Steve and Pam’s Bio

Like you, we are glory seekers. We have wonderfully, “Tasted and seen, the Lord is good!” The greatest prize is in the pursuit of the fame, splendor and radiant beauty of our Sovereign! We came to Yeshua in the days of the Jesus... Read More...

Riverfront Property in Audio

I am so grateful and pleased to share freely the whole audio book of Riverfront Property: Connecting At The River Of Life! I’m confident you will receive a delicious drink! As you find your thirst quenched please recall those you know who would also love a drink, and pass the cup! Read More...

A Miracle Story

Thursday July 30, 1987, started out as just another hot summer day in Ellensburg, Washington, a town of about fifteen thousand souls in a picturesque valley a hundred miles east of Seattle... Read More...






Hadas rents us a room in Jerusalem. We have become good friends and been able to share our love for Yeshua with her on several occasions. She listens and shares with great interest! She hosted a dinner for eight people that was full of animated banter as well as serious discussion.

Since Hadas sings in choir and loves music by Bach and Handel and has sung Classical Christian music she has befriended a number of believers. She also knows many people. One of her daughters says, “Jerusalem is the center of the world and my mother is the center of Jerusalem.”

We had a lovely spread of food for dinner but the people were most interesting and the discussion was more than salt and peppered with the goodness of Yeshua.

Hadas’ friend Lilly was there from Germany and two of her young German friends, Daniela (who just received Yeshua two days before at the Wailing wall) and Lona (originally from Vietnam and also a believer).

Uri a student at Cambridge who is studying Jewish/Christian relationships was there. He has a degree in Jewish folklore and a certificate in drama therapy. He seems to be just in the door with Yeshua.

Gideon who has a PhD in economics was also with us. He is a very intelligent man. He spent 20 years in NY and a founder of the Time Bank in Israel. While in the States he had some good encounters with believers.

I wish you could have been in on the open and energetic conversation! Great food plus eye to eye communications with sincere warmth and interest. We Talked about our backgrounds, families and experiences. We talked about things we are proud of in our nations and things we felt ashamed of. We talked about the Jewish Psyche and what makes the Jewish people so unique. Both Hadas and Gideon lost grandparents in the Holocaust. Do you think that effects a race of people? Only the grace of God can help people through that! All the conversation was substantial.

We were able to talk about our experiences with the Lord and how unique He is. We talked about how the Gentile believers drifted from their Jewish roots and how the Jews became suspicious of Jesus because of the persecutions conducted by many who called themselves Christians.

The conversations were constantly friendly, genuine and thoughtful. Pam and I were learners and well as witnesses. Lilly joined also in testimony as well as our two-day-old sister, Daniela. It reminded me of a dream I had before of grapes, some of which were ripe and others were ripening. We are seeing the harvest!

Everyone left satisfied with food but wanting more sharing and interaction!

Gideon and Hadas

Lona and Daniela



Us guys








Today we celebrated Luigi and Liam’s birthdays with the greater family. Una’s parents, aunts and uncles , brother , sister and all the grandchildren came to Netanya to play in the pool, eat and chat.

The surprise was paragliding for the birthday boys. I had been building up my courage for weeks and knew the day was near, so when Una asked if I would like to go, the rise was on. Steve decided to risk it too

The paraglider pilots are experienced and licensed. We felt very safe, there was just that moment as we neared the cliff, it felt surreal. No panic just an interesting feeling as we simply glided off the edge toward the Mediterranean. I sang, ‘Up up and away in my beautiful, my beautiful balloon, balloooon! I just looked around. Then this little song entered my sprit: “You are the Glory and the lifter of my head.”

I just praised and watched the world from a very new perspective and marveled. Life will not be the same after we return to the states, I don’t want it to, and this is just a part – from a new vantage point!


“For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:21).


