Steve and Pam’s Bio

Like you, we are glory seekers. We have wonderfully, “Tasted and seen, the Lord is good!” The greatest prize is in the pursuit of the fame, splendor and radiant beauty of our Sovereign! We came to Yeshua in the days of the Jesus... Read More...

Riverfront Property in Audio

I am so grateful and pleased to share freely the whole audio book of Riverfront Property: Connecting At The River Of Life! I’m confident you will receive a delicious drink! As you find your thirst quenched please recall those you know who would also love a drink, and pass the cup! Read More...

A Miracle Story

Thursday July 30, 1987, started out as just another hot summer day in Ellensburg, Washington, a town of about fifteen thousand souls in a picturesque valley a hundred miles east of Seattle... Read More...




Our figs and grapes are ripening together. Delicious!!! They are signs and symbols of blessing. Solomon’s reign was Israel’s golden age. From North to South everyone was living in peace and prosperity.

“During Solomon’s lifetime Judah and Israel, from Dan to Beersheba, lived in safety, each man under his own vine and fig tree” (1 Kings 4:25).

The sweetness of the fig and grape are used to illustrate romance in Song of Songs 2:13 – “The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance. Arise, come, my darling; my beautiful one, come with me.”

When the days were dark, Micah prophesied a future of happiness and security by saying, “Every man will sit under his own vine, and under his own fig tree, and no one will make them afraid, for the LORD Almighty has spoken” (Micah 4:4).

God is so much bigger than fruit trees! In one of the most powerful demonstrations of faith in Scripture, Habakkuk professes to worship the LORD, even with total crop failure. “Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior” (Habakkuk 3:17-18).

Zechariah’s blessing for the Messianic Future hails the ultimate golden age: “‘In that day each of you will invite his neighbor to sit under his vine and fig tree,’ declares the LORD Almighty” (Zechariah 3:10).

The Lord Jesus used the fig tree as a sign that the kingdom was near. You might be interested to know that the fig does not produce any visible flower. It goes straight into fruit production. Don’t look for “normal” as the Kingdom emerges.

You may or may not have vines and fig trees in your yard, but may this be your season of Messianic security and peace as you bear fruit by the Holy Spirit, fruit that remains!


We came to the intersection of two country highways. The car just before us came to the stop sign at the T. They pulled out, without looking, just as Harley was coming up the road. The bike hit the side of the car and so did the riders. I jumped out of the car and ran to the man. He was spasming. I think he broke his neck. Very shocking! Pam and our daughter Anna went to the woman. She was terribly broken up and barely conscious, having trouble breathing with broken ribs. She would recover. He was off to eternity.

As a pastor I have conducted a number of funerals. This may seem strange to you but I have found them to be one of the most satisfying aspects of ministry. There is something reflexive that happens in me when I am in an event where death is pushing his dirty nose, it is almost knee jerk. I feel a confidence and boldness as I remember that death doesn’t get the last word. My Lord Jesus does! I love sharing that confidence with others.

As Paul spoke about the general resurrection he said death is the “last enemy.” He quotes the prophet Hosea. How fine is it to taunt at death! “‘Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?’ The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (I Cor 15:55-57). In Revelation we see Death personified being thrown into the lake of fire. Burn baby burn! Good riddance.

My friend, thanks to the remarkable expenditure of our Lord Jesus you can go toe to toe and nose to nose with death, confidently! Death may bring its momentary sorrow but it’s missing its stinger for those who have embraced Jesus as the Resurrection and the Life!


Steven C Johnson


The Jewish sages of Yeshua’s (Jesus’) day taught that there was coming a great day of culmination when God would radically establish His kingdom on the earth giving everyone the unique reward they had merited. In fact all who had died would be part of the great day of resurrection. Each would stand, give account and receive their recompense – good or bad.

Yeshua said, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.” (John 11:25-26 NIV)

Our Lord was claiming that He was the One who would pull off The Great Event. He was saying, “I am The Guy who does the raising!”

On another occasion Yeshua said, “Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his (Messiah’s) voice and come out – those who have done good will rise to live, and those who have done evil will rise to be condemned. (John 5:28-29 NIV)

If you were to meet someone on the street who claimed to be the superintendent and orchestrator of the resurrection of the dead what would you think of them? When Jesus says it we are inclined to listen. Perhaps it’s His presence, His words of wisdom or the fact that He happens to do extra-ordinary miracles like raising Lazarus, Jairus’ daughter or the widow’s son at Nain.

