Steve and Pam’s Bio

Like you, we are glory seekers. We have wonderfully, “Tasted and seen, the Lord is good!” The greatest prize is in the pursuit of the fame, splendor and radiant beauty of our Sovereign! We came to Yeshua in the days of the Jesus... Read More...

Riverfront Property in Audio

I am so grateful and pleased to share freely the whole audio book of Riverfront Property: Connecting At The River Of Life! I’m confident you will receive a delicious drink! As you find your thirst quenched please recall those you know who would also love a drink, and pass the cup! Read More...

A Miracle Story

Thursday July 30, 1987, started out as just another hot summer day in Ellensburg, Washington, a town of about fifteen thousand souls in a picturesque valley a hundred miles east of Seattle... Read More...




“For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; he will lead them to springs of living water.

And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes” (Rev 7:17).

Come splash with us in the River of Life! This will be an intensive educational, experiential, interactive time of sharing with others and soaking in the reality of The Holy Spirit. Expect Transformation!


The Tangible Coming River that will spring up from the city of Jerusalem

The Dynamic Inner River that Christ wills to flow through you

How to Draw and Pour forth the Holy Spirit’s reality as you minister to others

WHEN: Saturday, February 2, 2013, 10 AM to 4:30 PM

WHERE: Life Changers International, 202 Sugar Hallow Rd, Pigeon Forge, TN 37863

COST? Nope! A love offering will be taken. Sorry, no child care.

CONVENER: Steven Johnson is a graduate of George Fox College and Palmer Theological Seminary. His years by “The Water” bring a personal aspect to the workshop. Steve loves to encourage others in their gifts and callings.

Blessed Christmas!


Steve and Pam

Anna and Tucker, Theresa and Denari, Claire and Jack

Hello Dear Ones!

Brian and Rebekah continue happily-ever-aftering in Issaquah, WA. Brian works with a company that engineers heating and cooling systems. He is finding his work a healthy challenge and enjoys his associates. Beautiful Rebekah is teaching dance and setting up their new apartment!

Tess has become the personal assistant to a fine gentleman who owns Little Valley Mountain Resort, a beautiful get-away in our neighborhood! He has employed all three of our daughters over the past 4 years. Tess re-enters beauty school in January to expand her skills and will move to Knoxville. We will miss her cheerfulness. We so appreciated her hard work to keep the place up while we were gone.

Anna is at U.T. Chattanooga, a Senior in Sociology, minoring in Marketing. She volunteers at Young Life and has a High School girls group Anna is never afraid to try something new. This year

Christmas is in Alaska. Claire is out of the nest and a sophomore at U.T. Chat majoring in Communications. She loves the campus life and has made good friends. Her faith is growing and her circle of friends is solid. She loves to tell them stories of growing up in the Johnson family. Yikes!

Most of you followed Steve and me as we ministered with our friends, the Bellas, in Israel this spring. At this stage I’m still slack jawed at all God did and continues to in our lives. Somehow I knew if we just obeyed and jumped with Him He would look after everything else. And He did! The over-looked path is a joyful faith walk!

We have found and been enfolded in a new congregation, Life Changers International. All I can say is check it out on Face Book. We love Pastor Sandra’s faith and real love for people. We love the Jesus focus, the call to intercession and worship and the enthusiasm of the believers. Steve will be teaching college level classes in the new year.

I have a sweet job as Inside Sales Agent at Kings of Real Estate. There’s a fun God story there! We His children are sweeping the planet! Our light shines!

The animals are happy and well. The garden is tucked away for the winter. Since I’m writing this on Dec. 21 we are not concerned this is the end of the world – although we are concerned for the state of America. Our hearts go out to those in Connecticut who have lost loved ones! We are turning heart to the Lord!

Love and blessings to all,

Pam and the Family


Watch a billiard player set up a clutch of balls and strike them with the cue ball. They clash and bounce and each falls into a pocket. We exclaim, “What luck! Those balls fell ‘randomly’ into pockets!” The billiard player will not account for the actions of the balls as a random event but the outcome of staging, force, spin, and vectors. Next time you hear of an act of “random” violence, or worse, experience it first hand, remember the lessons you learned from physics 101. 

When a jilted lover, an offended employee or religious fanatic kills, there are explanations. Our cultural pool table has been arranged with a seduction of “isms.” Their ideologies degrade high values, distorting our world view. Consider how the following ideologies set the table, creating not the chance of “random” violence but the likelihood.

