Steve and Pam’s Bio

Like you, we are glory seekers. We have wonderfully, “Tasted and seen, the Lord is good!” The greatest prize is in the pursuit of the fame, splendor and radiant beauty of our Sovereign! We came to Yeshua in the days of the Jesus... Read More...

Riverfront Property in Audio

I am so grateful and pleased to share freely the whole audio book of Riverfront Property: Connecting At The River Of Life! I’m confident you will receive a delicious drink! As you find your thirst quenched please recall those you know who would also love a drink, and pass the cup! Read More...

A Miracle Story

Thursday July 30, 1987, started out as just another hot summer day in Ellensburg, Washington, a town of about fifteen thousand souls in a picturesque valley a hundred miles east of Seattle... Read More...


Dear Friends,

“Life is moving faster than it ever has before!” I’m so grateful for the goodness of God in our lives! Here are some examples.

Pam and I were ministering in a church is Seattle. A woman came forward with weighty health issues and serious wrestling’s about suicide. We ministered deliverance in Jesus name and encouraged her deeply but saw no immediate change. Pam stayed in contact with her asking her to promise to call her daily until her mental state improved. Sunday Pam saw her in church. She was no longer a wretch under the gloom of depression and despondency. She was on the floor overcome with holy laughter! A very different person.

I was ministering in a church in Randle, WA. Many were waking to the reality that God wants to speak to them. A woman came forward for Prayer. She was elderly, slight and weighted down. As Pam began to pray she felt the compassion of Christ. She also felt the woman was in pain. Pam asked, “Are you in pain?” The woman put her hands over her abdomen and said, “How did you know?” As Pam began to pray the woman was physically shaken for a few moments. Then she was still and calm. She said, “The pain is gone!” She took the mic and testified to the congregation.

I’m teaching a class in Mossyrock, WA on “Hearing God’s Voice through Dreams and Visions.” The room was full on our first meeting! What most impressed Pam and I was the great hunger we felt among the people! There was wonderful interaction and attentiveness. Pam said, “I felt the Spirit so strong I could have prophesied to everyone in the room.”

A young woman we know here was working in a regional hospital. She was called to sit beside a 10-year-old boy who had been in a coma for a month. She took his hand and began to pray for him. She saw on his chart that he liked SpongeBob. She asked him to squeeze her hand once if he liked SpongeBob and twice if he didn’t. He squeezed her hand once!

She asked him other questions and he squeezed her hand appropriately. A nurse came in and she said, “He is responding to questions by squeezing my hand.” The nurse said he wasn’t, he just was having spasmodic reactions.

The doctor came in and she shared how the boy had squeezed her hand. He gave a similar response as the nurse. She told the doctor to take the boy’s hand and then she began to ask him questions. He responded with appropriate squeezing. The boy began to tear up. The doctor was amazed and said, this changes everything. We will have to cancel the surgery he is scheduled to have.

Sue sat a little longer with Tracy. The tears began flowing and he opened his eyes. Sarah had to leave. Our fresh report is that when Sue saw Tracy today he was awake, alert, joking and laughing. He is going to have a couple days of rehab and is going home! PTL!!!

We host a prayer meeting in our home every Monday, plus two Saturdays a month. The Spirit has so profoundly moved among us! Everyone senses the presence of God! How amazing to see the faith and courage rise! And we are asking for more of His glory, more for our town of Morton and for harvest in East Lewis county.

I have an early Wednesday morning men’s meeting on Zoom. It is phenomenal to see the sincere, earnest involvement of the men and their support for one another. The water table is rising!

Thursday nights I have a Zoom class on, “How to disciple – disciples.” Week by week you can see the enthusiasm rise as the lights come on. Each of us can be a discipling influence which can carry on through generations!

2 Tim 2:2  And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.


Now for a subject which grieves me and has made me shout out in prayer


I have come to call the HR 5 Bill “The Seduction of Minors Act.” Its potential damage imitates the elimination of prayer from our schools, and the Roe – Wade decision. The Church was asleep for those things. WE MUST NOT SLEEP NOW!!! The bill is now in the US Senate. Here is a letter I sent to my Senators. Please summon your compassion, resolve and care for our nation by writing your US Senators! HERE IS MY LETTER.

Dear Senator,

I have called HR 5 “The Seduction of Minors Act.”

I, and those within the circles of my influence, urge you, in the most emphatic way, to counter this act which preys on the vulnerability of children, warps the reality of created order, threatens the vulnerable and abolishes public opinion and free speech.

I will forgo detailing the arguments for my heart-felt convictions here. I will however include them for my blogging audience and my speaking engagements.

America is watching to see if you will protect our vulnerable children and ensure true equality for expression, religious freedom, the sanctity of human gender patently obvious to historic science, and the rights of parents to protect their children from malicious, seductive delusions.

Most earnestly,  S C J





AN END THOUGHT: It is time to stop our fear of being shaken and become shakers!

Steven C Johnson



The Western Wall (Kotel) in Jerusalem

I am pursuing a Prophetic Documentary on the nearing eruption of The River of Life from the city of Jerusalem. I request your prayer support because this will be a considerable project, and frankly I scarcely know where to begin. You may remember the verse, “Unless the Lord produces the documentary….” 

I have felt 2021 is the year to get this production going. Early this morning I felt the Lord Jesus was telling me He would counsel me and show me how it can be done.

The goal of this prophetic documentary is to paint a picture of the surging, physical River of Life, which is soon to burst from Israel’s Holy City. This will inform and inspire faith and anticipation for what God is about to perform in the City.

The Muslim Dome of the Rock, near the site of the 2nd Temple

If you have read my book, Riverfront Property: Connecting at the River of Life you may remember Episode 2, The Tangible River. In that chapter I demonstrate:

How five prophets speak of The River of Life bursting forth from Jerusalem

and of the multiple streams formed by The River

How The River breaks forth

Implications of The River’s presence

And the glory which comes to our Lord Jesus Christ


Many elements must come together to get this production airborne. Would you please pray for the following elements?



A MOTIVATED FILM PRODUCER AND CREW will capture the images of places were The River will flow, blending in the story line with interviews with experts. 

ANIMATORS will paint in the river and landscapes to portray the dynamic reality of the river and the lush vegetation, construction and populations which will follow.

I’m praying for a MUSICAL COMPOSER of the stature of John Williams

Prayer before the wall Herod the Great built


RABBIS will share the prophecies and beliefs which are held about The River.