“Jesus Christ is relentlessly given to our perfection. He knows that wherever we settle spiritually will be far short of His provision. He also knows that the more we are transformed into His image, the less vulnerable we are to the evils of this world. Thus, He compels us toward difficulties, for they compel us toward God, and God compels us toward change. And it is the transformed heart which finds the place of immunity.” Francis Frangipane

Let’s be honest. Sometimes I am not interested in His perfection, which by the way, is maturity. Sometimes I want to set down at the table and eat alone, in quiet. Right now I am tired, worn raw and tested in too many areas at once!

I hit a wall when a lovely family we adore back in Tennessee needed a place for a few weeks. We have a nearly empty house with plenty of space. We were pleased to let them use it and Theresa was game for company. They sent an absolutely knock-down beautiful response to our offer and I just lost it!! First I was humbled and gratified, but then I was angry. ‘Why am I not there to greet them and hostess them in my own home. Instead I’m out of my comfort zone in ALL areas of life.’

I have this really nice home, God set that up. I have a calling on my life, God set that up! I absolutely DO NOT want to retire from life. I have been in the desert for most of my existence. When others were sitting under the best teaching, worship, fellowship in America, I was slogging it out with Holy Spirit in some itty bitty congregations and home groups. God chose that for me too! SO I am hauling suitcases of stuff. Seems like little but it’s a lot when traveling with 8 other people across Israel again and again. Do you know I dislike travel? I love staying home.

I grew up in the high desert far away from anywhere – 2 hours over primitive country and two mountain ranges just to get to the next town – a good 8 hour drive to any metropolitan area or other family…all my growing up years! I’d rather just stay home!

So we have this amazing 9 passenger van. It holds each and every one of us, tightly. Just believe me when I say it’s a true God miracle in this land. And we got it for a song!!! But I am so uncomfortable in it. The traffic is so out of my realm of comfort I choose to set facing the back rather than subject my emotional stability to the near death experience of everyday driving in Israel.

Could it be God that allows the seats to face backward? So grateful!

Now I have a back issue (pain, discomfort). Oh I forgot, I am teetering on the brink of 60 y.o. and believe you me, my body tells me about it some days! I attempted to follow in the physical fitness plan of a much younger woman and nearly crippled myself. I was willing but the body just isn’t going there without a miraculous reduction in years on this model. Sheesh! Anyway, the van, the seating, the traffic and I’m in knots for days.

I’m a pretty good cook and keeper of house and home stuff. For the last 3 months my ideas are pretty much not how this family swings. They are not wrong or right, they are just different from the folks I’m traveling with. So I stay pretty quiet about me, and ask what they prefer. Sounds like a good idea!

I do not speak the language (at all). I cannot remember or hear the subtle, in the back of your throat sounds, of the Hebrew language and I get exasperated by 5, 7, 8 and 10 y.o. kids correcting my attempts. Maybe pride. I enjoy singing with the phonetic spelling in Hebrew, but even then they do not pronounce our consonants and vowels like we do.

We have worked to harmonize our lifestyles. It takes work. We definitely have different ideas about time. Staying up late is a stretch for us. Literally every person in the group wants momma’s time, me too. She’s an extremely capable person, can keep the plates of everyone in half a block spinning and still be on the phone. She needs to, she speaks the language and arranges literally all the connections and visits we make. She also does most of the talking when we are seeing someone.

Kids, you know them, they dislike most foods I enjoy. They have lived out of suit cases for some time now and are comfortable that way. Actually, I’m pretty certain they would like a place to call their own, but they are content (Most of the time)to be living face to face with their parents and siblings!

Their parents are skillful at keeping them engaged, entertained and educated and they have a LOT of fun! I have learned to keep the in-between moments engaged in games, conversation, cooking, reading to them, etc. They are ALL very verbal and sound like a flock of magpies when anything is happening. I have begun to dislike my own name lately. “Pam, Pam, Pam…!”. It has that ‘Mom, Mom, Mom.. .!” ring to it!

I greatly enjoy these people on a regular basis. The kids are a hoot and we laugh a lot! They can be so distracted I am worn out just getting them lined up to do anything (They do not line up). All we have to do to lose their attention is say, “We are leaving in 5, 20, 30 minutes!” And they scatter like cats! They begin playing 20 questions, that is per person per second and start a food project or cleaning service or take a nap!