Cynicism is skeptical of all things. Don’t trust people, things or ideas. Rather than testing all things and holding on to what is true, simply discount all things. Cynicism alienates the cynic from the universe. This down-grade philosophy channels itself even through innocent avenues such as sitcoms and comic strips.

Fatalism teaches that things will go from bad to worse. “The Fates have decided it.” There is no resisting; “We must go to hell in a hand-bucket. Don’t even think about changing the world for good! Don’t try to stop the balls from falling into the cultural pits. It’s useless.”

Materialism contorts our values by preaching that life is found in the abundance of possessions rather than in relationships. Materialism has reduced us to “consumers,” a perverse, degrading expression which removes our humanity. We are no longer creatures made in the image of God. We are “product-buyers.” Do you wonder that there is such slippage in the respect we give one another?

Consider just one vector materialism takes. Many in the media look at the “bottom line.” They offer us the horrific, grotesque and glamorous to feed our addictions to fear and pride, while lining their pockets. The table gets contorted.

Epicureanism, hedonism and other me-isms have little time to consider the interests and feelings of others. People are merely tools for providing pleasure. The balls are in motion on the table.

Stoicism concentrates on keeping its upper lip stiff. It takes care of itself, not others. It lives in denial bottling up frustration and accumulating rage which may be vented explosively, who knows when.

Darwinism replaces purpose with accident. It does not allow the existence of virtue or vice since everything is accident. It feeds other isms such as humanism, the doctrine that man is the highest landmark and standard. It is a stilted, closed system. Do what is right in your own eyes without reference to some One larger and wiser.

Nihilism also plays pool with us. It purports that life has no significance, meaning or ultimate value. What happens when this philosophy is embraced by a man with frustrations, who has access to gasoline and matches?

Reductionism minimizes those things that are meant to stand out large, strong and wholesome. Things once thought sacred are now thought common, sometimes evil. Marriage once thought to be a holy institution is mocked. Reductionism diminishes the miracle of a tiny baby into mere fetal tissue, the” product of conception.” As life in one form is devalued all of life is devalued. If someone is killed in a rage it doesn’t matter because their life had little value to begin with.

By eroding our esteem for people and what is important to them we lose the sense of protectiveness that we apply to our treasures.

The last “ism” that moves the balls is Violence-ism. Perhaps you have never heard it coined but surely you have seen it demonstrated. Violence-ism is the belief that the way to resolve grievances and offenses is through violence. It is an “ism” with a fixed methodology. Our hero doesn’t say, “Hold on. We obviously have different opinions. Let me buy you a cup of coffee and let’s talk this through.” No, our movie and video arcade hero says, “You insulted me. I’ll punch your face in, break the car windows and riddle you with bullets.”

The rogue cop who committed a violent crime did not need to be disarmed. He needed a better heart informed by higher values. The difficult task is the radical inner work – changing minds by showing the good sense of sound values. Pulling the root is harder than trimming the tops. Some merely mow the weeds rather than pull them. They would outlaw guns, knives, and baseball bats because they can be used for harm.

I am confident that “random” violence can be reduced, if not stopped, and we can have a far better world to live in. It will require intentionality and effort. It is not as easy as writing an editorial or position paper. It requires rolling up the sleeves and using our shovels to supplant the “isms” with tried and true virtues.

We must aggressively overcome the “isms” by tearing down their arguments. Teaching our children that others deserve the respect and appreciation of a “Please” and “Thank you” might inhibit an act of violence! We can alter the layout of the table by permeating our conversations with our children and friends with these notions:

You are not an accident put part of a grand and good plan

Life is a sacred gift and to be highly valued

You are loaded with genius and creativity to make the world a better place

You are playing a significant part in a great dramatic production

Our Audience is Creator God


Dear Friends,

Many of us knew in September of 2005 when Israel unilaterally gave the Palestinian Arabs the Gaza strip it would mean, eventually, war. We are seeing this today. I suspect this will be the last ever attempt by the Israelis to try to swap land for peace. Every time the consequences have generated among the Islamist radials more distain, more vitriol and determination to “Push Israel into the sea.”

The Gaza land grant moved the staging closer to Israel’s heartland and populated areas so for years now rockets launched from Gaza have been virtually a daily affair. Hamas has poked and prodded and harassed Israel with rocket fire. The Israelis have shown phenomenal restrain and have given frequent warnings. American would not have been nearly so patient if Canada was tossing us explosives every day.

Most Palestinian Arabs just want peace. Many would be happy if Hamas was a distant memory because they terrorize their own people. For suspicion for collaborating with Israel you might be found in a firing squad at the wrong end of the gun.