ARCHAEOLOGISTS will tell us about Jerusalem’s ancient water systems. 

GEOLOGISTS will show Jerusalem’s fault lines, and describe how earthquakes may release the river.

CARTOGRAPHERS will topographically map the Biblical locations, predict the boundaries of the river, and where the multiple streams will make passage. They will answer specific questions like, “Where is Azel?” and “Eniglam?”


What will be the national, regional, and world-wide impact of a spontaneous River flowing from Jerusalem? What responses will “flow” from its creation? We will seek interviews with Israeli Knesset ministers and government officials.  Please pray these interviews will be gained.



MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS – The impact of the river will first and foremost be spiritual! How will the spiritual atmosphere of Israel change with the addition of this remarkable tangible River? We will seek interviews with the Chief Rabbi and other spiritual leaders.

MINISTRY OF ENERGY AND WATER RESOURCES – We will ask about modern water-works and what they will do with a boundless excess. Conduits will no doubt be built to take the water North and South, and perhaps to regions beyond. What will be done with the extra hydro power?

MINISTRY OF TOURISM – More hotels and tourism infrastructure will need to be built. Tour guides will be busy!

MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE – Israel could become the bread-basket for the region. What projections could they make on ag industry?

The FISHERIES COMMISSIONER may make projections on that industry.

MINISTRY OF HEALTH – What will the healing properties of river do for the nation?

MINISTRY OF FINANCE – The economy of the nation will flourish!

MINISTRIES OF INFRASTRUCTURE, FOREIGN AFFAIRS, DEFENSE, THE INTERIOR, ETC. will all have comments on the implications of the new River!

Please pray the Lord will reveal the networks of people and resources to see this Prophetic Documentary launched. THANK YOU FOR THOSE PRAYERS!

And may all glory go to our wonderful River Master!!!


To get a better Idea of what information will go into this Prophetic Documentary listen to Episode 2: “The Tangible River,” from my book Riverfront Property: Connecting at the River of Life HERE!




Steven C Johnson



Rejoicing in our newest grandchild! Congratulations Claire, Carson and big sister Savanna!





You love righteousness and hate wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy.  Ps 45:7

There is a place for both love and anger. Angry people may have nothing they love, but people with loves by nature and necessity have anger.

A good parent jealously guards their beloved children. They will act in anger toward those who would harm them. We discover how much the mother bear loves her cubs by trying to harm them. We discover how much a patriot loves their nation when their country is attacked.

If you want Anointed Joy get an upgrade in your love for righteousness and hatred for wickedness.

Many counsel, Christians should not be angry about the “results” of the election or of the new policies of those now in the Whitehouse. “We should live in peace and go on.” I thoroughly, adamantly disagree! We must be more loving, angrier, and more active than ever! We must add fuel to the bonfire of zeal!


The quality of our anger:

Anger birth out of God’s throbbing heart of love and compassion

Anger God-breathed and hopeful

Anger jealous for justice, safety, security and the welfare of loved ones

Anger visionary and constructive, aiming for a better future

Anger boundaried by integrity and the rule of law

Anger devoid of fear, desperation, rashness, bitterness, resentment, and vindictiveness.


Scripture says “Be angry but sin not.” We remember, “The wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.” Only a just, heaven-born anger, bathed in oceans of compassionate love for friends and enemies can be effective in our fight. We must have more refined anger, not for fuming but for profitable action!



Let’s say a thief comes to your home and steals your appliances, your clothes and food. You witness the theft. The thief later returns to you and says, “Now that I have half of your belongings, let’s say we live in peace.” How would you answer him when you know his goal is to steal everything you have, your identity, your life and the lives of your family? 

American Revolutionary War history reveals the great indignation the colonies had over abuses they patiently endured. You read a hint of them in the Declaration of Independence. Their patience was laudable! They endured and petitioned repeatedly till they could be patient no more.

It would be appalling to stop being angry at abuse, corruption and injustice, as those dark powers slice through American blood vessels!

When Mr. Obama became President Rush Limbaugh said he hoped Mr. Obama would fail. On one occasion he said, “So I shamelessly say, no, I want him to fail, if his agenda is a far-left collectivism, some people say socialism, as a conservative heartfelt, deeply, why would I want socialism to succeed?”

Certainly, the socialist forces in America, if honest, would say out loud that they wish our American free enterprise system and its freedoms would fail. How can there be union with Free Enterprise and Communism? This di-vision cannot be reconciled.



Mr. Joe Biden is sitting in the White House. How am I praying for Mr. Biden?

You may have a vague memory of this, but 2000 people signed affidavits testifying of voting irregularities. Computer forensic experts and statistical analysts demonstrated measurable manipulations in the election. The courts declined  to accept cases, let alone hear the evidence.

Our weak apologetic “conservatives” were accused of worshiping President Trump. Many cowed, saying “Not only do we not worship Donald Trump, we will act like he never existed. We will forget him to prove to you we don’t worship him.” Our sorry, short-term American memory has been picked clean by the birds of the air.



Here’s how I am praying for Mr. Joe Biden.

Absalom by plotting and coup usurped David’s throne.  2 Sam 15

Athaliah by treachery and murder usurped the throne.  2 Kings 11

I will pray for Mr. Biden as I would pray for interlopers like Absalom and Athaliah. I pray he and his collaborators will quickly be exposed, removed from office and come to justice.

I pray that President Trump may be empowered miraculously with Heaven’s virtues to fulfill his anointed mission to make America Great Again. That America may surpass any greatness she has formerly had, and do so with the heart and hand of Christ Jesus the King over all earthly kings!



I will implore our Heavenly Father for His adjudications. I will pray that the swamp will be dredged and come to judgment in government, media, business and education!

I will foil diabolical political powers from achieving their goal of destroying the constitution. I will work to demolishing the edicts, executive orders and legislations of corruption.

I will pray for, and see, the greatest wash of the Spirit of Jesus to inundate our country with staggering holy Spirit conviction, the fear of the Lord, and knowledge of Christ’s mercies. The United States will be a lighthouse nation filled with liberty under just laws, and our government will be penetrated by Heaven’s high Kingdom government working itself into human hearts.

My prayers will be guided by seeing the invisible wonders of my Christ! My attitude in prayer will be mixed with laughter, hope and the anticipation of God’s kingdom penetration and manifestation!

My prayers don’t stop with earthly crowns, prime ministers and presidents. I’m part of something transcendently, cosmically huge. I will use the adage, “Pray big or go home,” believing “You get in life what you have the courage to ask for.”