I really love them so, with all their individual ways of being them! They laughingly say they needed a Mary Poppins to help them…well I feel like Captain Von Trapp. I’d have them answering to a whistle IF I were in charge. I am NOT in charge, never was, never planned on being!

After 3 months I’m feeling this mission trip is over extended and I’m hanker-en for home. But what’s home? Now Tennessee is hot and humid. I do not do humidity well. Not now, not never! But that’s where my home and family is! Really, I feel like Paul; I’d sure like to be living in Glory, looking down from an elevated position, but it seems He prefers I stay around in this body.

Now that I’ve complained and moaned…

I’m so glad God called me and put His hand on my hidden Eastern Oregon desert life to drag me across the world. Steve loves to tease me about my globetrotting. Sunday we will get to Crete for a few days in order to renew our visa and continue on in Israel.

The ‘Footsteps’ poem is a comfort to me, except it feels like He’s dragging me by the collar, face down through every sand dune from the Oregon coast to the Mediterranean. Maybe if I could successfully get my anchor up, I’d fly. In the meantime, I’m spitting sand from my teeth and grinning into the wind.

Here is the biggest thing:

I just can’t give up when I see an empty place at the banquet table.

Psalm 23:5 says, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.”

I’m always looking around to fill the table. Come my new Jewish friends and sit with me.

Pam Johnson

Pam and Liam









Yoed gave me his business card. “I’ve never had a conversation like this before! I would like to talk again.” The Bellas and Pam and I were visiting at Yoed’s apartment with his wife Tali and their three beautiful daughters. I was glad to do face to face sharing with this man who manages two plastic plants with five hundred workers. I shared my appreciation for the Jewish people because they are the channel for the message of the living God Who loves us and calls us to Himself. Yoed told me he was an atheist. I said, “True atheists are very rare.”

He learned that I was a “pastor” and wanted to know what that means. “It means, ‘shepherd’, one who cares for others.” I personalized a night dream that shows God had a Higher Purpose for him. He was intrigued. I spoke eye to eye with my hand on his shoulder telling him that God had created him intentionally and as he is attentive to God He will reveal purpose to him. Part of the purpose for the moment was for him to be a man of integrity and care for the welfare of those who were under his charge. He confided in me about the concerns and burdens of work.

I shared Theresa’s story with him and he listened attentively. Since there is are very tough parts to the testimony we have learned to speak the story in a somewhat detached way but I was blindsided with emotions as I shared the story of life returning to her body and Theresa’s first breaths. I choked up. He said that kind of experience would make him give thanks to God. What became of the atheist? Pray for Yoed and Tali that they may experience their Jewish Messiah and be a light in their circles. They are close to the Kingdom.


Pam and I have had wonderful moments sharing our love for Yeshua with Hadas. We have had the opportunity to share Shabbat dinner with her daughter and son-in-law. Another time we shared Shabbat with two of her friends. On both occasion I was able to ask questions about the Old Testament that got them intrigued. Please pray for Hadas. She is close to the Kingdom!


“When I tap you on your knee I want to see your arm jerk.” Imaging a Doctor telling you that! Since we are speaking to Hebrew people and since many of them have a negative taste about “Jesus Christ” due to persecution by “The Church” we use Yeshua Hamashia. Both the Greek and Hebrew mean “Savior oil-slathered One.” When you have fallen in love with Jesus and have worshipped him and preached him for 38 years it is hard to change the language, but it is important. I’ve slipped a few times. I have to be careful when my knee is tapped.


Pam and I walked with Angelo Bella to the Old City to the Davidson Center and Archaeological Park. When I was in college in 1974 I worked in a dig at the South side of the Temple mount. Down memory lane again as we looked at the area where our group had dug up mikvahs, the ceremonial baths the Jews went through before temple worship. The practice of baptism is a takeoff from the Jewish cleansing rite. See the park at


I had the privilege to spend an afternoon with Pastor Wayne at King of Kings Congregation. We talked about ministry and the relationship between businesses and the fellowship. The congregation is in a large mall and is buying up a number of shops. Other godly investors are doing the same. Of many positive things that have happened, the congregation bought three spaces that housed sex shops. When the leases are expired all three shops will be gone and wholesome shops will replace them.

