A man named Joseph was the big dreamer in the Old Testament. A man named Joseph was the big dreamer in the New Testament. The name Joseph means, “God shall add.”
Would you like to have good things added to your life? Follow the example of the two Josephs. Pay attention to your night dreams! Pray for wisdom to understand them. Pray for insight and courage to know how to respond to them.
One of the most precious aspects of my relationship with Father God is how He speaks to me in dreams. I love the insights, corrections, warnings, affirmations and even rebukes that come to me in dreams. Many of us are so busy and distracted during the daylight that Father needs to quite us with sleep to get his message though.
Dreams guide us. I had a number of dreams while out west that we would be moving to Tennessee. Sure enough!
Dreams warn us. I dreamed that a friend of mine was shot in the stomach mortally. I was also wounded. That day I learned this man’s daughter had a surprise, life threatening hemorrhage in her uterus. My spirit was prepared to pray and the Lord wonderfully saved her.
I have been rebuked in dreams dozens of times for misjudging people, unbelief and for hesitation to act. I am so thankful that He loves me enough to show me where I need correction!
I have been given wisdom for decisions in dreams and insight for relating to certain people. On occasions I have been able to talk to presidents, well known Christian leaders and others. Each time there is an education.
Occasionally I go back and look at dreams I’ve had four, twelve or twenty-five years past. I record my dreams on a word processor so I can search them at will. I am always appreciative of new revelations as I review them.
Friend, I encourage you to do what I do. Before I go to sleep I always make sure I have paper and pen handy to write on at the head of my bed. Frequently I pray this prayer; “Lord, in the night with dreams and in the day with visions.” That prayer has been answered a thousand times.” When you wake be still and let your mind recall your dreams. Be expectant and persistent.
In the morning I take my scratchy, often illegible notes and write the dreams on the computer. I often get interpretations and applications as I do. Some dreams may take seven or twenty years to get a grip on. It’s great to have dreams written down so I can remember them, give thanks, gain confidence and kingdom insight for myself and others.
“For He gives to His beloved even in his sleep” (Ps 127:2 NAS).
“God shall add!”
Steven C Johnson