“Zeal for Thy house shall consume me.”

I am not under circumstances but a creator of circumstances. I am an Ambassador, a change agent of heaven.

I will do more than wait for the next elections. America can be dismantled and demolished irreparably in that time. I am acting now.

I will labor with others to see justice and correction in the electoral process.

I will refresh American minds of the history of our foundations.

I will vigorously exercise my constitutional freedoms. I will defy those who try to steal them.

I will take part in mass grass-roots protests and political movements against unrighteous laws and decrees. I will use every legal means to frustrate totalitarian edicts.  

I will support those in government working to preserve our constitution.

I will be an actor locally and nationally.


The day after Mr. Biden stole office I wrote the Whitehouse in response to backward and destructive executive orders. I will do more writing to people in authority this year.

I am starting to get to know the leaders of my own city and county to see what kind of influence I can bring. Here are places you can go to get out of the armchair.

Look up your local City and Counsel contacts. Our local city council is meeting now by zoom.

“And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.” Rev 11:15


Steven C Johnson





President trump has temporarily stepped off the stage. Who is coming on now? If you think it is a different president you are only partly right. The stage is huge! The person you should see stepping on the stage is yourself! This is the day when God Almighty is showcasing you! Step into that spotlight and play your part!

This is no time for stage fright, shyness or self doubt. This is stand-up-and-be-seen time. This is project-your-voice to the back of the auditorium time. God is showcasing you in this Great Production! And don’t worry too much about your script. God is giving you the lines and showing your placement and action on the set. He will give you what you need as your walk in the light. This is your showtime, your Esther moment, your reason-for-being-born moment. Heaven and earth are watching.

President Trump’s “farewell speech” was artful, hopeful and forward-looking! Well worth listening to.

In recent months I produced an audio of President Washington’s farewell speech. I am astonished at how prophetic its warnings and promises are for today!


Steven C Johnson





Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me;

for I am gentle and humble in heart,

and you will find rest for your souls.  Mt 11:29

Meek rhymes with weak, and antelope rhymes with cantaloupe. How easy to mix our words and meanings! There is no correlation between meekness and weakness. A well-trained horse is a “meeked horse.” The horse still has its great power but its frame is under control. When released to charge a war-horse is a picture of power.

Let there be no confusion of the meaning of humility. There is a fallacious image of humility which looks like a cowering, subjected weakling in the face of intimidation. Humiliation might look like that but not Humility. Humiliation is when one more powerful takes a weaker person by the back of the neck and forces them to the ground. Humiliation is forced on the vanquished. Humility is always a voluntary state of meekness.

The humble do not show off their wisdom, strength, authority or winning plan unless it is essential to accomplish good. The person who has no accomplishments has no need for humility. The gifted and accomplished may use humility put people at ease and honor others as worthy of credit and admiration.

The fierce warrior in battle is admired as humble when he speak in respectful and honoring tones. The celebrated scientist, actor or business person is considered humble when they speak to others as equals, even as superiors.


Suppose an army commander said, “We are going to rescue the prisoners held by the enemy in that fortress.” Would one answer, “I’m far too humble to run against a hail of bullets and rescue people I don’t know?” To boldly go into a righteous fight is a sign of humility toward higher values and noble commanders.

If the Lord tells us be salt and light, and go disciple nations, dare we answer, “I’m too humble to obey You, Lord?” Would not the Lord reply, “Your ‘humility’ is a charade. You are cowardly and disobedient.”

I’ve come to see that audacious boldness is one of the true signs of humility.

Donald J Trump may be the most hated and loved President we have ever had.

Some see Trump as a vain, narcissistic man who talks too bold, swaggers too big and accomplishes too much. They cannot pair his brash confidence with humility.

I see him as one of the humblest leaders our land has known.  

Consider what a high-rolling, luxurious life he gave up in order to receive daily harassment from the press and political enemies.

Some money-grubbers go into politics to become millionaires. Donald Trump has forfeited millions to be president. He did not take a salary. His enemies are incensed that he cannot be bought.

He doesn’t host cocktail parties like other Presidents because he doesn’t drink. This is galling to those who like to lubricate others to their advantage. I wonder if President Trump knows Proverbs 31: 4-5.

It is not for kings, O Lemuel, 

it is not for kings to drink wine, 

or for rulers to crave strong drink,

lest they drink and forget what is decreed, 

depriving all the oppressed of justice.

President trump puts in 18-hour days. Those are volunteer hours! Most of us think we are doing well when we volunteer a few hours a month. If most of us were to copy President Trump we would put in eight hours at work, then volunteer ten hours to the nation, daily. The President’s volunteer hours are distressing to those who have great salaries but serve themselves not the people.

Many have said, “Trump should be humbler.” Perhaps they are right. But when saying, “Trump should be humbler” are they saying “Trump should have my level of humility?” How is it that many are aware of the bad breath of others but insensitive to their own body odor and passed gas?

I’ve never heard someone say, “President Trump should be less bold and courageous.”  Some mistakenly think, “A truly humble man cannot be courageous, and a truly courageous woman cannot be humble.” Humility is not opposed to courage! What thinkest thou?

If someone were evaluating your life would they say,

“You need to humbler?”

Would they say,

“You need to be more courageous?”


While President Trump steps off the stage for a few moments I urge you to realize that boldness will be your truest sign of humility.

Today I was connecting with people at our city hall. What kind of grass-root action plans are you working on?


Donald J Trump has spoken of “our” accomplishments over the past four years. There has been media silence on this point. There will be no “credit due” granted, The American people deserve to know that great good has been accomplished by this president. Our President’s accomplishments have magnitude as well as numbers!! Note a list of them below.

Steven C Johnson




One Hundred And Twenty One Accomplishments By President Trump And His Cabinet.

Here you go. Easy to Google and double check. Checking for yourself is always best. This list is not all inclusive.  There are more to add to this list every week.