Connect with the Bellas at

I you are not on the Bella’s mailing list you need to be. You can read supernatural, over the top, reports. Una’s old friend, Ariel, who is a chair at the Hebrew University had his box blown apart! Keren who was a “casualty of war” is finding miraculous healing and restoration. Powerful stories – people shaken for Good!


Sheik Ahamd Bahr, deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council, delivered a televised sermon recently that called for the annihilation of every Jewish person and all those who support them. “Oh, Allah, destroy the Jews and their supporters” and “the Americans and their supporters,” Bahr said. “Oh, Allah, count them one by one, and kill them all, without leaving a single one.”


We are often praying for our families and America back home. We are also praying for Israel and the special 100 plus individuals we are called to minister to here. We have visited a 24/7 house of prayer here. Please pray for:

Deeper personal knowledge and love of The Savior

Good health


Strong communication with the Bellas

Open doors and inspired utterance

That our travel Visa may be extended on September 6th

For Steve’s Mom who has had heart problems

The completion of the book Riverfront Property

Blessings to all from the City of the Great King!




Angelo and second use stones

A Mikvah

Steve’s Dig from 1974

Jerusalem Museum

Bellas at the Dome of the Book










THE SABBATH. The common greeting is Shabbat Shalom (Peaceful Sabbath). Few cars are on the street. Families take Sabbath strolls. We love it. Did you know that according to Isa 58:13-14, “..if you call the Sabbath a delight . then you will find your joy in the LORD.”?

LIVING WITH TENSION. Pam and I shared a delicious lunch at Café Hillel yesterday. There, several years ago a suicide bomb ruined the day for a number of people – 7 dead, 50 wounded. Dr. David Applebaum and his daughter Nava, who had just ordered her cake missed the wedding the next day. The Psyche of Israelis’ is interesting. Like other businesses this café has a security guard and determination to continue on.

WAR? The directive has been renewed that every Israeli should have a government issued gas mask. 90% do. It seems the Israeli’s know if they destroy the nuclear ambitions of Iran they can “absorb” a counter-attack of 50,000 conventional missiles from Iran, Gaza, Lebanon and perhaps Syria. Tiny Israel cannot afford to “absorb” one nuclear bomb. There is a national cell phone alert for missiles. As much as half of the nation may need to go into secure places for one month

BELLA LIFE includes celebrating birthdays, early American history, games with magnets, sewing and swimming in the warm, choppy waters of Galilee.

WRITING. Steve is recording a powerful testimony of how little Gabi Bella was saved from a fire by visiting heaven. Look for it next week. He has also helped our new friend Netanel write up a vision statement for his group seeking to welcome the Orthodox into the Kingdom.

ORTHODOX ministry is challenging. There are obstacles on every side. Steve is encouraging Netanel so there will be more positive stories. There are sad ones. Yaakob, became a disciple of Yeshua and sought to be assimilated among Messianic believers. For two years he was hopped from congregation to congregation seeking accommodations. He went from temporary to temporary housing never finding a permanent place to rest, constantly frustrated. He was helped, just a bit, at each congregation but could not find a place to stay, help with deep discipleship or assistance finding employment. He felt like a beggar striving to survive. He was pursued vigorously by the Orthodox who wanted his soul back. It drove him crazy. He was admitted to a hospital where he committed suicide two weeks ago.

Moshe and his family have become fast friends with the Bellas. They love us dearly but we have not yet let them know we are Messianic. Pray!

