Steve and Pam’s Bio

Like you, we are glory seekers. We have wonderfully, “Tasted and seen, the Lord is good!” The greatest prize is in the pursuit of the fame, splendor and radiant beauty of our Sovereign! We came to Yeshua in the days of the Jesus... Read More...

Riverfront Property in Audio

I am so grateful and pleased to share freely the whole audio book of Riverfront Property: Connecting At The River Of Life! I’m confident you will receive a delicious drink! As you find your thirst quenched please recall those you know who would also love a drink, and pass the cup! Read More...

A Miracle Story

Thursday July 30, 1987, started out as just another hot summer day in Ellensburg, Washington, a town of about fifteen thousand souls in a picturesque valley a hundred miles east of Seattle... Read More...



For the past 34 years I have kept a Revelation Journal. In it I have recorded dreams, visions and prophecies which God has graciously given. It is impossible to communicate how deeply I appreciate God’s downloads through these multi-media expressions!  



I want you to enjoy the same blessings. I know you can! And you can start today by keeping your own Revelation Journal!


I have found in my Revelation Journal:

The comfort of knowing God is speaking to me today 

Courage for overcoming obstacles 

Warnings to be alert to 

Wisdom for success 

Guidance for decisions 

Anointed words to minister to others, 

Insights about my weaknesses – and keys for overcoming

Spirit inspired prayer points as I intercede for others

Exposure of wicked, demonic schemes 

And above it all – experiences with the weight of the holiness of God, as well as the lightness which comes from feeling His love!

My list could go on and on!


Every night as I prepare for sleep I take a note pad and place it at the head of my bed. I place my pen on the pad so it is easy to find and grab, and for years I have prayed a simple prayer; “Lord, in the night with dreams, and in the day with visions!”

I write my dreams and visions because I know how frail my memory is. We may have the most striking, lucid experience, and forget about it a week later. I’ve been told, “The weakest ink is stronger than the mightiest mind,” and I believe it.

I cannot afford to forget what God has revealed to me, so I record, for He is worthy. 

When I wake in the night or morning I remain still, searching my heart for what has been happening.  I may ask myself, “What have I been dreaming, thinking or sensing?” I take my pen, feel for the paper and take notes.

I may stay awake a bit and meditate, get up to ponder, or simply go right back to sleep. In the morning I go to my computer and open my Revelation Journal. I put in the date, then begin deciphering my brail night-scratches. I write out in length as much as I can recall. I often find while writing my memory is awakened with more details.

If I don’t recall all of a dream I write what I do, even if it’s only a segment. “All I remember was a vision of a polar bear standing by a mailbox.” 

I work to ponder things in a prayerful attitude. I look for the driving point of the revelation and come up with a title which I put in bold print at the top of the dream.

I put, “REFLECTIONS:” below the dream. There I work out what the experience was about, the interpretation I see, or the life-lesson I may gain. I look for ways I can make applications of the experience. I may search the Scriptures to seek how my experiences harmonize with the word of God. I sometimes go online to search out a word or subject in the experience.

By the way, I endeavor to write all the revelation experiences I have – bold ones, dim ones, scary and funny ones, things I don’t understand, or feel I already know. My journal is the hopper for processing! I record demonic dreams, fleshly dreams, pizza dreams, and God-induced revelations – and I learn from them all. I get lessons like, “Don’t eat too much pizza!”

Journaling takes time, but it is so worth it! It is like stocking gold, silver and precious jewels in a treasury. 


You can start a journal from scratch in a paper notebook, or type them into a computer file. I invite you to go to RevelationConnections.Vision, subscribe and to the page called “My Personal Journal.”  Today begin stocking up precious things in your treasury! If you have an existing Revelation Journal you can post it into My Personal Journal.”

Whatever kind of journal you have use it as a forge for receiving, clarifying, articulating, interpreting, and creating applications. Anticipate years of delightful faith-building, wisdom-imparting benefit.


One of my choicest blessings is reviewing my Revelation Journal. In the morning as I record my dreams I often review the previous handful of dreams to see how they may be factoring in my life today. If I do not recall dreams from the night I will take time to review many of my recent dreams to milk all I can from them.

Just as one may search a Bible concordance for topics I explore my journal for things which may be pressing on my spirit. For example I may be praying for someone’s healing. As well as having Bible verses to arm myself I’ll find additional healing wisdom in my dream files. If I am struggling with making decisions, mustering resolve or knowing how to relate to a person or circumstance I will search for those themes in my journal.

This searching process helps me understand my dream vocabulary. I have searched my files for rivers, water skiing, weariness, resurrection, joy, and hundreds of other subjects. I begin understanding what these words and symbols mean from comparing many accounts. I’m certain you will find this illuminating and liberating!

If you have a revelation file on your computer, or at RevelationConnections.Vision it’s easy to search. Typically you go to Edit and then Find, and type the word or phrase you are seeking. Some computers may have a spyglass where you can insert a word of phrase and search your treasury.

In my searching I was surprised to find I have personally met 6 Presidents, learned the things they are dealing with, and how I may pray for them. As you collect your revelations and review them you will be surprised by the things you discover!