As a brand new believer in College I devoured the scriptures meditating deeply on the resurrection of our Lord. I studied evidences of the resurrection that reinforced me. I read with wonder of miracles, including resurrections that were happening though the faith of believers. When I was in Israel I would take many hours over many days to visit The Garden Tomb in Jerusalem and soak in the reality of Christ’s victory over death!

In June of 1987 I heard the Lord tell me, “The next miracle you will see will be a resurrection from the dead. Three weeks later God supernaturally raised our daughter from the dead. I believe one of the reasons I saw this miracle was that I had been probing and digesting the truths of the resurrection for years. The Lord had set a stage.

You may read of our miracle at

Steven C Johnson



Job wanted his story chiseled onto lead sheets or into stone. Posterity would be amazed to hear about it! The story is excruciatingly in its grief. It is also buoyant with hope and vindication. There is no book like it for wrestling with the questions of the sovereignty of God and human suffering.

I would love to interview Job to learn how he got his surge of prophetic hope. It is so polar to the rest of the story’s pain and loss!

“I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth;

And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God;

I myself will see him with my own eyes–I, and not another.

How my heart yearns within me! (Job 19:25-27)

Job was caught into a realm of inspiration that is still pulsing for us today. To read this passage is to be eradiated with hope!

A living Redeemer! Who could that be?

Standing on the earth at the end of days!

God visible to the human eye!

Job confesses that even after all his skin is destroyed, that is in death – in spite of that, from the vantage place of his own flesh he would see God with his own eyes! Here we find the first picture of resurrection, perhaps 2000 years before Jesus’ advent! How powerful! After the flesh has all rotted in the grave, after death, Job would once again have flesh and see his redeemer with his very own eyes! A proxy was not going to see God for him. Job himself would see the redeemer with his own peepers – after resurrection!

Then comes the verse that generates spiritual goose bumps: “How my heart yearns within me!”

The man who had lost everything, that was just then suffering physical torment, is overcome with craving for the future – to drink in the face of his Redeemer, with his own eyes. How do you spell “ecstasy?”

“How my heart years within me!”

Steven C Johnson



One of the greatest questions ever posed is found in Job 14:14. “If a man dies will he live again?” It is more than an idle question! Job was in an appalling crash and burn scenario. Chances are he didn’t know that Satan was forbidden to take his life. Death had to be the next abysmal trial.

The decaying world says, “After death you’re fertilizer.” Job had a holy premonition that God might say, “Yes, you will live again!” Job is thought to be the oldest book in the Bible. This then is the first twinkle of hope in Scripture that the grave doesn’t have the last word.

Job was reeling in questions. It seemed to him that God was fuming with anger towards him. The grave might be a hiding place. Job could wait there while God’s anger cooled.

In the sweetest of notions Job imagines God missing him and calling to the dust in the grave. “You will call and I will answer you; you will long for the creature your hands have made.” The Creator in effect says, “Job, I’ve been longing for your company. Arise from the dead!”

“If a man dies will he live again?” In his trials Job had a reason to hope!

After five more chapters of dialogue Job will have a burst of progressive revelation about the resurrection of the dead. More tomorrow.

Steven C. Johnson


“If only you would hide me in the grave

and conceal me till your anger has passed!

If only you would set me a time

and then remember me!

If a man dies, will he live again?

All the days of my hard service

I will wait for my renewal to come.

You will call and I will answer you;

you will long for the creature your hands have made.

Surely then you will count my steps

but not keep track of my sin.

My offenses will be sealed up in a bag;

you will cover over my sin. Job 14:13-17 (NIV)


“Mommy, what happened to the kitty?” From early childhood we were introduced to death as we saw a dead animal by the road or the dead fly on the window sill.

I remember in my childhood going to my Grandpa’s funeral. I didn’t like it. Everyone was sad and when I was escorted to the open box grandpa looked very bad, scary bad. They were going to put him in the ground forever. It was creepy and I didn’t like it. I didn’t like death!

A neighbor kid told me how to beat death. All you had to do was hold your breath while you drove by a cemetery and you would live another year. You know what? It worked! I kept living. Of course it was challenging to hold my breath past the long ones. This may explain my good lung capacity.

My senior year of high school I learned a better “trick” for escaping the queasy fear of death. Just as I had shared the hold-your-breath trick with playmates I began sharing this new solution with friends and strangers.

