I dreamed I was walking through a college library where dozens of students sat diligently studying the art of plumbing. In front of the students’ cubicles were posted technical plumbing diagrams. One student came to me and spoke earnestly, “I just want to go someplace where they need the most basic of plumbing.” It seemed that he had a broken heart for those who were thirsty. As he spoke I imagined a poor village where they might walk miles to get water. How they would love a simple spigot of water in their town square.
In another dream I was visiting a college as a guest speaker. I had brought in a very thick electrical power cable. One end was tied into a power panel, the other was lying on the ground and not yet hooked up to anything. I felt the power cable would activate the students.
Would you like a bit of schooling in the plumbing and electrical arts? Having remodeled a couple homes and owned apartment buildings I have firsthand experience in plumbing and wiring. I won’t traumatize you with stories of running to the store four times to get a water heater installed, or welding screwdrivers with electrical sparks. Spurts and jolts have been part of my education. What kind of education have you had? Yeshua’s disciples had fabulous mentoring. They observed Jesus heal the sick and cast out demons. Reading between the lines, it looks like they practiced under their Rabbi’s supervision. He sent out the twelve, two by two, to “do the stuff.” They were frontrunners, giving people a taste of the kingdom and a heads up, saying in essence, “We are here to let you know the kingdom is at hand! Jesus is making a circuit of cities and coming to your town!” The disciples were given these instructions. “As you go, preach this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven is near.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.” (Matt 10:7-9)
I was sitting in my office when a woman came to talk to my secretary. I spoke through the open door, “Claudine, how are you?” She answered, “Fine, but arthritis in my thumbs is bothering me.” I felt the Spirit and said, “Come over here. “ She walked to my chair and I put my hands over her thumbs. I prayed a simple prayer. I felt the Spirit rise up through my waist and like water flow down my arms. Power flowed through my hands. She was cured.
Each of us take turns being on the giving end, and receiving end. My back was tense and tired. My nerves were pinched. This was a serious, long-term back ache. My friend Jean put her hands on my back and prayed! The power was electric! My chest pumped up and a rod of steel ran down my backbone. I felt like Popeye after his spinach! Jean was a cable for God’s electricity!
We lived in a country home with plenty of water. A stream up the mountain poured into a pipe. We were down the hill with plenty of water pressure. The process of being a minister is rather simple. Run your pipes to God’s heaven then stay low so the water may gain pressure. Finally, be prepared to love people. If several of us held hands and the people at either end held the hot and ground wire we would all get a tingle. Ministry to others is as simple as holding Jesus’ hand on one side and your friend’s on the other. Power is conducted by contact.
Steven C Johnson