I started a non-profit organization. Later I saw it was in a dream 7 years previously. I strive to get what I can out of a revelation experience immediately, but have often found the lightbulb pops on as I consider something from 10, 20 or 30 years ago!

As I review my Revelation Journal I am constantly refreshed with the knowledge of God’s nearness and goodness! How amazing He would speak to me, and to any who would seek Him!


As you begin there will be battles of the mind to overcome. You may hear voices in your head saying:

I’m not holy enough or important enough for God to speak to me

I never get dreams or visions, and doubt it will change

I might get deceived 

I might become proud

My church teaches God doesn’t speak personal words today

If I get something I won’t understand it

Thoughts like these should be ruthlessly destroyed, with truth! Speak to yourself. Remind yourself, “God loves me. He speaks to His sheep, and I am one of them! I can make an effort to listen even if I am a beginner. He promised if I seek Him I will find Him. I am committed to Him and He is committed to me. God is not a respecter of people. As I humble myself before Him He will be gracious to me and I will hear His voice!”

Pray through it all!  “Dear God my Father, please speak to me through dreams, visions and prophetic impressions. I earnestly desire to hear Your voice and do Your will. I give You honor in Jesus Your Son and my Savior!”


I challenge you. Before you sleep, kneel by your bed. Take five, sincere minutes. Give Him thanks and praise, and ask, “Father God, I so long to know You and learn from You! Your word says, “You give to Your beloved even in their sleep.” You’ve encouraged me to seek spiritual gifts. You want me wise, strong, holy, and on target. Grant me tonight the pleasure of knowing You in deeper ways, and hearing Your sweet voice, so I may become like You and bring You pleasure.”

Again, you might offer the simple prayer I bring most every night, “Lord in the night with dreams, and in the day with visions!”

However you pray, hold on to God as Jacob held onto the Angel of the Lord. Be determined. Don’t stop praying and seeking until you have your breakthrough! Your efforts to seek God will gain a great satisfaction!

Remember, set your paper and pen near your bed at the ready. 

As you rest your head on the pillow rest also confident in the Love of your Savior and Lord, and expectant He will speak to your spirit tonight!

Then as you wake in the morning be still and aware; What has He been showing you?


God promises us a last-day deluge of prophecies, dreams and visions. 

“In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people; your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”  Acts 2:17

Believing Friend, I’m anxious to learn what our Redeemer is saying to you, and to all His Saints worldwide!

Please, Please share some of your select revelation experiences with others around our globe. This benefits The Entire Church! This is what RevelationConnections.Vision is all about.

As you keep your personal Revelation Journal for weeks, years and decades you will be astonished at the true riches you have collected to benefit yourself and others! God is raining puzzle pieces upon His Saints. Let’s collect them, assemble them and see what pictures form!

I want you to enjoy the same blessings I have. I know you can! And you can start today by keeping your own Revelation Journal! Invest in yourself and in the revelation rainstorm Christ our Lord is sending from heaven!

This is Steven C Johnson with a How-to-Listen-to-God teaching from RevelationConnections.Vision  Subscribe and join us today!














If you went to the doctor and he told you your heart was functioning at 60% how would you feel?

60% would be regarded as a strong voter turnout but only in a nation where 40 percent are apathetic or irresponsible.

Many complain that “The Government” is a mess. If we lived in a dictatorship we could blame the mess on the dictator. We live in a democratic republic. If things are not running right “We the people” are to be blamed.

Under our constitution “We”, you and I, are the government. We are a government of the people, and hopefully for the people.

If you fail to vote you are a failure to your nation and to yourself. If you will own it, you are the fix for America’s woes.” Voting is one of the pieces a responsible citizen takes on.

Not voting because of cynicism is a crock. Cynicism never pitches in, sacrifices or fights for what is noble or right. The cynic falls before the judgement seat of God and the rest of mankind.

The Scripture teaches us we will be accountable before God for every thought, action, and even motive. 

Vote!  At least on one point you will not be ashamed when you stand for evaluation, but pleased you did something of true consequence for your fellow Americans!





Samuel Morse’s First Long-Distance Telegraph Message sent in 1844 asked, “What Hath God Wrought?” I feel like the Lord has given a creation with similar impact in the engineering of a powerful web communication tool at RevelationConnections.Vision It’s a new wineskin for new wine.

Thirteen years after conception we have a birth, and It’s time to show the baby! It’s is the biggest project I have ever worked on and I feel a jittery excitement! This tool will revolutionize the way millions of listeners communicate their dreams, visions and prophetic impressions! It will serve every Saint and Christian ministry!

RevelationConnections.Vision is just launched, and you need to be part of it!

I interview people in hardware and grocery stores, at the gym and farm store with this question; “Has God ever spoken to you through a dream, a vision or a prophetic impression?” Almost invariably I get an affirmative. Often I hear astonishing stories! You also have stories where God has uniquely spoken to you.

Now you have an opportunity to share your revelation experiences with Saints in Chile, Botswana and Georgia! You will also be able to perform complex thematic searches of revelations Saints are having in Turkey, Iceland and Papua New Guinea. 


Welcome to a monumental puzzle party revealing the beautiful face of our Lord Jesus Christ and His now-message for the world-wide Church! The implications have earth-shaking import! As you learn about it you will want to be involved!