  1. Trump recently signed 3 bills to benefit Native people. One gives compensation to the Spokane tribe for loss of their lands in the mid-1900s, one funds Native language programs, and the third gives federal recognition to the Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians in Montana.
  2. Trump finalized the creation of Space Force as our 6th Military branch.
  3. Trump signed a law to make cruelty to animals a federal felony so that animal abusers face tougher consequences.
  4. Prior to the recent violent Antifa protests, violent crime has fallen every year he’s been in office after rising during the 2 years before he was elected.
  5. Trump signed a bill making CBD and Hemp legal.
  6. Trump’s EPA gave $100 million to fix the water infrastructure problem in Flint, Michigan.
  7. Under Trump’s leadership, in 2018 the U.S. surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia to become the world’s largest producer of crude oil.
  8. Trump signed a law ending the gag orders on Pharmacists that prevented them from sharing money-saving information.
  9. Trump signed the “Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act” (FOSTA), which includes the “Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act” (SESTA) which both give law enforcement and victims new tools to fight sex trafficking.
  10. Trump signed a bill to require airports to provide spaces for breastfeeding Moms.
  11. The 25% lowest-paid Americans enjoyed a 4.5% income boost in November 2019, which outpaces a 2.9% gain in earnings for the country’s highest-paid workers.
  12. Low-wage workers are benefiting from higher minimum wages and from corporations that are increasing entry-level pay.
  13. Trump signed the biggest wilderness protection & conservation bill in a decade and designated 375,000 acres as protected land.
  14. Trump signed the Save our Seas Act which funds $10 million per year to clean tons of plastic & garbage from the ocean.
  15. He signed a bill this year allowing some drug imports from Canada so that prescription prices would go down.
  16. Trump signed an executive order this year that forces all healthcare providers to disclose the cost of their services so that Americans can comparison shop and know how much less providers charge insurance companies. When signing that bill, he said no American should be blindsided by bills for medical services they never agreed to in advance.
  17. Hospitals will now be required to post their standard charges for services, which include the discounted price a hospital is willing to accept.
  18. In the eight years prior to President Trump’s inauguration, prescription drug prices increased by an average of 3.6% per year. Under Trump, drug prices have seen year-over-year declines in nine of the last ten months, with a 1.1% drop as of the most recent month.
  19. He created a White House VA Hotline to help veterans and principally staffed it with veterans and direct family members of veterans. VA employees are being held accountable for poor performance, with more than 4,000 VA employees removed, demoted, and suspended so far.
  20. Issued an executive order requiring the Secretaries of Defense, Homeland Security, and Veterans Affairs to submit a joint plan to provide veterans access to access to mental health treatment as they transition to civilian life.
  21. Because of a bill signed and championed by Trump, In 2020, most federal employees will see their pay increase by an average of 3.1% — the largest raise in more than 10 years.
  22. Trump signed into a law up to 12 weeks of paid parental leave for millions of federal workers.
  23. Trump administration will provide HIV prevention drugs for free to 200,000 uninsured patients per year for 11 years.
  24. All-time record sales during the 2019 holidays.
  25. Trump signed an order allowing small businesses to group together when buying insurance to get a better price.
  26. President Trump signed the Preventing Maternal Deaths Act that provides funding for states to develop maternal mortality reviews to better understand maternal complications and identify solutions & largely focuses on reducing the higher mortality rates for Black Americans.
  27. In 2018, President Trump signed the groundbreaking First Step Act, a criminal justice bill which enacted reforms that make our justice system fairer and help former inmates successfully return to society.
  28. The First Step Act’s reforms addressed inequities in sentencing laws that disproportionately harmed Black Americans and reformed mandatory minimums that created unfair outcomes.
  29. The First Step Act expanded judicial discretion in sentencing of non-violent crimes.
  30. Over 90% of those benefitting from the retroactive sentencing reductions in the First Step Act are Black Americans.
  31. The First Step Act provides rehabilitative programs to inmates, helping them successfully rejoin society and not return to crime.
  32. Trump increased funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) by more than 14%.
  33. Trump signed legislation forgiving Hurricane Katrina debt that threatened HBCUs.
  34. New single-family home sales are up 31.6% in October 2019 compared to just one year ago.
  35. Made HBCUs a priority by creating the position of executive director of the White House Initiative on HBCUs.
  36. Trump received the Bipartisan Justice Award at a historically black college for his criminal justice reform accomplishments.
  37. The poverty rate fell to a 17-year low of 11.8% under the Trump administration as a result of a jobs-rich environment.
  38. Poverty rates for African Americans and Hispanic-Americans have reached their lowest levels since the U.S. began collecting such data.
  39. President Trump signed a bill that creates five national monuments, expands several national parks, adds 1.3 million acres of wilderness, and permanently reauthorizes the Land and Water Conservation Fund.
  40. Trump’s USDA committed $124 Million to rebuild rural water infrastructure.
  41. Consumer confidence & small business confidence is at an all-time high.
  42. Prior to the COVID shut down more than 7 million jobs created since election.
  43. More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history.
  44. More than 400,000 manufacturing jobs created since his election.
  45. Trump appointed 5 openly gay ambassadors.
  46. Trump ordered Ric Grenell, his openly gay ambassador to Germany, to lead a global initiative to decriminalize homosexuality across the globe.
  47. Through Trump’s Anti-Trafficking Coordination Team (ACTeam) initiative, Federal law enforcement more than doubled convictions of human traffickers and increased the number of defendants charged by 75% in ACTeam districts.
  48. In 2018, the Department of Justice (DOJ) dismantled an organization that was the internet’s leading source of prostitution-related advertisements resulting in sex trafficking.
  49. Trump’s OMB published new anti-trafficking guidance for government procurement officials to combat human trafficking more effectively.
  50. Trump’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations arrested 1,588 criminals associated with Human Trafficking.
  51. Trump’s Department of Health and Human Services provided funding to support the National Human Trafficking Hotline to identify perpetrators and give victims the help they need.
  52. The hotline identified 16,862 potential human trafficking cases.
  53. Trump’s DOJ provided grants to organizations that support human trafficking victims – serving nearly 9,000 cases from July 1, 2017, to June 30, 2018.
  54. The Department of Homeland Security has hired more victim assistance specialists, helping victims get resources and support.
  55. President Trump has called on Congress to pass school choice legislation so that no child is trapped in a failing school because of his or her zip code.
