Dear Friends,
“Life is moving faster than it ever has before!” I’m so grateful for the goodness of God in our lives! Here are some examples.
Pam and I were ministering in a church is Seattle. A woman came forward with weighty health issues and serious wrestling’s about suicide. We ministered deliverance in Jesus name and encouraged her deeply but saw no immediate change. Pam stayed in contact with her asking her to promise to call her daily until her mental state improved. Sunday Pam saw her in church. She was no longer a wretch under the gloom of depression and despondency. She was on the floor overcome with holy laughter! A very different person.
I was ministering in a church in Randle, WA. Many were waking to the reality that God wants to speak to them. A woman came forward for Prayer. She was elderly, slight and weighted down. As Pam began to pray she felt the compassion of Christ. She also felt the woman was in pain. Pam asked, “Are you in pain?” The woman put her hands over her abdomen and said, “How did you know?” As Pam began to pray the woman was physically shaken for a few moments. Then she was still and calm. She said, “The pain is gone!” She took the mic and testified to the congregation.
I’m teaching a class in Mossyrock, WA on “Hearing God’s Voice through Dreams and Visions.” The room was full on our first meeting! What most impressed Pam and I was the great hunger we felt among the people! There was wonderful interaction and attentiveness. Pam said, “I felt the Spirit so strong I could have prophesied to everyone in the room.”
A young woman we know here was working in a regional hospital. She was called to sit beside a 10-year-old boy who had been in a coma for a month. She took his hand and began to pray for him. She saw on his chart that he liked SpongeBob. She asked him to squeeze her hand once if he liked SpongeBob and twice if he didn’t. He squeezed her hand once!
She asked him other questions and he squeezed her hand appropriately. A nurse came in and she said, “He is responding to questions by squeezing my hand.” The nurse said he wasn’t, he just was having spasmodic reactions.
The doctor came in and she shared how the boy had squeezed her hand. He gave a similar response as the nurse. She told the doctor to take the boy’s hand and then she began to ask him questions. He responded with appropriate squeezing. The boy began to tear up. The doctor was amazed and said, this changes everything. We will have to cancel the surgery he is scheduled to have.
Sue sat a little longer with Tracy. The tears began flowing and he opened his eyes. Sarah had to leave. Our fresh report is that when Sue saw Tracy today he was awake, alert, joking and laughing. He is going to have a couple days of rehab and is going home! PTL!!!
We host a prayer meeting in our home every Monday, plus two Saturdays a month. The Spirit has so profoundly moved among us! Everyone senses the presence of God! How amazing to see the faith and courage rise! And we are asking for more of His glory, more for our town of Morton and for harvest in East Lewis county.
I have an early Wednesday morning men’s meeting on Zoom. It is phenomenal to see the sincere, earnest involvement of the men and their support for one another. The water table is rising!
Thursday nights I have a Zoom class on, “How to disciple – disciples.” Week by week you can see the enthusiasm rise as the lights come on. Each of us can be a discipling influence which can carry on through generations!
2 Tim 2:2 And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.
Now for a subject which grieves me and has made me shout out in prayer
I have come to call the HR 5 Bill “The Seduction of Minors Act.” Its potential damage imitates the elimination of prayer from our schools, and the Roe – Wade decision. The Church was asleep for those things. WE MUST NOT SLEEP NOW!!! The bill is now in the US Senate. Here is a letter I sent to my Senators. Please summon your compassion, resolve and care for our nation by writing your US Senators! HERE IS MY LETTER.
Dear Senator,
I have called HR 5 “The Seduction of Minors Act.”
I, and those within the circles of my influence, urge you, in the most emphatic way, to counter this act which preys on the vulnerability of children, warps the reality of created order, threatens the vulnerable and abolishes public opinion and free speech.
I will forgo detailing the arguments for my heart-felt convictions here. I will however include them for my blogging audience and my speaking engagements.
America is watching to see if you will protect our vulnerable children and ensure true equality for expression, religious freedom, the sanctity of human gender patently obvious to historic science, and the rights of parents to protect their children from malicious, seductive delusions.
Most earnestly, S C J
AN END THOUGHT: It is time to stop our fear of being shaken and become shakers!
Steven C Johnson
President trump has temporarily stepped off the stage. Who is coming on now? If you think it is a different president you are only partly right. The stage is huge! The person you should see stepping on the stage is yourself! This is the day when God Almighty is showcasing you! Step into that spotlight and play your part!
This is no time for stage fright, shyness or self doubt. This is stand-up-and-be-seen time. This is project-your-voice to the back of the auditorium time. God is showcasing you in this Great Production! And don’t worry too much about your script. God is giving you the lines and showing your placement and action on the set. He will give you what you need as your walk in the light. This is your showtime, your Esther moment, your reason-for-being-born moment. Heaven and earth are watching.
