saved and restored as we return to the ancient highway of holiness.

Jesus said, “The Son of Man came to seek and save the Lost.” This is still our mission as Sons and daughters of God!

Will you join in our crusade?



Steven C Johnson



Worth watching – Darren Stott does a powerful job with

Gender Identity & The Good News

You may wish to forward through the music







Has the potency of our Independence been lost behind a smoke screen of fireworks?

The significance of holidays degrade by inattention. Thanksgiving becomes gluttony day. Christmas Incarnation becomes gift-giving day. Resurrection Sunday becomes eat a chocolate bunny day. Independence Day becomes picnic and fireworks day.

Independence Day originally was more than explosive light shows. It was death-defying determination to escape totalitarian rule. In a much smaller land, and missing the millions who live here today, 4,435 died because of The Declaration. They put action to the words, “appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, … And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

What if you could not buy products from Turkey, Germany or South Africa unless they first were shipped to England, and then were shipped to you with English taxes?

What if a British officer knocked on your door and informed you that ten soldiers would be staying at your home for a few months starting now?

What if you were not allowed to make the most basic laws governing the behavior of people in your state or community?  

What if the Crown taxed you more than they taxed the people in England and refused to listen to your many questions and petitions?

Would you patiently implore the understanding of England as did the colonies? Would you petition and implore? Would you, like the the colonist eventually say,  “Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God” and “Don’t tread on me!”

A question for us moderns is, “Would you and I have signed the document?”

Would we have laid down our lives, our bank accounts and reputations to back up our signatures?

Our behaviors as everyday patriots will show us what we would have done had we been planted in those pivotal days of history. Perhaps our days are no less momentous. 

It’s been said that “To maintain our nation’s freedom it will take the same kind of resolve that it took to form it.” Let’s be grateful for the intelligence, wisdom and determination that those before us acted on to gain us freedom. Let us somberly remember our children and grandchildren, and refresh our resolve as we celebrate our costly freedom.

John Adams wrote regarding the Declaration.

“The Second Day of July 1776, [the day Adams thought the signing and commemoration would both be on] will be the most memorable Epocha, in the History of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival.

It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with-

Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.

You will think me transported with Enthusiasm but I am not. I am well aware of the Toil and Blood and Treasure, that it will cost Us to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States.

Yet through all the Gloom I can see the Rays of ravishing Light and Glory. I can see that the End is more than worth all the Means. And that Posterity will tryumph in that Days Transaction, even altho We should rue it, which I trust in God We shall not.”

Please do solemnize the day by setting off fireworks, clanging the kitchen pots and honking your car horn, but don’t fail to tell your children the reason for doing so!

Steven C Johnson

Note this excellent article written by Scott Williams

The cost paid by the signers of the Declaration of Independence




I had three pairs of goggles, put one on, and left the other two at the end of my lane. After swimming about 15 minutes, I saw a boy sitting beside my goggles. He looked at me and innocently asked if he could borrow a pair. It was interesting that he asked so straightforwardly. I said, “OK,” adjusted the goggles for him and resumed swimming. The boy swam with full-length blue Jeans.

He was diving for a toy. I stopped and talked to him while he labored to tread water. His name was Cain; he was eight and lived in a group home. A handful of other boys from the home were also there. He asked if I would play with him. What innocence and frankness! We dove together for a few minutes.

As Cain was trying on the other set of goggles, he said, “Someday I hope I will have a foster family.” I was touched and felt an impression: The curse is coming off Cain.

After finishing laps, we visited in the water. Both of us linked an elbow on the side of the pool. I asked, “Cain, do you know anything about Jesus?” He gave a childlike account of Jesus’ death and resurrection. I told him that it was a powerful story, and that it was true! Feeling I might never see Cain again, I encouraged him to get to know Jesus better and better by talking to him daily: “Jesus is real and He deeply cares for you, Cain. He will help you through life.”

I was growing attached to this boy and felt like packing him home and fathering him. He said, “I sure wish I had a pair of goggles like these.” I told him, “Keep them. I give them to you.” He confided that he had had some discipline problems at the home, but he had a special class apart from the others and that he thought he was doing better. He mentioned also that there was a tiny child in his group that chattered and babbled and sounded funny. I told him that he was probably a good friend to that child.

I prayed a short but earnest prayer with that eight-year-old boy. As I was getting out of the pool, he asked, “Do you know the song ‘I See the Moon?”  He sang:

“I see the moon and the moon sees me…God bless the moon and God bless me.” As I walked away, Cain continued to sing the song to himself. I was touched with emotion for Cain’s challenges, his innocence, uncertainty and hope. May the living God follow that young man’s career!



I’M THOROUGHLY PLEASED to inform you that my newest book is coming out shortly!  


I think you’ll like it. “In the Pool with Cain” is one of thirty edifying pieces in the book. 

Compounds of Encouragement is coming in both audio and eBook.

When Riverfront Property: Connecting the River of Life came out some of you graciously offered to be reviewers. I’m seeking reviewers again. If you’d like to have access to the book early and are willing to give a review. simply send me a note saying,

“Steve, I’d like to review Compounds of Encouragement!”

Add “In Audio” or “In ebook.”

I’ll be posting more in the next few weeks.


As a PS the Riverfront Property Prophetic Documentary has been on the back burner. It is a rather daunting undertaking. Hoping to get more motion on it in the fall. Thanks for those who have prayed for this!

Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises






The most recent case of flag drenching occurred in Flagstaff, Arizona. The 35 year old defendant, Stan Dowser, appeared before Superior Court Judge William Garble. The defendant’s court appointed attorney looked rather despondent. Off the record he was heard to say, “Why do all my clients have to be crack pots?”

Mr. Dowser is accused of extinguishing the flames on an American flag which was set on fire by the plaintiff, Gerald Blaze. The prosecution seems to have a watertight case. Mr. Blaze purchased the flag with his own money so it was obviously his to burn. Furthermore Blaze was merely using his constitutional right of free expression. He was burning the flag, as he said, “Because some knuckle head police officer unjustly gave me a parking ticket.”

Judge Garble first used the fatherly approach with Dowser. He was explaining that flag burning was as American as baseball, apple pie and alcoholism. But Dowser went into some incoherent babble about the flag representing every citizen of the Republic and the noble values of it’s patriots. At that point Judge Garble silenced Dowser and took a sterner approach.

“Young man,” said Garble, “don’t you realize that I can give you up to 6 years in prison and $45,000 in fines for drenching a fire on an American flag?!” Mr. Dowser, by drenching the fire on that flag you show yourself to be a rebellious hoodlum, one who scoffs at the American way and is insensitive to the rights and feelings of flag burners.”

The defense is trying to put together an insanity plea. At any rate both defense and prosecution agree that Dowser may need serious reprogramming.

As a side light it should be noted that Judge Garble was hospitalized last night with second and third degree burns to his scalp. The Judge set fire to his hair in order to protest a bad haircut. He hoped this gesture would teach his barber a lesson. Garble’s neighbors speak in admiring and reverential terms of the venerable judge. Mrs. P.W. Doodle said the judge is a man of consistency in and our of the court room.


Today we had a phone interview with Heidi St John’s Campaign Coordinator. Heidi is running for Washington’s 3rd Congressional District. We are supporting her efforts to restore sanity and function to government.

You can meet Heidi at her website, HIEDI ST JOHN FOR CONGRESS

We are looking for impactful ways to restore the cultural mountains. We’d love to learn what you are doing to be salt and light in the world!

Steven C Johnson





Sociopaths are not born. They are created by a process – created by choices which come out of decisions reflecting changing values.

Let’s illustrate. My Dad became a doctor 68 years ago. When people were surveyed asking, “Why do you want to be a doctor?” the answer was typically, “To relieve the suffering of others.” The motive was to help precious people recover from sickness and trauma.

What happens today when people are asked, “Why do you want to be a doctor?” There are still some wonderful people pursuing medicine because they have hearts of compassion, but many more are checking the box, “To get a good income.”

When you go to a doctor do you want them to think first, “People are precious,” or “Money is precious?”

As the profit motive subtly replaces the compassion motive the road to sociopathy has begun.

People become hardened to the feelings of others by gradations. No child sets out in life to gain a cold, corrupt heart. The lust for pleasure, power and material stuff gradually outweighs the value we have for people. Lust causes a friction of values which creates a callous heart. The thoroughly calloused see people as objects to be used to gain pleasure, or objects to be removed because they obstruct pleasure.

Just as the righteous arm themselves with weapons of truth, the wicked arm themselves with justifications which often appear as offenses and resentments. Meat may rot slowly initially, but the spiraling decent quickens as time go on.

Jesus said, in Matthew 24:12, “Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold.”

Sociopaths are love-less. People are blamed not esteemed. The attitude that “Laws cramp my freedom” leads to defiance. Most basic laws are created to protect others. In order to “function” without rules sociopaths must diminish the value of people so their consciences are not pricked when they take advantage of others.


We know individuals degrade into sociopaths by a process. Cultures of people do the same when “systemic attitudes” of selfishness supplant the preciousness of God’s human beings. Cultures degrade as they see lawless, hard-hearted individuals. They may feel there is nothing to do about it, and then be conformed to the world, adopting the same attitudes, rather than putting up a standard and a fight. They yield to the negative gravity of depravity.


All of us should run a heart diagnostic test. David prayed for the test. “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (Ps 139:23-24)”

Check the temperature of your love for others. What are the gauges showing?

What is the zeal-for-the-Lord meter displaying?

Is the furnace of your compassion hot enough to melt prejudice and offense, or has it cooled to luke-warm?

If the gauges are off we should be rightly alarmed. It may mean we have walked a distance down the sociopath’s path.

Don’t lose heart. Rather pluck up your courage! You can turn around, but you must do it quickly! Although Jesus said, “The hearts of many will grow cold” this does not have to happen to you and I. We may access grace even to love our enemies!

If we tend the fire of compassion for others, we can stall and stop the cultural crash and burn spiral into corporate sociopathy and anarchy. We can provide a model of righteousness countering the down-grade pathway. We can remind others of the inestimable value of our fellow human beings. Valuing others, even law-breakers, we become salt and light to redeem our culture.

The sociopathic depreciation of young children and seniors, and people in general can be reversed. Those on the road-rage path to utter callousness can be saved.

Fires go out when unattended. Let’s keep stoking the fire of our love for others, and become the disciples Jesus said we could become, so non-believers will say once again, “See how they love one another.”

“And hope does not disappoint, because the love of God is poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit.”  Rom 5:5

Steven C Johnson



Weeks ago we heard the news saying, in essence,

“We are not sure what reaction children will have when they get the covid immunization.”   – so –  “We will test it on 6000 children.”



