“We will not accept into membership anyone with any reservations whatsoever. We will not accept into our membership anyone unless he is an active, disciplined, working member in one of our organizations.”
The words are from Vladamir Lenin, the revolutionary founder of the Communist Party.
Lenin rejected, the sentimentalist, the fair weather warrior and the unresolved as candidates for his revolution. He sought people willing to live and die for the communist vision.
Jesus Christ also rejected people that claimed they wished to follow. Those who were vacillating, or unwilling to pay the price were left behind. Jesus sobered up some would-be followers reminding them that they would be bunking on the dirt and that family loyalties must not prevent whole hearted devotion.
Jesus spoke stark words: “anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.” (Matt 10:38)
If you are willing to pay the price you can be part of something that truly changes the world.
Steven C Johnson