  56. The President signed funding legislation in September 2018 that increased funding for school choice by $42 million.
  57. The tax cuts signed into law by President Trump promote school choice by allowing families to use 529 college savings plans for elementary and secondary education.
  58. Under his leadership ISIS has lost most of their territory and been largely dismantled.
  59. ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi was killed.
  60. Signed the first Perkins CTE reauthorization since 2006, authorizing more than $1 billion for states each year to fund vocational and career education programs.
  61. Executive order expanding apprenticeship opportunities for students and workers.
  62. Trump issued an Executive Order prohibiting the U.S. government from discriminating against Christians or punishing expressions of faith.
  63. Signed an executive order that allows the government to withhold money from college campuses deemed to be anti-Semitic and who fail to combat anti-Semitism.
  64. President Trump ordered a halt to U.S. tax money going to international organizations that fund or perform abortions.
  65. Trump imposed sanctions on the socialists in Venezuela who have killed their citizens.
  66. Finalized new trade agreement with South Korea.
  67. Made a deal with the European Union to increase U.S. energy exports to Europe.
  68. Withdrew the U.S. from the job killing TPP deal.
  69. Secured $250 billion in new trade and investment deals in China and $12 billion in Vietnam.
  70. Approved up to $12 billion in aid for farmers affected by unfair trade retaliation.
  71. Has had over a dozen US hostages freed, including those Obama could not get freed.
  72. Trump signed the Music Modernization Act, the biggest change to copyright law in decades.
  73. Trump secured Billions that will fund the building of a wall at our southern border.
  74. The Trump Administration is promoting second chance hiring to give former inmates the opportunity to live crime-free lives and find meaningful employment.
  75. Trump’s DOJ and the Board Of Prisons launched a new “Ready to Work Initiative” to help connect employers directly with former prisoners.
  76. President Trump’s historic tax cut legislation included new Opportunity Zone Incentives to promote investment in low-income communities across the country.
  77. 8,764 communities across the country have been designated as Opportunity Zones.
  78. Opportunity Zones are expected to spur $100 billion in long-term private capital investment in economically distressed communities across the country.
  79. Trump directed the Education Secretary to end Common Core.
  80. Trump signed the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund into law.
  81. Trump signed measure funding prevention programs for Veteran suicide.
  82. Companies have brought back over a TRILLION dollars from overseas because of the TCJA bill that Trump signed.
  83. Manufacturing jobs are growing at the fastest rate in more than 30 years.
  84. Stock Market has reached record highs.
  85. Median household income has hit highest level ever recorded.
  86. African American unemployment is at an all-time low.
  87. Hispanic-American unemployment is at an all-time low.
  88. Asian-American unemployment is at an all-time low.
  89. Women’s unemployment rate is at a 65-year low.
  90. Youth unemployment is at a 50-year low.
  91. Prior to the COVID shutdown we have the lowest unemployment rate ever recorded.
  92. The Pledge to America’s Workers has resulted in employers committing to train more than 4 million Americans.
  93. 95 percent of U.S. manufacturers are optimistic about the future— the highest ever.
  94. As a result of the Republican tax bill, small businesses will have the lowest top marginal tax rate in more than 80 years.
  95. Record number of regulations eliminated that hurt small businesses.
  96. Signed welfare reform requiring able-bodied adults who don’t have children to work or look for work if they’re on welfare.
  97. Under Trump, the FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history.
  98. Reformed Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors 100’s of millions of $$$ this year alone.
  99. Signed Right-To-Try legislation allowing terminally ill patients to try experimental treatment that wasn’t allowed before.
  100. Secured $6 billion in new funding to fight the opioid epidemic.
  101. Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act, expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care.
  102. S. oil production recently reached all-time high so we are less dependent on oil from the Middle East.
  103. The U.S. is a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957.
  104. NATO allies increased their defense spending because of his pressure campaign.
  105. Withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord in 2017 and that same year the U.S. still led the world by having the largest reduction in Carbon emissions.
  106. Has his circuit court judge nominees being confirmed faster than any other new administration.
  107. Had his Supreme Court Justice’s Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh confirmed.
  108. Moved U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.
  109. Agreed to a new trade deal with Mexico & Canada that will increase jobs here and $$$ coming in.
  110. Reached a breakthrough agreement with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports.
  111. Imposed tariffs on China in response to China’s forced technology transfer, intellectual property theft, and their chronically abusive trade practices, has agreed to a Part One trade deal with China.
  112. Signed legislation to improve the National Suicide Hotline.
  113. Signed the most comprehensive childhood cancer legislation ever into law, which will advance childhood cancer research and improve treatments.
  114. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act signed into law by Trump doubled the maximum amount of the child tax credit available to parents and lifted the income limits so more people could claim it.
  115. It also created a new tax credit for other dependents.
  116. In 2018, President Trump signed into law a $2.4 billion funding increase for the Child Care and Development Fund, providing a total of $8.1 billion to States to fund childcare for low-income families.
  117. The Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit (CDCTC) signed into law by Trump provides a tax credit equal to 20-35% of child care expenses, $3,000 per child & $6,000 per family + Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) allow you to set aside up to $5,000 in pre-tax $ to use for child care.
  118. In 2019 President Donald Trump signed the Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education and Support Act (CARES) into law which allocates $1.8 billion in funding over the next five years to help people with autism spectrum disorder and to help their families.
  119. In 2019 President Trump signed into law two funding packages providing nearly $19 million in new funding for Lupus specific research and education programs, as well an additional $41.7 billion in funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the most Lupus funding EVER.
  120. Another upcoming accomplishment to add: Trump signed the first major anti-robocall law in decades called the TRACED Act (Telephone Robocall Abuse Criminal Enforcement and Deterrence.) TRACED Act will extend the period of time the FCC has to catch & punish those who intentionally break telemarketing restrictions. The bill also requires voice service providers to develop a framework to verify calls are legitimate before they reach your phone.
  121. US stock market continually hits record highs.