The Nazi concentration camp “doctors” would be proud of such “research.” Mutilations and deaths are worth it because it is science.

Experiments on unsuspecting and unwilling guinea pigs has been done on innocents by American “doctors.” But how despicable to see them being done today, in broad daylight, without national protest!

Here is a case coming to court worthy of prayer. Who will intercede for the salvation of our children? Read carefully, and after weeping over our folly, let your tears be converted into prayer.





XAVIER BECERRA, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, AND John & Jane Does I-V; Black & White Partnerships; and ABC Corporations I-V,


Children are not guinea pigs: There is a statistically zero percent chance of young people dying of COVID-19. To promote an investigational product that has no long-term studies and no animal studies, to pressure parents and teens to use an experimental product that has not been fully approved by the FDA breaks all of the rules of medicine and the HHS’ own goal to protect Americans.

The expansion of the Emergency Use Authorization (EAU) for younger children is all risk and no benefit. HHS is ignoring the science and the data.

HHS is betraying its mission to, “enhance the health and well-being of all Americans…and by fostering sound, sustained advances in the sciences underlying medicine, public health, and social services.”

Sadly, millions of parents are being misled by HHS Secretary Becerra and the FDA, and we are calling on the Federal Courts to stop Becerra and compel HHS to suspend the promotion and rush to administer a vaccine that has not been fully tested and approved.

COVID 19 Vaccine Side Effects: We’ve never seen this level of side effects for any vaccine without the FDA taking action. The Rotavirus vaccine was canceled for 15 cases of non-lethal side effects and the Swine Flu vaccine was canceled for 25 deaths. But now, by the CDC’s own data, we are seeing a 12,000 percent increase in deaths with these vaccines and they’re still promoting this to our kids.

Support the Science: Under the age of 20, the survivability rate for COVID-19 is 99.997 percent. More than 4,000 deaths have been tied to the administering of COVID-19 vaccines in the last four months as opposed to 1,500 total in the previous ten years for all vaccines.

This last fact alone should be enough to STOP this dangerous vaccine. But HHS, the FDA and the CDC are ignoring the science and they are putting the lives of our children on the line. Thousands of doctors and physician groups across the world are demanding the vaccine rollout be stopped. But America’s Frontline Doctors is the one group that is suing to make sure that the government does not continue down this dangerous road.

Please consider assisting America’s Frontline Doctor’s today with your gifts of support. Your donation of $25, $50, $500, or more will support our critical efforts to hold our elected officials accountable, inform parents, and protect children from harm.

Thank you for standing with us again today.

For Liberty,

Simone Gold Signature

Dr. Simone Gold
Founder, America’s Frontline Doctors

In Mathew 18:6 Jesus says, “If anyone causes one of these little ones–those who believe in me–to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”

Steven C Johnson




American socialism is going down smoothly. Have you felt the barb yet? Americans are swallowing the bate of socialism, but unaware of the hook. We won’t feel the hook in our mouth. It will catch in the throat.

The Scripture says, “The serpent was the most subtle of all the beasts…” His delicate craft is practiced by his disciples today. Some of the most artful are socialists.

What thinkest thou of this scenario?

A huge factory with thousands of workers has an explosion. Dozens are killed and hundreds are injured. Rather than focusing help for the bereaved and injured the management decides to mail a box of Band-Aids to all 2,400 employees.

The covid phenomena, and the wrong-headed responses of leaders in government, has been a debacle.

Let’s say 50 million people are negatively impacted financially by covid, exacerbated by the wrong-headed restrictions on our freedoms. If the government is to add additional meddling, purportedly to help, what should be done?

They use the subtle brilliance of the above factory management. Rather than find out specifically who has suffered financially, our “public servants” decide not to look at real needs but to scatter checks upon American adults. Nine percent, or so, of the relief package, is scattered like rain upon injured and healthy alike. The rest goes to pork. Most American adults had little to no income loss from the misfortune, and farce. Some people got raises. Others prospered in business. Some government workers got raises.

Government leaders acted irresponsibly at best. Many “leaders” played the socialist strategy to dominate America. So brilliantly diabolical. But do you see how the hook was bated and is about to be set? There was a deliberate capitalization on our gullibility. The wakeful are seeing the seduction. The careless are enjoying the worm before the barb sets.

Few Americans are protesting the government “relief” checks. Many see the checks as “fun money.” I see it as “funny” money. The “gift” from the IRS is no gift at all. We are “given a gift,” but we are expected to pay for it. Not only must I, my children and grandchildren pay back the face value of the check, but we must pay for the pork programs which dwarf the check.

The checks not only have strings, they have barbs. This money does not enrich us. It puts us all into debtors’ prison! How cleaver of the socialists in government to give everyone a “gift.” This is seduction at it’s diabolical best. This enticement is far beyond the meager attempts of credit card companies inviting us to be happy through indentured servitude.  Unlike the credit card companies, government leaders can authorize the red-eyed national budget to send out checks.

Pam and I are among the protestors. No, we won’t break car windows or set buildings ablaze, but we are protesting this puncturing of holes in our national boat. We are not sure what to do with the “free” money. We are thinking of employing it to bring down corrupt and seditious totalitarian wannabes.

What project can we invest in to bring down the corrupt communists in our government and bring them to justice for the damages to our nation? If our “leaders” are destroying us innocently or intentionally the results are the same.

The Scripture says, “The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish tears hers down with her own hands.”  Prov 14:1

Here is the dubious “wisdom” which is destroying America’s ship; “Water is leaking in the boat so we must drill more holes to let the water out.” And how is that working?  

In terms of leading people to a crash-and-burn socialism it is very effective. But there is a limit to the enticements the seditious can pump into our economy. At some point the economy will be flooded to sinking. But, that’s the goal. Our boat is floundering. The current path is sure to sink us, bringing loss of life.

There is a raft of ism’s working to undermine our culture. Socialism is only one.

We are angry about getting a check, and the other pork programs, when real needs are not met. We are also angry that government “solutions” have led us to precipitous Inflation, and our demise. Printing funny money is like shooting holes through the bottom of the ship. First there was government over-reaction. Then they took it as an opportunity to entice our population into socialism’s solutions. Worship in America seems to be shifting deities, from God to the nanny state.

What commentary will our grandchildren have for this generation? Will they thank us?



It is interesting how some read the economy. In the last 70 days, so it is said, commodities have gone up radically.

The price of steel is up 145%

The price of lumber is up 126%

Food is up 25%

Cotton 35%

Silver 38%

Copper 50%

Oil 80%

It’s curious that people say commodities have gone up rather than, our dollar is become worth-less. I am surprise when people say the value of their home has gone up by X%. Why don’t they say the value of the dollar has declined by Y%?

Printing more funny money floods the economy making money worth-less. I’m wondering if. and how, to get out of the dollar.

The economy crashing is not just a tragedy, it is a game plan to create dependence on government. Our taxes have been paying for fat politicians, who under the “inspiration” of Satan’s slippery subtlety have found an effective plan: Seduce people with government perks, drain the economy until it collapses, and build a brave new totalitarian world out of the anarchy.  

I had a dream where a warlock was in a circle of people and boasting how Satan was destroying America. In the dream I rebuked him and said, “There can be a preservation, a prolonging of America if she is prayed for.”

The people there applauded my statement. It made me think this question. “If America is destroyed will God take credit for it, or will Satan?” The answer is, Satan. God will not delight if America is destroyed for He loves us. But Satan will boast that it was his great scheming accomplishment which brought America to ashes. We must not let Satan have this boast. Rather, we must agree with God’s desire to save and bless nations which turn to Him.

With the tough news about socialism’s stealthy inroads I will not be discouraged. America will be saved! It will require laying our lives down for Jesus and our neighbors, but our nation, and other nations can be saved. God loves our nation, and the nations, and will show us the way!

“Ask of me and I will give you the nations for your inheritance.” Ps 2:8

What part do you play, my Friend?


Steven C Johnson





As a lad I was told in school that evolution happened like a washing machine making bubbles.  Add water, soap, some agitation and presto, you have bubbles!  And bubbles are quite a lot like amoebas. Simple, right?

Of course, that was years before I learned a single cell has trillions of genetically orchestrated combinations, a bit more complicated than soap bubbles.

Beyond this my teachers did not tell me where the washing machine, water and soap came from to make those bubbly cells. Who made the washing machine? Where did the power come from to make it churn? Who pushed start?

They could not tell me where time, space and matter came from, or the energy to spark the evolutionary process. They could not explain how non-intelligence could “produce” intelligence. These were presumed by faith.


TEACHER:  Good morning children. Today’s lesson is going to be of lifelong value to you. It will free you from nonsensical and unscientific ideas like God, purpose, and right and wrong.

It’s also going to be an easy class because I’m giving you the answer to all the questions right now. Two simple words – “Dumb luck.” To every question I ask, you simply answer, “Dumb luck.” Ok, Class, here we go! Where did the lungs come from?

Timmy: Dumb luck!

Teacher: Great answer Timmy! And where did the feet come from, Rose?

Rose: Dumb luck!

Teacher: Excellent, Rose.

Peter: How could we breath if we were not specially created with lungs?

Teacher: Peter, remember we don’t use the “C” word in my classroom! Please watch your tongue. The proper answer is always, “Dumb luck.” Rebekah, where did the ribcage come from?

Rebekah: Teacher, I know your answer is “dumb luck,” but it seems the ribcage is designed to support our breathing and protect our vital organs.

Teacher: Rebekah, what a silly idea! And we do not use the “designed” word in this classroom! Do you understand?

Rebekah: Yes, Mrs. Dumbluck.

Maryanne: But Mrs. Dumbluck, It seems every part of the body was made with a purpose. It seems the digestive system has a purpose.

Teacher: Maryanne, dear, we don’t use the “P” word in this Class.

Jimmy: But Mrs. Dumbluck, doesn’t it seem like the kidneys were made specially to cleanse the blood?

Teacher: Jimmy, Kidneys were not “made.” They just happened. There is no purpose. Everything is purposeless!

Jimmy: But Mrs. Dumbluck, if the parts of our human body were not designed and created how did they happen?

Teacher: Jimmy, I’m losing my patience with you. It’s very scientific! Right now, you wouldn’t understand if I tried to explain it to you. But it boils down to a very simple answer; “Dumb luck!” You will have to trust me since you don’t understand these things.

Sid: Mrs. Dumbluck, if the eyes, hands, liver and pancreas all have a purpose, I imagine all the parts put together have purpose. Each of us have a purpose!

Teacher: Sid, you are disrupting this class. I don’t like the attitude I’m getting in this classroom. Sid, do you need a time-out? Children, your lives are all meaningless. You have no purpose at all. You must start thinking clearly now!

