At the hotel or grocery we may see signs saying, “Smile, you are on camera.” We hear on a business call, “This conversation may be recorded for quality control.”
Ultimately there is no “perfect” crime where people may “get away with it.” It is all recorded and on camera. Indeed, it seems that a great cloud of witnesses is watching the affairs of mankind.
The wig, sunglasses and paste-on beard may allow the robber to “get away” for a while. But superior recording devices have it all.
There is no such thing as an unsolved murder, theft or arson. Human beings may not find those responsible but Heaven is simply waiting for the proper time to reveal what is chronicled in the books. “There is nothing hidden which will not be revealed.”
Hidden acts of kindness will also be revealed. The secret drop-off of groceries or cash in an envelope is all recorded. Secret prayer, fasting and acts of generosity cannot be concealed long.
Not only are our actions and words on tape, digital medium, or something-or-other, our undisclosed motives are as well. In fact there is a time coming where the secrets of all hearts will be laid bare. His camera discerns the contents of our hearts. Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble.
There is a day of assessment, of accountability, where an audit will be done on my life and yours. I hope we may stand unashamed at His coming, with good works and pure motives to show for ourselves.
Steven C Johnson