Steve and Pam’s Bio

Like you, we are glory seekers. We have wonderfully, “Tasted and seen, the Lord is good!” The greatest prize is in the pursuit of the fame, splendor and radiant beauty of our Sovereign! We came to Yeshua in the days of the Jesus... Read More...

Riverfront Property in Audio

I am so grateful and pleased to share freely the whole audio book of Riverfront Property: Connecting At The River Of Life! I’m confident you will receive a delicious drink! As you find your thirst quenched please recall those you know who would also love a drink, and pass the cup! Read More...

A Miracle Story

Thursday July 30, 1987, started out as just another hot summer day in Ellensburg, Washington, a town of about fifteen thousand souls in a picturesque valley a hundred miles east of Seattle... Read More...


“…the day he comes to be glorified in his holy people and to be marveled at among all those who have believed.” (1 Thessalonians 1:10)

There will be no disappointment among the saints at the appearing of Jesus. No one will say, “The advertisements and trailers made it look great but the movie was a bust.”

Spielberg and Lucas have produced incredible stuff but nothing will compare with this wide-screen production! Only a few shepherds saw it the first time but everyone will see the panoramic sequel. You won’t miss it, wherever you stand on the planet. In fact every eye will see His glorious coming with heaven’s epic entourage! The cast will be so immense that Christ’s escorts will seem like water droplets making up an all-encompassing cloud.

There are times when we are with family and friends and there is an immediate weather report. “Hey guys! Come quick, you need to see this. We are amazed as we come to the patio and see the glorious sunrise, torrential monsoon rains, a double rainbow or baseball sized hail. We will need a new word to replace “awesome” when Christ returns.

We look forward to vacations, birthdays, graduations, weddings and births of babies. This event is the Christian’s blessed hope and eager expectation. We are, “awaiting the blessed hope, even the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ.” (Titus 2:13).  Whatever our age or circumstances, lovers of Jesus have something to look forward to!

Those who have stiff-armed Jesus are in for dreadful, calamitous ruin. They will hide in caves and call on the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?” (Rev 6:16-17)

We must not be pretenders but true believers. Too many think of the Second Coming of Jesus as a doctrine rather than a young woman’s hope for the perfect wedding to the perfect man.

The crown is not for those who “believe” that Jesus is returning. It is for those who “long for” His returning. “Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day-and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.” (2 Tim 4:8)

Watchmen, Stand tall! Heads up! Our redemption is drawing near!

“My soul waits for the Lord

More than watchmen wait for the morning,

More than watchmen wait for the morning.”  (Ps 130:6)

Steven C Johnson

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