I was at a flea market and came by a booth that was selling puppies. They were cute little things in variegated colors and shapes. Some were actively sparring and wrestling. Some were sleeping, even while being stepped on by their siblings.
The lady at the booth had cupped one in her hand and was kissing its tiny head. I said, “God’s creatures, great and small.” She said, “Yes, they’re my babies and I love them.”
I walked away with this impression. What if God is taking the same tender delight in us, his tiny creatures? What if God has a case of puppy love toward us and he simply desires to cuddle us and kiss our little noggins?
What if God actually found us dear and darling rather than seeing us as a pile of stale, dirty, unwashed laundry? What if God could look past our poop and see us as cute?
We know from scripture that God is very serious about sin. But He is even more serious about caring for the creatures he has conceived. The puppies were going for $200 each. But our loving Savior Jesus really splurged, and paid quite a lot more for us. He did it because he found us precious. Perhaps he was overcome with puppy love.
Steven C. Johnson
“Riverfront Property: Connecting at the River of Life”