President Trump’s “farewell speech” was artful, hopeful and forward-looking! Well worth listening to.
In recent months I produced an audio of President Washington’s farewell speech. I am astonished at how prophetic its warnings and promises are for today!
Steven C Johnson
View this and weigh the evidence. Furthermore, be a patriot and share it with those in your circles, even if it means rejection and antagonization against yourself.
You are neither a Christian or a Patriot if your fail to pray during these times.
Most earnestly, Steven C Johnson
Can you explain this to me? When crisis or tragedy strikes I come alert and aware, but it is not until I see people rising to help, mobilizing for rescue, that my heart is deeply moved, my throat tightens up and I feel the swelling tears.
What is this phenomenon I’ve witnessed in myself for years?
When our daughter was abducted and drown I was fully awake, fully contending. But I was moved to tears when I saw police officers and medical workers seeking to help with their every fiber. Then my heart swole three times its size, expanded with gratitude.
When the Twin Towers fell I was shocked, angered, and grieved, but no tears until I saw pictures of first responders and noble-minded citizens seeking to help.
I see riots in Portland and am alarmed and pained. But when I see the interview of a True-Blue black officer standing steady for what is right I am caught with that hard-to-swallow feeling in my throat.
I’ve experienced it recently with news from Beirut. Their apocalyptic explosion left miles of waste, loss of life and injury. Its horrifying, but I am moved to tears when I see people respond to comfort and relieve.
I read the story of the sinking of the Titanic. It’s tragic. But I’m choked-up when I learn of the noble rescue efforts of the crew and passengers on the Carpathia.
When I see things going South in our world I am alerted, but when I see righteous men and women of character take their stand in the gap, I am stirred with emotion!
I’m not sure what goes on inside my heart, but this could be part of it: I think of problems and tragedies as normal, but people rising up in noble intercession as exceptional!
Deborah sang with deep appreciation for those who volunteered to go into the fray. I’m wondering, can you relate? “My heart goes out to the commanders of Israel who offered themselves willingly among the people. Bless the LORD.” Judges 5:9
Steven C Johnson
“I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one.” Ezekiel 22:30
My stomach still gets queasy when I consider of it. Honestly, I’m moved to tears when I think back.
On September 1st, 2004 a group of Chechen rebels took over a Beslan school in Russia. It was the first day of school and many parents and relatives were there to celebrate the “First Bell”.
The Islamic militants held children, parents and teachers captive for 52 hours while Russian troops were outside. It ended in a conflagration of explosions and shooting.![]()
Of 1,100 hostages 334 people were killed, including 186 children. 700 were wounded. 31 of the 32 attackers also died.
I prayed strongly for the deliverance of those hostages while the siege was going on. I grieved for the brutality and the loss of those precious lives.
During the siege I began to conceive of a whole new type of Christian Intercessor. I thought:
What if at the first note of the siege Christians around the world were rallied?
What if 1000 intercessors from 30 nations immediately boarded planes and flew to Russia to be on-location intercessors?
What if they took intercession to an altogether different level by standing between the school with its hostages, and the Russian soldiers?
I’ve been brewing the concept of a rapid deployment intercessory force for the past 16 years. Some would say:
That’s so unrealistic
It meddles with other nation’s internal affairs
It puts mobilized intercessors in mortal danger
It would be logistically too difficult
Who would be responsible if some of the intercessors never came home?
Yes, it would take a different breed of Christian to participate in such an intercession.
They would have to value others more highly than themselves. They would have to give up the luxuries of their own safety or comfort. They would have to put their lives on the line.
We pay soldiers, police and firemen to do dangerous things. There would be no pay for such intercessors, rather the expense of a plane ticket or all-night drive. Perhaps such people could not be found.
I’ve been gratified to learn of Saints from our congregation as well as others going to Capitol Hill in Seattle where there have been legitimate protests tainted by rioting. They have interceded and shown their light among sheep without a shepherd! It is a true blessing to see Saints in action, engaging for the sake of Christ and for those He loves!
Metro Seattle has a population of 4 million. What if 10% of them were Christians. What if 1% of the Christian’s really wanted to intercede for the welfare of their city, were willing to take up a different type of cross, and do it on location. Image four thousand Christians lifting their burning lamps, praying up a storm and sharing the earthshaking love of Christ in that setting!
I wonder what tragedies could be averted by embodied intercessors who would stand in the gap.
It’s been said, “Soldiers may run from the battle, but warriors run to it.” What do you think? Can we be intercessors – not just in our prayer closets but on the front line, person to person, incarnating ourselves in the culture?
Steven C Johnson