*Trump did all of this while fighting flagrant abuse and impeachment charges and a 97% negativity reporting by major media.




Don’t leave the stadium until the game is over. Don’t walk off the field before the clock stops. Even now, heaven’s Referees are reviewing the last plays. The clock is not working against us but for us!

Really, the end of the game for me is not January 20th or even 5, 10 or 13 years from now. I’m in the game until my time is over, or Christ returns. I’m in the game if things go South or North in our nation. I’m in the game to win!

The American Revolution lasted 7 years. What if Washington had said, “I’ll give it 13 months. If it doesn’t work out I’ll give up, let them hang me, and let the colonies go into subjection”?



My first resolve this year is to seek, and find, the face of God in new dimensions. Join me in this, the greatest of all “Treasure hunts.”

My second resolve for 2021 is to be a Challenger. Challenging moments demand counter-challenge. If others cow before circumstances I must not. This is a year for me to contend!



“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” John F Kennedy.  The moral is that we can have peaceful revolutions by hearing one another out. We feed the likeliness of war by failing to listen to grievances.

Do you remember the Boston Tea Party? The Colonialist did many things which would certainly be in the press today as rude and crude – damaging loyalist property, stealing, tarring and feathering, and such. The revolution was messy. Nearly every war is messy, often with atrocities on both sides.

If the Colonies had had a hearing from England, and their complaints had been sensibly responded to, there would have been no rebellion. Refusing to hear out those who have complaints of voter fraud is certainly the stuff that fuels rebellions.



I do not remember any prophets in the Revolutionary war. As far as I know no one was proclaiming “Victory is guaranteed,” or predicting a date the war would end. The stakes were high and uncertain. They would have to fight to the end, whenever that might be. There were some in the revolution who said, “I quit,” and walked home. Others valued freedom too highly to quit. We own them a debt.

One of our fleshly tendencies is to seek a great prophetic word, then sit on our hands until it is fulfilled. I like prophets who will tells us what we will read in the paper tomorrow. But we need “call to action prophets.” Then we need “This is how we build it” Apostles to guide us. We want to follow Christ so closely that our lives become news-worthy.

A prophet may prophesy the future abundance of my garden, but if I fail to till and plant, to water and cultivate there will be no crop.  A prophet may prophesy blessings for our nation, but if we fail to care for the nation and contend for its health it will become a barren weed patch.

Haggai and Zechariah basically exhorted, “Get building the Temple of God! Put first things first.” These are the prophets we need today. The people were galvanized to action. Zerubbabel and his compatriots got their hands blistered and dirty. A nation was turned, the temple was built and God’s blessings were restored.


Our value systems dictate whether a war is worth fighting, a garden is worth planting and a house worth building. Jesus value system was built around the preciousness of people. May our value systems harmonize with His!

Jesus’ great “capture the flag” game was to reclaim paradise and the precious ones meant to inhabit it. He “tagged” us free. Now that we are out of prison we are in the game with Jesus to rescue our former cell-mates.

Will you stay in the game till it’s over?

“But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?”  Luke 18:8


Washington, in the midst of the toils of war spoke, “Our cruel and unrelenting Enemy leaves us no choice but a brave resistance, or the most abject submission; this is all we can expect – We have therefore to resolve to conquer or die: Our own Country’s Honor, all call upon us for a vigorous and manly exertion, and if we now shamefully fail, we shall become infamous to the whole world. Let us therefore rely upon the goodness of the Cause, and the aid of the supreme Being, in whose hands Victory is, to animate and encourage us to great and noble Actions – The Eyes of all our Countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have their blessings, and praises, if happily we are the instruments of saving them from the Tyranny meditated against them. Let us therefore animate and encourage each other, and shew the whole world, that a Freeman contending for Liberty on his own ground is superior to any slavish mercenary on earth.”

Steven C Johnson



I was at an ocean beach with very choppy water. I went out on the water in a small boat. It was fascinating that my boat was moving smoothly as if on calm water. A  few others were also out in small boats. They were moving calmly, untossed, in spite of the chop. Their boats did not bob and toss as if they were in choppy water.

I looked out in the water and saw three tall, colorful giraffes walking in the water. They moved calmly with their legs under water as if they were walking on solid footing, but they were out from the beach certainly in deeper water. 

REFLECTION: We are going to see some “Bumpy waters” but our experience in Jesus will be calm. Our eyesight will be raised and we will gain higher insight.


5 Presidents and the Dreams

I’ve had uncanny experiences with five American Presidents over the past three decades. I’ve had five encounters with President Trump in the past three years. All of these have happened in dreams.  My dream times with President Trump have revealed:

Corrupt people in his circles

How God has been shielding him and Benjamin Netanyahu

How he is finding the right people to make things work out right

The President working in relaxed moments

Sleazy people trying to take advantage of government resources

And the president in prayer

There was another Trump dream last night. In the dream I was in a huge prayer meeting. I learned the entire prayer focus was for “the church service.”

I knelt in a large room with about 1,000 praying. After a few moments I realized President Trump was kneeling directly beside me. When we stood up together the President was 10 inches higher than me (I’m 6’ 2”).  The prayer meeting was over and the room was almost empty. I felt the people had gone into the service.

The scene changed. Pam and I were in a profoundly large stadium with huge attached auditoriums surrounding it.  I realized we were in one of the many auditoriums circling the stadium. My impression was perhaps 200,000 were in the whole building.

There were big screens to watch the live activities in the stadium. Thousands were in our side room. Pam and I walked to the back of the auditorium where people were setting out additional chairs because the crowd was larger than expected. All the chairs were red.

The event was about to begin.


The focus of prayer was on “the church service.” The Holy Spirit showed me this speaks of the “Wild Protest” rally president Trump has called for January 6th in Washington DC. As well as the wild protest rally, both House and Senate are meeting for the electoral college decision. They will go into debate based on evidence given them. Vice President Mike Pence will play a pivotal role.

First, I urge your prayers for this unspeakably momentous day! Pam and I are doing some fasting and big prayer for the January 6th “church service.” Nations around the world will be watching, for they all have a vested interest in what happens in America. (This can not be understated)

By the way, there is something about going low in prayer that helps us go higher. This principle appears often in scripture. At the prayer meeting President Trump knelt then stood taller. You and I will also grow taller in prayer.

Second, if you can make it to the live event, do!  See information here

If you can’t make it do your best to be part of other rallies watching the event, or have a group of friends in your home.

Third,Urge Congress to stop the certification and deal with voter fraud in the election. You can do it in two minutes. CLICK HERE NOW to sign.

Here are two site which give evidence for the fraud.

The Navarro Report: “The Immaculate Deception.”

“Exposed! New proof on why I am certain trump will win.”

Steve C Johnson








 Rembrandt, Head of Christ

Have you ever had someone threaten to take your life? If you knew people were plotting to take your life would that alter your mentality and activities?

Here are a few of the many biblical characters who were plotted against and threatened with death.


“I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too.”  1 Kings 19:10


May those who seek my life be disgraced and put to shame. Ps 35:4


So the chief priests made plans to kill Lazarus as well,  John 12:10


While they were trying to kill him, news reached the commander of the Roman troops that the whole city of Jerusalem was in an uproar.  Acts 21:31



Jesus was hounded by death threats.Even as an infant His life was threatened. When you read the conversations between Jesus and the religious leaders you can hear the snarling, menacing tension.

