Steve and Pam’s Bio

Like you, we are glory seekers. We have wonderfully, “Tasted and seen, the Lord is good!” The greatest prize is in the pursuit of the fame, splendor and radiant beauty of our Sovereign! We came to Yeshua in the days of the Jesus... Read More...

Riverfront Property in Audio

I am so grateful and pleased to share freely the whole audio book of Riverfront Property: Connecting At The River Of Life! I’m confident you will receive a delicious drink! As you find your thirst quenched please recall those you know who would also love a drink, and pass the cup! Read More...

A Miracle Story

Thursday July 30, 1987, started out as just another hot summer day in Ellensburg, Washington, a town of about fifteen thousand souls in a picturesque valley a hundred miles east of Seattle... Read More...



In the dream I was standing with two other people and watched as a tractor-trailer came down the road and slowed to a stop before us. It was striking because the trailer was literally blood-red, as if painted with fresh dripping blood!

I felt this was about the delivery of the benefits of Jesus’ blood. We are going to appreciate the blood of Jesus in greater measure as we discover the cargo in the trailer! As Israel left Egypt the last memory of their homes would be the bloody door jams. They left Egypt strong, disease-free, loaded with a new prosperity, united as a nation and off on a great adventure. The ultimate escape plan was blood on the doorposts!


Picture this: Your children return to you after Church with their Sunday-best covered with blood spots. Thoroughly alarmed you ask, “What in the world happened?!” The children reply excited and pleased, “Daddy! Mommy! The Sunday school teacher sprinkled blood on all the children. Now we are free from all our sins!!”

Moses then took the blood, sprinkled it on the people and said, “This is the blood of the covenant that the LORD has made with you in accordance with all these words.” Exodus 24:8


Some look back on the ancient practices of sacrifice and are appalled. Many call it gruesome and gross, barbaric and foolish. Actually, this mentality is a sign we have chosen to minimize the weight of our sins. “I’m OK, Your OK. We don’t need anyone dying to save us.”

Some of us reduce our sins to little mistakes and missteps. By minimizing the seriousness of our sins, we minimize the necessity of Christ’s nasty execution. We think of the vulgarity of the cross rather than the vulgarity of our sin. “I’m a pretty great person, I have a good attitude and a healthy self-image. Therefore, I don’t need anyone dying on a cross for me.” We believe we’re righteousness enough. “My life is a little messy but blood is way too messy, and unnecessary for me!”

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. … For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe.  1 Cor 1:18

Christianity only exists because of bloody and ghastly sacrifice. Somber and serious stuff! But do you know why we Christians can laugh, be silly, carefree and goofy? Why we can run and frolic in pure delight? The potent blood of our precious Savior sets us free from the death-spiral of pride and fear, shame and condemnation! It removes every last vestige of the fear of death! This is why we take communion sober and thoughtful, but also gleeful and jubilant! THIS STUFF IS INSIDE THE TRUCK!


The early church recognized the ultimate covenantal agreement and cleansing in Jesus’ bloody death. Many modern believers poopoo the former temple sacrifices because of the excellence and completion of a better covenant in Christ. It would be good to remember that the early Jewish believers in Jesus continued the temple sacrifices until the destruction of the temple in 70 AD by Titus.

When Paul spoke of hurrying to get to Jerusalem by Passover he knew he would offer the sacrifice of a lamb there. (Acts 20:16) When he paid the expenses for men who were taking vows he was purchasing the animals slaughtered for their purification. (Acts 21:24). Every time the early Jewish believers went to the temple and made blood sacrifices they would remember the wonderful sacrifice the Lord Jesus had made for them!


I have always hated killing and slaughtering animals. On our farm we raised chickens, rabbits, sheep and goats. All of them had to be killed to get to our pantry and plates. I hated shooting the sheep in their heads, cutting their necks, draining them out, and cutting them up, but it was necessary.

The complicated and Gory temple sacrifices are “only” types and shadows, but they illuminate our New Covenant. Blood was sprinkled on all the tabernacle utensils and draperies to purify them. It was sprinkled on priests and people. “Indeed, under the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.”  Hebrews 9:22

We have come “to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood, which speaks better than the blood of Abel. “ Hebrews 12:24

We saints have been “chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, by the sanctifying work of the Spirit, to obey Jesus Christ and be sprinkled with His blood”  1 Peter 1:2


I had a pastor friend who told me that regardless what topic he preached on he would always mention, if only for a few moments, the sacrifice and the blood of Jesus. I took this to heart, for I never want to forget that precious blood, nor do I want those I love to forget. In fact, I want to prize the blood of Jesus more and more as I anticipate seeing Him face to face.

Are you hit-and-miss about remembering the sacrifice of Jesus? Let’s endeavor every day to recall the extent of His poured-out love! Recalling what the Hero of our story did to save his True Love is the secret of returning to first love. There will be truckloads of benefits!


We sing exuberantly, “I’m forever grateful to you! I’m forever grateful for the cross!

We revel in the answer to the stubborn question; “What can wash away my sins?” We shout our remedy, “Nothing but the blood of Jesus!”

We sing with Andre’ Crouch, “The blood!”


Tell us what you think of Jesus’ bloody sacrifice.

What benefits have you received?

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.  1 John 1:7

Steven C Johnson














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