There is no such thing as purpose or plan, all is accident and dumb luck. There is no such thing as good or bad, only dumb luck! All is accident and chance. Yes children, all of life is purposeless. Radom actions are responsible for everything around us. It may appear complex and planned but it’s not. It’s all accidental.

Martin: But, but…

Teacher: Children I am losing my patience. There are no “buts” in my class. Your disrespect and disagreeable attitudes must stop now!

I want to hear nothing but silence in this room for the next 15 minutes! Turn to your book on nihilism for your independent reading.

Jennifer:  Mrs. Dumbluck, When we do our homework is that purposeless?

Cindy: Mrs. Dumbluck, my neighbor said they say in their church everything was made specially by God.

Teacher: Cindy, I’m going to send you away to detention, and to the fact-checkers, if you keep acting so arrogantly and ignorantly. What would your parents say if they learned the ridiculous things you were saying?

This whole class has been disagreeable and obstinate. I want every one of you to take out your tablets and write thirty times. “It’s all chance and dumb luck. Life has no meaning!”

I’m afraid letters are going out to parents today!



If I was a Darwinist, how would I pray? I know I would be caught up in the wonder of the universe and want to find who, or what, to thank for it. If I believed in evolution I would bow my knees at its altar and worship because of life’s intricate wonder. Here is the prayer of an evolutionist.

Oh, mighty belief system of our forefather, Darwin. I come to bow in appreciation for the ravishing wonder or creation, I mean, accident of life. How I am taken with the  marvelous beauty of life all about me and even within my living body.

Thou art dumb, empty and aimless yet thou dost create, I mean accident, the most astonishing wonderment as minute as a virus and as great as leviathan.

O evolution, how great art thy mysteries. I am dumbstruck with thy stupefying, intricate design, I mean randomness, accidented out of your oblivion.

I know thou hearest me not, for thou art nothing, yet I must worship thee for all the teaming life about me in plant and animal. Thou art incapable of doing good or evil for thou art nonentity. But I have no other place to go with my marveling, gratitude and joy for the whole of thy handiwork, I mean again, accident.

I implore you as I bear my heart to you. Sometimes I struggle in my faith. Help me to fight off and win over every evil force which tempts be to believe in plan and design and purpose! Save me from the deluding teachings of an all wise-benevolent Creator. Please let me know that you are real – so I can count confidently on nothing but chance!


Steven C Johnson



Rarely will I put out a blog to simply say, “Watch this!” This is one of those occasions. Rick Joyner’s message may put steel up your backbone.

It is one of the most insightful, incisive assays of where we are at as a Republic. This is hot off the press (video) today. It is a call for awakening, activation and mobilization! America is on the cusp of great revival – and civil war. What will your placement be? How can we prepare the highway for our God?

Rick Joyner’s assessments and exhortations shouldn’t be watched unless you are someone who wishes to be a change agent. If you are not, it will simply disturb your sleep.

He fires truths like bullets from a heavy machinegun. I don’t think this could be timelier for Lovers of Christ and patriots of America. It is definitely worth your viewing!

Rick Joyner is the author of numerous books and articles. As a writer he is one of the best! I deeply appreciate his blending of historic knowledge and thoughtful prophetic perspective.

Start viewing at 1:46:20

MFM Face to Face Retreat | Morning Session | 4/22/2021

Steve C Johnson



Dear Friends,

“Life is moving faster than it ever has before!” I’m so grateful for the goodness of God in our lives! Here are some examples.

Pam and I were ministering in a church is Seattle. A woman came forward with weighty health issues and serious wrestling’s about suicide. We ministered deliverance in Jesus name and encouraged her deeply but saw no immediate change. Pam stayed in contact with her asking her to promise to call her daily until her mental state improved. Sunday Pam saw her in church. She was no longer a wretch under the gloom of depression and despondency. She was on the floor overcome with holy laughter! A very different person.

I was ministering in a church in Randle, WA. Many were waking to the reality that God wants to speak to them. A woman came forward for Prayer. She was elderly, slight and weighted down. As Pam began to pray she felt the compassion of Christ. She also felt the woman was in pain. Pam asked, “Are you in pain?” The woman put her hands over her abdomen and said, “How did you know?” As Pam began to pray the woman was physically shaken for a few moments. Then she was still and calm. She said, “The pain is gone!” She took the mic and testified to the congregation.

I’m teaching a class in Mossyrock, WA on “Hearing God’s Voice through Dreams and Visions.” The room was full on our first meeting! What most impressed Pam and I was the great hunger we felt among the people! There was wonderful interaction and attentiveness. Pam said, “I felt the Spirit so strong I could have prophesied to everyone in the room.”

A young woman we know here was working in a regional hospital. She was called to sit beside a 10-year-old boy who had been in a coma for a month. She took his hand and began to pray for him. She saw on his chart that he liked SpongeBob. She asked him to squeeze her hand once if he liked SpongeBob and twice if he didn’t. He squeezed her hand once!

She asked him other questions and he squeezed her hand appropriately. A nurse came in and she said, “He is responding to questions by squeezing my hand.” The nurse said he wasn’t, he just was having spasmodic reactions.

The doctor came in and she shared how the boy had squeezed her hand. He gave a similar response as the nurse. She told the doctor to take the boy’s hand and then she began to ask him questions. He responded with appropriate squeezing. The boy began to tear up. The doctor was amazed and said, this changes everything. We will have to cancel the surgery he is scheduled to have.

Sue sat a little longer with Tracy. The tears began flowing and he opened his eyes. Sarah had to leave. Our fresh report is that when Sue saw Tracy today he was awake, alert, joking and laughing. He is going to have a couple days of rehab and is going home! PTL!!!

We host a prayer meeting in our home every Monday, plus two Saturdays a month. The Spirit has so profoundly moved among us! Everyone senses the presence of God! How amazing to see the faith and courage rise! And we are asking for more of His glory, more for our town of Morton and for harvest in East Lewis county.

I have an early Wednesday morning men’s meeting on Zoom. It is phenomenal to see the sincere, earnest involvement of the men and their support for one another. The water table is rising!

Thursday nights I have a Zoom class on, “How to disciple – disciples.” Week by week you can see the enthusiasm rise as the lights come on. Each of us can be a discipling influence which can carry on through generations!

2 Tim 2:2  And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.


Now for a subject which grieves me and has made me shout out in prayer


I have come to call the HR 5 Bill “The Seduction of Minors Act.” Its potential damage imitates the elimination of prayer from our schools, and the Roe – Wade decision. The Church was asleep for those things. WE MUST NOT SLEEP NOW!!! The bill is now in the US Senate. Here is a letter I sent to my Senators. Please summon your compassion, resolve and care for our nation by writing your US Senators! HERE IS MY LETTER.

Dear Senator,

I have called HR 5 “The Seduction of Minors Act.”

I, and those within the circles of my influence, urge you, in the most emphatic way, to counter this act which preys on the vulnerability of children, warps the reality of created order, threatens the vulnerable and abolishes public opinion and free speech.

I will forgo detailing the arguments for my heart-felt convictions here. I will however include them for my blogging audience and my speaking engagements.

America is watching to see if you will protect our vulnerable children and ensure true equality for expression, religious freedom, the sanctity of human gender patently obvious to historic science, and the rights of parents to protect their children from malicious, seductive delusions.

Most earnestly,  S C J





AN END THOUGHT: It is time to stop our fear of being shaken and become shakers!

Steven C Johnson



The Western Wall (Kotel) in Jerusalem

I am pursuing a Prophetic Documentary on the nearing eruption of The River of Life from the city of Jerusalem. I request your prayer support because this will be a considerable project, and frankly I scarcely know where to begin. You may remember the verse, “Unless the Lord produces the documentary….” 

I have felt 2021 is the year to get this production going. Early this morning I felt the Lord Jesus was telling me He would counsel me and show me how it can be done.

The goal of this prophetic documentary is to paint a picture of the surging, physical River of Life, which is soon to burst from Israel’s Holy City. This will inform and inspire faith and anticipation for what God is about to perform in the City.

The Muslim Dome of the Rock, near the site of the 2nd Temple

If you have read my book, Riverfront Property: Connecting at the River of Life you may remember Episode 2, The Tangible River. In that chapter I demonstrate:

How five prophets speak of The River of Life bursting forth from Jerusalem

and of the multiple streams formed by The River

How The River breaks forth

Implications of The River’s presence

And the glory which comes to our Lord Jesus Christ


Many elements must come together to get this production airborne. Would you please pray for the following elements?



A MOTIVATED FILM PRODUCER AND CREW will capture the images of places were The River will flow, blending in the story line with interviews with experts. 

ANIMATORS will paint in the river and landscapes to portray the dynamic reality of the river and the lush vegetation, construction and populations which will follow.

I’m praying for a MUSICAL COMPOSER of the stature of John Williams

Prayer before the wall Herod the Great built


RABBIS will share the prophecies and beliefs which are held about The River.

ARCHAEOLOGISTS will tell us about Jerusalem’s ancient water systems. 

GEOLOGISTS will show Jerusalem’s fault lines, and describe how earthquakes may release the river.

CARTOGRAPHERS will topographically map the Biblical locations, predict the boundaries of the river, and where the multiple streams will make passage. They will answer specific questions like, “Where is Azel?” and “Eniglam?”


What will be the national, regional, and world-wide impact of a spontaneous River flowing from Jerusalem? What responses will “flow” from its creation? We will seek interviews with Israeli Knesset ministers and government officials.  Please pray these interviews will be gained.



MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS – The impact of the river will first and foremost be spiritual! How will the spiritual atmosphere of Israel change with the addition of this remarkable tangible River? We will seek interviews with the Chief Rabbi and other spiritual leaders.

MINISTRY OF ENERGY AND WATER RESOURCES – We will ask about modern water-works and what they will do with a boundless excess. Conduits will no doubt be built to take the water North and South, and perhaps to regions beyond. What will be done with the extra hydro power?

MINISTRY OF TOURISM – More hotels and tourism infrastructure will need to be built. Tour guides will be busy!

MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE – Israel could become the bread-basket for the region. What projections could they make on ag industry?

The FISHERIES COMMISSIONER may make projections on that industry.

MINISTRY OF HEALTH – What will the healing properties of river do for the nation?

MINISTRY OF FINANCE – The economy of the nation will flourish!

MINISTRIES OF INFRASTRUCTURE, FOREIGN AFFAIRS, DEFENSE, THE INTERIOR, ETC. will all have comments on the implications of the new River!

Please pray the Lord will reveal the networks of people and resources to see this Prophetic Documentary launched. THANK YOU FOR THOSE PRAYERS!

And may all glory go to our wonderful River Master!!!


