The Western Wall (Kotel) in Jerusalem
I am pursuing a Prophetic Documentary on the nearing eruption of The River of Life from the city of Jerusalem. I request your prayer support because this will be a considerable project, and frankly I scarcely know where to begin. You may remember the verse, “Unless the Lord produces the documentary….”
I have felt 2021 is the year to get this production going. Early this morning I felt the Lord Jesus was telling me He would counsel me and show me how it can be done.
The goal of this prophetic documentary is to paint a picture of the surging, physical River of Life, which is soon to burst from Israel’s Holy City. This will inform and inspire faith and anticipation for what God is about to perform in the City.
The Muslim Dome of the Rock, near the site of the 2nd Temple
If you have read my book, Riverfront Property: Connecting at the River of Life you may remember Episode 2, The Tangible River. In that chapter I demonstrate:
How five prophets speak of The River of Life bursting forth from Jerusalem
and of the multiple streams formed by The River
How The River breaks forth
Implications of The River’s presence
And the glory which comes to our Lord Jesus Christ
Many elements must come together to get this production airborne. Would you please pray for the following elements?
A MOTIVATED FILM PRODUCER AND CREW will capture the images of places were The River will flow, blending in the story line with interviews with experts.
ANIMATORS will paint in the river and landscapes to portray the dynamic reality of the river and the lush vegetation, construction and populations which will follow.
I’m praying for a MUSICAL COMPOSER of the stature of John Williams
Prayer before the wall Herod the Great built
RABBIS will share the prophecies and beliefs which are held about The River.
ARCHAEOLOGISTS will tell us about Jerusalem’s ancient water systems.
GEOLOGISTS will show Jerusalem’s fault lines, and describe how earthquakes may release the river.
CARTOGRAPHERS will topographically map the Biblical locations, predict the boundaries of the river, and where the multiple streams will make passage. They will answer specific questions like, “Where is Azel?” and “Eniglam?”
What will be the national, regional, and world-wide impact of a spontaneous River flowing from Jerusalem? What responses will “flow” from its creation? We will seek interviews with Israeli Knesset ministers and government officials. Please pray these interviews will be gained.
MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS – The impact of the river will first and foremost be spiritual! How will the spiritual atmosphere of Israel change with the addition of this remarkable tangible River? We will seek interviews with the Chief Rabbi and other spiritual leaders.
MINISTRY OF ENERGY AND WATER RESOURCES – We will ask about modern water-works and what they will do with a boundless excess. Conduits will no doubt be built to take the water North and South, and perhaps to regions beyond. What will be done with the extra hydro power?
MINISTRY OF TOURISM – More hotels and tourism infrastructure will need to be built. Tour guides will be busy!
MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE – Israel could become the bread-basket for the region. What projections could they make on ag industry?
The FISHERIES COMMISSIONER may make projections on that industry.
MINISTRY OF HEALTH – What will the healing properties of river do for the nation?
MINISTRY OF FINANCE – The economy of the nation will flourish!
MINISTRIES OF INFRASTRUCTURE, FOREIGN AFFAIRS, DEFENSE, THE INTERIOR, ETC. will all have comments on the implications of the new River!
Please pray the Lord will reveal the networks of people and resources to see this Prophetic Documentary launched. THANK YOU FOR THOSE PRAYERS!
And may all glory go to our wonderful River Master!!!
To get a better Idea of what information will go into this Prophetic Documentary listen to Episode 2: “The Tangible River,” from my book Riverfront Property: Connecting at the River of Life HERE!
Steven C Johnson