For Pam and I the Jewish people of the land are not theoretical and distant. They have faces and names. We have concern for their safety, and in the greater picture, a desire for all Jewish people as well as Arabs to discover Yeshua Hamashiach.

For now it might be interesting to those who are getting polluted news services that Israel has taken it on the chin, turning the cheek countless times before turning to restrain their attackers. You should know that Israel broadcasts warnings to the population in Gaza to move away from weapons caches and launch sites before they start their bombing and they labor diligently to keep noncombatants safe. In contrast the goal of Hamas is to kill at random anyone they may. They launch their rockets with prayers that Allah will guide them to Jewish souls.

One tell-tale insight that captures the situation goes like this: If you totally disarmed the Palestinian Arabs there would be an end to violence. If you totally disarmed the Jews there would be an end to Israel.

We pray for the peace of Israel and for the Palestinians. At the same time we wonder what the scriptures have to say, thinking that we are living in the days of Zechariah 12.

May we all have Heaven’s perspectives for only Father God sees with perfect clarity. Praying with eyes opened to an open Heaven!

Steven and Pam Johnson


Dear Friends,

Our congregation in Pigeon Forge, TN is on a 21 day “Daniel” fast praying for the nation. We trust you are also praying for our nation to have a true turning to God so that we may experience his forgiveness and restoration. May we know the blessings that come from the fear of the Lord!

The early founders of the the nation took seriously the responsibility of electing competent leaders of character. We should do the same. Here is a word from 1932 from Noah Webster that I wish every sober American would appreciate.

“When you become entitled to exercise the right of voting for public officers, let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for rulers, “just men who will rule in the fear of God.” The preservation of [our] government depends on the faithful discharge of this Duty; if the citizens neglect their Duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted; laws will be made, not for the public good so much as for selfish or local purposes; corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute the Laws; the public revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the citizen will be violated or disregarded. If [our] government fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the Divine Commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the Laws.” -History of United States by Noah Webster.





FOR THOSE IN OUR PARTS we are sharing inspiring stories from our past four months in Israel. We’d love to have you join us!!!

Pastor Sandra Roach of Life Changers Fellowship in Pigeon Forge has graciously invited us to share at their Wednesday Evening Worship Service at 7 PM, October 17th.

Before the service we are having a private potluck meal at 6 PM (only for friends like you). The goal of our meal is to catch up with one another and share on the question, “What is the Spirit saying to the churches?” We earnestly desire to have as many of you there as possible!

Bring a bit of food if you wish and your Holy Spirit impressions. We will take care of everything else.

If you simply can’t make dinner please try your best to come at 7 PM for worship and to be inspired with good news from a distant land. You will love meeting Pastor Sandra and the people of life Changers. We are very excited for this congregation. The Spirit is wonderfully moving!

Wednesday October 17th at 6 PM (potluck) at Life Changers Fellowship

202 Sugar Hollow Road, Pigeon Forge, TN 37863.

Driving tip: As you are driving south on The Parkway look for King Cong on the sky scraper on your left. After you pass the big monkey turn left at the next light, #1, and go up the hill (Sugar Hallow) about 250 yards. You can’t miss the beautiful building on the right.

On a personal note:

We thank our daughter Theresa for taking care of our little farm while we were gone. She is one large step forward into sainthood. We are back on good terms with our dogs Tucker and Jack who have forgiven us for abandoning them. We are assuming the mowing again and getting reacquainted with the chickens and goats.

Another huge thanks to Karen Wyatt who has cared for our home and apartment book keeping!

Gearing up for the “greater things”.

Steve and Pam





We hugged the Bellas in Philadelphia and hurried off the plane. Pam was crying. We’ll miss them! As we walked into customs I heard a voice over the speakers, “Welcome to America!” It was my time to tear up. I choked out a prayer, “God bless, and save, America.” Although we made good time though customs and walked quickly we missed our connection. We were bumped from two more flights then caught a flight to Charlotte. We were bumped from two flights in Charlotte and then got to Knoxville, TN! All things considered flying standby was good for its economy but required patience for opportunities.

Our friend David Guiger picked us up in Knoxville. It was such a blessing to see him and catch up! We were excited to hear about the home fellowship they have going.

Hugging our oldest daughter, Theresa, was the best! I don’t know what overcame her but the home was beautiful. What a nice place to visit, or live! Click your heels together.” There is no place like home” in beautiful green East Tennessee!

We wanted to make the most of the next day to push through jet-lag. I attended a morning men’s Bible Study to thank them for their prayerS. What a wonderful time of fellowship!