To get a better Idea of what information will go into this Prophetic Documentary listen to Episode 2: “The Tangible River,” from my book Riverfront Property: Connecting at the River of Life HERE!




Steven C Johnson



Rejoicing in our newest grandchild! Congratulations Claire, Carson and big sister Savanna!





You love righteousness and hate wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy.  Ps 45:7

There is a place for both love and anger. Angry people may have nothing they love, but people with loves by nature and necessity have anger.

A good parent jealously guards their beloved children. They will act in anger toward those who would harm them. We discover how much the mother bear loves her cubs by trying to harm them. We discover how much a patriot loves their nation when their country is attacked.

If you want Anointed Joy get an upgrade in your love for righteousness and hatred for wickedness.

Many counsel, Christians should not be angry about the “results” of the election or of the new policies of those now in the Whitehouse. “We should live in peace and go on.” I thoroughly, adamantly disagree! We must be more loving, angrier, and more active than ever! We must add fuel to the bonfire of zeal!


The quality of our anger:

Anger birth out of God’s throbbing heart of love and compassion

Anger God-breathed and hopeful

Anger jealous for justice, safety, security and the welfare of loved ones

Anger visionary and constructive, aiming for a better future

Anger boundaried by integrity and the rule of law

Anger devoid of fear, desperation, rashness, bitterness, resentment, and vindictiveness.


Scripture says “Be angry but sin not.” We remember, “The wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.” Only a just, heaven-born anger, bathed in oceans of compassionate love for friends and enemies can be effective in our fight. We must have more refined anger, not for fuming but for profitable action!



Let’s say a thief comes to your home and steals your appliances, your clothes and food. You witness the theft. The thief later returns to you and says, “Now that I have half of your belongings, let’s say we live in peace.” How would you answer him when you know his goal is to steal everything you have, your identity, your life and the lives of your family? 

American Revolutionary War history reveals the great indignation the colonies had over abuses they patiently endured. You read a hint of them in the Declaration of Independence. Their patience was laudable! They endured and petitioned repeatedly till they could be patient no more.

It would be appalling to stop being angry at abuse, corruption and injustice, as those dark powers slice through American blood vessels!

When Mr. Obama became President Rush Limbaugh said he hoped Mr. Obama would fail. On one occasion he said, “So I shamelessly say, no, I want him to fail, if his agenda is a far-left collectivism, some people say socialism, as a conservative heartfelt, deeply, why would I want socialism to succeed?”

Certainly, the socialist forces in America, if honest, would say out loud that they wish our American free enterprise system and its freedoms would fail. How can there be union with Free Enterprise and Communism? This di-vision cannot be reconciled.



Mr. Joe Biden is sitting in the White House. How am I praying for Mr. Biden?

You may have a vague memory of this, but 2000 people signed affidavits testifying of voting irregularities. Computer forensic experts and statistical analysts demonstrated measurable manipulations in the election. The courts declined  to accept cases, let alone hear the evidence.

Our weak apologetic “conservatives” were accused of worshiping President Trump. Many cowed, saying “Not only do we not worship Donald Trump, we will act like he never existed. We will forget him to prove to you we don’t worship him.” Our sorry, short-term American memory has been picked clean by the birds of the air.



Here’s how I am praying for Mr. Joe Biden.

Absalom by plotting and coup usurped David’s throne.  2 Sam 15

Athaliah by treachery and murder usurped the throne.  2 Kings 11

I will pray for Mr. Biden as I would pray for interlopers like Absalom and Athaliah. I pray he and his collaborators will quickly be exposed, removed from office and come to justice.

I pray that President Trump may be empowered miraculously with Heaven’s virtues to fulfill his anointed mission to make America Great Again. That America may surpass any greatness she has formerly had, and do so with the heart and hand of Christ Jesus the King over all earthly kings!



I will implore our Heavenly Father for His adjudications. I will pray that the swamp will be dredged and come to judgment in government, media, business and education!

I will foil diabolical political powers from achieving their goal of destroying the constitution. I will work to demolishing the edicts, executive orders and legislations of corruption.

I will pray for, and see, the greatest wash of the Spirit of Jesus to inundate our country with staggering holy Spirit conviction, the fear of the Lord, and knowledge of Christ’s mercies. The United States will be a lighthouse nation filled with liberty under just laws, and our government will be penetrated by Heaven’s high Kingdom government working itself into human hearts.

My prayers will be guided by seeing the invisible wonders of my Christ! My attitude in prayer will be mixed with laughter, hope and the anticipation of God’s kingdom penetration and manifestation!

My prayers don’t stop with earthly crowns, prime ministers and presidents. I’m part of something transcendently, cosmically huge. I will use the adage, “Pray big or go home,” believing “You get in life what you have the courage to ask for.”



“Zeal for Thy house shall consume me.”

I am not under circumstances but a creator of circumstances. I am an Ambassador, a change agent of heaven.

I will do more than wait for the next elections. America can be dismantled and demolished irreparably in that time. I am acting now.

I will labor with others to see justice and correction in the electoral process.

I will refresh American minds of the history of our foundations.

I will vigorously exercise my constitutional freedoms. I will defy those who try to steal them.

I will take part in mass grass-roots protests and political movements against unrighteous laws and decrees. I will use every legal means to frustrate totalitarian edicts.  

I will support those in government working to preserve our constitution.

I will be an actor locally and nationally.


The day after Mr. Biden stole office I wrote the Whitehouse in response to backward and destructive executive orders. I will do more writing to people in authority this year.

I am starting to get to know the leaders of my own city and county to see what kind of influence I can bring. Here are places you can go to get out of the armchair.

Look up your local City and Counsel contacts. Our local city council is meeting now by zoom.

“And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.” Rev 11:15


Steven C Johnson





President trump has temporarily stepped off the stage. Who is coming on now? If you think it is a different president you are only partly right. The stage is huge! The person you should see stepping on the stage is yourself! This is the day when God Almighty is showcasing you! Step into that spotlight and play your part!

This is no time for stage fright, shyness or self doubt. This is stand-up-and-be-seen time. This is project-your-voice to the back of the auditorium time. God is showcasing you in this Great Production! And don’t worry too much about your script. God is giving you the lines and showing your placement and action on the set. He will give you what you need as your walk in the light. This is your showtime, your Esther moment, your reason-for-being-born moment. Heaven and earth are watching.

President Trump’s “farewell speech” was artful, hopeful and forward-looking! Well worth listening to.

In recent months I produced an audio of President Washington’s farewell speech. I am astonished at how prophetic its warnings and promises are for today!


Steven C Johnson




5 Presidents and the Dreams

I’ve had uncanny experiences with five American Presidents over the past three decades. I’ve had five encounters with President Trump in the past three years. All of these have happened in dreams.  My dream times with President Trump have revealed:

Corrupt people in his circles

How God has been shielding him and Benjamin Netanyahu

How he is finding the right people to make things work out right

The President working in relaxed moments

Sleazy people trying to take advantage of government resources

And the president in prayer

There was another Trump dream last night. In the dream I was in a huge prayer meeting. I learned the entire prayer focus was for “the church service.”

I knelt in a large room with about 1,000 praying. After a few moments I realized President Trump was kneeling directly beside me. When we stood up together the President was 10 inches higher than me (I’m 6’ 2”).  The prayer meeting was over and the room was almost empty. I felt the people had gone into the service.

The scene changed. Pam and I were in a profoundly large stadium with huge attached auditoriums surrounding it.  I realized we were in one of the many auditoriums circling the stadium. My impression was perhaps 200,000 were in the whole building.

There were big screens to watch the live activities in the stadium. Thousands were in our side room. Pam and I walked to the back of the auditorium where people were setting out additional chairs because the crowd was larger than expected. All the chairs were red.

The event was about to begin.


The focus of prayer was on “the church service.” The Holy Spirit showed me this speaks of the “Wild Protest” rally president Trump has called for January 6th in Washington DC. As well as the wild protest rally, both House and Senate are meeting for the electoral college decision. They will go into debate based on evidence given them. Vice President Mike Pence will play a pivotal role.

First, I urge your prayers for this unspeakably momentous day! Pam and I are doing some fasting and big prayer for the January 6th “church service.” Nations around the world will be watching, for they all have a vested interest in what happens in America. (This can not be understated)

By the way, there is something about going low in prayer that helps us go higher. This principle appears often in scripture. At the prayer meeting President Trump knelt then stood taller. You and I will also grow taller in prayer.

Second, if you can make it to the live event, do!  See information here

If you can’t make it do your best to be part of other rallies watching the event, or have a group of friends in your home.

Third,Urge Congress to stop the certification and deal with voter fraud in the election. You can do it in two minutes. CLICK HERE NOW to sign.

Here are two site which give evidence for the fraud.

The Navarro Report: “The Immaculate Deception.”

“Exposed! New proof on why I am certain trump will win.”

Steve C Johnson








 Rembrandt, Head of Christ

Have you ever had someone threaten to take your life? If you knew people were plotting to take your life would that alter your mentality and activities?

Here are a few of the many biblical characters who were plotted against and threatened with death.


“I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too.”  1 Kings 19:10


May those who seek my life be disgraced and put to shame. Ps 35:4


So the chief priests made plans to kill Lazarus as well,  John 12:10


While they were trying to kill him, news reached the commander of the Roman troops that the whole city of Jerusalem was in an uproar.  Acts 21:31



Jesus was hounded by death threats.Even as an infant His life was threatened. When you read the conversations between Jesus and the religious leaders you can hear the snarling, menacing tension.

They got up, drove him out of the town, and led him to the brow of the hill on which their town was built, so that they might hurl him off the cliff.  Luke 4:29

At that time some Pharisees came to Jesus and said to him, “Leave this place and go somewhere else. Herod wants to kill you.” Luke 13:”31

I know you are Abraham’s descendants, but you are trying to kill Me because My word has no place within you. John 8:37

As it is, you are looking for a way to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham did not do such things. John 8:40

So from that day on they plotted to take his life. John 11:53

But the Pharisees went out and plotted how they might kill Jesus. Mt 12:14

The leading priests and teachers of religious law were plotting how to kill Jesus, but they were afraid of the people’s reaction.  Luke 22:2



I recently saw a quote that caught me. “He who intimidates wins.” It sent me on a trail of thought. The goal of the terrorist is to control. The terrorist breaths intimidation to cow and constrain. Would you like to know how to defeat a terrorist? Refuse to be afraid! You frustrate terrorists by finding your courage in God and scoffing at fear.

Cultivating fear is an art form in America.

Advertisers use fear to get you to buy their anti-depressants.

News services use fearmongering to get your clicks.

Politician’s use fear to get your vote, and submission.