Revelation Connections’ goal is to connect Christ’s Body by enabling Saints in every country to communicate and discover what the Holy Spirit is saying to the world-wide Church.

Using advanced technologies believers post their heaven-born revelations in a great data base. Saints around the world then search the posts of others to discover divine intelligence, complementary themes, insights and practical directions, many of which will lead to collaborative ministry.

We are building a highly searchable concordance of The Church’s world-wide depository of contemporary revelations. Jesus prophesied,

“For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.” (Luke 18:17)

This means God’s hidden glory is to be fully revealed! It means all people’s actions, thoughts and motives will be brought into the open.

Powerful search engines perform multifaceted topical searches for names, locations, times, words and phrases, linking believers internationally to communicate and discover what the Holy Spirit is now disclosing and bringing out into the open. 

Get strapped in and feel the G’s! You have things to discover and things to share. Don’t hold back. Jesus’ high-priestly prayer was, “Let them be one.” The results of oneness is the revealed glory of God! This communication tool is part of the answer to that prayer.

The site is newly launched so we are just beginning to fuel the database. Add fuel to the rocket by submitting the revelations our Lord has given you! Simply click on Submit and take a few minutes to write in one of your revelation experiences! 

Search for the things on your heart. Bless others by sharing globally what the Lord is speaking to you. Revelation Connections will link people you already know in revelation ministry, but even more, every saint and christian ministry will be able to share their piece of our Lord’s monumental puzzle, connecting saints in vision and perspective like never before!

Enough talk. Follow the link and begin discovering what the Spirit is saying to The Church today!  RevelationConnections.Vision

Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises

Saturn V Moon shot  –




I woke and told Pam, “I feel the water coming to a boil.” Later I saw a news article titled, “Protests erupting across college campuses reach boiling point.” Several commentators have said, “This looks like Germany in the early 30’s.”

Pam and I have felt an escalated warning and urgency for America. It has been echoed by a 911 word from Cindy Jacobs regarding Islamist terror attacks in the US. Her word is affirmed by a circle of credible prophetic voices.

The FBI last month warned, “It’s not if, but when.” I feel “when” is upon us. 

I urge you to read or listen to Cindy’s warning below, take the matter to heart, and share it with people who matter to you.  What do you think? What are you doing?

No one wants to be an alarmist. We care about what people think of us. No one wants to be thought of as the boy who called wolf. But worse than being an alarmist, and what people think of us, is failing to sound an alarm which could avert or ameliorate great pain. 

I am not Chicken Little, and the sky is not falling, but heaven and earth are about to have a good shaking. I believe our God has staggering, glorious things to reveal in the shaking. He is revealing His glory in manifold ways in the shaking. You have a part in them. It is wisdom to know the times and what should be done.

I believe, “The best is yet to come.” I believe the nations will be filled with the glory of God and we will see our Savior face to face!

My basic view of the future is “darkness overcome by prevailing light!” I get this from Isaiah 60; “For look, darkness will cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: But the Lord will shine over you, and his glory will appear over you.”

A great “baby” is about to be born in answer to our prayers – THE KINGDOM OF GOD! I also believe the baby comes with birth pains. 

Pam has coached women in childbirth. She encourages them with, “This is exciting! A baby is coming!” The focus is on the prize. She does this when women are in discomfort, great pain, and sometime doubting they can make it. The baby is the big thing. Pain is the process. It is not a small thing, but it is passing, and soon forgotten.

Our Lord said in John 16:21, “A woman when she is in travail hath sorrow, because her hour is come; but as soon as she is delivered of the child, she remembers the anguish no more, for the joy that a child is born into the world.” 

Paul said something similar in Romans 8; I do not count the sufferings of this present age worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed in us.”

What if a midwife never informs a new mother there will be pain and difficulty? What if she never coaches the mother how to steel herself, prepare herself and make it through the contractions and intense transitions? These are things not to be glossed.

Cindy’s Jacobs prophecy is of the threat of radial Islam on the US, Canada and other nations. Her prescription is prayer, fasting and repentance so we may gain God’s mercy and protection.

Read or listen to what she says below and let me hear your response.

Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises

Word of the Lord for the Nations

Received on a plane to Calgary, Canada  

4/19/24 by Cindy Jacobs

Do not think that the people who are protesting and calling for a Palestinian State are just protesting on behalf of Palestine. Whether they understand or not, there is an insurrection forming that is like unto the Communist takeover in Russia for the downfall of the Tzars. Only this time, they are aiming for the nations of Canada, the United States, and other nations of the world. Among the other nations, Europe is especially their target.

This is a planned takeover, not only ideologically, but nationally. It has infiltrated our militaries and is gaining strength. At the moment, they are quietly planning. There are proxies on the streets in protest. This is not only about bringing a Palestinian state to the Middle East but an Islamic State to North America and other nations. They are subversive and even use misguided students. However, the movement at large is on a much bigger and more pervasive scale.

This Palestinian State is also part of a larger alliance of Iran as the head, with a Caliphate of Iraq, Syria, and Yemen. Hezbollah will be part of this axis of evil, and eventually join with Afghanistan. Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, and other Middle Eastern nations cannot be neutral because you will one day be in the crosshairs of a Middle Eastern takeover, and your independence will be threatened. Africa: choose the right side. Do not side against Israel in this battle.