I was able to talk to a few choice friends on the phone. I dropped in on Life Changers Church, a fellowship that has moved from a neighboring community to ours in the past two weeks. I had a delightful short interaction with Pastor Sandra Roach and a few minutes in their anointed prayer meeting before I had to get Theresa’s car back home.

Pam and I sat and prayed in the mostly cloudy back yard and rested. We will miss our walks in Israel but we had a lovely, long walk on the Pigeon River. More prayer as we walked.

We ate dinner, laid low and went to bed early – our first full day back home. We are sticking close to Yeshua (Jesus) to learn what’s next.

Shalom! Steve

Waiting for planes

Our home

Hugging on Theresa

Walking by the Pigeon River






We said our goodbyes to the Bellas this morning. They needed to go to Jerusalem. We will be hanging around till 6:30 when we catch a cab to the airport.

I was taking one last morning swim in our little pool, feeling rather lethargic and melancholy. I heard a voice above me. It was Moshi, our 17 year old friend from apartment one. We have drawn close to his family.

He called down, “We love you so much! You are like family to us. We will miss you. We love you so much! Come back!” Somehow the swim became sweeter and stronger.

We leave with a sense of satisfaction, knowing that we have helped the Bellas reach more people, more successfully, than they would have alone. And we share in the joy of fruitfulness! Go to the Bellas’ website and sign up, to pray for a precious Israeli, and get their news letters to learn their powerful stories!

Many have heard the message of Yeshua like never before, some for the first time! Walls have come down and people have become warm towards the Messiah. Seeds have been planted and some are sprouting before our eyes! The seeds are in all kinds of places even in the Knesset, the seat of government.

I toweled off taking one last look at the pool. I thought about all the fun times we had there and how the kids had improved so remarkably with swim lessons. I decided to walk away from the pool with intentionality. Enough looking back, now we are walking forward into higher purposes, into a future and a hope! Let the knowledge of His glory fill the earth!


Steve and Moshi

Bella and Una

Arnon and Simcha

Udi and friend

Adam, Boaz and Nana


Yom Kippur is the most critical, high holy day in the Jewish year. The nation stops. There is a not a car on the streets. Families walk on the road or ride bikes. Many go to the synagogues to humble themselves with fasting, confess their sins, and resolve to be better people. They wear white clothing. Many wear white kippahs (skull caps).

You can read about Yom Kippur in Leviticus 16 and see its counterpart in Hebrews 9. It is the one and only day when the High Priest would go through sacrifices to atone for his sins and the sins of the people and take the blood into the Most Holy place.

There is a certain amount of holding the breath during The Day of Atonement because the opened ended question is, “Will the sacrifices be acceptable and will God have mercy on the nation for another year?” Many Christians are joining the fasting for Israel even as they remember the Perfect, Once-Forever-Sacrifice that was made by Yeshua.

May Israel know their Yeshua (Savior) today! Bikers taking advantage of the empty streets





I’ve been reading Hebrews where it says, “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are – yet was without sin” (Hebrews 4:15). I am so glad that Jesus identifies with us. He understands how we feel.

Pam and I are both feeling emotional. We have decided to return home on Thursday, September 28th, a month and a half early. It is a good decision, one we feel right about, but with it comes sadness. We almost want to protect ourselves from the tears.

Our grief has to do with missing opportunities to share Yeshua here with the precious Jewish people. It is hard to saying goodbye to people, especially the Bellas! They are going to Texas and we are going to Tennessee. We will miss a lifestyle of meaningful service and an environment rich with history and ripe with the potential of a great nation shaking harvest, as well as the threat of war. We will miss what might have been if we had stayed longer!!

We can hardly wait to get home!!! Young Liam told me he is anxious to go on another airplane ride. We are anxious to hug and kiss our daughters and be closer to family in the States! It will be nice to pat the dogs and sleep in our own beds. It will be lovely to see dear friends. It will be exciting to start afresh living for the Lord Jesus on Little Valley Road.

We are coming home with a sense of adventure. We want to be part of Father God’s plan for true spiritual revitalization in America. There are dreams and visions in us that are kindling.

We said goodbye to our friend Hadas yesterday. We took her out to Rosa’s Restaurant on Emek Rafaim Street in the German Colony then took a walking tour of the area with her. “See you later” hugs are not as fun as “Good to see you!” hugs. Thank God that in another week we may have lots of the latter. We will relish ever one!

So glad that our High Priest knows how we feel!

Steve and Pam

See our blog at

A little shade

A view to Modiin

Hadas and Pam

Kids who throw stones