2020 has been a jackpot for fear-mongers. We’ve never seen people use fear so successfully. The masters of fear have nearly taken over the world. Their only problem is that you have been a hold-out.You haven’t bowed to fear as low as you should. This has irked the terrorists.

Satan of course is the ultimate terrorist. Fear is the primary tool in his tool box.Ultimately every fear is linked to the Great Granddaddy of fears, Death. Watch out for spiders, heights, laundry detergents, sunshine and tap water. They may kill you.

“Here’s one food you should never eat.”

Do you know how many are dying of cancer, plastic bags and airplane crashes!

Don’t drive your car, you might be killed.

Don’t go to the grocery, you might be shot

With Covid mania, economic woes, and government corruption “we could all die!”

One of ten who started out on the Oregon trail died before the end. What if every time we engaged in an activity a statistician stood at our side and told us the chance we had of dying?

The Fact is, in time, we will all die, unless Jesus comes to interrupt things.



“Now since the children have flesh and blood, He too shared in their humanity, so that by His death He might destroy him who holds the power of death, that is, the devil, and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.”  Heb 2:14

Jesus slaughters the fear of death! He freed us from death’s intimidation! When we overcome the fear of death other fears shrink to proper size. In fact, the direction of intimidation reverses.


Jesus navigated the death threats. You will also! You are in a place where we can taunt at death, and every fear.

“Where, O death, is your victory?Where, O death, is your sting?” The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.1 Cor 15:55-57



When we have dominion over the fear of death we are unencumbered. We can, as Adam was charged, take dominion, and become the “Masters of the Universe.”

The possibilities are endless when we are free of fear. When we reverse the direction of intimidation everything shifts! When the people of God are free the powers of darkness are intimidated into confinement.

Many like to quote Rev 12:11. Don’t let your voice drop when you read the last line.

“And they overcame him

by the blood of the Lamb,

and by the word of their testimony;

and theyloved not their lives unto the death.”


With this conviction we can trample every foe; “Whether I live or die I am a winner!”

All kinds of saints have had to deal with death threats. You are not alone.

As always, I’d love to hear your testimonies of overcoming!

Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should. Eph 6:19-20

Steven C Johnson



The following are some of the hardest hitting collections of words I have ever read in my long-legged life. I’m passing them on.

Candace Owens: POTUS is Sitting on a Stack of Trump Cards

SourceOperation Disclosure

by Carl G. Fisher IV, December, 29th, 2020

He has court cases that will go to the Supreme Court and thanks to the Texas case, he’s now aware how to file them properly…under article 3 not 2…so the SCOTUS will be forced to listen…..

He now has the DNI report. Barr stepped down and can now be a witness…..he did his job. Durham is special counsel and can prosecute, in any state….

He’s letting civil, criminal and federal courts fail to handle the situation properly… he can use military tribunals. He has ALL the data from the NSA, the Kraken supercomputer, the Alice supercomputer and likely many more computers, unknown to us….

He has the dueling electors from 7 state legislatures. He has VP Pence, as the final arbiter of which ballots to accept…..

He has the Insurrection Act, the NDAA, the national emergency, the 14th amendment, the 2018 executive order, the 2017 very first EO, the Patriot Act, the FISA warrants, the Declassification of everything, people swearing affidavits by the 1000s.

He has all the statistical data being analyzed….along with the videos, emails, phone calls and bank transfer statements…..showing the coordination of the coup d’etat.

He has RICO and he has the crimes against humanity videos. Wikileaks just dropped extensive information and Assange will be pardoned. Assange can then openly discuss the murder of Seth Rich….

Now that the governors and secretary of states certified and [B]iden accepted….they each committed and knowingly agreed to acts of Treason….

Solar Winds was literally just raided and Dominion is closing down, as well. He has the CIA servers, used to change dominion machine votes from Trump to [B]iden…and he will soon have access to the actual machines, themselves….

He baited the [D]eep State into staying in DC, so they can be arrested. [B]iden hasn’t accepted any transition money and Harris has still not given up her seat on the senate….

The military has infiltrated Antifa and BLM. He has all their financial records. He knows which politicians took Chinese and Soros money….both Republican and Demorat….

He positioned Christopher Miller as secretary of defense and Ezra-Cohen Watnick as assistant secretary of defense. He literally just wrote an executive order, regarding the military line of succession. Many suspect Watnick to be Q.

He is defunding the CIA. He just replaced Kissinger & Allbright on the National Security Advisory Board…..with men loyal to him.

The military has been flying planes, far more than usual, all over the country. The Navy just parked mega fleets on both coasts. The 82nd Airborne is preparing for an operation….which is the same group that General Flynn & AG Donoghue were enlisted.

Pieces are finally falling into place. POTUS has it all! He is just laying out the pieces and building the narrative. He knows he won and they committed Treason! He set a trap and they walked right in, without hesitation.

He gave the [D]eep State the chance to come clean and try to fix things. They chose Treason! They will all hang, as the result.

Patriots in control! Nothing can stop what’s coming!


PANIC: Patriots Are Now In Control



In a dream I found myself in a house holding a loaded and pumped pellet gun. I was thinking of discharging it to unload it but did not want to damage the house or things in the house. I looked at a large box of cleaning supplies and thought of shooting it there.

My interpretation:

I have a spiritual gun loaded and pressurized by Holy Spirit. My aim should be to activate cleaning solutions! 

There are cleansers for dishes, laundry, windows and walls, toilets and carpets. God has “Solutions” for us! When we look into God’s box of cleansing agents here is what we find:

Blood Cleanser

Water Cleanser

Holy Spirit Cleanser

Fire Cleanser

Scripture Cleanser

Stripes Cleanser

Christ’s Appearing Cleanser


     Blood Cleanser

“These are the ones coming out of the great tribulation. They washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” Rev 7:14

“In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.” Heb 9:22

“How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death so that we may serve the living God!”  Heb 9:14

     Water Cleanser

Both blood and water were used in the temple service for cleansing.

“Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.” Hebrews 10:22


     Fire Cleanser

“For every one shall be salted with fire, and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt.” Mark 9:49

 “…anything else that can withstand fire must be put through the fire, and then it will be clean.”Num 31:23

“They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them.” Acts 2:3


     Stripes Cleanser

God will use lashes and wounds to cleanse us. Physical chastenings and hard knocks in life cleanse us.

“Lashes and wounds purge away evil, and beatings cleanse the innermost parts.” Prov 20:30


     Scripture Cleanser

“…Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.”Eph 5:25-27


     Spirit Cleanser

“The Lord will wash away the filth of the women of Zion: He will cleanse the bloodstains from Jerusalem by the spirit of judgment and a spirit of fire.” Is 4:4


     Christ’s Appearing Cleanser


The appearance of Jesus brings a harsh, caustic scrubbing and a fiery smelting. The good news is that Saint’s willing to stand this scouring will present their offerings in righteousness!

“But who can endure the day of his coming? Who can stand when he appears? For he will be like a refiner’s fire or a launderer’s soap. He will sit as a smelter and purifier of silver, and He will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver, so that they may present to the Lord offerings in righteousness.”



Let’s start by cleansing our hearts and thoughts.

“Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.” James 4:8



Lord God, please show me (and your Church) what you would like us to clean up today.

“Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.” Psalms 51:2

“Cleanse me with hyssop [dipped in blood and sprinkled], and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.” Psalm 51:7




A loving father cleans his baby’s bottom. Our heavenly Father goes farther!

“I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean: I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols.” Exe 36:25





Jesus does a more dazzling job at cleansing than “Mister Clean!” Our Lord comes to renew the face of the earth. Every lonesome grave and every massive boneyard will be made clean!

Outside the Eastern wall of the old city of Jerusalem there are hundreds of thousands of graves. Many religious Jews wish to be buried there so they may be among the first raised when Messiah comes.

On the other hand, Muslims also have graveyards near the Eastern Wall and the “Golden Gate.” These are a “strategic” attempt at preventing the Messiah from coming. They believe the Messiah would not contaminate himself by coming through a cemetery. Putrefying flesh and dusty bones are considered unclean.

How can Jesus walk through a contaminated cemetery? By raising the dead!

How can Jesus make a cemetery plot holy? With resurrection power!

“The whole valley where dead bodies and ashes are thrown, and all the terraces out to the Kidron Valley on the east as far as the corner of the Horse Gate, will be holy to the LORD. The city will never again be uprooted or demolished.”  Jer 31:40

We have a part in the cleansing process but God finishes the job because of His mercy in Christ!



“Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” James 4:8-10

The following verse has been called “The Christian’s bar of soap.”

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9.



God can wash places we cannot reach, like the middle of our backs and the center of our hearts. Praise His Holy name, because in Christ Jesus His Son He washes us white as snow!!!

“Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord:
though your sins are like scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow;
though they are red like crimson,
they shall become like wool.” Is 1:18


Steven C Johnson








I often receive God’s messages through a song. I’ll awaken with a little tune in my spirit and find myself humming it as I start my day. Little by little I become more aware of the tune and begin to dig out the words. “What is God trying to speak to me?” 

The day’s song was the Momma’s and the Papa’s 1968 version of “Dream a Little Dream of Me.” This song wove through my day as I watched an interview of a woman’s decision to adopt, and another who decided to foster. When I went to church I met a single woman who was deciding to foster. Below I share how God pieced a message together through interactions and His faithful Holy Spirit.  Step by step He leads us.

I watched an interview of  Amy Coney Barrett as she explained her family dynamics. She was pregnant with her fifth 5 and received a call from Haiti asking her to take a little boy that needed a home due to difficulties in his nation.

Amy put on her warm coat and took a walk in the cold winter, stopping to sit on a bench to discuss this idea with God. She had this thought – “Well God, life is hard and there is nothing better to spend my life on than raising children.” It deeply impacted me as I thought of this very accomplished woman, supreme court nominee, magna cum Laude from Notre Dame, wife and mother of seven.  Wow, now that’s a liberated woman. One we would all be happy to emulate.

The words, “life is hard, and there is nothing better to spend my life on than raising children“ just rang so true. That is a mother’s heart.  That is my heart. Maybe that’s your heart.

I also watched an interview of a young woman who decided to lay down her calling as a worship leader and became a foster mother. She was on a Zoom call talking about placing our Idols of calling on the alter to God and taking up His heart cry. For her that was fostering children.

This was all unfolding in me as I walked into church. A woman walked up to me and recognized me from an event we had both attended a year ago (Really, with a mask on too).

Long story short, she had wanted to adopt a child most of her life. She went to China as a missionary, then on to Hong Kong, no adoption. She realized she needed more stability so changed careers, became a teacher, picked up a second language to be bilingual and most recently purchased a two-bedroom condo and completed a foster care  program to start the process. And she was a single woman. All these people are NOT in ideal situations, but trusting. I was beginning to see a pattern. Now I was getting it. In this season of Esthers and Deborahs many of us are being prepared and repurposed to fulfill our hearts desire (our Dreams). 