Russia is watching like a devourer to swoop down on Europe through Ukraine. China is being restrained through prayer against gobbling up Taiwan, Korea, and Asia. Even if these alliances work as an axis of evil, Islam will eventually break these alliances and take over. 

The insurrectionists are set in Paris, London, and other European cities, as well as in Australia, and Latin America.

However, the Hand of God is waiting to cover those nations who are on their face in repentance and holiness.

Judgment has begun at the House of God and will increase, and there may appear to be a severity in the cleansing of the church. There will be no wiggle room for those who think that no one sees. This judgment is to clean the house in order to give the Church the authority in prayer to avert what is coming. 

For the covers are coming off of hidden sin. “Those in the prayer movement are going first because some of them stood in My face,” says the Lord, “and brought uncleanness and mixture before the throne. This will not be tolerated. It is time to confess, before you are exposed and cry out to Me to help as you navigate through the consequences.

“For those who truly love Me more than hiding your sin, I will help you, even though it will be difficult. You can choose to go the hard way, or the way of holiness and repentance.

“For I am jealous for my revival and the raising up reformers for your nations. The hearts of many of those who are in this new move of God must not be crushed and darkened by the sin of the church.

“I am the refiner’s fire,” says the Lord. “I am holiness personified. Cry out to be holy and washed clean.

“Holiness belongs to me,” says the Lord. “I will not tolerate mixture. Even though it seems like I haven’t seen the sin of some in the church, I know all things, and I am going to reveal a side of me that many have not seen in their lifetime.

“If the church repents, I will relent. I will protect your nations. If the church repents, I will deal with the coming world consequences and give wisdom to the leaders of your nations. For foolish governance is a consequence of sin. If the people elect those who snub their noses at biblical principles, their leaders will be like blind people and cause grave mistakes to be made.

“Turn to me, Church,” says the Lord, “for I desire mercy and not judgment. Turn to me with fasting and prayer, and turn from your wicked ways. I am waiting,” says the Lord, “to hear your cries and heal your land.” 




We attend a gym in our neighborhood and regularly see the same folks, walking and working out. We go early and there are not many people there, but occasionally we arrive as the walkers, and Pickle ball participants are checking in.

A month ago a woman introduced herself to me and asked if we were  missionaries? The conversation continued and she shared that she was flying soon and was nervous about it.  I asked if I might share how God delivered me from fear of flying. This is a piece of my story.
When we were publicizing the Theresa book we were flying quite a bit. I was leaving my children at home and it did not bode well with me. I was often losing sleep, rest and struggling with fear as we went through airports and flew from the NW across the nation.
At one point God began to deal with me. He let me know there was nothing I could do as I was up in the air, and I should trust that my purpose was greater than the fears. When I let that sink in I found I could fly anywhere, alone or with others with no fear. I was able to enjoy the restriction of flying.
In one incident I experienced the worst turbulence ever. It was during Covid and we were all wearing masks. People were screaming, grabbing the chairs, other people and simply losing their minds in fear. I, on the other hand, experienced complete Peace and Joy, and began singing and laughing. (Thankful for the mask)
When the plane landed and rolled up to our gate, people evacuated the plane, running off  leaving EVERYTHING behind. I was surprised at how little importance their phones, bags and carry-one items were compared to their lives, and we were safely on the ground.
As I shared this with the woman she seemed encouraged. Fast forward to yesterday. Steve came back from the gym and asked me if I remember talking to Donna?
She indicated her flight was the worst she had ever experienced. She felt the plane might break up, but she remembered our conversation, picturing Steve and I, and was at peace.
Then she dropped this:  “The Lord showed me your faces in a dream the day before I met you.” SHE MET US BEFORE SHE MET US.
My heart was thrilled to see how God will encourage and prepare those He loves. So glad He could use me to encourage a new friend to be courageous and trust God.

I hope this encourages you to share your life freely. We never know when it will manifest in a supernatural way.  (If I have to be called a missionary, this is the best way. LOL)

Pamela Johnson




Samuel Morse’s First Long-Distance Telegraph Message sent in 1844 asked, “What Hath God Wrought?” I feel like the Lord has given a creation with similar impact in the engineering of a powerful web communication tool at RevelationConnections.Vision It’s a new wineskin for new wine.

Thirteen years after conception we have a birth, and It’s time to show the baby! It’s is the biggest project I have ever worked on and I feel a jittery excitement! This tool will revolutionize the way millions of listeners communicate their dreams, visions and prophetic impressions! It will serve every Saint and Christian ministry!

RevelationConnections.Vision is just launched, and you need to be part of it!

I interview people in hardware and grocery stores, at the gym and farm store with this question; “Has God ever spoken to you through a dream, a vision or a prophetic impression?” Almost invariably I get an affirmative. Often I hear astonishing stories! You also have stories where God has uniquely spoken to you.

Now you have an opportunity to share your revelation experiences with Saints in Chile, Botswana and Georgia! You will also be able to perform complex thematic searches of revelations Saints are having in Turkey, Iceland and Papua New Guinea. 

