Before returning to Israel I had three dreams in which I had been in the country for a time and I had not yet gotten to the old city of Jerusalem. It is so curious to me because that is the way it has happened. My previous three times here were centered around Jerusalem, archaeology, study and worship. This time our focus has been support of the Bellas, home school and travel in the broader nation visiting believers and unbelievers.
Curious also is my attitude. I would love to spend more time as a pilgrim appreciating the history of the land but the Lord has us appreciating the people in the present, bringing the light of Yeshua into people’s homes and inviting them into our apartments. We are typically in the newer Jerusalem the Sabbath evening and returning to Netanya Tuesday nights.
We have been able to spend an afternoon in the old city where I showed the family the tomb of David, the home of the upper room/Pentecost, the Cardo – main street, Hezekiah’s Broad Wall, and The Burnt House – the home of a priestly family destroyed when 1.1 Million were killed in the city as the Roman’s decimated it in 70 AD. The stones and old pottery tell powerful stories.
The quarters in Jerusalem have been cramped but a change is coming. Starting tomorrow when we are in Jerusalem we will stay with a single woman who is renting us a room. She is an opera singer and although she is not a believer she enjoys friendships with many believers. We have attended one of her concerts. Would you pray that a River would flow into this woman’s sixth story apartment?
After interacting with many people during the week, which can be very emotionally draining, we all love to return to the beautiful apartment in Netanya with the lovely ocean breeze and a sense of peace and rest that can’t be found in Jerusalem, yet.
Pam and I work hard as support crew. One of my delightful tasks is teaching the kids to swim. The kids are having a blast and I love being back in the water and getting some sun.