With the probable end of abortion in America there will be more children to give homes to. And God is raising up “mothers in Israel” (Judges 5:7)

Esther was an orphan raised by her uncle and sovereignly prepared to become queen of a foreign nation, and at the right time, a spokeswoman for her people, the Jews. Perhaps this is a time you’ve been waiting for, to take the honorable place of raising children? Even again.

God is calling many of you, and your partners, to assist in the foster care and adoption of HIS children across our nation. Note: Mordecai- Esther 2:15.  Shamgar-Judges 5:6.  Barak- Judges 4:8-9

If you will dream with Him and ask He will make it happen. You will become the Mommas and Papas to dream with God for a generation. I believe communities of folks fostering and adopting kids will grow up and a new culture of life will bring rich rewards for those who hear this call. 

Even if you had ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers [or mothers]. 1 Corinthians 4:15

Pam Johnson



Pam just learned dear friends were needing to put down their dog. The husband was out digging the grave as we talked. Our hearts went out immediately. This family is dear to us, and the dog is precious to them. It is a grace-filled animal with a sweet disposition, a companion willing to befriend all.

It made me remember putting down our grey schnauzer, Tucker. I called Tucker the Super Wonder Dog. He was a gentleman considerate of others, willing to obey and eager to please.

He could be relaxed and laid back or go into hyper-energetic mode. He would respond to sit, stay, come, up, down, roll over and more. He loved to play soccer with the kids. They would kick the ball to him and he would run it back to them pushing it with his nose.

When Tucker was about 8 years we got another schnauzer, this time black. Jack was a rascal of a dog always pushing the limits. In fun, I called Tucker the good dog and Jack “the other dog.” We loved them both. Tucker did his best to educate Jack but Jack always liked to bend the rules. Still, Tucker’s modeling sunk in.

Tucker had few flaws. For fun, now and then, he liked to flush the chickens. Still, he was near perfect as a composed lap dog or an excited run-about friend. We had plenty of experiences with him moving from Washington, then Tennessee and then Texas.

When Tucker was 12 he started to get sick. His energy flagged, his motivation dropped. He had a cancer. We prayed for our friend, cuddled and pet him, but his health deteriorated. He did not complain but was patient as always. It was obvious he was in his last days, at most he had a handful left.

It was evening but I knew we couldn’t wait longer. I took my rifle, turned on the porch light, and carried him to the back yard. I sat him down and he stood wobbly between my feet. I said, “Tucker, stand still.” He obediently responded. I shot him in the head. He fell still, but to my amazement his tail wagged vigorously, quicker than I have ever seen before. It lasted a couple seconds and he was gone.

The next morning, we dug a place for him in the back pasture. I cried watching Old Yeller. I did the same with Tucker. There were some lonely days afterwards. Then four days later I had a dream. God graced us with it to bring a beautiful closure. I paste it from my dream file below.

12/12/2016 DOGS GO TO HEAVEN

I was walking along a country road where there had been rain. Water was running swiftly on the side of the road in the ditch and culverts. I looked and saw our dog Tucker running very rapidly back and forth in the field. He was much quicker than he had been in real life. He ran like lightning as if he could never be tired. I called out, “Go, Tucker, go!” At one point I saw Tucker was thirsty and standing in the water. As he began to drink I called out, “Drink, Tucker, drink!”

I called Tucker to me and he ran to my side. I gave him a couple pats, then he zipped off again. I could tell he was having a blast!

REFLECTIONS: Tucker was sick and I put him down four days ago. We were sad, missing him. This was an encouragement and a reminder. “Dogs do go to heaven.” We should drink deeply of the living waters, Like Tucker!




10,000 rose from the dead in Michigan to cast their ballots! Just imagine how many were raised in the other 49 states. You wonder who they voted for.

Amazing/appalling accounts of voting “irregularities” are coming out. Pam and I have been seriously imploring God in prayer for Revelation and the “HIGHEST COURT’S” justice! We are praying that everything will be revealed in Light! For the sake of future generations of voters we must be assured this election has true integrity.


Once again, we are taking a cold, hungry, exhausting stand in Pennsylvania. But what is the alternative? As Washington’s troops shivered at Valley Forge they knew the weight of Paine’s words.

“These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated”


God’s justice is coming to the god-like thrones of the media.“May ruin overtake them by surprise– may the net they hid entangle them, may they fall into the pit, to their ruin.” Ps 35:8.  Read Zech 5:1-4 to discover what happens to the thieving, lying media! 


Let all creation rejoice before the LORD, for he comes, he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples in his faithfulness.Ps 98:13


The most amazing invention to me is the internal combustion engine. What benefits the world has enjoyed by capturing fire in a box! We Christians sometimes have “FIRE” but how few have made productive energy with “IT.”

Steve and Pam Johnson




“Our Inheritance in Messiah is a stretch of Riverfront Property! It is a delightful place of connection— connection with the Lamb and with His people!” Riverfront Property: Connecting at the River of Life.

Pam and I are blessed to be living in Morton, WA along the Tilton River. It is a place loaded with beauty and peace!  Drink some in as you continue below. 





Our friend Pat is catching salmon on our beach. Over the past couple weeks he has caught other fish this size.. He filleted one for us ten minutes out of the river!






Tall timber silhouettes 




Twilight trees




The morning stretch  








CHICK CHALET (under construction)

We’ve had mini-farms in Ellensburg, WA, Sevierville, TN and Abilene, TX. We’ve had chickens at all of them. They must follow us. 26 chicks are waiting in a corner of the garage for their new domicile, the “Chick Chalet.” We had a couple scrap windows so they are getting a view and ventilation.



Early in the morning Smitty and I go to our rocky beach and take in the life of the river. He sniffs around and finds yummy things like crawdads. We have been pleased to discover good neighbors. Even Smitty has good fellowship with the local canines.



We have lived in lots of places. We both agree Morton is the place to let our roots go deep. We are planting a variety of fruit trees, berries and flowers. We have a little greenhouse and put in some raised beds.

David said, “The boundary lines have fallen to me in pleasant places.” Grateful!



One of the richest finds in Morton is discovering a band of praying Christians. We are looking forward to great seasons of prayer with that growing tribe, and earthshaking consequences! Jesus, take the glory!

Pam and I are flying the same flag our revolutionary army used. We “appeal to Heaven” daily for our nation. We have an ache for the welfare of our nation, and a longing for our dear Lord Jesus’ Kingdom to manifest in our nation, and the nations of the world. Trust you are adding your prayers to heaven’s bowls. “Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of God’s people.” Rev 5:8 

Steven C Johnson



As a PS, Happy Columbus Day! Stand up Christopher!

People pulled down Cristopher Columbus’ statue because they believe this continent should never have been discovered by Europeans. If in 1592 Winston had sail the ocean blue, or Patricia had sailed in 1692 to discover America it would be resented by someone, and their statues, in time, might come down. I wonder how many who brought down Columbus could give us an intelligent lecture on his life to justify his humiliation.



“All creatures great and small, The Lord God made them all.”

The day started cool and wet. It was still dark and a drizzle required wipers for visibility as I drove through rural Washington. Arriving at my destination I found the back deck covered in big drops of water beading up like miniature puddles. It felt cold and unfriendly and I moved back to the warmth of the house.

A few hours later I went outside to check the temperature and found a honey bee struggling to survive. It was wet and cold having landed in a puddle and had stopped trying to escape. In fact, it did not move at all. I looked for a tool and found a leaf to scoop it up. It hung on and I knew what to do.

i placed it in the sun and went inside to find a food source. No honey, but I could dissolve sugar in a spoon. I placed the bee near the sugar but it did not respond, so I dripped a little on its mouth. It immediately began sucking up the sweet stuff. Awwwww!

I had done all I could and returned to my work. An hour later when I looked the bee had flown. Restored to return home!

For me, this was a Holy Moment.

Pamela Johnson



If thieves were coming into your home to steal your food pantry, would you fight them to the death?

It’s probably unfair to ask people living in modern Western nations this question. Most of us would say, “It’s not worth the fight.” We’d step aside. A few might willingly share their food. Others would give up their food to appease. The next day we would go to the grocery store to restock the refrigerator.

Near Eastern people have had different circumstances, attitudes and practices.

Gideon warred to save the barley harvest

Boaz slept at the threshing floor to protect the wheat harvest.

Shammah fought to save the lentil harvest

Biblical characters would build watch towers in their fields to house their harvests. They would post lookouts on them to watch for marauders who wanted to loot their wealth by raiding their pantry. Food was the measure of your bank account as well as the measure of your longevity. Houses were built with the food stored in the back room so raiders would need to come through the living area, “over the owner’s dead body” to capture the family’s supply.

Consider the heroic stand of Shammah. “Next to him was Shammah son of Agee the Hararite. When the Philistines banded together at a place where there was a field full of lentils, Israel’s troops fled from them. But Shammah took his stand in the middle of the field. He defended it and struck the Philistines down, and the Lord brought about a great victory.”  2 Sam 23:11-12

It might be good to know “Shammah” means The LORD is there! He must have realized the Lord was present that day in the field of lentils!

Months later families could say, “We are eating tonight because Shammah saved the lentils.” Failing to defend the food supply meant slow and painful starvation. One might die fighting to defend the staff of life, but it would be a quick death. If they died fighting they would not have to watch their children starve. Defending the food supply was defending their family’s lives.

Going to the modern grocery is a marvel. Most of the world does not understand our abundance. When I walk through an American grocery store I am so amazed at the plenty! I often worship God in the grocery store, giving thanks for the wonderful access to food we enjoy.

Just a hundred years ago many of us still took in the crops, sacked, canned and dried the food, and stocked the larder. Ben Franklin as a youth helped his parents pack out the year’s foodstuff into the pantry. In his young tongue-in-cheek way, he suggested they could pray once for their food for the year. In different days having a year’s supply of food was not hoarding. It was basic planning. Albertsons, Safeway, Tom Thumb and Walmart would not be open that year. Today we save money to buy food. Before modern groceries we just saved food.

Biblical characters were willing to die to save their pantry. They were not defending the few contents of an icebox or cupboard. They were defending supplies to sustain their lives for the year!

In those days food was not easily gained with bonus discount coupons. Their backs and blisters produced it from the earth. Farming people were known for their faith and hard work.  Some suffered anxiety when it came to planting. If seed was taken from the pantry to sow the field would there be enough food remaining till the harvest? Would they grow enough to restock the pantry for the next year? The reassuring prophetic word to the farmers was, “Those who sow in tears will come again reaping in Joy.”