Take time to share you Dream, Vision or Prophetic Impression at RevelationConnections.Vision. The site is new. Your sharing will stoke the fire of world-wide communications so the Church globally will better learn, “What the Spirit is saying to the churches.”


HI, Friend!

I’ve decided to offer you free access to my book, COMPOUNDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT.

Some are listeners and others are readers. Choose your preference.

Be encouraged and pass it on!



READ HERE  Compounds of Encouragement PDF

For your encouragement and the Glory of God!

Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises


I highly recommend this book, especially for men who want to up their game as encouragers. The articles are brief, upbeat, tender, and tough. During the past two years, almost weekly, I’ve been in prayer rooms and men’s meetings with Steve Johnson—I’ve never encountered a person anointed as much as he is with the gift of encouragement (Romans 12:8). And with his comprehensive writing, Steve continually captures his reader’s attention with vivid, creative lines. Read this book, one chapter at a time; and if you can, find a way to meet this man!  Geoff Pope


I found your book to be very encouraging. It calls us to a higher ground. I heard God speaking through the words he gave you to write. I appreciated having his Word to read throughout the book. I especially enjoyed the lessons on wonder, amazement and creativity. I wrote down a quote to pray for friends and family: “May our friends and family who are distant from Yeshua be hit hard by his overflowing kindness, bringing them to true repentance.”

Also, having a background working with special needs children, I was touched by the pool story about Cain. I had many foster children on my case load as a speech language pathologist. Their stories broke my heart and helped lead us to adopt. Thank you for giving me the privilege of reading your book!!” Liela  Cuglivan


One of the names of God in the Greek language of the New Testament Scriptures is “parakleet.” It is often translated “encourager.” It is in the very nature of the Creator of the universe to encourage. Always has been. Steve Johnson has tapped into that part of who God is and has learned well how to live that out in real life. Steve excels in being an encourager. And now, he has given us a tool in his book, Compounds of Encouragement, that enables us to become more like our Father in heaven and learn how to encourage others. Easy to read, and once we begin to live out this message, our lives will never be the same. And people around us will be encouraged. This could start a revolution! A revolution of encouragement! Read this book, apply its message, and become a “parakleet” yourself. An encourager like God Himself.        Greg Wylie 

I have been listening to your new book, compounds of encouragement, for the last hour during my devotion this morning. For me, this demonstrates the very best of Steve Johnson… your amazing capacity to paint truth-telling stories in vivid hues that are eye/heart catching, especially when you read from your own heart. Thank you.
Dr. Harvey R. Brown, Jr., President Impact Ministries

In “Wonderment: The Launchpad for Worship” you wrote:”The Scriptures speak of “signs, wonders and miracles.” “Wonder” is always sandwiched between God’s signposts and unique works. I am convinced that as we restore wonder, we will have a vast increase in signs and miracles.” 
It would be a wonderful devotional and source for Bible study or series of teachings. It is very rich. Each section stands strong just in what it says, they are each nuggets we can meditate on and pray into.  Mark Mcconkey


Father has made available to you, Steve, Insightful encouragements and areas that expands into the joy of encouragement to enlarge, enlighten & energize all of us. Thank you Father! Let the Kingdom of Heaven treasures pour upon all. Abundantly!!!!  Daniel Odom


PS  If you’d be so kind, I’d love to get your review of Compounds!  Steve





“Because I live, you will live also.”  John 14:19


The resurrection of our Lord gives us courage to go the distance!

Knowing His love and resolve to suffer for us gives us the courage to do the same for Him. He suffered great pain, but no lasting injury. Death was trounced by our victorious Lord!

The resurrection is the Christian’s triumph and store of courage. Because of Him we can go face to face and nose to nose with death. We declare, “ If the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.”  Rom 8:11


Nebuchadnezzar acknowledged, “He is the living God, enduring forever; his kingdom shall never be destroyed, and his dominion shall be to the end.”  Daniel 6:26

Jeremiah proclaimed, “But the Lord is the true God; He is the living God and the everlasting King. At his wrath the earth quakes, and the nations cannot endure his indignation.” Jeremiah 10:10

Imitation gods are useless. Only the Living God can impart life, and the wisdom and power to live it!

Simon Peter by revelation confessed, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”  Matthew 16:16

Psalm 56:9 adds the comfort of knowing this Living God is our Advocate standing for our best! “One thing I know. God is for me!” So we have a Living God who is pulling for us. He is in favor of our welfare and positively working for us, and in us.

What a promise our redeemer grants us! “Because I live, You will live also!” When death in its various forms comes knocking we counter, “My Lord Jesus lives! And because He lives I also live!

If our Lord can conquer death, and He can, all the rest is small stuff! Piddly little problems like the car breaking down, crop failure, treachery and terrorism may happen, BUT Jesus is alive!

Make a list of all the challenges and contrast them to Jesus’ victory over the grave.

It’s cold and windy, but Jesus is alive!

I lost my computer file, but Jesus is risen!

Nuclear bombs are popping, but Jesus lives to make intercession for me!

Persecution, the mail coming late, and the sliver in the finger find their proportion when compared to our living Jesus, our Advocate, standing for our total welfare!