HADAS is the woman who rents us a room. She is an opera singer who has sung Bach and Handel and other Christian music. She has a number of Christian friends and we are thankful to be among them. We have been delighted to share Yeshua, bit by bit. Steve was sharing verses in the Tanach (Old Testament) that she was not aware of. Eventually we were in the Hebrew New Testament where she saw, “God so love..eternal life”! She was very open but wanted to put away her Hebrew NT to not disturb her daughter. We had a delightful Shabbat dinner with her daughter Shira, son-in-law Shaul and daughter Rout. Steve asked then for Hebrew meanings for words in Zechariah that factor in the river of life. This morning Hadas served us breakfast and invited us to pray at the meal! We are grateful for open hearts!

MISSING HOME AND GLAD TO BE IN ISRAEL. Wish we could be stateside – to see Claire off to college, help Theresa with the house, visit Steve’s mom, who has had challenges with her ticker, and see friends and family. We are also anxious for the welfare of the USA. Thank God for the Catholics! See

BLESSINGS from the City of the Great King,

Steve and Pam

Financial support may be sent to:

2154 Little Valley Rd

Sevierville, TN 37862

See our blog at

Connect with the Bellas at

Mosha in white


Siblings – Gali, Una, Doron

Making an volcano errupt!

Sewing with Eli

Beautiful Bellas

Main St. Jerusalem

A lovely flower

Getting vitamin D

Sunday with Hasidics

Una and I were spending some time together today. As the day spun by we had to visit a friend to pick up a phone for Una, something we desperately needed! Una chose to sit in the back of the van with Lou to learn the new technology. I was shotgun for Leonardo. (That’s a laugh, I couldn’t find my way out of a paper bag on Shabbat in Jerusalem)

Its complicated but here we go. Hoping to find a parking place in the narrow streets of Jerusalem Una urged Leonardo down a street and into a place to make a U turn. One turn lead to another and sooner than you can say ‘Ultra-Orthodox’, we were driving this 9 passenger van down even smaller streets AND every single person was a Hasidic Jew.

Lest you have not experienced this let me explain, They all wear black, men and women. There is no concern about the wardrobe, its black and white and black! The men wear long black jackets, black pants, white long sleeve shirts, black hats with ear locks. (they have short hair and let the side burns grow; long curled locks of hair some held back with hair clips,but most just dangling in the wind) Big black hats almost like a western hat, brim extended, all of felt!

The women are not often seen, staying at home with their large families, but today they were out in force, walking on the road and sidewalk, crossing where ever they felt like it in no particular order. It was like the penguin migration, only with people. The skirts long, hair covering for all adult women also black, no bare shoulders, layer after layer of clothing in the stifling summer afternoon.

We kept trying to find a way out, but with each turn we were driving deeper and deeper into Hasidic holy land, Mea Sharim (seemingly the land of no return). I was wearing a skirt and sleeveless top, very nice for church, but I could get a stone to the face for letting my arms show. How small can someone get in the front seat of a biggish van on tiny, narrow streets swarming with black and white penguins? No mocking, really! It was a stark picture out my front window!

More than once we had to back out of a dead end and wonder how we were going to ever see a color filled world again.I really have no idea how I was handling this( You can ask Una if I was laughing or crying), the back seats were pretty quiet and the kids just trusted that mom and dad were going to get us out of this scary mess. At one point as we were all watching behind and beside us trying to back up the van (felt like a sidewalk) the kids were offering, ” A good 2 inches over here dad, way more room to the left…” Una calls out, “Do you feel like your in a movie?”

Personally it was more of a nightmare than anything else! Then we saw a possible lane to freedom. Finally, the Jerusalem I have grown to be comfortable with, dead ahead! Una spoke, “God bless them Lord, they are trying so hard to get it right”!

I thanked Leonardo for his skillful driving and indicated I would not require a front seat from now on!!! Una was much more prepared to run shotgun along side him. I am so grateful to be leaning on the wisdom and cool headedness of these folks. But its true that we all felt a collective sigh of relief and decided to skip church for caffine ladden coke and fat filled pizza. Oh wow did that hit the spot!!