They got up, drove him out of the town, and led him to the brow of the hill on which their town was built, so that they might hurl him off the cliff.  Luke 4:29

At that time some Pharisees came to Jesus and said to him, “Leave this place and go somewhere else. Herod wants to kill you.” Luke 13:”31

I know you are Abraham’s descendants, but you are trying to kill Me because My word has no place within you. John 8:37

As it is, you are looking for a way to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham did not do such things. John 8:40

So from that day on they plotted to take his life. John 11:53

But the Pharisees went out and plotted how they might kill Jesus. Mt 12:14

The leading priests and teachers of religious law were plotting how to kill Jesus, but they were afraid of the people’s reaction.  Luke 22:2



I recently saw a quote that caught me. “He who intimidates wins.” It sent me on a trail of thought. The goal of the terrorist is to control. The terrorist breaths intimidation to cow and constrain. Would you like to know how to defeat a terrorist? Refuse to be afraid! You frustrate terrorists by finding your courage in God and scoffing at fear.

Cultivating fear is an art form in America.

Advertisers use fear to get you to buy their anti-depressants.

News services use fearmongering to get your clicks.

Politician’s use fear to get your vote, and submission.

2020 has been a jackpot for fear-mongers. We’ve never seen people use fear so successfully. The masters of fear have nearly taken over the world. Their only problem is that you have been a hold-out.You haven’t bowed to fear as low as you should. This has irked the terrorists.

Satan of course is the ultimate terrorist. Fear is the primary tool in his tool box.Ultimately every fear is linked to the Great Granddaddy of fears, Death. Watch out for spiders, heights, laundry detergents, sunshine and tap water. They may kill you.

“Here’s one food you should never eat.”

Do you know how many are dying of cancer, plastic bags and airplane crashes!

Don’t drive your car, you might be killed.

Don’t go to the grocery, you might be shot

With Covid mania, economic woes, and government corruption “we could all die!”

One of ten who started out on the Oregon trail died before the end. What if every time we engaged in an activity a statistician stood at our side and told us the chance we had of dying?

The Fact is, in time, we will all die, unless Jesus comes to interrupt things.



“Now since the children have flesh and blood, He too shared in their humanity, so that by His death He might destroy him who holds the power of death, that is, the devil, and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.”  Heb 2:14

Jesus slaughters the fear of death! He freed us from death’s intimidation! When we overcome the fear of death other fears shrink to proper size. In fact, the direction of intimidation reverses.


Jesus navigated the death threats. You will also! You are in a place where we can taunt at death, and every fear.

“Where, O death, is your victory?Where, O death, is your sting?” The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.1 Cor 15:55-57



When we have dominion over the fear of death we are unencumbered. We can, as Adam was charged, take dominion, and become the “Masters of the Universe.”

The possibilities are endless when we are free of fear. When we reverse the direction of intimidation everything shifts! When the people of God are free the powers of darkness are intimidated into confinement.

Many like to quote Rev 12:11. Don’t let your voice drop when you read the last line.

“And they overcame him

by the blood of the Lamb,

and by the word of their testimony;

and theyloved not their lives unto the death.”


With this conviction we can trample every foe; “Whether I live or die I am a winner!”

All kinds of saints have had to deal with death threats. You are not alone.

As always, I’d love to hear your testimonies of overcoming!

Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should. Eph 6:19-20

Steven C Johnson



The following are some of the hardest hitting collections of words I have ever read in my long-legged life. I’m passing them on.

Candace Owens: POTUS is Sitting on a Stack of Trump Cards

SourceOperation Disclosure

by Carl G. Fisher IV, December, 29th, 2020

He has court cases that will go to the Supreme Court and thanks to the Texas case, he’s now aware how to file them properly…under article 3 not 2…so the SCOTUS will be forced to listen…..

He now has the DNI report. Barr stepped down and can now be a witness…..he did his job. Durham is special counsel and can prosecute, in any state….

He’s letting civil, criminal and federal courts fail to handle the situation properly… he can use military tribunals. He has ALL the data from the NSA, the Kraken supercomputer, the Alice supercomputer and likely many more computers, unknown to us….

He has the dueling electors from 7 state legislatures. He has VP Pence, as the final arbiter of which ballots to accept…..

He has the Insurrection Act, the NDAA, the national emergency, the 14th amendment, the 2018 executive order, the 2017 very first EO, the Patriot Act, the FISA warrants, the Declassification of everything, people swearing affidavits by the 1000s.

He has all the statistical data being analyzed….along with the videos, emails, phone calls and bank transfer statements…..showing the coordination of the coup d’etat.

He has RICO and he has the crimes against humanity videos. Wikileaks just dropped extensive information and Assange will be pardoned. Assange can then openly discuss the murder of Seth Rich….

Now that the governors and secretary of states certified and [B]iden accepted….they each committed and knowingly agreed to acts of Treason….

Solar Winds was literally just raided and Dominion is closing down, as well. He has the CIA servers, used to change dominion machine votes from Trump to [B]iden…and he will soon have access to the actual machines, themselves….

He baited the [D]eep State into staying in DC, so they can be arrested. [B]iden hasn’t accepted any transition money and Harris has still not given up her seat on the senate….

The military has infiltrated Antifa and BLM. He has all their financial records. He knows which politicians took Chinese and Soros money….both Republican and Demorat….

He positioned Christopher Miller as secretary of defense and Ezra-Cohen Watnick as assistant secretary of defense. He literally just wrote an executive order, regarding the military line of succession. Many suspect Watnick to be Q.

He is defunding the CIA. He just replaced Kissinger & Allbright on the National Security Advisory Board…..with men loyal to him.

The military has been flying planes, far more than usual, all over the country. The Navy just parked mega fleets on both coasts. The 82nd Airborne is preparing for an operation….which is the same group that General Flynn & AG Donoghue were enlisted.

Pieces are finally falling into place. POTUS has it all! He is just laying out the pieces and building the narrative. He knows he won and they committed Treason! He set a trap and they walked right in, without hesitation.

He gave the [D]eep State the chance to come clean and try to fix things. They chose Treason! They will all hang, as the result.

Patriots in control! Nothing can stop what’s coming!


PANIC: Patriots Are Now In Control


Christmas messages are packed away after the holiday. Jesus is boxed up with the tree and ornaments till next year. Good parents raise their children to adulthood. Packing the baby away in a crate is regarded as infanticide under other circumstances.

God compressed himself into a space above the mercy seat, over the ark of the Covenant. In the greatest “communication” God compressed Himself, “voiced” himself, into human flesh, showing up as man. What powerful mystery! Even the Apostle Paul declared the flesh-God a profound mystery.