If you want courage you can come to our living Jesus and take it this very moment. He said, “In the world you have tribulation. But take courage! I have overcome the world.” 

Fear and anxiety are contagious, so are boldness and courage. Which contagion do you carry?”

Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises





Samuel Morse’s First Long-Distance Telegraph Message sent in 1844 asked, “What Hath God Wrought?” I feel like the Lord has given a creation with similar impact in the engineering of a powerful web communication tool at RevelationConnections.Vision It’s a new wineskin for new wine.

Thirteen years after conception we have a birth, and It’s time to show the baby! It’s is the biggest project I have ever worked on and I feel a jittery excitement! This tool will revolutionize the way millions of listeners communicate their dreams, visions and prophetic impressions! It will serve every Saint and Christian ministry!

RevelationConnections.Vision is just launched, and you need to be part of it!

I interview people in hardware and grocery stores, at the gym and farm store with this question; “Has God ever spoken to you through a dream, a vision or a prophetic impression?” Almost invariably I get an affirmative. Often I hear astonishing stories! You also have stories where God has uniquely spoken to you.

Now you have an opportunity to share your revelation experiences with Saints in Chile, Botswana and Georgia! You will also be able to perform complex thematic searches of revelations Saints are having in Turkey, Iceland and Papua New Guinea. 


Welcome to a monumental puzzle party revealing the beautiful face of our Lord Jesus Christ and His now-message for the world-wide Church! The implications have earth-shaking import! As you learn about it you will want to be involved!

Revelation Connections’ goal is to connect Christ’s Body by enabling Saints in every country to communicate and discover what the Holy Spirit is saying to the world-wide Church.

Using advanced technologies believers post their heaven-born revelations in a great data base. Saints around the world then search the posts of others to discover divine intelligence, complementary themes, insights and practical directions, many of which will lead to collaborative ministry.

We are building a highly searchable concordance of The Church’s world-wide depository of contemporary revelations. Jesus prophesied,

“For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.” (Luke 18:17)

This means God’s hidden glory is to be fully revealed! It means all people’s actions, thoughts and motives will be brought into the open.

Powerful search engines perform multifaceted topical searches for names, locations, times, words and phrases, linking believers internationally to communicate and discover what the Holy Spirit is now disclosing and bringing out into the open. 

Get strapped in and feel the G’s! You have things to discover and things to share. Don’t hold back. Jesus’ high-priestly prayer was, “Let them be one.” The results of oneness is the revealed glory of God! This communication tool is part of the answer to that prayer.

The site is newly launched so we are just beginning to fuel the database. Add fuel to the rocket by submitting the revelations our Lord has given you! Simply click on Submit and take a few minutes to write in one of your revelation experiences! 

Search for the things on your heart. Bless others by sharing globally what the Lord is speaking to you. Revelation Connections will link people you already know in revelation ministry, but even more, every saint and christian ministry will be able to share their piece of our Lord’s monumental puzzle, connecting saints in vision and perspective like never before!

Enough talk. Follow the link and begin discovering what the Spirit is saying to The Church today!  RevelationConnections.Vision

Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises

Saturn V Moon shot  –


RevelationConnections.Vision: A New Wineskin for New Wine!


Samuel Morse’s First Long-Distance Telegraph Message sent in 1844 asked, “What Hath God Wrought?” I feel like the Lord has given a creation with similar impact in the engineering of a powerful web communication tool at RevelationConnections.Vision  It’s a new wineskin for new wine.

Thirteen years after conception we have a birth, and It’s time to show the baby! It’s is the biggest project I have ever worked on and I feel a jittery excitement! This tool will revolutionize the way millions of listeners communicate their dreams, visions and prophetic impressions! It will serve every Saint and Christian ministry!

RevelationConnections.Vision is just launched, and you need to be part of it!

I interview people in hardware and grocery stores, at the gym and farm store with this question; “Has God ever spoken to you through a dream, a vision or a prophetic impression?” Almost invariably I get an affirmative. Often I hear astonishing stories! You also have stories where God has uniquely spoken to you. 

Now you have an opportunity to share your revelation experiences with Saints in Chile, Botswana and Georgia! You will also be able to perform complex thematic searches of revelations Saints are having in Turkey, Iceland and Papua New Guinea. 


Welcome to a monumental puzzle party revealing the beautiful face of our Lord Jesus Christ and His now-message for the world-wide Church! The implications have earth-shaking import! As you learn about it you will want to be involved!

Revelation Connections’ goal is to connect Christ’s Body by enabling Saints in every country to communicate and discover what the Holy Spirit is saying to the world-wide Church. 

Using advanced technologies believers post their heaven-born revelations in a great data base. Saints around the world then search the posts of others to discover divine intelligence, complementary themes, insights and practical directions, many of which will lead to collaborative ministry.

We are building a highly searchable concordance of The Church’s world-wide depository of contemporary revelations. Jesus prophesied,

“For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.” (Luke 18:17)

This means God’s hidden glory is to be fully revealed! It means all people’s actions, thoughts and motives will be brought into the open.

Powerful search engines perform multifaceted topical searches for names, locations, times, words and phrases, linking believers internationally to communicate and discover what the Holy Spirit is now disclosing and bringing out into the open.  