Funny how I was suddenly very aware of every Othrodox Jew as we drove on to the local pizza place. Trauma spelled, “Hasidic”

Pam Johnson



It was a mild, late-Winter day in 1974 and I was shooting hoops. Mom came out and asked me, “Steve, how would you like to go to Israel?” Some friends of my parents had a daughter studying here with a group from Portland State, and there were openings. The three months of learning and adventure that Spring changed me forever! Thanks Dad and Mom!

Last week Pam and I walked up memory lane and I saw the apartment I lived in, across from the President’s home and kitty corner to the Jerusalem Theater. So many things to recall! When you walk through the land you see ancient cut stones. If you press your ear up to them they tell stories. New cut stones in modern buildings are like tape recorders that are storing up fresh stories including the wonderful exploits of today’s men and women of faith.

Adar and her son Aaron are hearing the testimonies of Yeshua’s goodness. They are amazed when they learn that they are being prayed for daily by believers in the US. Adar is an accomplished illustrator and she believes that the prayers being offered are opening doors for new writing and illustrating opportunities. She is excited! Aaron peppers us with questions about Yeshua and listens attentively. You can see Adar’s works at Pray the family may come to know Him!

Rafael is clean-shaven and his ear-locks are missing. Just a week ago he was a member of an Orthodox community! He was seeking Yeshua and was ostracized . Our neighbor Netanel has taken him under his wing but needs help financially to care for him. You see, most Orthodox are living on government assistance and have never been employed. It is a huge cultural shift to move outside the Orthodox community and into a new believing culture, a working world, and a secular environment. We are helping put him up in a room with another believer while he looks for employment. If you would like to help cover his rent and expenses, as we have, you can send a gift with a note that you wish to bless Rafael.

Netanel is a tour guide and Biblical Hebrew scholar. He shares Yeshua with hundreds of Jewish tourist. The man is loaded! It was amazing to sit with him on the site where Herod the Great had his palace and see a tunnel that Simon Gioras, one of the rebels, dug to try to escape from the Romans when the city was destroyed in 70 AD.

It is amazing to see how the prophecies of Zechariah are being fulfilled among us. Looks like we are now in chapter 12! What do you think?

Jesus said, “My house will be a house of prayer.” Let’s be the people that make that a reality as we worship Him and seek Him every day!

Steve Johnson

 Photos of: Pam and Steve, Steve’s College apartment, Aaron and Adar, Rafael, Netanel


Financial support may be sent to:

2154 Little Valley Rd

Sevierville, TN 37862

Connect with the Bellas at




Good Day, Friends!

We were out for a walk and time of communion with our Lord this AM. The sunrise and shadows make a lovely mix on the white stone city. Lots of little parks among apartments to walk through.

We stopped in at a 24/7 house of prayer nearby. A handful of saints were worshipping. Very sweet! We met Benjamin, a man from Peru who has lived here for fifteen years – A deep and sincere lover of Yeshua.

We also re-met Lisa, a neighbor who has a powerful ministry to those traumatized in Israel by the loss of loved ones or personal injury due to things like bus bombings, war losses or rocket attacks. What do you suppose Americans would do if fifty missiles came in one week from Canada into the US? It is almost “normal” life in Israel. When a home is built in Israel it is common to have a safe room/bomb shelter as part of the house. The patience of Israel is enormous!

We have been staying at Caleb house on the Southwest side of the Old City. Some of you may recognize Don Finto the founder of the ministry – bless them! We have a beautiful view of the SW corner of the Old City. Wish we had a panoramic camera! We have had some powerful and sweet interactions with people here.

Jamie, a vibrant believer from the States who has been coaching basketball teams here for several weeks was sharing her testimony with Aviva. An intercessor friend, Elaine was also with us. We all shared bits of our testimony and sweet tears went around, especially as we prayed for Aviva to discover the goodness of Yeshua personally and receive answers for family concerns. The River was flowing!

For fun and spiritual nourishment we are reading The Lion, Witch and Wardrobe. The kids’ friend, Asaf (Aviva’s son) is intrigued with Aslan. It may be part of his “Entry.” Nogah, the Kid’s cousin, is also getting a earful of Narnia.