1 Tim 3:16 Beyond all question, the mystery of godliness is great:

He appeared in a body,

was vindicated by the Spirit,

was seen by angels,

was preached among the nations,

was believed on in the world,

was taken up in glory.

Our Mystery is substantial, not ethereal! Our auditory, visual, and tactile senses discern the Word becoming flesh and dwelling among us.

1 John 1:1-2 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked atand our hands have touched-this we proclaim concerning the Word of life.  The life appeared;we have seen it and testify to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and has appeared to us.

I prefer calling Christmas “Incarnation Day.” The primary message is, God became incarnate among us wearing human flesh to save creatures made of flesh. “Incarn,” means “in flesh.” All of us are born with flesh, but how exceptional for God to show up wearing it!

Heb 2:14 Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death–that is, the devil–

The story of Christmas is a rescue mission, a purposeful heavenly strategy to redeem us from death’s dominion and restore us to life! God’s war strategy utilized a virgin, a baby, a cross and tomb, and a few other items like hosts of angels. These weapons decimate death and hell and all their powers! Some babies come as “surprises.” Jesus’ birth was all about Heaven’s intention.

“You are a king, then!” said Pilate. Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the worldis to testify to the truth.”John 18:37

Have you noticed how stealthily, subtly, the Grinch has operated? Each Christmas the radio sings more “Santa and sleigh-bells” and less “Christ-has-appeared-among-us.” The message of incarnation has been watered down to dissolve its potency. Nativity has been replaced by naivety.

The anti-Christ is the Grinch who steals “Today in Bethlehem is born for you…” not just from one day, but from the other 364.

    Who is the antichrist?

Most people think of the Antichrist as a man who is a really bad dude. “We’ll have to watch out for him when he shows up.” The far greater danger is the spirit of Antichrist, which is already in the world. If we cannot discern and overcome that spirit we will be cannon fodder for individuals who operate as antichrists. Many Christians have been decimated by the subtleties of the spirit of antichrist. The Apostle John warned us:

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spiritsto see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the fleshis from God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming, and now it is already in the world.1 John 4: 1-3


      What is antichrist’s malicious, seductive, intent?

Satan doesn’t want earthlings to know Jesus walked among them in flesh.

Antichrist reduces Jesus to a vague, warm, but powerless, spiritual feeling.

He clouds the realization that Jesus is physical, tangible, concrete and touchable.  

He obscures Jesus physical incarnation and His ultimate tangible, sizzling, dazzling return.

He muddles the reality that Jesus raises us physically at the resurrection


      Antichrist slanders Jesus, saying:

“Jesus only appeared to have flesh.”

“Jesus can’t relate to you because he doesn’t understand your fleshly struggles.”

“Jesus is powerless to help you in your day-to-day fleshly world.”

“Don’t expect Jesus to do anything world-changing. He will only grant you an indistinct ‘spiritual’ comfort.”

“Don’t expect to live a life of overcoming sin because nobody who has flesh can overcome.”   

“Don’t expect much from Jesus because there is not much to Him. He’s insubstantial.”

The spirit of the anti-Christ is fine with us “spiritualizing” everything. This deceiving spirit is fine with otherworldly ideas of our Jesus, but not striking moments of awareness of His felt presence.



You divide the world into “spiritual” and “material.”  

You have an abstract, theoretical, or hyper-spiritual image of Christ.

You are more interested in going to heaven than seeing heaven tangibly transform earth.

Your hope is in dying and going to heaven rather than the resurrection of the dead.

You settle for Jesus healing the “spiritually” blind and deaf  but don’t expect Jesus to heal the blind and deaf physically.

You don’t expect to see tangible answers to your prayers.


Sometimes we must shake ourselves and speak out loud the reality of our substantial Savior. Here are words for your to start with to crush the nay-saying antichrist!


I am a Christian materialist!

There is no division between spiritual and physical.

Jesus pre-existed eternally and “incarnated” as a baby for me.

Jesus solidly, physical lives for me.

He knows the pain of my stubbed toe, and personal rejection.

He knows what it is to be exhausted and feel hunger.

He knows the pleasures of family and friends.

Jesus connects with me because he became like me.

Jesus touches me in tangible ways, not just vague mystical ways.

When I pray I expect my Lord to respond with tangible answers.

He delivers and heals my flesh.

Jesus Christ is solid!


My Lord Jesus:

Was born in the flesh

Lived among us in the flesh

Ministered to mortals who wear flesh

Died in flesh

Rose in flesh

Ascended in flesh

He reigns in Heaven in flesh. [What does that tell you about heaven?]

He is returning in flesh, to our material world.

The antichrist was overcome at the cross. I will no-longer allow the antichrist to slink around. I uncover and expose Him! I certify the victory!


My Lord Jesus crushes antichrist because He is












Scriptures are bullets for our spiritual guns. Take the following incarnation passages to pow, bang and rat-a-tat-tat against the power of the antichrist.

But before you start shooting remember, we Christians do not quote Scripture like magical incantations. Jesus said, “If you abide in me AND my word abides in you, you shall ask what you will and it shall be given to you.” John 15:7

Abide in our dearest Lord Jesus and let His word abide in you. It is open season on Giants. Happy hunting!


Isa 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. 


Isa 9:6-7 For to us a child is born,

to us a son is given,

and the government will be on his shoulders.

And he will be called

Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,

Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.


Mic 5:2 But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,

though you are small among the clans of Judah,

out of you will come for me

one who will be ruler over Israel,

whose origins are from of old,

from ancient times.

John 1:14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

Rom 8:3 For what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful manto be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in sinful man, 

Gal 4:4 But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law

Phil 2:5-8 Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:

Who, being in very nature God,

did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,

but made himself nothing,

taking the very nature of a servant,

being made in human likeness.

And being found in appearance as a man,

he humbled himself

and became obedient to death-

even death on a cross!

Col 1:15-20 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.  He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginningand the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.

2 Cor 5:19 God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.

Heb 1:3 The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.

Heb 1:6 And again,when God brings his firstborn into the world, he says,

“Let all God’s angels worship him.”  

Heb 2:9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone.

1 John 4:2-3 This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the fleshis from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.

2 John 7 Many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist.

Rev 21:3-4 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.

Steven C Johnson





View this and weigh the evidence. Furthermore, be a patriot and share it with those in your circles, even if it means rejection and antagonization against yourself.

You are neither a Christian or a Patriot if your fail to pray during these times.

Most earnestly, Steven C Johnson