Get strapped in and feel the G’s! You have things to discover and things to share. Don’t hold back. Jesus’ high-priestly prayer was, “Let them be one.” The results of oneness is the revealed glory of God! This communication tool is part of the answer to that prayer.

The site is newly launched so we are just beginning to fuel the database. Add fuel to the rocket by submitting the revelations our Lord has given you! Simply click on Submit and take a few minutes to write in one of your revelation experiences! 

Search for the things on your heart. Bless others by sharing globally what the Lord is speaking to you. Revelation Connections will link people you already know in revelation ministry, but even more, every saint and christian ministry will be able to share their piece of our Lord’s monumental puzzle, connecting saints in vision and perspective like never before!

Enough talk. Follow the link and begin discovering what the Spirit is saying to The Church today!  RevelationConnections.Vision 

Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises 

Saturn V Moon shot  –


A friend shared a vision of an angel stirring a large pot. Looking into the pot she saw the angel was stirring Gold. I was immediately taken back to an Aluminum smelter on the Columbia River. The huge ‘pots’ used to melt aluminum were massive, thick, and required intense tools and challenging situations for men to render the metal they were mixing.

The thought came, “What is the temperature for melting gold? Gold is a soft metal and melts at 1,947 degrees F.  I meditated on that.  Then…Our soft bodies and minds suffering intense situations. Not such a lovely image!

What was the temperature of:

Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness?

The garden of Gethsemane? 

The Hebrew children backed against the Red Sea? 

David’s return to Ziklag to find his city burned and all their people taken captive? 

The temperature of Stephen’s stoning?

Our Persoanl temptations?

These are some of the refining experiences I think of.  Is your cross difficult to bare today?  Are you feeling lost and alone? The little olive can relate. It is plucked from its source on the tree  where it has grown and filled out and a huge stone is added to crush the seed so the precious and fragrant oil can be poured out.

1 Peter 1:6-8a  In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be you have been grieved by various trials. That the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ, whom having not seen you love.

1 Peter 4: 12-13  Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy, 

These trials are limited by their season. We will get through them. Keep your focus on Him. See Ecclesiastes 3.  

Psalm 66:12  You have caused men to ride over our heads; We went through fire and through water; But You brought us out to rich abundance. 


Pam – A Mother in Israel and daughter of the King.

Landing Strip Enterprises



HI, Friend!

I’ve decided to offer you free access to my book, COMPOUNDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT.

Some are listeners and others are readers. Choose your preference.

Be encouraged and pass it on!



READ HERE  Compounds of Encouragement PDF

For your encouragement and the Glory of God!

Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises


I highly recommend this book, especially for men who want to up their game as encouragers. The articles are brief, upbeat, tender, and tough. During the past two years, almost weekly, I’ve been in prayer rooms and men’s meetings with Steve Johnson—I’ve never encountered a person anointed as much as he is with the gift of encouragement (Romans 12:8). And with his comprehensive writing, Steve continually captures his reader’s attention with vivid, creative lines. Read this book, one chapter at a time; and if you can, find a way to meet this man!  Geoff Pope


I found your book to be very encouraging. It calls us to a higher ground. I heard God speaking through the words he gave you to write. I appreciated having his Word to read throughout the book. I especially enjoyed the lessons on wonder, amazement and creativity. I wrote down a quote to pray for friends and family: “May our friends and family who are distant from Yeshua be hit hard by his overflowing kindness, bringing them to true repentance.”

Also, having a background working with special needs children, I was touched by the pool story about Cain. I had many foster children on my case load as a speech language pathologist. Their stories broke my heart and helped lead us to adopt. Thank you for giving me the privilege of reading your book!!” Liela  Cuglivan


One of the names of God in the Greek language of the New Testament Scriptures is “parakleet.” It is often translated “encourager.” It is in the very nature of the Creator of the universe to encourage. Always has been. Steve Johnson has tapped into that part of who God is and has learned well how to live that out in real life. Steve excels in being an encourager. And now, he has given us a tool in his book, Compounds of Encouragement, that enables us to become more like our Father in heaven and learn how to encourage others. Easy to read, and once we begin to live out this message, our lives will never be the same. And people around us will be encouraged. This could start a revolution! A revolution of encouragement! Read this book, apply it’s message, and become a “parakleet” yourself. An encourager like God Himself.        Greg Wylie


In “Wonderment: The Launchpad for Worship” you wrote:”The Scriptures speak of “signs, wonders and miracles.” “Wonder” is always sandwiched between God’s signposts and unique works. I am convinced that as we restore wonder, we will have a vast increase in signs and miracles.” 
It would be a wonderful devotional and source for Bible study or series of teachings. It is very rich. Each section stands strong just in what it says, they are each nuggets we can meditate on and pray into.  Mark Mcconkey


Father has made available to you, Steve, Insightful encouragements and areas that expands into the joy of encouragement to enlarge, enlighten & energize all of us. Thank you Father! Let the Kingdom of Heaven treasures pour upon all. Abundantly!!!!  Daniel Odom

I have been listening to your new book, compounds of encouragement, for the last hour during my devotion this morning.
For me, this demonstrates the very best of Steve Johnson… your amazing capacity to paint truth-telling stories in vivid hues that are eye/heart catching, especially when you read from your own heart.  Dr Harvey R Brown

PS  If you’d be so kind, I’d love to get your review of Compounds!  Steve



If your child was abducted, would you fight for their recovery? Let’s say you knew the group who abducted your child, the house where they were captive and the violent men guarding the house. What would you be willing to do to get your child back?