The lion protects its kill. Dogs jealously gauard their bones. Bees fight to protect their hives.

As an FYI – Fema on food and water preparations


It may be totally appropriate to defend your physical food supply in a life or death battle. But, are we willing to fight tooth and claw to defend truth, integrity and righteousness? Solomon said, “Buy the truth and do not sell it.” I agree! Don’t sell out on truth regardless what you are offered, or threatened with. We can share truth freely without cost but we must never sell out on the truths which sustain our lives. God’s word, our daily bread, is worth fighting for! Our lives depend on it!



I’ve heard three out of four Christian don’t vote.

Can we also say, Three out of four Christians don’t







Can we say, “Three out of four Christians – are not?”

“Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself.” James 2:17




Question: What does a spare tire, fire extinguisher and gun have in common?

Answer: It’s nice to have them but you hope never to need to use them.



Rise up, O men of God!
Have done with lesser things.
Give heart and mind and soul and strength
to serve the King of kings.

Rise up, O men of God!
The kingdom tarries long.
Bring in the day of brotherhood
and end the night of wrong.

Rise up, O men of God!
The church for you doth wait,
her strength unequal to her task;
rise up, and make her great!

Lift high the cross of Christ!
Tread where his feet have trod.
As brothers of the Son of Man,
rise up, O men of God!

Steve Johnson

[email protected]






My childhood was very pleasant up to the time I entered grade school. Our family was loving and I felt like I was a pretty normal kid, managing life well and getting along fine with others.

1st grade began and life became problematic. When it came to academics I discovered I wasn’t quite normal. I was the kid that just didn’t get it. I didn’t understand the alphabet or numbers. They didn’t make sense to me. I began to see I was not like the other kids.

I was last in first grade learning my ABC’s and my 123’s. I remember missing recess as I tried to write my numbers in order copying the shapes from the blackboard. I remember being held back from recess in the second grade doing the same. Why was it so easy for the other kids? I felt frustrated. I felt stupid. Stupid and shameful became my identity. When it came to academics I was the kid whose lightbulb was dim.

I remember trying to become invisible so the teacher wouldn’t see me and call on me with a question. I didn’t want to be embarrassed again, and again. I was the last in class in every subject. I remember getting knots in my stomach at the end of the school year wondering whether I would be advanced to the next grade. I don’t know why but they passed this “D” and occasional “C” grade student to the next level yearly.

In the Fourth grade I saw I was going to be dead last in learning my multiplication tables. The title for “last” would go to a girl in the class or myself. I put out a great effort practicing diligently with the flash cards, and broke a barrier. I came in second from last! What a relief not to be dead last again. Math was my strong suit!

In the sixth grade the unthinkable happened. I got an A on a ten-word spelling test. I don’t remember ever getting a B, let alone an A before. My parents had been out of town for a few days. I was staying with an Aunt and a cousin. Over three days with perhaps up to six hours of repetition they worked with me on the ten spelling words. I remember being totally amazed when I discovered I had spelled every one correctly!

I squeaked through the seventh grade but did so with a break-though. I realized I could copy two or three letters at a time from the chalkboard onto my paper rather than one letter at a time. At times I could copy whole words. It broke a speed barrier!

My father was a physician and was studying a learning disability called dyslexia. I apparently had it. P’s and d’s, b’s and q’s  looked the same to me. Even today I confuse them when writing, along with other letters like Z and S. Phonetics helped a little but I could never trust them  because I was always stumbling on the exception to the rule and creating my own ‘fonedik’ spellings.

By blessed fortune my parents were able to hire private tutors and finally send me away to a private boarding school in the eighth grade. There were small classes, intense tutoring and four hours of study hall a day. This was where I first prayed. “Dear God, my Dad and Mom want me to do well in school. Help me do well so they will be pleased.” I prayed this frequently, sometimes many times a day.

It is a testimony to the all-wise God, my loving parents, caring teachers and the power of determined effort. At the end of the school year I was a straight A student. The earth shook with wonder! I was learning that by depending on God and using all my effort I could succeed. That was the year by providence I accidentally picked up number four pencils rather than the standard number two pencils. I realized I had to give greater effort to make a clear mark with the number four pencils. The greater physical effort of pressure on the pencil while writing math questions drove the sense of mathematics deeper in my mind!

I’ve had many “moments,” and those moments still visit daily. In the eight grade I could not remember how to spell my middle name. “Craig,” after all is a challenging name to spell. You’ll be glad to know I practiced and learned how.

The mighty grace of God took me through college and on to graduate school. I was able to keep a B average though school, which I think is an accomplishment.  There was a moment in grad school where I was writing a paper and needed to write the world “of,” but could not remember how to spell it. I tried “uv” and “ov” but it just didn’t look right. I was embarrassed to ask a fellow student how to spell “of” so started looking for it in the dictionary. After 20 minutes trying to figure it out I realized if I read a book, in time, I would come upon the word “of.” It worked!

I found when studying Greek that if I worked two or three times longer than fellow students I could do as well, or nearly as well, as others. The willingness to work twice as hard as others became a key for achieving.


I am so grateful for the good fruit which has come to me because of this little handicap!

By the grace of God, I have been able to shake off the title “stupid” and the feeling of shame.

I have compassion for others who struggle with mental handicaps. They are my peers.

I’ve gained creative techniques for learning and have come to realize reading, re-reading and then reading again will help me understand a sentence or paragraph.

Even though many speak faster and come up with amazingly quick quips I’ve learned I don’t have to compare myself to them. I realize that in my own way I’m quite smart, even if I sometimes speak slower looking for words.

I savor accomplishments which require hard work more than naturally gifted people do.

I am able to be patient with others because I realize thinking can take a lot of time and effort. 

There are still times when I cut a board at 69 inches rather than 96 but most of the time I’ve get it right and have successfully applied math in many practical situations.

Every time I write a page I have to look up spellings because my spellcheck has no idea  what I’m trying to say. Still, my third-grade teacher would be amazed. I’ve written lots: Sermons, Bible study lessons, newsletters, a couple books and hundreds of blogs.

I keep learning to lean on God in my weakness, and ask His help.

Do you have a handicap which you have overcome?

What fruit have you been able to grain because of it?

Steven C Johnson






Have you ever pondered the wonderful benefits our loving Lord grants those who reverence Him? You may find dozens of delightful promises for those who fear the Lord. What comes to those who with heart and soul breath, “Hollowed by Thy name?” You’ll be encouraged to learn!

A CHALLENGE: Put a “check mark” by the blessings you have already enjoyed because of your reverence for God.

The LORD delights in those who fear Him, who put their hope in His unfailing love. (Ps 147:11)

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. (Prov 9:10)

He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure.  (Is 33:6)

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. (Prov 1:7)

… then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God. (Prov 2:5)

The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, turning a man from the snares of death.  (Prov 14:27)

The fear of the LORD leads to life: Then one rests content, untouched by trouble. (Prov 19:23)

Humility and the fear of the LORD bring wealth and life. (Prov 22:4)

The fear of the LORD adds length to life, but the years of the wicked are cut short. (Prov 10:27)

The fear of the LORD leads to life, And he who has it will abide in satisfaction; He will not be visited with evil. (Prov 19:23)

Through love and faithfulness sin is atoned for: through the fear of the LORD a man avoids evil.  (Prov 16:6)

Oh, fear the Lord, you His saints! There is no want to those who fear Him. (Ps 34:9)

Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear Him, on those who hope in His mercy, to deliver their soul from death, and keep them alive in famine. Ps 33:18-19)

In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence, And his children will have a place of refuge.  (Prov 14:26)

The secret of the LORD is with those who fear Him, And He will show them His covenant.(Ps 25:14)

Oh, how great is Your goodness,which You have laid up for those who fear You, Which you have prepared for those who trust in You in the presence of the sons of men!  (Ps 31:19)

The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him, and He delivers them.  (Ps 34:7)

But as for me, I will come into Your house in the multitude of Your mercy; In fear of You I will worship toward Your holy temple  (Ps 5:7)

For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is His mercy toward those who fear Him (Ps 103:11)

As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him   (Ps 103:13)

Isaiah spoke of the coming Root or David, The Branch, “and he will delight in the fear of the LORD.”[ Is 11:3a]. Our Lord Jesus, The Branch walked, and walks today, saturated in the these promised blessings!

What future blessing do you anticipate coming to you, and your family, through these promises?

What are ways you personally upgrade your reverent love and fear of the Lord?

Steven C Johnson 





I had a show-stopping moment last week in a Men’s prayer group. I’ve thought of it daily since Cesar made this statement: “I’ve been wondering what “One Nation Under God’ looks like.” It slammed me, bowled me over, stupefied me!

I’ve pledged “One Nation Under God.” I’ve prayed for “One Nation Under God” but I have never taken moments to picture what “One Nation Under God” would look like!

I say it reverently and with startled amazement, “O my God! If a nation ever decided to come under God…what would be the outcome?” Imagine the dripping oil and wine, the milk and honey Heaven would rain on a nation under His covering!!!

What would happen if all the chicks in a nation came Under Wing? Safety, security, belonging, identity, purpose! It would mean a national rebirth of hope and vision, a golden-age of brotherhood. Under Heaven’s shielding umbrella and outpoured bounty what blessings might overtake that nation?

Do you find it easy to imagine what happens to a nation which abandons God? It a little harder, but try this, imagining what happens to a nation in whole-hearted devotion to the Lord of hosts.

I’m endeavoring to pray for one nation a day. I’ve taken up listening to the national anthems of the nations I pray for. Virtually all nations sing of heritage, virtues, aspirations of hope and oneness. Those aspirational longings can take quantum leaps for nations which come under God!

What would become of Algeria, Uzbekistan, Indonesia and Suriname if these nations decided to come under God? “Holy Smoke!”

I am one who believes that whole nations will come to Christ in these last days. They will be known as Sheep Nations. See Matthew 25: 31-46. Imagine the lavish blessings overflowing on those nations who reverence their Creator and live under His protection! They will enjoy His bountiful provisions! Yes, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD!”

Steven C Johnson



Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war’s desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heav’n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave

O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!


“And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ.” Phil 1:9-10

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt a sense of evil that made your skin creep, or a sense of holy delight that got you jumping on your tiptoes? You were discerning. Supernatural powers of discrimination are urgently needed. Many lambs are led away by false teachings and seducing spirits because they lack it. Many believers miss heaven’s resources as they fail to realize an angelic presence is there to provide or guide.

I was in a library of huge books. In the dream there were marble busts of wise and discerning people. Curiously, their noses were much larger than normal. The Lord showed me this is discernment.

You find a Tupperware dish in the back of the refrigerator.  How long has it been back there? Carefully you pop the lid and give it the sniff test.

