“Mommy, what happened to the kitty?” From early childhood we were introduced to death as we saw a dead animal by the road or the dead fly on the window sill.
I remember in my childhood going to my Grandpa’s funeral. I didn’t like it. Everyone was sad and when I was escorted to the open box grandpa looked very bad, scary bad. They were going to put him in the ground forever. It was creepy and I didn’t like it. I didn’t like death!
A neighbor kid told me how to beat death. All you had to do was hold your breath while you drove by a cemetery and you would live another year. You know what? It worked! I kept living. Of course it was challenging to hold my breath past the long ones. This may explain my good lung capacity.
My senior year of high school I learned a better “trick” for escaping the queasy fear of death. Just as I had shared the hold-your-breath trick with playmates I began sharing this new solution with friends and strangers.
When a child stands by the casket of a sibling, parent or loved one there is a feeling – “This is not right. This feels icky. We shouldn’t die. This is wrong.” The reason for this is found in Solomon’s words, “He has set eternity in the hearts of men”. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)
Adults have been seduced into the idea of “accepting” death while children still know it is terribly wrong. Why? Because God has put in our hearts a longing for eternity as inwardly fixed as the urge for birds to migrate. We can imagine life before we were born and life after. We sense that our grandparents and friends should be alive forever and pine for something called eternity.
This might be the prayer for the day;
“Dear Father God, help me know what it means that you have placed eternity in my heart. Reveal to me your solution to the death quandary and the way to everlasting Life.” Help me to communicate the Hope of eternity with children who need Your comfort today.”
For your encouragement and the glory of God,
Steven C Johnson
Note: We are starting up our blog again at https://landingstripenterprises.com/ . You can see past posts there.