About 240 hostages were taken by the Hamas terrorist group, most Israelis, but a few dozen from other nations. The children pictured here, and more, are among them. A determined fight is ongoing for their recovery, and the end of the terrorists.

In the natural hope for the recovery of the children, men and women is slim. But our God is a compassionate Father. Things impossible with men are possible with God! The Lord will move mountains because of your believing prayer!

Jesus whole ministry is about setting captives free! He ransoms us from sin, condemnation, demons, disease and even death!!!  Our Savior delivers from captivity. I urge you to pray with the parents and families of those in bonds. Here are spiritual weapons of war you can take up on behalf of the hostages.  Use these verses to pray for Israeli captives to be set free!

      There are three real jail-breaks in Acts.

The 11 disciples in Acts 5.   “But during the night an angel of the Lord opened the gates of the prison, and taking them out he said, Go, stand and speak to the people in the temple the whole message of this Life.” 

Peter in Acts 12.  “And behold, an angel of the Lord suddenly appeared and a light shone in the cell; and he struck Peter’s side and woke him up, saying, ‘Get up quickly.’ And his chains fell off his hands.”

Paul and Silas. in Acts 16.  “and suddenly there came a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison house were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were unfastened.”

Consider the following verses as weapons for warfare on behalf of captives. We appeal to God’s goodness, his mercy and rescuing power!

Psalms 107:10-13 “He brought them out of darkness, the utter darkness, and broke away their chains.”

Psalm 102:20  “To hear the groaning of the prisoner, to set free those who were doomed to death.”

Nahum 1:13  “So now, I will break his yoke bar from upon you, And I will tear off your shackles.

Psalm 68:6 “He leads out the prisoners into prosperity.

Psalm 116:16  “O Lord, surely I am your servant, I am Your servant and the son of Your handmaid. You have loosed my bonds.”

Psalm 146:7  “The Lord sets the prisoners free.

To this day God has made Himself famous as the Liberator. Thanks to His merciful kindness there are many contemporary jail-break accounts. May they be multiplied to God’s glory! He opened prison doors for Brother Yun in China where the doors seemed to open on their own. He is a wonder-working God!

Isaiah has much to say about captives being freed!!!

Isaiah 61:2 He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.

Is 42:22 But this is a people plundered and looted, all of them trapped in pits or hidden away in prisons. They have become plunder, with no one to rescue them; they have been made loot, with no one to say, “Send them back.”

This verse tells us the captives here have no rescuer strong enough or willing enough to demand release. I pray for God’s angry mercy to demand, “Send them back!“ adding the sense [OR I WILL BLISTER YOU!]

Is 49:25  “But this is what the LORD says: ‘Yes, captives will be taken from warriors, and plunder retrieved from the fierce; I will contend with those who contend with you, and your children I will save.’”

Is 43:6 “I will say to the north, ‘Give them up!’ and to the south, ‘Do not hold them back.’Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth.”

     In response to your prayers, may the booming, authoritative voice of the Lamb demand, “Give them up!” “Do not hold them back!” “Send them back!”


1 Sam 14:15 “Then panic struck the whole [Philistine] army—those in the camp and field, and those in the outposts and raiding parties—and the ground shook. It was a panic sent by God.”

Zec 14:13 “And on that day a great panic from the LORD shall fall on them, so that each will seize the hand of another, and the hand of the one will be raised against the hand of the other.”



Holy Father, Savior of captives, we appeal to Your goodness, mercy and rescuing power!

You told David, “Pursue and recover all.” We speak this word on behalf of the children – clear up through the seniors in Hamas captivity. Sustain their lives and bring them forth!

You sent Your Son to set all kinds of captives free! As Christ’s ambassadors before Your judgment seat we “proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners!”

You hear the groaning of the prisoner, to set free those who were doomed to death.

You tear off the shackles.

You lead out the prisoners into prosperity

You set the prisoners free.

Father may You own voice thunder, “Give them back! Do not hold them back!

Send them back!”

May You send a panic upon the captors causing them to flee, leaving the hostages free!

There is nothing hidden from the eyes of the Lord! Reveal the exact location(s) of the captives! Send Your delivering, rescuing angels as you have many times through the centuries. Send you Heavenly Cavalry to the rescue!

Guide the human rescuers to safely recover these precious souls! Restore them to health and to their families and friends. Bring forth resurrection beauty from the ashes of this atrocity. May sackcloth be turned to joyful dancing!

You said, “call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.”

Some who prayed for Peter’s release doubted You would answer their fervent prayers, but You graciously answered their prayers! Hear our fervent prayers even in moments when they feel like hope against hope!

Father, You reveal Your true nature in deliverance. Let Your voice resound, “Yes, captives will be taken from warriors, and plunder retrieved from the fierce; I will contend with those who contend with you, and your children I will save.”


Steven C Johnson

Landing Strip Enterprises