FOR THOSE IN OUR PARTS we are sharing inspiring stories from our past four months in Israel. We’d love to have you join us!!!
Pastor Sandra Roach of Life Changers Fellowship in Pigeon Forge has graciously invited us to share at their Wednesday Evening Worship Service at 7 PM, October 17th.
Before the service we are having a private potluck meal at 6 PM (only for friends like you). The goal of our meal is to catch up with one another and share on the question, “What is the Spirit saying to the churches?” We earnestly desire to have as many of you there as possible!
Bring a bit of food if you wish and your Holy Spirit impressions. We will take care of everything else.
If you simply can’t make dinner please try your best to come at 7 PM for worship and to be inspired with good news from a distant land. You will love meeting Pastor Sandra and the people of life Changers. We are very excited for this congregation. The Spirit is wonderfully moving!
Wednesday October 17th at 6 PM (potluck) at Life Changers Fellowship
202 Sugar Hollow Road, Pigeon Forge, TN 37863.
Driving tip: As you are driving south on The Parkway look for King Cong on the sky scraper on your left. After you pass the big monkey turn left at the next light, #1, and go up the hill (Sugar Hallow) about 250 yards. You can’t miss the beautiful building on the right.
On a personal note:
We thank our daughter Theresa for taking care of our little farm while we were gone. She is one large step forward into sainthood. We are back on good terms with our dogs Tucker and Jack who have forgiven us for abandoning them. We are assuming the mowing again and getting reacquainted with the chickens and goats.
Another huge thanks to Karen Wyatt who has cared for our home and apartment book keeping!
Gearing up for the “greater things”.
Steve and Pam