Do you have a nose for discernment? Can you sense when angels or demons are about? Can you sense when things are holy or tainted? What a vital gift!


Here is one way to discern if an activity is worthless or worthful. After you are done with it do you sense:

A greater softness in your heart toward others?

The sweet fruits of love, joy and peace?

Increased gratitude toward Jesus?

A greater resolve to live for Jesus and make the most of your life?

So, after you are done watching it, drinking or eating it, or talking about it – have you gotten good fruit?

Do you have your own litmus tests to help you discern the value of activities, the origin of a spirit, and what is harmful or healthful?  Your comment here might help others hone their discerning gifts.

Steven C Johnson









 “Hold the book and your fingers get wet. Open the pages and water pours! Riverfront Property is a Biblically drenching, spiritually refreshing thirst-quencher. Soak in inspiration for dreams and visions, spiritual gifts, and the fruit of righteousness. Make connections at the riverfront!”


The Physical River which Springs from the City of Jerusalem
The Transformational Inner River
How to be a Conduit of the Holy Spirit’s Graces


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“Steve Johnson is one of the most remarkable people I have ever met.  From the first time I met him I was drawn to the River of God so evident in him.  I am not surprised that his book is remarkable as well.  Steve writes from his own personal experience with the River Master and from the overflow of God presence flowing through him.  After reading the book and experiencing the seminar I am even more hungry for the ever-increasing flow of God’s presence in my life and in the city where I pastor.”  –  Chuck Farina. Pastor of New Hope Church, Abilene, Texas

“It’s the best thing I can remember seeing of its kind, which is a combination of thematic Bible study and Christian energy drink. Steve’s explanation of what the Bible says about rivers, water, and spiritual life is as good as it gets.”  –  Dr. Jeff Treder

“Riverfront Property makes me thirsty. The love of God and the river of life flow in these pages. Get a fresh drink here! Now I want to run through a rain shower, stand under a waterfall, and soak in the ocean. Come Holy Spirit, pour out on us!”   – Harold R. Eberle, President of Worldcast Ministry

“I just finished this book–it truly is refreshing with great revelation. I also enjoyed hearing about Steve’s experiences that back up what he is saying–this was refreshing in of itself and made me thirsty for more of the River of God and the Holy Spirit!” — Peter Spencer, The Elijah List

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Can you explain this to me? When crisis or tragedy strikes I come alert and aware, but it is not until I see people rising to help, mobilizing for rescue, that my heart is deeply moved, my throat tightens up and I feel the swelling tears.

What is this phenomenon I’ve witnessed in myself for years?

When our daughter was abducted and drown I was fully awake, fully contending. But I was moved to tears when I saw police officers and medical workers seeking to help with their every fiber. Then my heart swole three times its size, expanded with gratitude.

When the Twin Towers fell I was shocked, angered, and grieved, but no tears until I saw pictures of first responders and noble-minded citizens seeking to help.

I see riots in Portland and am alarmed and pained. But when I see the interview of a True-Blue black officer standing steady for what is right I am caught with that hard-to-swallow feeling in my throat.

I’ve experienced it recently with news from Beirut. Their apocalyptic explosion left miles of waste, loss of life and injury. Its horrifying, but I am moved to tears when I see people respond to comfort and relieve.

I read the story of the sinking of the Titanic. It’s tragic. But I’m choked-up when I learn of the noble rescue efforts of the crew and passengers on the Carpathia.

When I see things going South in our world I am alerted, but when I see righteous men and women of character take their stand in the gap, I am stirred with emotion!

I’m not sure what goes on inside my heart, but this could be part of it: I think of problems and tragedies as normal, but people rising up in noble intercession as exceptional!

Deborah sang with deep appreciation for those who volunteered to go into the fray. I’m wondering, can you relate? “My heart goes out to the commanders of Israel who offered themselves willingly among the people. Bless the LORD.” Judges 5:9

Steven C Johnson


We should expunge “Hate crimes” from our vocabulary, and remove all “hate crimes” from our list of laws. “Hate crimes” should be outlawed!


The designation “hate crime” is nonsense. You can’t measure hate. You can’t know the motives of people’s hearts. You may speculate or surmise but you cannot know. You can however judge people by their actions!

It is impossible to know with certainty the motives of anyone.

If we keep creating new “hate crimes” we will be able to arrest anyone for any action we feel is motivated by hate. What’s more, we may arrest anyone based on our suspicion they may possess hateful thoughts. “I have a strong suspicious that in your heart you are a racist, and religious bigot. Therefore, you should be arrested!” This kind of “justice” is found in communist and totalitarian antichrist nations.

All hate crimes should be obliterated from our law books. If not, prepare for the motives police to knock on your door. “Hate Crime” laws create a new type of prejudice.

If I don’t like broccoli, tattoos, someone’s sexual orientation, or the color they paint their living room I could be in danger of being charged with a hate crime. “You must hate farmers, tattoos artists , celibates, and interior designers. After all, your don’t care for what they do. Therefore, you are full of hate!”


One of the dominant, nonsensical presumptions is that people who hate should be punished more severely.

For example, if a murderer kills because he hates another for social, religious, philosophical, or racial reasons he should get a more severe punishment than the cold-blooded psychopath.

To get a lesser punishment we might plead, “I was not hateful. There was nothing personal. I simply killed them for their stuff. No premeditation, no animosity, I’m simply making a living.”

We cannot measure the quality or magnitude of anyone’s hate, therefore “hate crime” laws are nonsensical. What’s more, such laws lend themselves to suspicion, speculation, and false accusations, based curiously on novel prejudices. Communist China has perfected this type of justice. Suspicion is enough to have your arrested and worse. 

No person is capable of judging people’s motives, but we can judge actions and call people to account for breaking established laws.


There is One who will make judgements over our lives based on motives.

God knows every thought and intention. He searches our hearts and make true judgements of heart contents.

Let’s not pretend we know the motives of others. Rather, let’s be humble and vulnerable before our Lord as He scrutinizes each of our hearts.

“We speak, not to please man, but to please God who tests our hearts.” 1 Thess 2:4

“You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts.“ Luke 16:15

 “The Lord searches all hearts and understands every plan and thought.” 1 Chr 28:9

When we judge the motives of others we are in peril of mocking God, claiming His supernatural abilities to know the mysteries of hearts.  Let us properly judge based on people’s actions, based on their fruit. But for pity sake, please put an end to the dangerous folly of “hate crimes!”

Do you agree? Disagree? Want to dialogue?

This article by Louis DeBroux shares one type of abuse of “hate crime ” laws.

Steven C Johnson




I was listening to The Danish National Symphony Orchestra’s outstanding performance of The Good, The Bad and the Ugly. This has become a go-to song for inspiration. It stirs me deeply. Apparently, millions feel the same way.

Scrolling through the comments I read: “My neutered dog heard this and his testicles have grown back.” I laughed with tears for five minutes! It was good for the eyes.

I wonder, What it would take to grow back testicles on emasculated men?



It’s been said, “Our culture has taught young boys to be good little girls.” How many young men are wobbly about what it means to be a man? No wonder our sexual confusion. Boys are taught, “Men are rude and violent. You don’t want to be one of them! Men abuse women. You don’t want to be one of them. Men start wars. You don’t want to be a man.”

Some boys are neglected and become feral. They may become aimless and unrestrained, become abusive and violent, or cowering hermits. But the education many boys get today is almost worse than neglect.



Modern social innovators teach boys to be sensitive, to quench their rambunctious ways, to be passive, not damage the china or clang the tableware. In our pursuit of taming men, we have turned lions to sheep and eagles to chickens. In our taming the “savage beast” of manhood we have removed their fight for greater things, their courage to contend for a noble cause. And many seem proud of this accomplishment.



Who will teach boys to harness their masculine powers for good, rather than the bad and ugly? Boys need to be taught self-control, to play within the boundaries, and fight fair, but Lord have mercy on the ones who would steal away sport and sparring and rumble from hearts born to possess it!



May boys be raised again to have tough sinks and soft hearts. May boys harness their sanctified manhood to protect the vulnerable, to contend for the right and to pursue high-heaven ambitions! Boys should be inspired to yoke their masculine powers for The Good, The Glorious and The Magnificent!



Perhaps a listen to The Danish National Symphony Orchestracould help bring healing for young men robbed of manhood.


Steven C Johnson







“I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves,

so that when it is gone,

you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.” Luke 16:9

Carolyn Grogan Graduating mana cum laude!




Pam’s Mom, Carolyn, passed into eternity last night, 7/9/2020. It would be hard to find a Saint more eager and excited to be with her Lord. She is receiving a royal revelry! Carolyn is a woman who made many great investments. “Welcomed into eternal dwellings” rightly describes heaven’s scene!

I used to tease Carolyn over an agreement we had. “Carolyn, if you die before me I’ll come up with something nice to say about you. And if I die before you, you scratch your head and come up with something good about me.” She would laugh. So, I’m under obligation. But no head scratching necessary.

Carolyn loved to laugh! She would find any excuse to do so. Joy characterized her life as brightness characterizes the sun. Sometimes I thought she laughed too much, but I don’t think heaven was offended by her joy and the faith behind it.

Carolyn was an evangelist, a good-news-er! I recall times when we were together and she met a stranger. She would ask in various words, “Do you know my Lord Jesus?”

We wrote a book about our daughter’s resurrection but didn’t have much money to see it published. Carolyn volunteered to help with expenses. When I told her we did not know how the book would sell of if we would be able to repay her, her reply was, “I’ll take it in souls!”  I know for a fact that thousands came to Christ though that story and the TV and radio interviews which carried it around the world!

Carolyn pitched in strongly to make the prayer meetings go to new levels. Most of her prayer was early in the morning with marked up bibles, inspirational books, prayer lists and worship music in the background. She is famous in our family for praying her immediate and extended family members into The Kingdom.

Carolyn delighted in her children, grands and greats! She had many qualities which make for a great Mom and grandmother. Fun, adventure, and celebration, sewing, cooking canning, and more. I prize a beautiful thick, warm sweater which she made for her husband, Frank, which I inherited.

     A sweater Carolyn made

She was a God-send helping with our kids and concerns in Ellensburg and Goldendale, WA. She also enjoyed living with us in Sevierville, TN, and would adventure out on foot with her hat and stick to enjoy the beauty and see if there was a conversation to strike up.

As she aged the wrinkles always went upwards. The last leg of her race was a challenge as she struggled with memory loss. None-the-less her spirit always leaned toward the finish line where her Lord, standing at the tape, was cheering her across.

Many of us are jealous for her arrival and the joyful pomp and circumstance of reunion! May God bless each of us in our respective races, and give a special grace for strong kicks to our runs as we cross over!

Steven C Johnson