Those tearing down national statues are operating on a reliable principle. “Tear down the objects which inform people’s perspectives and values and you will overcome them.”
Proverbs 21:22 affirms the same principle.
“A wise man scales the city of the mighty
and brings down the stronghold in which they trust.”
Our heavenly commission includes destroying and vandalizing. Our assignment involves overthrowing lying, deluding teachings vomited up by demons. We do so with heaven-forged weapons discharged with Holy Spirit gunpowder!
The good news is that every form of prejudice is coming down! But first, God wills to use us to do it! We contend, “The truth will set you free” and “Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty!” Word powered by Spirit!
Christ is the head instigator of violence. He is roused as a mother bear robbed or her cubs. Lance Wallnau says, “God’s mercy is ferocious!” He is ferocious to rescue those robbed of their sanity, their freedom of mind, their courage and relationships. Jesus the “meek and mild” said,
“The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s works.”
“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.”
Gideon and his men destroying the altar of Baal. Maerten van Heemskerck
It takes courage to follow Jesus’ violent lead and become destroyers and warriors tangling with demons. Gideon had to pull down things inside himself to muster the courage to pull down the idol of Baal.
Gideon was told by the angel of the LORD to destroy the altar of Baal and pull down the Asherah pole. The city had given place to Baal. To fail to worship Baal, or worse to offend him, could mean Baal’s wrath again the city and devastation to their families. (Judges 6:25-32)
Before Gideon could pull down the physical altar he had to pull down things in his own mind. If he pulled down the altar would God be able to protect him from the wrath of Baal? Would the people, terrified that Baal had been offended, want to kill him? Could he pull down the fear of Baal and the fear of man in his heart?
Gideon took courage and did the inner work so he could do the external work! His inner heart-work and courageous action earned him a new name, “Jerubbaal” meaning, “Let Baal fight against him” implying Baal doesn’t have the stuff to take on Gideon.
People pulled down Cristopher Columbus’ statue because they believe this continent should never have been discovered by Europeans. If in 1592 Winston had sail the ocean blue, or Patricia had sailed in 1692 to discover America it would be resented by someone, and their statues in time might come down. I wonder how many who brought down Columbus could give us an intelligent lecture on his life to justify his humiliation.
I’m sure that some statues should be torn down. For example, I don’t understand how we can have a statue of Stalin in Seattle. Yes, I know it is considered private art on private property but it is in full public view. The only “good” quality of that statue is that his hands are painted by citizen vandals, from time to time, blood red. Why have a statue of a man who killed 20 million of his own people in your back yard? I would think thousands of Russian Americans would demand its removal.
Anarchist destroy but have no plan afterwards. Their only aim is to destroy. Afterward they leave us in ruins. By the way, after the memorials are torn down, the history books containing their stories need to be destroyed, and then those who dare to preserve those histories. Our founding fathers reminded us that anarchy is always followed by despotism. Anarchy may kill its thousands, but the despotism which follows kills millions.
So spiritually what idols need to be toppled and demolished? It seems there is more demonic statuary among us than we can begin to despoil. Most of it is not in marble or bronze, but thoughts. Paul said,
“We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion
raised against the knowledge of God
and take every thought captive to obey Christ.” 2 Cor 10:4-6.
We may start with lying prejudices inspired by pride and fear. Let’s get our crowbars, ropes and sledge hammers to tear down and demolish every form of prejudice from our hearts. Let’s overthrow racism, sexism, ageism, and presumptive divisions based on supposed intelligence, wealth, pedigree, national origin, political affiliation and religion.
Our ministry does not stop at destroying. We destroy what injures others so we may build up and plant what brings life! Jeremiah was called to be a destroyer, then, a builder!
“See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to
uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow,
to build and to plant.” Jer 1:10
How do you as intercessor stand between our history and its lessons, and those who tear down historic values and perspectives?
May we repent from being social observers and commentators and become activist in both the prayer and social arenas. May we be so Heavenly minded that we become earthly good!
Your fellow intercessor,
Steven C Johnson
Should children of slaves, sue the Democratic Party for reparations?
Should children of slaves repay the families of the 360,000 northern soldiers who died for their liberty?
LISTEN TO “Sam and the Space Aliens.”