When a child stands by the casket of a sibling, parent or loved one there is a feeling – “This is not right. This feels icky. We shouldn’t die. This is wrong.” The reason for this is found in Solomon’s words, “He has set eternity in the hearts of men”. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

Adults have been seduced into the idea of “accepting” death while children still know it is terribly wrong. Why? Because God has put in our hearts a longing for eternity as inwardly fixed as the urge for birds to migrate. We can imagine life before we were born and life after. We sense that our grandparents and friends should be alive forever and pine for something called eternity.

This might be the prayer for the day;

“Dear Father God, help me know what it means that you have placed eternity in my heart. Reveal to me your solution to the death quandary and the way to everlasting Life.” Help me to communicate the Hope of eternity with children who need Your comfort today.”

For your encouragement and the glory of God,


Steven C Johnson

Note: We are starting up our blog again at . You can see past posts there.





Today was a national holiday, although you may have missed it. We sold our two apartment buildings. A big event for us! No we didn’t make a profit, but we did get most of our money back out of our 21 units. We left our sweat equity in the wiring, plumbing and paint. They say, “The greater the tuition the better the education.” In that case we have had a splendid education the past 7 years!

I have honed my business, management and remodeling skills. I have had the opportunity to meet and interact with a number of people and in the process bring a little salt into situations.

While we may not have come out of the sale with financial wealth it is my hope that somehow our labors may have a heavenly return. In my faulty way I have sought to share the light of Jesus with our renters. I know some have been touched.

Pam and I and our daughter Anna celebrated by going to The Island in Pigeon Forge, riding the 200 feet high Ferris wheel, eating spaghetti ice, visiting a jewelry shop and listening to some outdoor music.

As a “by the way” – August 10th is Pam’s 60th BD! I asked Pam If I could put on a party for her but she said, “No.” However if you would like to send her a card I’m sure she would like that. Please no jokes about getting older.

Our address is

2154 Little Valley Rd

Sevierville, TN 37862

Pam’s email is [email protected]

Have you heard that God is good?

Steve Johnson



Luke in the New English Translation is ready for sampling!

This will be a great listen for those who are curious about the Son of Man, Jesus Christ.

The recording will also benefit believers as they hear the messaged in a newer translation and with a new voice.

You might take a listen while washing the dog, flossing your teeth or replacing your furnace filter. Better yet take a few moments and insert it into a reflective time in the morning or evening.

May you and your friends be enriched!

Steve Johnson

[email protected]





I so appreciate our Pastor, Sandra Roach! Her aggressive faith and determination to see the Kingdom of God manifest is a lungful of inspiration. Recently she was sharing the account of the woman with the issue of blood. She came up and grabbed Jesus’ prayer shawl as He walked through a crushing crowd (Mark 5:25-34). She was healed as she laid hold of Jesus!

So many sit at home longing that Jesus would knock on the door and say, “Hi, I’m here to meet your needs! What have you got?” This woman did not wait in passivity for Jesus to come by and touch her. She sought Him out and grabbed Him!

When a toaster or curling iron are plugged in and switched on a “demand” is put on the power company. When we deliberately plug into Jesus, “coming on” to him, we are not arrogantly “demanding” of him but expectantly anticipating that His power will flow as we connect!

We use the expression, “Get a grip.” We find it illustrated in scripture. Samson got a grip on the donkey’s jaw bone. Jael seized the hammer and tent peg. Eleazar gripped his sword so that when the battle was done His fingers needed to be pried off.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have wisdom? Get a grip! Wouldn’t it be nice to have provision? Get a grip! Wouldn’t it be great to have deliverance and healing? Get a grip on the Savior!

Was Jesus ticked off at the woman for touching Him? He might have shamed her; “Why have you contaminated me by touching me?” Instead He blessed her for her faith. She laid hold of Jesus and Got what she sought!

Anemic, passive, hope says, “Wouldn’t it be nice..” A gripping faith says,” I must and will connect with Jesus. I am going to find him and hold Him!” Jacob said to his wrestling Partner. “I will not let go of you until you bless me!”

Isaiah tells of a sinful nation that had no more gumption to seek God. “No one calls on your name or strives to lay hold of you” (Isa 64:7). Contrast Matthew, who shows a people with resolve. “From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it ” (Matt 11:12).

We need to be fierce, vigorous and perhaps belligerent, to latch onto the kingdom! We press on to lay hold of the One who throbs with Life! He may be invisible but He is not insubstantial! Clutch the door frame or kitchen table and tell God, “Just like I am holding on to this I am holding on to You, for Dear Life!

Do you have one of those flaccid handshakes? It’s time to exercise your squeeze until you have a vice grip, bulldog clasp on the One Who has what you must have. Latch on aggressively to the willingness of God!

“I held him and would not let him go” SS 3:4