Working on letters, numbers and early American history in school. Looks like beginning embroidery and lessons on magnets are coming up. We may even have an opportunity to be part of an archaeological dig! How’s that for a home school experience?

The more we know the Bellas the more we love them! There are a few moments when we have our challenges but we don’t know people who have a brighter light for Yeshua. Their kids are precious and delightful and love each other deeply. Leonardo and Una are authentic, open and loving at a magnitude that would make a few stars in heaven feel humble. They are pushing the envelope when it comes to hearing God’s voice and loving people into the Kingdom. So many wonderful testimonies! They would rock you! Check out their site at and then sign up to be part!

There is plenty of Thyme in Jerusalem, the eternal city!

Steve and Pam

PS Thanks for those praying for my writing project, Riverfront Property!


Mosaics and Memory Verses




One of our primary contributions to the Israel Prayer Mission is the Home schooling of the Bella’s five children. By helping care for family matters like cooking and cleaning we lighten the load on Leonardo and Una. They can give greater focus to pursuing connections and opportunities to share the goodness of Yeshua.

Today the kids were working on creating mosaics. Quite fun! You may know that Israel has remarkable mosaics, ancient and modern.

Yesterday was Jellyfish day! We had the five children do independent study on these odd creatures and then give presentations starting with the youngest to the oldest. We learned a lot and the kids got to practice giving presentations with online resources and images. They are all so bright!

We should let you know that this is a season where the beach has lots of Jellyfish – so many that for the next couple weeks few people will be swimming. In the evening the kids had a blast running all over the beach last night with flashlights and plastic bags over their hands to pick them up and move them off the beach. Three of us have gotten stung. We’re glad we don’t have to deal with the deadly varieties – the kids can tell you about them.

A few facts:

The Jellyfish is 95% water

Smack = a group of jellyfish

Bloom = a huge gathering of jellyfish (We are having one now)

If you get stung use vinegar to neutralize the poison.

There is so much more to learn about jellyfish, plus recipes for the adventuresome palate!

We are packing our bags for Jerusalem, where we will be focused for the next month. We appreciate Papa’s plan to get us healthier and rested before moving full time to Jerusalem. We are all stronger and working together better and better!

Please keep us in prayer as we sense we are moving closer to the center of our mission! We feel we will be “running with horses.”

This week’s memory verse is Psalm 16:11. Want to learn it with us?

“You have made known to me the path of life;

you will fill me with joy in your presence,

with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” (NIV)


Our daughter Claire had a dream where I was studying in a huge library. I was learning about water and was preparing to make a presentation. I told Claire in the dream that she too should study about water.

Claire didn’t know that I had been working on “Riverfront Property”, a book and multimedia presentation on the River of Life. Her dream was a heartening token that I am on the right track. There is no better place to complete Riverfront Property than here in Israel! I am making good progress but I need your help!

First I need your prayers! I need grace to use time wisely, muster discipline and gain guidance. I am hoping to have a number of interviews with people like Rabbis, water works directors, geologists, archaeologists, and cartographers. I have leads but need good connections.

If you would simply pray daily a one sentence prayer like, “Lord, Please help Steve complete the project you have given him”, I know the grace of God would multiply. He has promised me that He will back up this work with His revelation and power, but, to paraphrase scripture, “Unless the Lord inspires the book the scribe will scribble in vain.”

Secondly, you can help this venture by sharing your impressions and experiences. One of the greatest gifts of friendship is the gift of perspective. Please expand my perspective by responding to one or more of the following thoughts. Don’t think too hard!

1} What are you first impressions when you hear, “River of Life”?

2} Do you believe there will be a literal river flowing from the city of Jerusalem? How do you conceive it?

3} Share an experience of the inner spiritual river that has changed your life.

4}} How have you lead others to experience the Streams of God?

5} Mention books, poems or quotes about The River.

6} What music do you enjoy about The River?

7} Do you have photo images to support the project?

Thanks for your prayers and input!

Steve Johnson

Rev 7:17. “For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; he will lead them to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”

Note: You can see our blog at